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General Event Promos / Sierra Has Something to Say
Last post by The Perry Family - Yesterday at 05:36:31 PM
scene shows a dark room a 6 pack on the table a pizza as well soda drinks and the room is dark the name Sage Fury is on the door instead of her real name Sierra perry a woman is shown with a sadistic smile on her face and she then begin to talk.

Sierra perry they tried to push my buttons they try to control me, i kept putting my guard down i let Cruella control me nobody tells me what to do anymore me and Cruella was very successful back in the old days, we was winners we was on top but now here it all went down hill! from there 

Sierra Perry it turned me and Cruella against each other our family was torn apart, no fault of the party crashers just that the devils playground is dead we are not the threat we was once we started this before we even came here! we have seen wars we have seen so much evil in this world it is just crazy we lost our Homes our fucking family's our friends everything we ever had when we was children taken away from us and somehow Cruella has forgot all about that well i have not Cruella is now weak it made her weak and what does she do instead of talking it over with me she chased Nikita the Wolf perry out of the group the family group our family we did not take in outsiders we took in our family! 

Sierra Perry. before we even came here we was a force to be wreck end with now we are Nothing The Wolf went to the Party Crashers and Cruella brought in Black Crow we dont need Black Crow we was fine by ourselves we dont need outsiders who are not even perrys who understand what we have been through!

Sierra Perry drinks another cold beer and looks around her hole face can not be shown she looks in to the camera and she then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry. we begin to lose and lose every single match well i can tell you this, right now from now on iam never going to be another bitch to anyone im not i cant a person can take so much until a person finally snaps and loses control i don't even know where my mind is at right now! i can tell you this

Sierra Perry. there is only a matter of time before iam driving to my breaking point, and when iam watch out i can no longer be controlled i cant.it just can not happen i know this much at Falling in to Hell everything is going be revealed but bitches i can tell you this Sierra perry the woman you all know sorry she wil not be there she is resting and does not like to be disturbed  lights out bitches

she shuts the lights out and continues to eat her pizza as scene ends
Sign Up To Be A Star / Sierra Perry
Last post by The Perry Family - September 17, 2024, 08:23:04 PM
CHARACTER NAME Sierra perry.

BIRTHDATE march 7th 1989



HOMETOWN black pole England

THEME MUSIC Dangerous Roxette 

FINISHING MOVE Riptide {Devils Ride}

TRADEMARK MOVES spear diving moonsault widows peak, spiders web, widows peak back breaker neck breaker, Inverted Texas Cloverleaf 
WRESTLING STYLE extreme hardcore

BIOGRAPHY Sierra perry is from black pole England and  her and her sister are known devil worshipers and are back in Sef and lately sierra is determined to become her own person and step out of her sisters shadow which can mean bad things to anyone standing in her way. sierra is planning to do what she wants whenever she wants.

APPEARANCE Taylor Momsen
Live TV Event Promos / Re: Party Crashers Talk About ...
Last post by The Perry Family - September 14, 2024, 01:30:50 AM
The Wolf. then begin to talk.

The Wolf, All right let me say something iam going to be ringside in your corner and watch you two take down once again the Perrys are to distracted with their own problems and they keep blaming us for no reason what so ever this is what we don't understand why cant people just relax and enjoy Life it not to hard just so have fun it is easy have fun,

The Wolf i Understand they got a passion for worshiping the devil they been doing this ever since they was teenagers due to losing their homes due to the cold wars that toke place in their village and home land, and they still doing this in this day and age i just wish they would not force it on other people! 

The Wolf the party crashers are my new family they love and understand me and they let me be myself and have fun like i have never had before it does look like Sierra perry is coming around in to her own, life which is good at least somebody is able to do that anyway Perrys good Luck because there is no way you two are even coming close to a victory tonight sorry it just not going happen.

crowd cheers she waits
Live TV Event Promos / Black Crow Wants To Take Care ...
Last post by BlackCrow - September 13, 2024, 08:13:02 PM
Black Crow is in middle of the ring, and she looks around and she then begin to talk.

Black Crow. so im Facing Samantha Fame, tonight and she said some words that she can not wait to get her hands on me and u know what Iam looking foreword to going one on one with her tonight, as i said before i never going to turn down a challenge the last match i was in i defeated the Wolf now iam going to go one on one with Samantha fame this is going be a hell of a match so Samantha i heard everything that you said!

Black Crow. you said im just a filler for your appetite im just outside looking in, iam going to be one hell of an easy target, said about me what you wil i really don't care size and power over matter i don't worry over anything, u think iam going to be a easy target! fine with me think what you want, i don't threat over you and i never wil! im looking foreword to destroying and beating the hell out of you tonight!

Black Crow. iam more then you could handle Fame i love a challenge, so you and your Monsters want to come over to our territory and end up mine and Cruella's next Victims the devil Playground want to take down the Famous Monsters sounds evil to me i like it we love a challenge even from a nobody like you!

