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universal6 star tag team

WAR 43 {6/16/08}

Started by Daddy Mack, March 15, 2014, 07:45:47 PM

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Daddy Mack

June 16th, 2008

Venue: Cobo Arena in Detroit, Michigan

Theme Music: "Start A War" by Static X

Starting the show before any match we hear "Mouth for War" hit the pa and out walks Frank E Dangerously in the usual suit and Detroit ballcap carrying a cellphone. The crowd cheers him and Frankie just swaggers to the ring and climbs the steps getting in. He gets a mic handed to him and st5ands in the middle of the ring smiling, the crowd cheering, but settle down.

FED: Welcome to the new era of SEF, welcome to the new fucking revolution!

The crowd pops and starts chanting S...E...F......S...E...F......S...E...F......S...E...F...then settle down again.

FED: A new owner we have, but one who is not revealing their identity, but I have been given full authority to run SEF, I can do things my way!

The crowd pops loud.

FED: Yea, you all get it, you know that means even better shows and I ain't boosting my ego, I'm just shooting straight, I will bust my ass and think every day and every night of ways to make WAR better than ever before. I got no big announcement, no match to make, nothing more to say, so to wrap this up...

Before he can wrap it up "Rock You Like A Hurricane" blasts over the pa bringing the fans to their feet. Our swaggers Ares carrying his SEF Title. He heads on down the ramp and tosses the title in the ring, then heads up the steps getting in and walks across the ring grabbing his own mic. Ares walks around Frankie standing in front of him and raises up the mic.

Ares: So your in charge huh? The new owner is staying hidden and gave you full power. Well hell Frankie, congratulations on that, lets drink to it!

The crowd cheers as Ares gets tossed a couple beers and Frankie smirks. Ares cracks both and hands one to Frankie. They raise up the beer toasting, but before they can drink "The Way I Am" comes over the pa and boos come from the crowd. Xanthus walks out on the stage with a mic wearing his ring gear and a Gangsta shirt. Ares and Frankie stand side by side watching him.

Xanthus: Don't mind me boys, just wanted to come out and issue a lil challenge to you Ares.

Ares: Ya already got a title shot at Golden Glory son, what more do ya want?

Xanthus: I want to kick your ass one on one, next week in a hardcore match, but no title on the line.

Ares: I ain't gonna duck any challenge no matter the match or if this belt is on the line, you want me next week, you got me and I'm sure Frank here is cool with it, so unless ya want an ass kicking right now were done here.

Frankie nods in approval, the crowd is cheering and Xanthus snarls.

Xanthus: The only ass kicking is gonna be what you get next week Ares, hardcore rules means your gonna get maimed.

Ares just flips him off, then raises his beer, Frankie raises his and they toast, then toss back the beer as X looks mad. "Rock You Like A Hurricane" hits and X heads to the back as the crowd cheers.

Tag Team Invintational Match
SEF World Tag Team Championship
Troy Storms & Nick Torres v. Any Tag Team in the World

Storms and Torres started out in the ring holding their titles and just waited to see if anyone would come out. Hardcore Haz and Joe Dumar would come out from the crowd drinking beer and weilding singapore canes. As they got to ringside Thor and Eddie The Machine barrel out and slide in the ring. Haz and Joe would then slide in and from the crowd also comes Rayne Rocco and Big Bill Butcher who come in behind Storms and Torres. The champs are teamed up on by all six men and eventually they get Storms out on the floor. Bill dives through the ropes crashing into Storms and stays on him with heavy punches. Torres gets taken out with a Gore through the ropes and Eddie takes himself and Joe out to the floor. Rayne low blows Thor and dumps out to the floor, Haz lights up Rayne with a cane and really takes it to him. Hits a rolling rock off the top rope and using the cane goes for the white russian leg sweep. Rayne elbows him in the face, kicks him low and rips up Haz nailing The Plunge, then pins him to pick up the win and the tag titles for him and Bill.

