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08.28.24: The Next 6 Months, Click Here For More

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Started by Daddy Mack, September 06, 2015, 08:39:44 PM

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Daddy Mack

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is I, Nick Miller, and tonight I am in this ring in front of all of you here in the headquarters of SEF, so Detroit Michigan, this is for you."

Nick smiling as the sold out crowd inside the Joe Louis Arena cheers loud making him pause for a few seconds due to the deafening sounds of their loud and proud voices.

"I have a guest scheduled to be interviewed live, right here in this very ring, tonight, so because I am just a cut and dry commentator, let us get on with the introduction of Showstoppa's very own General Manager making his return to once again reboot his brand to wherever he wants to take it. That is what we are hoping to find out tonight, and much more, so please give a warm welcome for Tim Stone!"


With the sold out crowd cheering, the music of "Detroit Rock City" by KISS plays.  The crowd cheers as spotlights then shine on the entrance stage as movement is seen behind the curtain.  Tim then makes his way out and stands on the stage with a smile on his face, while wearing a long Black trench coat.  He pulls out a live microphone from his pocket and pounds on it with his other hand as loud thumps are heard.  The crowd quickly boos him as he looks mad and says "CUT THE MUSIC", into the microphone and the music fades away.  Tim continues speaking as he's walking towards the ring, saying, "MOTOR CITY"!!  The crowd cheers for the cheap pop as he continues talking.  "Can you believe it"?  Looking into the ring at Nick Miller, Tim makes his way to the steel ring steps and climbs up into the ring.

Once in the ring, Tim walks over and shakes Nick's hand.  Tim continues saying, "I can see why the owners chose this place to call home".  The crowd cheers as he continues talking.  "As I said, can you believe it?  This is the place where SEF calls home.  This is the place where you all call home and this is the place right here in this ring is where I call home".  The crowd begins clapping and chanting, "YOU ARE HOME...YOU ARE HOME".  Tim looks at Nick as he goes to speak so Tim folds his arms and listens.

Daddy Mack

"Well that was a interesting entrance for your return back to SEF, and if it is a sign of things to come for Showstoppa, I can't wait to see it. So can you tell us anything that we may expect or should we just tune in cause I have been waiting to see another edition of your Friday night Showstoppa air ever since the first one?!"


Nodding in agreement to can't wait to see Showstoppa return, Tim responds to Nick's question on what to expect.  "To be honest, Nick, the first show was a test run for me.  See, management gave me the opportunity and all I asked for was a chance.  Judging by what you just said, you can't wait to see another.  Hell, I can't wait to put on another show".  He turns and looks at the crowd and asks, "are you ready to see Showstoppa back"?  The crowd reacts with cheers and clapping.  "That's exactly what you and everyone watching is going to get".  Nick quickly interrupts, "when will we get to see it"?  Tim takes a long pause and rubs his chin as if he's thinking.

"I tell you what, I'm big on weekly shows and bringing out surprises but I been away for a while so you people here in Detroit tell me when do you want it"?  The crowd erupts with cheers as Tim continues.  "I've always listened to the people and that's why we're still going to keep our home in Charleston, South Carolina".  The crowd boos loudly.  "Hey, hey hold on.  I would love to take around the world but right now my funds are nowhere near SEF management's.  So until things change, Showstoppa is going to keep it's Friday show at 8 PM EST at Charleston's coliseum".  Nick speaks up, "so it's going to be a weekly show"?  Tim thinks again and says, "I'll go on record to say this, it'll be a bi-weekly show until we see how things go.  Fair enough"?  Nick nods his head.

Nick then says, "so let me get all this straight.  You're back in business with Showstoppa and you're going to keep your shows at the North Charleston Coliseum in North Charleston, South Carolina".  Tim interrupts, "for the time being".  Nick continues, "for the time being and then those shows will be every other Friday night"?  Tim shakes his head, "yes, that's correct".  The crowd boos as Nick continues.  "Well, when will that start"?  Tim looks at his watch on his Left wrist and looks back at Nick.  "This month is already started or we would've started this past Friday.  So seeing how this is the Second (2nd) show for Showstoppa, let's begin Friday, October 2nd of 2015"?  The crowd reacts with cheers and applause.

Daddy Mack

"You all heard it here from the man in charge of Showstoppa, Tim Stone, and the return date is October second. Am I correct to say that your brand is still going to remain exclusive to the Aimoo network? Also, what do you think about the idea of every General Manager in SEF taking a turn once a month to be the GM for Monday Night WAR?!"

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