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Wednesday Night War 10/29/14

Started by Simon Lee Nash, October 24, 2014, 12:29:19 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

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11:59:59 PM on October 29th, 2014
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SEF:WUN Board of Directors
The Board members will collaborate together on the direction of WAR and what talent should be used with the WAR GM handling the general nature of the show while the SEF:WUN GM oversees her. The Director/Producer will make any big decisions and usually handle headliners and main events.

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Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo, MI

Theme Music

Match one: Tag Team Warfare
Jeremy & Matt Ward w/Heather Jackson v. Tim Stone & Zilus Zion v. Trent Flash & JR Hawk v. Courtney Michaels & Kayleia Manson v. Jordan Cut & Brady Henderson w/Kira Darland
Referee: Tom Walker

Match two: Singles
Interactive Championship
Strife / Rob Van Dam / Cassie Michaels
? v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

Main Event Match: 9 Person Tag Team Triple Threat Flaming Tables
US Triple Tag Team Championship
William Mack + Elizabeth Marret + Kevin Nash v. The Dudley Boyz v. Rapid(c) + Johnny X(c) + Acetaker(c)
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Card Is Subject To Change


The Sandman makes his way through the crowd here in the Wings Stadium which is packed full of fans all on their feet for the new WAR World Champion. The hardcore icon with the belt around his waist and beer in one hand while wielding that Singapore cane in the other. He makes his way into the ring after a celebration with a chick at ringside who's shirt is now soaked in beer. The Sandman with a microphone in his beer hand now says.

"I came here to whip somebody's ass and since I am the WAR World Champion, I felt the need to do a little representing live in Kalamazoo Michigan!!!"

The crowd going nuts for the cheap pop while Sandman just gets that laughing sick grin about him.

"So who wants a crack at the top champion of WAR? Which one of you pansy waste sumbitches-"

Here comes Strife in his gear just walking to the ring amid quite a happy reaction and the nomad warrior just slides in the ring popping up ready to go.

Match one: Singles
WAR World Heavyweight Championship
Strife v. The Sandman(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

A brutal fight from start to finish with Strife defending himself from Sandman who just throws all he has which is a beaten up body. Strife showing us he has his skills honed sharply as he battles Sandman like a warrior, executing his moves with no hesitation. Sandman a bit more wild, but still effective with a couple near falls in the contest. Strife more effective and ends this one with the Agony Crush and a pin.

Winner and NEW WAR World Champion: Strife @ 16 Minutes 45 Seconds

Match two: Tag Team Warfare
Jeremy & Matt Ward w/Heather Jackson v. Tim Wyatt & Zilus Zion v. Trent Flash & JR Hawk v. Courtney Michaels & Kayleia Manson v. Jordan Cut & Brady Henderson w/Kira Darland
Referee: Tom Walker

A wild brawl of teams just tossing one another out of the ring and even employing a few objects which are legal it seems as no one is disqualified and the fans enjoy the chaos. Courtney and Kayleia seem like favorites to win as they work quite well displaying a bit of dominance. The Ward's showing some teamwork, but its Tim Wyatt who ends up pinning Trent Flash to win this one for his team.

Winners: Tim Wyatt & Zilus Zion @ 12 Minutes 39 Seconds

Backstage we go to find Strife with his newly won WAR World Title belt laying on the bench next to where he sits in the locker room when Mack walks in nodding to his old friend.

"Congrats champ, way to step up and show everyone how to make yourself great. But that ain't why I be here cause as you may be aware, ya got a second match if ya still want in. You and RVD are tied on the poll we took to name a challenger to Simon Lee Nash, so its gonna be a triple threat, unless you want to take a bye as I got a new main event in mind for tonight."

Strife thinking about this and asks.

"What you got in mind?"

Mack just lays it down.

"Were going to unify that WAR World Title with the WUN World Title and the Women's X Diva Title tonight in a fatal 4 way match, so you, my wife Elizabeth who is the Women's Champ, and CM Punk who is WUN Champ, and The Sandman who gets a rematch will all compete tonight to unify the belts into the SEFWUN World Heavyweight Championship. So its up to you Strife, you can either sit back here and prepare for that fatal 4 way or go work a triple threat as well. No pressure man, you earned the right to sit out the next match."

Strife nodding no.

"I also became a warrior by taking on all challenges and if the people want to see this warrior compete for the Interactive Title as well, then I will be out there, even if you make me relinquish the belt after I win it!?!"

Mack smirking that classic sarcasm showing he gets what Strife is about cause they both be warriors molded in the dojos of Japan.

"I ain't gonna make ya do shit brother, just do what you do and I'll make sure you always have a place to do it, and thanks for returning to help SEF, we owe ya."

Mack nodding to Strife who nods back, then The Showsteala exits the room as we go back to ringside for the next match.

