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universal6 star tag team

Old stompping grounds (Simon's Wrestle X RP)

Started by Simon Lee Nash, March 19, 2024, 01:39:50 AM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash walks into the Impact X lounge. 

Simon: They didn't change the locks surprising. 

Simon walks around the site. knowing the past. being a member of the impact playas years ago. 

How him and Taylor grew the friendship. How Mack was teaching him and telling him about stories about him and Simon's dad. and the crazy shit that happen in the past. 

Simon: You see this used to be home for me. 

Simon: my have times certainly change but at Wrestle X one this is for sure. Three new champions are about to happen. You see Daddy Mack, LBD and myself may not be on the same page like we used to be but I am here and ready to take over the six person tag team division. 

Simon: I won't be too evil and go after the liquar stuff. Mack would kick my ass if i took one of his drinks. NO NO. I am here on business and that is to win at wrestle X. 

Simon: Last year wrestle x i was in the main event fighting for the world title. This year. I am going to be apart of the show. I am back in another championship fight but i have partners in this one. 

Simon: And believe it or not. These are some of the people that i do trust to go into a fight. 

Simon: LBD we are wicked tight. very close. 

Simon: Now as for Daddy Mack. Kinda depends on how much he had to drink or how much he is on a high i should say. but don't get it twisted. I know he has my back and i got his. 

Simon: We have been back and forth on some stupid shit but when push comes to shove. We both know what is going to happen when the titles are on the line and  : Stacy Wayne Nykky Delight Mark Jackson guys you are about to find out that us three are still in the pack. I may not be an official member of the Impact Playas like i used to be. but this Lone Wolf knows a thing or two about running in packs. 

SImon: And at the biggest stage of them all. The Super bowl of SEF. Oddly enough home of the New York Giants and New York Jets the home of Super bowl 48. Metlife Stadium. You are going to get beaten down, We are going to show no freaking mercy and you are looking at 1/3 of the new 6 star Tag team champions. 

TBC by Daddy Mack or LBD

Simon Lee Nash

Just then the door swings open into the club house

In walks Daddy Mack and he stops in a second and looks at the younger Nash

DM: What the fuck are you doing here? 

Simon: Easy bro. Just needed some time to think. 

Simon: Especially after the shit that went down at Evolution

Simon: you guys got a big fight coming up on Monday and then all roads lead to Wrestle X. 

Simon: Now i don't know if they are going to try to help us at Wrestle X but i didn't need their help and didn't want their help. I wanted to win that title on my own. It was a damn shame that had to happen. Phoenix won and both myself and Taylor came up a little short. I don't know if Tonya is jealous of Taylor or they were so determined for me to win. 

Simon: All i can say is that shit like what happen on Saturday will not happen at Wrestle X. IF i need to distance myself from them then i will. I came so far to have stupid bitches cost us these titles. 

Simon takes a deep breath

Simon; At wrestle X whatever you need. either from you or Liz. I am ready to go. 

TBC by Daddy Mack or LBD

Daddy Mack

(Mack holding his head from the attack on WAR by an unknown assailant that left in a pool of blood which may be why he wears a bandage on his head. He sits down on a sofa yelling to Simon.)
"Yo, pour me a whiskey and yourself to or whatever your drinking and let's get ready for Wrestle X. Forget them girls costing you the IX Title, you can hunt down Phoenix later! You, I, and, and, and..."
(Mack looking around for someone else and seems confused as Simon hands him a drink and sits down on the sofa leaning back to ask.)
"You wondering where Liz is?"
(Mack nods yea as he takes a sip of whiskey, then says.)
"Not like I doubt her motivation to show up. She's a legend, I'm a legend, hell, I don't have to be here right now."
(Simon says.)
"But you are Mack and we got this, you, Liz, and myself, we will be the legit six person tag team champions!"
(Mack sipping his whiskey and says.)
"The 6 Star Tag Team Champions. I know it takes some getting used to, but we are all stars in SEF. Some of us bigger than others, but size never meant nothing in my life! How about yours brother?"


(The sound of a door behind the bar opens and a woman dressed in a pair of tight black shorts with a black belt that has diamonds and rubies, a red spaghetti strap tank top with a black business button up shirt that's open, and a pair of black leather riding boots that have pockets on the outsides, and her ruby chocolate hair is a ponytail that's got a few curls framing her face. This woman is none other than the SEF WAR Women's Champion, WAR Women's TV Champion, Women's Evolution Champion, SEW Women's Champion, World Tag Team Champions with Mack, and the SEF WAR Tag Team Champions with Taylor Andrews. She takes a seat by Mack and a glass is filled with Maker's Mark waiting for her on the coffee table in front of her and Mack. She takes a huge slug and puts her glass down.)

Was starting to think that you were not going to be here but like me, when there's a fight, you show up.

(Mack chessily grins and shows his dimples.)

Liz B. Decker:
Mack, I have been really busy. Talking to everyone I can to find out who in the fuck attacked you and I'm coming up with nothing. No one saw anything. But I hope you are doing well. I'm still worried about your head.

Don't you worry about good ol' Mack. I can take care of myself, sweetheart.

(Mack just grins and takes a drink of his whiskey. Liz finishes her glass and Mack refills it for her as she looks at Nash.)

Liz B. Decker:
So you ready, boy, to take 'em titles off of Stacy, Nykki, and Marky?

Simon Lee Nash:
You damn right! I'm more than ready and happy to get them off.

(Liz and Mack just snort and chortle almost spitting out their drinks. Liz swallows it and then speaks more.)

Liz B. Decker:
I know that I haven't been around a lot lately but if I'm not here wrestling my ass off to be able to get more gold to take home to my kids, I'm hustling my ass off in PR work to get people tuned in and watching us. Stacy, Nykki, Mark, and Tina have no idea on the storm that's coming their way. Mack, you and I get back what was stolen from us with Nash's help. Those three don't stand a chance. They are delusional if they think we're going to be an easy feat. Simon, just don't be like Orton and do something stupid and cost us them titles. Please?

(Simon nods his head in agreement as Liz speaks her mind again.)

Liz B. Decker:
Now little Miss Tina is going to be put through hell when I get her in the ring and the SEF Universal Title is on the line. Up until 2 years ago, I didn't know or think I'll be able to back here and kicking ass. Mack, you came to my house and sat me down and gave me the wake up call I've been needing for so long. I can have 2 homes: one here with everyone in SEF and one that I share with the kids and Norm. If for one moment she thinks she will win, I don't think so. I might have to honor my mentors and use a Show Strangla or something to make her submit and tap out! I can't allow her to take any advantages and win. I just can't. Not to knock anything that she's done or discredit her. She's one Helluva good athlete in the ring. But I'm hungrier than anyone in this company and I want and crave that title. That title is coming home with me! No two ways about it. I will not give up. Mack, you and Norm have taught me not to. I'm not gonna let you down. I promise.

Good to hear.

(Liz raises her glass in the air and says.)

Liz B. Decker:
Let's toast to the future and may it be full of gold for all of us!

(Both Simon and Mack toast with Liz and the scene fades to black as the three talk more about the night to come.)

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