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SNS/Wildside 7 (10/24/15)

Started by JordanCut, April 03, 2015, 08:38:10 PM

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Roleplaying Deadline
9 PM EST on October 24th, 2015
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Sports Arena in San Diego, California

Theme Music
Come With Me Now by The Kongos

Opening Contest
Simon Lee Nash v. Steve Weigel v. Johnny Rebel

Mid Card Bout
Barry vs Red Flowers

Mid Card Bout
Jordan Cut vs JR Hawk

Mid Card Bout
Sammy + Stacy + Nykky vs Kristin Fox + Christine Nash + Slitney Sharret

Main Event
San Yo vs Tina

Card Is Subject To Change
Ring Announcer
Elizabeth Marret
Color Commentator
The Mack
Play By Play Commentator

Nick Miller
Greg Boone
Head Referee
Smokey McWeed
Tom Walker


October 24th, 2015

Standing in the ring is our ring announcer for the night, Whitney Marret, and she wears a stunning teal dress cut just below her knees and cut in a bit of a V to show of some of that ample mommy cleavage. The crowd in the Sports Arena in San Diego hot for SEF coming to town and loving Whitney in the middle of the ring to kick off the show as Come With Me Now plays over the pa. The ring announcer lifts her microphone to shout.


A loud pop for that and they would have done it for anything Whitney said, like now when she says.

"This is episode seven of each event, so its a great decision, it makes sense, and most important, it feels right, so welcome once again San Diego, and thank you for welcoming us into the Sports Arena, we hope you enjoy the show."

Loud cheers and a chant for Whitney who leaves the crowd in a frenzy while Nick Miller says.

"Yes folks, welcome to SpecialSide and it is I, Nick Miller, with you all to call the action, and tonight, like Whitney is here on a special night of the month, The Mack joins us at ringside for commentary to offer something special to this rare side of SEF really."

Mack says.

"Gotta be that way Nicky, just the way things seem to flow these days, but nothing lasts forever, so who knows what move is next!?!"

Nick says.

"That does make some sense. I like SpecialSide, like Whitney said, it feels right, and like you said, its gotta be rare to work, so yea, let's move on to our opening match cause we got five in the lineup. Our main-"

Mack cuts him off.

"Skip it Nick, we got something to get to at the end of the night cause that is when The Mack got to make an announcement concerning the future of SpecialSide, and plus many of these fools tonight ain't here anyways."

Nick says.

"Oh, ok, well let's get on with the show then."

Opening Contest
Simon Lee Nash v. Steve Weigel v. Johnny Rebel
Referee: Tom Walker

Simon Lee and Steve decided to no show and will take a loss via count out.

Winner: Johnny Rebel

Mid Card Bout
Barry vs Red Flowers
Referee: Earl

A staredown between the crazy eyed Red Flowers and the big muscle bound Barry who sees one thing, a unit to advance his own career. Neither man backs down nor budges aside from shifting their weight to keep their body from relaxing and the crowd growing restless, so Barry calls for a lock up, but gets a kick to the midsection. Red striking him hard and fast as he can in the head with right hands, then drives a knee to Barry's midsection and applies a headlock. He tries for a bulldog, but Barry easily rips him up into a back suplex dropping Red on the back of his head. Barry rolls up and springs off the ropes with a kick to Red's head, then drags him up into a hanging suplex holding him for almost a minute before dropping into a brainbuster. The big man stomping all over Red and drops a elbow to his chest, then drags him up in a side headlock ripping and tearing at his opponent. Barry swings Red around the ring releasing him into the ropes and the Flowers bounces off into a hard clothesline. The big man pulls up Red looking for a powerbomb when Trent Flash comes running down the ramp and hops on the apron to yell at Barry. The ref coming over as Barry rips Red up, but JR Hawk coming from the crowd to slide in the ring on the other side and chop block the back of Barry's leg. Hawk rolling out as Barry drops to his back and Red rolls away to the ropes getting up. Barry trying to get up, but Red all over him with kicks and punches to the head and drops to a front facelock on the big man. Red clobbering Barry across his back and re applies the facelock, but Barry showing his strength to push himself up driving his opponent into a corner. Barry driving his shoulder into Red's midsection a couple times, then turns and runs over to where Flash is still on the apron to nail a forearm and send him flying to the floor. Red coming out of the corner for a tackle, but gets a sent into the opposite corner. Barry pulling Red out to lift him up double underhook style for a sit down powerbomb and the pin ending this match.

Winner: Barry

Wildside plays over the pa as Barry gets up to celebrate with his arms pumping in the air to a good reaction from the crowd while Nick Miller says.

"Barry with a lot of power and able to fight off three men, er, fanboys, but still, three on one is three on one no matter how you view it! If he can harness that power he could propel to the top, maybe be a contender to The Mack sooner than later!?!"

Mack says.

"The cat is big and bad and can whoop some ass, but one of my fanboys is far from the real deal, so maybe he outta get a few notches in his belt before he comes knocking on my door!?! But if he up for the challenge, I'm here anytime to defend my title, my name, my own damn self being, whatever that may be worth, it don't matter!!! If anyone wants to go one on one with The Mack, all they gotta do is pick up a microphone and issue a challenge."

Nick says.

"Many have done that and you keep kicking the door down in their face, but one of these days that door is bound to smack you back on your ass, and maybe right out of SEF!?"

Mack grinning like he don't give a fuck and says.

"Bring me that guy now."

Nick says.

"We're still searching, but in the mean time we got a show to continue on with and what a decent match thanks to Barry, SpecialSide is turning out to be ok. Let's see if JR Hawk's opponent showed up cause we know Hawk did, he interfered in the last match."

