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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Started by Daddy Mack, April 04, 2024, 08:08:24 PM

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Who do you think will win their matches?

US Tag Team Championship Cage Match : Bunny Summers & Black Crow
0 (0%)
US Tag Team Championship Cage Match : The Genesis(c)
3 (100%)
Womens Evolution Championship Match : Samantha Fame
0 (0%)
Womens Evolution Championship Match : LBD(c)
3 (100%)
Main Event SEW Impact X Championship Match : Cliff o Clink
1 (33.3%)
Main Event SEW Impact X Championship Match : Phoenix(c)
2 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: April 12, 2024, 08:10:55 PM

Linked Events

  • Evolution 84
    First Union Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Daddy Mack

 Date/Time: Friday, April 12th, 2024
Venue: First Union Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Theme: Welcome To The Family by Avenged Sevenfold
US Tag Team Championship Cage Match

Bunny Summers & Black Crow v. The Genesis(c)
Womens Evolution Championship Match
Samantha Fame v. LBD(c)
Main Event
SEW Impact X Championship Match
Cliff o Clink v. Phoenix(c)


 All Promos For This Event Go in the SEW Friday Night Evolution Event Promos
ix titlewomens evolutionus tag team


Frank Malone: Welcome to Friday Night Evolution! A huge opportunity for Bunny Summers in her second ever match with partner Black Crow as they go inside a cage against the US Tag Team Champions, The Genesis.
Bill McLane: A huge opportunity and against The Genesis, a slim chance of capitalizing for these young women. Samantha Fame has a better chance of winning the Womens Evolution Title from LBD tonight and with her Famous Monsters solidly beside her, providing we see them, Samatha has a damn good chance of becoming a champion tonight!
Frank Malone: Don't count LBD out as she can count on the few friends she has to keep things balanced. Now Phoenix and Cliff o Clink is a dead even match that could go either way.
Bill McLane: Damn right about that! These two guys seemingly came up around the same time in SEF. Phoenix with a little better start, but Cliff has had more time to study everyone, the guy literally filmed us all for years. And to be where he is now fighting for a World Title with doubt in many minds wondering who is walking out SEW Impact X Champion!?!
US Tag Team Championship Cage Match

Bunny Summers & Black Crow v. The Genesis(c)
Bunny disposed of after charging one of The Genesis who catches her sideways and tosses her like a feather into the cage, though she hits harder than that and crumples to the mat. Black Crow standing off with The Genesis throwing punches at them both, but they execute a double spinebuster nearly putting the blackheart through the ring. They head for the door when Bunny jumps on the one who is slightly taller trying to choke them, but he flings her over for the other guy to catch and rip her up in a powerbomb sending Summers to the mat and just pins her to get it over with and still US Tag Team Champions, The Genesis.
As The Genesis step out of the cage the door is swung into the second members head knocking him back in the ring. A chair connects to the members head on the floor and another chair hits him from the other side. Stacy Wayne and Nykky Delight swings the chairs repeatedly into the member who now lays on the floor as Sara, the one who slammed the door in the others face has it bolted and chained trying to hold it shut as her buddies lay waste to the other member. Eventually the door is forced open and Sara hightails it to the back with Stacy and Nykky turning to slam the member of Genesis who comes out the door right in his head bombarding him until he goes down. The other member stirring, and they then decide to exit and save this for another night.
Frank Malone: Holly hell, The Genesis just got leveled by three women half their size, but perhaps twice their heart and that matters around here!
Bill McLane: It certainly does, but the two girls in the actual match may be a little inexperienced as well cause there is no doubt they got heart to even step in that cage with The Genesis!
Frank Malone: No doubt at all about that Bill! Bunny is young yet, her second match and she earned a title shot, hell, she ain't even got a finishing move!
Womens Evolution Championship Match
Samantha Fame v. LBD(c)
Samantha pushing LBD to the distance and LBD perhaps is feeling Wrestle X after her marathon with Taylor Andrews, but she manages to drop Samantha with a cutter, then flip over into a dragon sleeper making Fame tap out.
Main Event
SEW Impact X Championship Match
Cliff o Clink v. Phoenix(c)
This one is so evenly matched it goes to an hour which is a time limit for Evolution and thus is ruled a draw garnering some heat, but a loud standing ovation of pure respect for these two men. And when Phoenix and Cliff take a bow, the CoC bows back to charge into his rival with a spear, then hammers him in the head with punches and picks up Phoenix to deliver The End. He just stands over Phoenix looking insane and shakes his head no as if he is not done. Cliff sliding out to get a chair and slides back in to wail Phoenix with it until the chair looks like a f'n boomerang. Cliff putting the chair around the neck of Phoenix and heads up top deliver a stomp to the chair. Finally security gets him out of there with a couple refs as well and Phoenix holding his throat coughing and wheezing.
Frank Malone: A draw, so no one lost and a rematch would be in order, but Cliff may have went a little too far. That stomp off the top rope to a chair wrapped around the neck of Phoenix!
Nick Miller: OH MY GAWD!!!!
Frank Malone: Nice Nick, nice. But nothing nice about what happened to Phoenix. We'll have to see what the repercussions are from this come three nights from now on WAR returning to Monday Night.

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