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The Phoenix Talks To The World

Started by Jake Voss, July 22, 2020, 11:17:37 PM

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Jake Voss

(The United States Champion is also your International Champion, and your Icon Champion, and as of Golden Glory, the SEF TV World Champion. The Phoenix has risen and now its time for the world to hush and listen to what he has to say.)

"The World is already listening...they hear me loud and clear...they hear The Phoenix!"

(And there he stands in the darkness with his cold, dark eyes piercing through the stillness.)

"There is no one in SEF today who has earned what I have in my career. I stand before you all as The Phoenix of professional wrestling with one goal, to win it all. Every championship, every accolade, every single night in, and every night out. The Phoenix owns the night and will shine brighter than all others. You all fall to your knees and witness it because no one can stop The Phoenix from rising!"

(A pause from The Phoenix letting what he said sink in.)

"Not a lot of names left in SEF these days, but nonetheless, this is my home. I've been doing this too many years to look elsewhere, besides, The Phoenix has made SEF stay afloat at times like these. Its not that I need SEF, they need me, and that can be taken like a egomaniac. It sounds narcissistic even, but I do recognize that its not just me, its not all about me. The Phoenix needs numbers to rise above, to stay on top of, and I have earned that right. This is my home because SEF needs me to keep giving back, and I will. It is why I am The Phoenix for I can be buried and still rise higher only to get stronger each time. No one has shown to be able and do that in the history of SEF."

(Fade to black.)

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