Winners: Rayne Rocco & Big Bill Butcher via Pinfall @ 18:24

After the match Rayne and Bill would hurry up the ramp with their titles while Storms and Torres recovered and were pissed. Using chairs they beat down Haz, Joe, Eddie, and Thor putting the hurt to them, then they just left the ring on their own.

KoS Qualifying Match
Staci Sparx w/Shane Mack v. Julie

Not a very catch as catch can match at all. Staci started out running from Julie, ran around the ring and then slid in. Mack stood in Julie's way keeping her on the floor, but got slapped and Julie rolled in before the ten count. Mack jumped up on the apron distracting the ref allowing Staci to rake Julie's eyes and pull her hair to get control. It wouldn't do much good as Julie quickly took back over with a powerful clothesline, took the air a couple times, then finished Staci with the Dirty Drop and picked up the win.

Winner: Julie via Pinfall @ 4:09

Singles Match
SEF International Championship
Jordan Brooks v. L.A. Jay(c)

Started off with a tie up and Jordan taking control with his power, but Jay was able to avoid a lot of punches and escape a spinebuster with a tornado ddt. Jay showed some aggression and put on a highflying display typical of what we've come to expect of him. He got Jordan down on the mat in a figure four at one point, but Jordan was able to power out. Jay kept in control working over Jordan's leg, kept going to the air, but got caught in a hurricanrana attempt and nailed with the Big Apple Bomb outta nowhere. Jordan would be able to pick up the win off it.

Winner: Jordan Brooks via Pinfall @ 25:51

At the exit door of the arena, the one used by staff and wrestlers, we see Troy Storms and Nick Torres dressed in street clothes, each carrying a bag and looking mad. Storms leading the way rushes the door with a kick slamming it open. He walks out the doorway and Torres looks to step out, but Frank E Dangerously grabs his arm turning him around.

FED: Look guys, what went down was crazy, but ya don't have to do this.

Storms is turned around looking in with anger in his eyes.

Torres: Look man, nothing personal to you or SEF, but we just gotta go, it ain't even what went down out there, its deeper issues man.

FED: Then stay and lets work them out, I got full control here guys, I run this place and I want the best tag team to stay here, that's you two.

Storms: Forget it Frankie, save your speech, were outta here, least I am, I got some shit to take care of right here in Detroit, see ya around and it isn't personal.

Storms turns and walks off now.

Torres: Yea, well look man, I got my own shit to do, so I am gone too, take care Frankie.

Torres extends a hand to which Frankie shales it, then they part ways and Torres walks off catching up to Storms. The view goes back to Frankie before going to ringside.

Main Event
KoS Qualifying Match
Shane Mack w/Staci Sparx v. Xanthus

A lot of trash talking before this match had any action, but when it finally got physical it was intense. Quite a bit of back and forth action, some quick two counts from both men, then X took Mack to the mat in an armbar and began applying other holds through the match, really showed off thathe can get down and wrestle. Mack kept from being dominated, but X was in control most of the time. It was a phenomanol match between the two, Mack showed off his mat skill, both men took the air showing how similiar they are. Neither man would give up when in submission holds, it was a hell of a match, a tooth and nail, knock 'em down, drag 'em out fight that seemed to have no real favorite. X may have showed he can hang, Mack was as good as always, but it seemed the two were like equals, like mirror images in a way. The fans got behind X mostly wanting to see him pull off such a huge win, but he couldn't, though Mack seemed to not be able too. The Ghetto Busta and Da Shows Ova would both be countered and avoided, but Staci Sparx who did a lil distracting through the match got a chance and hit X with a low blow slowing him down enough to finally get hit with Da Shows Ova. Mack would fall on him and pick up the win, then was quick to make his exit.

Winner: Shane Mack via Pinfall @ 38:11

After the match Xanthus got to his feet and looked almost sad, the crowd, looked like every fan was standing and cheering for him, a huge ovation for Xanthus as WAR went off the air.

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