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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Respect (SEF TV)

Started by Daddy Mack, August 18, 2023, 04:32:11 PM

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Daddy Mack

(Sitting at the bar on the ground level of the Underground Arena in Detroit Michigan is Daddy Mack himself just hanging out enjoying a glass of whiskey in his blue jeans and black t-shirt. A pair of black hi tops on his feet and a backwards red ballcap as the place is kinda busy, and many stares at Mack, but they all show respect as the man sits enjoying his own time. Mack sipping his whiskey and rests the glass on the bar to say.)
"Well Chris, its you and I going against two thirds of the Triad, or is it half since Sammy returned to join the group!? I guess so as she is listed on their page, but she ain't no concern to me since she got her hands full with LBD on SEF TV. That leaves Rob Ruckus and Rick Reynolds, or the Scorpion as he is going by again. And if MJ decides to stick his nose in our business, well, he'll find out why he never could have been Mack! Now Rick, he's a bonafide legend, a hall of famer, and a student of mine that never passed the teacher. Although, he has exceeded me in being the bad guy, we all hate his ass. And on Saturday Chris and I beat his ass and Robbie cause The Triad may be back, but they'll never be Mack. They ain't taking the 6 Star Tag Team Titles from Chris and myself, and I know LBD will have a thing or two to say about them belts cause she is our third in the championship we hold. She has her mind elsewhere for Saturday cause her Womens Evolution Title is on the line and make no mistake, if The Triad tries to cost her, I will be there to have her back and I hope Chris does too. I know ANA will meet me out there, so maybe we can handle any stragglers ringside. Scorpion, Robbie, save it for out tag team match and let's let everyone have their flowers in their respective matches, or I will run the Triad out of SEF forever!"
(Mack lifting his glass to take a sip and look around for his partners, or even his opponents, anyone else with anything else to say about Saturday!?!)

Taylor Andrews

(Well now Taylor has to do it, she must march her ass out there and sit at the bar, so she decides to take a shortcut through the kitchen from the locker room she was in getting her ring gear on and the Universal Championship strapped around her waist. Her blonde hair in pigtails as she comes around the corner to the bar skipping on down to Mack and plops on the seat to his left signaling the bartender. Mack nodding to her as Taylor gets handed a Heineken and takes a sip.)
Well Mack, our matches have nothing to do with each other, although we are in the two back to back tag team matches of the night. I figured I would come out here to join ya for a drink since no one else probably will, not that we don't like ya, but uh, uh, I don't know, maybe it is that!?!?

(Mack smirking as Taylor gets a sarcastic grin.)
Yea, not very believable is it, but at least we're both smiling. Lexi and Tonya Walker won't be smiling after Sara Marie and I get down whipping their asses though. I texted Sara to come join us. Think Chris will be here? Haven't talked to him in a while.

(Taylor taking a drink of her beer.)


Chris Orton drinks his drink looks at Mack, and he speaks to him.

Those assholes don't have a freakin clue what they did to us. Now it's payback time in our own sick way. These trios titles are ours nobody taking them. Our challengers have no clue just how dangerous you and I as team who knows we might show the world Mack and Chris Orton just too damn good together in the ring. As far as rest those assholes want get involved, I'll grab steel chair start bashing some skulls into pieces. I'm ready to beat some respect in their asses Mack! Hello Taylor!

Chris Orton stop talking waits hear from his partners.

Daddy Mack

(Mack sipping his whiskey and says.)
"Well hey Chris, when did you get here? You ready to call us all partners, so you ready to join IXF then? Maybe you and I can win them SEF Tag Team Titles, off our own partners, heh, well, what do ya say?"
(Mack still sipping his whiskey.)

Da Gangstas

(Sara Marie comes around the corner of the bar from the kitchen area following Taylor's lead and even takes a seat next to the Golden Gal wearing her own ring gear and ready for their match. Sara ordering a whiskey and seven takes a sip and looks at her partner for the night and partner in IXF.)
So Lexi and Tonya, but her real name is Savanna!? May be interesting to see how that works, but you think these Walkers know what they're in for tonight?