Mid Card Bout
Jordan Cut vs JR Hawk
Referee: Tom Walker

Trent Flash and Red Flowers bring Jordan Cut to the ring rolling him in, then back off showing they mean no harm even though one may obviously suspect otherwise. Jordan looking like he just took a beating backstage and gets up in a corner saying he don't give up, so the ref starts the match. Hawk flying across the ring with a dropkick to Jordan's chest rolls backwards to his feet as the cutter drops to his ass. So Hawk charges that way slamming a knee to Jordan's head and pulls him and out of the corner into the Prodigal Nightmare. Jordan screaming in pain from this hold, this chokehold, and the match is over when he taps out.

Winner: JR Hawk

Victim plays over the pa as Hawk celebrates with his teammates, Trent Flash and Red Flowers, on the stage while Nick Miller says.

"JR Hawk with a big win and that kid is on a roll after getting his first ever win a few weeks ago. Maybe he is finally breaking out to make it big!?!"

Mack says.

"Or maybe he faced someone who should just give it up and quit this business!?!"

Mid Card Bout
Sammy + Stacy + Nykky vs Kristin Fox + Christine Nash + Slitney Sharret
Referee: Earl

Sammy, Stacy, and Nykky all stand in the ring waiting for their opponents when the SEFTRON lights up to show Kristin Fox and Slitney Sharret in the bed of a hotel room somewhere with a sheet up covering up to their collar bone almost. Both have their arms over the sheet holding it down as both are laid back against the headboard with plush pillows behind them. Kristin breaking the silence.

"Yea, we aren't going to be there tonight and as for the new Worl...what the hell are you doing here, this group is over, the nWs is dead!?!"

Kristin looking at someone else and we see who when Alexandra Callaway comes in front of the bed wearing a leather jacket and pants to match. Her back seen now as she appears rushed and angered enough to yank off the sheet revealing Destiny Cena eating out Slitney Sharret. All three wear black night shirts to their mid thigh and are quite low cut, so a lot of nip slips, crotch shots showing that all three shave. Alexandra ripping Destiny up by her hair and swings her around off the bed throwing her against a wall. She turns to go after the other girls, but Slitney gets a small pistol, one shooter maybe as its really small. Destiny jumping on Alexandra's back and the two swinging around with Slitney trying to aim and Kristin with a literal helping hand to steady and shoot. Destiny falls to the floor with blood oozing from her stomach and Alexandra rushes out of the room to save her life. Kristin getting a new round from the same drawer that housed the pistol and reloads to fire off her own shot at Destiny's head, then puts the pistol down to cradle Slitney on the bed. So back in the arena we find Sammy up on the turnbuckles looking bored while Stacy and Nykky talk and pretend to file their nails, or whatever it is girls do when they ain't being dramatically dumb bitches who can't wrestle. And since the opposition no showed to commit murder, well, they can take a loss too.

Winners: Sammy, Stacy, and Nykky

Nick Miller says.

"What the fuck did we just witness?"

Mack says.

"Dumb cunts with guns which is live proof boys and girls, pointing a gun at someone and firing it will kill them. Shit, I learned that in Flint when I was knee to a grass root!!!"

Main Event
San Yo vs Tina
Referee: Doug Melvin

San Yo spinning around with some kicks in the air, but eats a superkick from Tina who does a crotch chop towards Mack before running the ropes to baseball slide into a dropkick connecting with her opponents head. Tina pulling San Yo to his feet, but Mack sliding in the ring to pop up into Da Shows Ova to San Yo ending this match on a disqualification.

Winner: San Yo

Mack rolling from the ring and Tina is livid as she chases after him, but the showsteala literally hiding behind Whitney who makes another announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as a added bonus for tonight's first ever SpecialSide, Tina will step into Mack's Shack right now!"

Whitney motioning to the rafters where a spotlight shines and we see what looks like a long wooden structure that would be a bar upon closer inspection as its being lowered down to the ring. Tina confused by this and Mack with an arm around Whitney acting all cool now motions to the ring where a couple bar stools have been added, one on either side and the bar almost down now and we can see it has a draft handle for a Guinness and some drawers, doors, cooolers, and coming up from the sides is a couple wooden pillars to support a glass rack hanging above the bar which is complete with every kind of glass you may need in a bar. Mack on the middle rope to let Tina in and the golden gal entering to take a seat across from Mack who goes into host mode. The Mack pulling a couple shot glasses down and slides open a door to pull out a bottle of jack daniels, pours two shots and caps the bottle. Mack raising one of the glasses and Tina raises the other to a toast, then they toss back the liquor and set the glasses down. Tina pulling a beer glass down and reaches for the draft, but Mack takes her glass and pours it, then takes a sip and slides it over to her. Tina drinking down about half when Mack picks up a microphone to say.

"Yo sweetcheeks, when we going one on one!?"

Tina picks her glass back up and downs the rest of the beer, then she stands up and walks over to exit the ring. The golden gal reaching the stage and turns to give Mack two middle fingers stuck up in the air before disappearing behind the curtain. Mack shrugs and pulls a joint out of a drawer, then picks up a lighter and sparks it up not giving a fuck while Nick Miller says.

"So much for a main event match as my partner, Mack, decided to give Tina a loss to someone quite undeserving, then invited her on Mack's Shack, had a drink, and asked when they are having a match. Tina with no response besides a double fuck you through that sign language she threw up, so whatever is going on between them seems to be bad news. But that is all for now, so until next month, this has been it for SpecialSide. We will see you all back in SEF again when we bring WAR back to Monday nights on November second. Until then, have a goodnight folks."

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