Black Crow so Samantha, so good luck bitch i can not wait right Now let me say this bring everything you got inside your system, bring everything you got bring your famous monsters we don't care im going to rip you apart good luck you are about to be bitten by the crow

she waits
Live TV Event Promos / Re: Party Crashers Talk About ...
Last post by BunnySummers - September 13, 2024, 05:29:23 PM
Bunny Summers, i Agree with you there Tonya them Perrys Are Crazy i mean we don't know what goes on inside their heads anyway but i don't want to pass judgment on anyone we barley know we got to be respectful anyway tonight we are going to be winners and the perrys are going to be the losers i mean the Generation of the 1980s are going be watching us upload all kinds of Havoc on the sisters of Evil and nobody is going to stop us Brother! this is going to be the night we been waiting for a night like no other Night

Bunny Summers let me tell you something Brothers and Sisters Tonight, is going to be the Night that Cruella and Sierra if she even shows up get's what is coming to them this be a night like no Other and nothing is going to make me and Tonya more happier, then seeing the perry family fall to grace all over again they can not touch us Brothers and Sisters all of our Party Crashers! tonight the perrys fall once again and heck we been doing this ever since i debuted here and we are going to keep on kicking their buts until they decide to go get a Life of their Own!

Bunny Summers, And that is all i got to say for now

she wait
Live TV Event Promos / Party Crashers Talk About Thei...
Last post by Tonya Walker - September 13, 2024, 12:25:08 AM
Tonya Walker and Bunny Summers are shown in middle of the ring Nikita is With Them, and Tonya smiles and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. All Right Tonight me and Bunny Summers are going to face our ol friends the perry sisters, i mean we have beaten and defeated them the hole entire summer and u would think they would giving up by Now but i guess they just love facing us so Much, so this week is going to be no different, and we are going to beat them again and again because let's face it, they can not defeat us and trust me they never will this is our land the generation that is the 1980s our Party Crashers wil not let us down! we got everyone of you behind us and we always will, we know they wil not let us down! they got our backs we are a real family we are friends and family

Tonya Walker. this is our Home this is going to be a really fun Night but what would make it better if Nikita would be in the ring with us and help us defeat Cruella and Sierra once again next Month is her Birthday and what birthday would that be, the best birthday present Nikita the Wolf could ever have!

She relaxes the fans chant The Wolfs Name over and over again they look around and she smiles and then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker Now i Think About it mabye Cruella is the Problem i mean she drove The Wolf Out of The Group, and we are pretty sure the next one to leave is going to be Sierra because let's face it a person can take so much and we not sure where Sierra's Head is at Lately but we kind of feel bad for her, the Party Crashers actually hope she is all right!

Tonya Walker hell soon the Perrys family wil just be Cruella and Black Crow so so much for that group unless one of them calls up another perry because my god, their Mama must of been pretty wild in that sack u know what i mean! how many of them damm perrys are out there!

She Looks around smirks and relaxes for a while talks a bit with Tonya and Nikita and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. Anyway Party Crashers tonight we are going to make History and defeat wait wait didn't we see Sierra leave the building to go outside to get some fresh air and if im not mistaken she has not come back in so this match might end up being a 2 on1 Handicap match which is going make our jobs even better! so now ladies and gentleman here is Bunny to give us her insights on tonights match

she wait for reply

General Event Promos / Re: Party Crashers Have a Conv...
Last post by BunnySummers - September 09, 2024, 09:25:24 PM
Bunny Summers, Yes the 3 of Us need to reign supreme i mean there is so much we all can do together we are a family we are not blood related but that does not matter right now we are a family, a true loving family, we need to band together and team with each other as a family! us 2 and the Wolf we can do it all go through the coemption this is the world of the 1980s anything is possible anything can happen there is nothing we can not do! the 1980s believes in us and the world believes in the party crashers!

Bunny Summers, good things happend to the people who wait! i mean won't it be wonderful awesome if all became champions at the same time you know we believe it can happen it can happen the Party Crashers is going to make history soon just like the awesome former wrestlers of the 1980s to us Now anything is possible i mean anything

she wait
General Event Promos / Re: Party Crashers Have a Conv...
Last post by Tonya Walker - September 09, 2024, 02:59:29 PM
Tonya Walker Anything You Want Do Tonight is Good With Me im in the Mood, for just about anything we can go to the mall look around hang out at food court and talk about how we are going take down the Perry Sisters Once Again, it should be easy, and it schould be fun we been defeating them at every turn so we got nothing to be concerned about, we got this in the bag, this is our chance to defeat them once again and work our way up the Ladder of Sucess and trust me the top of the Ladder is waiting for us it is going be ours to climb and stand tall once again and trust me nobody is going to take our place at the top i mean Nobody!

