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Burnout Card

Started by Daddy Mack, March 24, 2024, 08:41:12 PM

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Who do you think will win their matches?

Chokeslam Match : BMF
1 (33.3%)
Chokeslam Match : Mark Jackson
2 (66.7%)
Tables Match : Ralph
0 (0%)
Tables Match : Rob Ruckus
3 (100%)
Hardcore Match : San Yo Mitzu
0 (0%)
Hardcore Match : Phoenix
3 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: April 04, 2024, 08:43:27 PM

Linked Events

  • Burnout 33
    Underground Arena in Detroit, MI

Daddy Mack

Date/Time: Thursday, April 4th, 2024
Venue: Underground Arena in Detroit, MI
Theme: Coming For You by The Offspring
SEF Owner
Event Staff
Chokeslam Match

BMF v. Mark Jackson
Tables Match
Ralph v. Rob Ruckus
Main Event
Hardcore Match
San Yo Mitzu v. Phoenix


 All Promos For This Event Go in the Thursday Night Burnout Event Promos
Underground Titleinternationalfranchise title

Daddy Mack

Frank Malone: Welcome to Burnout ladies and gentlemen. No cold open tonight, not for Burnout, but a chokeslam match, a tables match, and a hardcore fight featuring the Phoenix of professional wrestling. It is what it is and another show on the road to our biggest show of the year this Saturday, Wrestle X.
Bill McLane: No wonder WAR was so hot for so long with your mouth! Not much of a show tonight to care about unless your a hardcore fan in which case you're gonna enjoy the piss out of this episode of Burnout.
Frank Malone: Haven't seen a chokeslam match in too long. And tables never get old no matter who is involved. Its bound to be a night to carry us into Wrestle X just right. Not sure if we'll see anyone from the main event here, but we seen enough out them two to know who the main event is.
Bill McLane: Taylor Andrews giving LBD one more moment to shine as the true dominant woman of the ring, but the Golden Gal will still carry that title after Wrestle X, the Universal Championship.
Frank Malone: I don't know that Taylor can make LBD submit? I also don't know if Mark Jackson can chokeslam BMF, but we're about to find out.
Chokeslam Match
BMF v. Mark Jackson
Mark outpacing the bigger man and spearing him down to the mat. Even body slams him, but can't chokeslam him. BMF not offering much offense in the match as Mark is more agile and not much smaller. He tries for the TGT, but gets back dropped and BMF with a boot to the face, then delivers a chokeslam to win.
Tables Match
Ralph v. Rob Ruckus
Rob throws Ralph around the ring and Rogue Kicks him down right away, then gets a table set up and looks to end this when Nero and Eazy Earl run out to attack Rob. The steel city warrior fighting them off and Ralph jumping him to try and take advantage. Rob rebounding to Rogue Kick him down again, and delivers a couple more to Earl and Nero before pulling Ralph up to the top rope delivering R & R through the table to win.
Main Event
Hardcore Match
San Yo Mitzu v. Phoenix
San Yo brings a cart full of weapons while Phoenix brings a fire fight that no one comes back from. Phoenix Rises ends this match in a bloody affair for San Yo who loses to the firebird.

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