(Taylor smirking.)
Do you know what you're in for tonight? I done whooped these girls all by myself and they still coming for me or for whatever it is they want around here!?

(Sara smirking now.)
I'll be ready for them. No two bit little girl with a personality disorder is going to parade her way into my path back to being a champion. Lexi and Tonya best be ready to feel my Sweet Kiss cause its all they gonna get before they staring up at the lights wondering what just hit 'em.

(Sara drinking up after raising her glass to cheers her crew.)

Daddy Mack

(Mack raising his glass and slams down the rest of his whiskey, then calls for a refill as he says.)
"Hell yeah! I hope ya all run dem girls outta SEF forever and save the misery of another loser leaves town match!!!"
(Mack with a refill and sipping it down.)


Chris Orton drinks some more listening to Mack, so he speaks again.

Well Mack, I love to have more titles, so you want me to be your partner for SEF Tag Team Titles I'm game!

Chris Orton looks at Mack.

Daddy Mack

(Mack shrugs and sips his whiskey, then says.)
"Well hopefully ANA is listening and decides to make the match, so he and LBD can have a worthy challenge for their SEF Tag Team Title, but they both better realize the two of us may just make a better team."
(Mack with a sarcastic smirk as he sips his whiskey again.)


(Liz walks in wearing her usual bling, a black leather jacket, red tank top with black lace framing her cleavage, black cargo shorts with a black leather belt that has a blinged out belt buckle with the letters of SEF and IXF in it, and black leather ridding boots that has a pocket on the outsides of the boot. She then slides in between Mack and Orton with a smile as bright as the bling she wears, scoots Orton off his stool and says looking at him)

Liz B. Decker:
Hiya partner! Partner, if you think your gonna take the tag titles from ANA and I, you seriously need to realize that I'm your PARTNER with Mack in being the best damn 3 person tag team this company has ever seen. I've wanted to hold gold with Norm for years and now that dream is a reality, we're showing the world what True Native Dominance looks like. It's like holding gold with Mack after all these years. I dreamt of hold some form of gold with him. Now that's a reality. Partner, if you're gonna hang out here with us, you gotta say if you're IXF or not. Sorry. Guess I have that Fame bitch in my head too much. I've tried to hit the gym and ring hardcore to get her outta my head. But Chris, make a good choice. Are you in IXF as a brother or not?!

Shane "Daddy" Mack:
Don't let her live in your head.

(Liz grabs Mack's glass and takes a sip from it then gives it back to him.)

Liz B. Decker:
Kinda hard. That bitch got my brother to fall for her. When he was dying, he wanted to see her one last time. She never bothered to answer a call from him while he was in the hospital. Yes, I remember her in CPS. But the thing is that all this so called pressure isn't getting to me. All it's doing is making me better. A better wrestler, a better friend, a better boss, a better wife, and most importantly, a better mother. I'm not done being forged into a wonderfully beautiful diamond.

(The bartender gives Liz a Maker's Mark straight up on the rocks and she has a good sip of it. She sits it down on the coaster in front of her.)

Liz B. Decker:
I'm not gonna let her, The Triad, or anyone else take what's mine. The SEF 6 Star Championship, the SEF Tag Team Championship, and the SEF Evolution Women's Championship are all mine. I've worked my ass off for far too long and hard to lose it all now. Not this close to my birthday next week. I will walk in and walk out still the Evolution Women's Champion. Hopefully y'all are gonna be out there to run interference with The Triad. Because sure as shit Fame will have those losers with her. I'm the one who is gonna make her ass famous just like The Undertaker did for so many years.

(Liz looks at Orton with a dead serious look on her face and says.)

Liz B. Decker:
So PARTNER, you in or not?

(Liz takes a a huge drink from her glass and puts it down as the bartender comes over and refills everyone's drinks and hand Tina another Heineken)

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