Tonya Walker. How About We Go to Dairy Queen and Hang Out and Have Fun the World is Ours Bunny Nobody is going to take it away from Us and we mean Nobody! we don't Care How Many People we have to beat in ordor to climb to the top just as long as we do because the top belongs to Us and Nobody else U Me and Nikita Perry the Wolf, all belong at the top and at the Top of the world we are going to stay,

Tonya Walker i got to talk to anyone who is in charge and get U and me and Nikita Perry some matches all together she has been us for a long while Now and not has teamed up with us once this is going to be our chance at glory and i want Nikita the Wolf up there with Us!

she wait for reply
General Event Promos / Party Crashers Have a Convo Ab...
Last post by BunnySummers - September 09, 2024, 09:31:44 AM
Bunny summers is listening to Madonna on her Walkman and looks so happy she then begin to talk to Tonya

Bunny Summers hey Tonya, i was watching MTV Today it was so awesome omg they got the best music ever like Omg Hello like this one song by madonna i know all her music oh ohh papa don't preach i love that song

Bunny Summers omg MTV Should always stand for Music Television Video omg i love Cindy and Madonna if they are touring again we should go meet them in person what u say, it be so much fun ya know We need to get tickets and go, we can make a hole night of it i dream of meeting them face to face and get our pictures taken how cool would that be

Bunny Summers i think Taylor Andrews should hang out with Us, sometime  but she busy it happens, anyway i need go clothes shopping and get other things at the mall i miss going to the mall

Bunny Summers . i can not wait until we defeat the Perrys again they really need to losing up you know what i mean like omg hello,

she keeps on dancing to her music and drinks her slushie and begin to talk again

Bunny Summers music is where its at you know if more people just listened to music they be so much happier so when does the malls open i want go shopping again,

Bunny Summers last time i went to the mall it was so much fun loud music happy people omg the food courts are so much fun i love their music video stores and listening to the music on the loud speakers is the best part people need to be happy it don't take much

Bunny Summers anyway i got tell you something Tonya since i met you omg we have had so much fun together been such a blast, you know im having so much fun, i hope we become tag team champions again sometime that be so much fun, are they really look tell me the truth about this please let it be a rumor

Bunny Summers omg i just can not believe this rumor are they really raising the price of designer jeans i heard someone say they was i hope not i mean i don't mind, spending more money at all it does not matter to me i mean they really need to keep prices the same

Bunny Summers everything just seems so much simpler and easier i don't have a care in the world right now and Hulk amania is still in action so all is good with the world

Bunny Summers so what u want do tonight? the night is all ours we can have so much fun u know what i mean
Live TV Event Promos / 2 Falls? Is that all? HA! (Sho...
Last post by Taylor Andrews - September 08, 2024, 11:00:17 PM
(The Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion of SEF stands outside a club in Detroit city wearing a tight black leather jacket and mini skirt with knee stilettos and her blonde hair wrapped around her neck in a big braid. A pair of silver hoop earrings hang from her ears as she has her arms crossed over her chest and looks out at the chilly city night air and all the lights engulfing the sky, so nothing else but that is reflected back making one feel like one of many millions. But in the Detroit atmosphere where everyone passes by with a second or even first glance one can't help that feeling of loneliness, a feeling Taylor Andrews knows too well from being number one for so long.)
Mack took it upon himself to book a show and this is the best he can do? Samantha already called him out on resurrecting a dead show, a one hit wonder, so maybe I'll just leave that alone cause its not about the brand name of the show, its not where its hosted, no, its all about who's on the card and there is no one who can main event over me. Troy Storms and Nick Torres are not getting near my title, and LBD, well honey, kill me or die trying cause no one is taking the gold off the Golden Gal. I came here to do one thing and that is exactly what I have done, win championships, become the best champion, and remain on top for as long as I want. I have surpassed them all. I was a legend before I ever got branded that from this hall of fame induction with the rest of the Impact X Facta and I will make sure no one takes what I have held on to with a iron fist, a golden glove, not LBD, not Troy Storms, and not Nick Torres. I was going to let my legend status carry me through Gangstas Paradise, but with Mack running this show, I thought it would be best to let him know and let the world see why there is nto a soul that can touch me. There is no one on my level in SEF or out of SEF, and there is no one in the locker room I even care to hang around. Although I may have some allies I can use as my pawns, but when I go out for fun away from my home in the ring, I get away from all my wrestling "peers". I come out here to the nightclubs and if anyone recognizes me, I ignore them to dance everything away until someone who doesn't know me notices me for me. Then maybe I get to know them, maybe I enjoy a night out, but come Friday the 13th, I will be on the prowl to defend my championship and put away everyone in my way, two falls, three falls, four falls, I don't care, I'll do this shit all damn night and the next night and twice on Sunday, so line 'em up, and I'll stack 'em as I knock 'em down, one by one or all at once. This is my city now, SEF is my turf, and no one is going to knock me down. But I'll show you why this Friday. I gotta go knock back a few stiff ones and get a little loose!
(Taylor dropping her arms to walk towards the club entrance flashing her wrist to the bouncer who checks it with a black light and lets her in.)
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