Match three: Triple Threat
Interactive Championship
Strife v. Rob Van Dam v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

A well fought match with Simon holding his own against the two veterans of the ring. RVD all over the ring lighting up the place with kicks and some crazy splashes. Strife was intent to outlast his opponents and show he was here to win it all, however, The Sandman had other ideas for the nomad warrior. Sandman assaulting Strife with a Singapore cane leaves RVD to soar off the ropes for his frog splash. Simon driving knees to RVD's ribs and pulls him up into the F-5 and makes the pin ending this match.

Winner and still Interactive Champion: Simon Lee Nash @ 24 Minutes 56 Seconds

Security pulls Sandman to the back and keeps Strife from retaliating while we go backstage to find Mack in his ring gear standing next to his wife who wears a black leather skirt down a few inches past her knees. The CEO sporting stiletto high heels and a black turtle neck long sleeved shirt hugging her voluptuous frame with that long hair laying softly down her shoulders. Her bangs feathered and making the boss look hot as ever standing next to her one and only man, Mack, and on the SEF World Champ's other side stands Kevin Nash in his ring gear. Across from them is where Mack's gaze is fixed as he says to whoever they all look at now.

"Time for the flaming tables tag match and time to take the gold back from the Impact Facta. You ready kid?"

The view widens to show JG Brooks in his ring shorts and a black t-shirt with a scruffy beard and relaxed demeanor about him.

"Yea man, I always got your back Mack, you take care of my big sis and since we got big Kev here to tag with us too, how can we go wrong!?!"

A slick smirk across his face and Mack smirking sarcastically now says.

"Then its settled and final, but we got Liz out there with us cause after the battles we been through to get where we are, we always go together. Now let's roll out boys!"

Kevin slapping Mack on the back and steps forward throwing an arm around JG's shoulders heading him away. Mack with an arm around Elizabeth who looks up into her man's baby blues still dreamy as the first day she laid eyes on him twelve years ago. The couple embraces in a kiss, then Mack slaps the SEF Title around his waist as Elizabeth brings the Women's Title up over her shoulder and they walk off holding hands.

Match four: 9 Person Tag Team Triple Threat Flaming Tables
US Triple Tag Team Championship
William Mack w/Elizabeth Marret + Kevin Nash + JG Brooks v. The Dudley Boyz v. Rapid(c) + Johnny X(c) + Acetaker(c)
Referee: Smokey McWeed

As expected this one is a bit wild and makes the tag team warfare from earlier seem mild. Elizabeth staying out of the action and just cheers on Mack while flaunting his and hers titles. Mack focused on Rapid who is hellbent on dismantling The Showsteala. Nash and Brooks have his back, but have four more men to contend with as well. The Dudley Boyz seem to be the most solid team in this match with their total focus on putting someone through a table, but we see Spike and Bubba both crash through flaming tables after missing a couple splashes. Johnny and Acetaker manage to remain standing over everyone else long enough to help Rapid isolate Mack and set him up to be triple powerbombed through a flaming table to end the match.

Winners and still US Triple Tag Team Champions: Rapid + Johnny X + Acetaker @ 29 Minutes 14 Seconds

Main Event Match: Fatal 4 Way Unification
SEFWUN World Heavyweight Championship
WAR World Heavyweight Champion v. WUN World Heavyweight Champion v. Women's World X Diva Champion
The Sandman v. Strife(c) v. CM Punk(c) v. Elizabeth Marret(c) w/William Mack
Referee: Smokey McWeed

It was Sandman coming unglued from the beginning with his Singapore cane a swinging, and he cleared the ring, but found himself tackled by Mack who brawled with the hardcore icon out of the ring. Punk entering the ring to run out into a headbutt taking Mack down and Strife now enters scratching his head, but shrugs. As he sets up to run out we see Elizabeth come in with a forearm to the nomad warrior's head staggering him to the ropes. Elizabeth moves in kicking Strife in his midsection, then yanks him off the ropes into a side headlock takedown. Punk has Mack up on the outside exchanging chops to the chest with him as Sandman crawls back in and makes the in ring action a bit more interesting. Sandman getting Elizabeth out of the ring and tries to avenge his loss to Strife from earlier, but the nomad warrior still has life left and fights back. Elizabeth makes it back in the ring to make sure the boys don't forget she in this match while Mack and Punk fight into the back preoccupied with what has become a bitter rivalry. The CEO keeping up with the two boys in the ring and makes Strife work to remain champion, however its not to be the case when Elizabeth nails the Fall of a Kingdom on Sandman and pins him to be become SEFWUN World Champion.

Winner and NEW SEFWUN World Champion: Elizabeth Marret @ 38 Minutes 26 Seconds

Elizabeth stands tall in the ring getting awarded her championship titles which cover her in gold. Mack skipping back out to slide into the ring and hug his wife in celebration, then lift her on his shoulders to end the show.

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