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universal6 star tag team

One More Time.

Started by The American Tradition, February 26, 2014, 11:57:47 PM

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The American Tradition

Open scene on Phoenix Winterborn in his steampunk gear, ready to go to war against Taylor Andrews tonight on WAR.

"Taylor, i gotta admit. It's nice seeing respect, it really is. For someone like Mack, and then to go to someone like you, it's like night and day. I mean, we got Mack, who couldn't give a shit less about anyone else, talks down to everyone, and practices the art of the burial, and then we have Taylor Andrews who actually shows some human compassion, and I appreciate that. But, you're mistaking kindness for weakness, Taylor. You want me to bring a challenge, and everytime that we have faced off, I have brought that. Sometimes I've won, sometimes I've lost. And you know, last week...I can't just get over last week. You screwed. You SCREWED me...more ways than I can even begin to imagine, and ya did it to protect your championship. I understand that the champion needs to do what she needs to, but the way ya did it? Pisses me off."

He looked around.

"So tonight, it's you and me inside that ring, and Whitney Marett has BARRED everyone from ringside. Now, you wanna say that you haven't seen very much spirit from me. Well, let me ask you something. How much spirit would you have if you were contending for the championship, and you had it within your grasp and then you got jumped by a mob of people. Yeah, I won by disqualification, but DQs don't get the championship to change hands. How would you feel about that, Taylor. How would you feel about that? Would you be a little upset? Feel a bit deflated at that point? Cause...I was. I've been that way all week. Even after I found that I was getting my just rematch this week contested without any interference, and I appreciate that. That's all I ask for. A fair chance to take you one on one, champion to contender to see who the better wrestler is once and for all."

He paused to sit down.

"You know theres this thing we keep coming back to. This root thing we keep going back to. Respect. Respect for this company. Respect for this business. And...I've proven on two different occasions that I can carry this title on my shoulders. I've proven it, and I have defended it. Multiple times. War is going to be the night of nights, and when we get out there, we're going to put on one hell of a match. A match that will be in line for match of the year candidate. But I'm telling you this right now. I already wont he Hardcore Rumble. I already have a ticket to Wrestle X. But...I'm going in as a champion. I'm going in as the SEW champion. Whether you wanna like it or not. Whether you wanna contest that, or not. The fact of the matter is this. I. Will. Be...the champion. Tonight. That's all there is to it."

End scene suddenly.

Daddy Mack

When did I ever practice the art of burials cause I been over my past productions in SEF ever since my car wreck a few days ago and have seen no evidence that I ever buried anyone!?! Hell, my opponent tonight on WAR is nowhere to be seen, hiding in the shadows probably, waiting to get one up on me, but we all know that ain't ever gonna work, just like your sad attempt to act like you know what I do!?! If I practiced the art of burials, i would have done it this week, but I had more important matters to tend to. Granted that yes, I don't give a fuck about you, but I don't know ya, boy. All I know is you come and go leaving little to go on while I roll through town showing up everyone when I ain't even here. When I was stuck in a hospital unconscious, the world blew up on this social shit, that twit shit, whatever it is all about!?! Even you, in a match without me involved, ya have to come at Mack, well boy, here I am!!!

Daddy Mack leaning back against the wall as he sits Indian style on a metal box and goes back to reading a comic book, laughing as he does cause its a comic. What else does Mack have to do?

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