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universal6 star tag team

Hardcore Heartbreaker

Started by Taylor Andrews, December 29, 2014, 01:56:06 AM

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Taylor Andrews

Bill Roberts

July 5th, 1985



Boston, Massachusetts

Theme Music

Finishing Move
Heartbreak Heaven
(Shooting Star Press)

Trademark Moves
Interview This (sets opponent up for a double arm ddt, but lifts them almost vertical in the air before dropping them on their head), Whack Off (Flying Leg Lariat), Boston Crab, Split Legged Moonsault, Bulldog, Powerbomb, 450 Splash, Hanging Suplex, DDT, Superplex, Dropkick, Shining Wizard, STF, Sleeper, Abdominal Stretch

Wrestling Style
High Risk Technician; Knows how to fly high and with grace, but can wrestle on the mat with fluid motion and capitvate crowds. His time working with many who have come and gone through SEF, plus training under Shane Mack has helped him a lot, Not the biggest, but not the smallest and can get somewhat cocky.

Pro Debut
June 18th, 2003

A rich kid born in Beverly Hills who got into wrestling, bought is way in, but did pay his dues by working a shitty gimmick. Got into SEF as Westside Wanksta in 2003 and stayed on the undercard til '07 when he dropped from wrestling and picked up a mic full time as an interviewer. He acted like a gangsta all the time, but was a real wanksta, always got a weird crazy eye with people if they wouldn't answer his questions, acted like he'd never back down, but always ran from people threatening him. He'd ask the hard hitting questions, questions that shouldn't be asked, that could get him beat to a bloody pulp, so he's had his ass kicked a lot! He always had a lot of heat acting all gangsta, but fooled everyone when he donned a disguise as a black man, as Nick Roland and even won the SEF International Title. Earned a lot of credibility pulling off that role. Revealed himself at SEF's Golden Glory '09 after failing to win the Tag Titles and now he's dropped his gangsta bit and wrestling under his real name trying to work his way up the ranks. Bill was another unfortunate victim of the mass firing in the fall of '09 and he too like many of those would come back in the summer of 2010 to be a part of SEF's revamped MCW which would get cancelled before its first show and instead Sacrifice was brought back, so Bill stayed to work that show. He competed in a tournament to name a new Underground Champ, did good in it, but lost and unsure of where to go now Bill searched outside of SEF. Came across a new company to Aimoo called RWF and looks to make his name known. Tried to get something going, but his mind was elsewhere and management did mis use him a little, not enough to cause any ill will, but enough to take a leave. He finds himself back in SEF now along with his bodyguard he introduced into RWF, Ice Bull, formerly known as Steve Whitemore in SEF, former chief of security as well, a great man to have watching your back. But Steve would take off leaving Bill to go solo until he revived the old jWo calling the group joe's World Order after fellow member Just Joe who did orginaze the reunion. Left the group to join impact X and work with the great Shane Mack and now looks at getting into a small tournament to crown a new World Champion!

Favorite Matches

Favorite Quote
"Yo Bitch...Interview This!"
"You can't handle the Whack Off"

Favorite Weapon
Ballbat, Chain, Microphone

Wears white and silver swirled tights with matching boots, knee pads, and wrist bands. Wears a white leather shirt to the ring and out of the ring often. Sometimes just a plain t-shirt with jeans and sneakers is what he'll be seen in out of the ring. Sports black sunglasses often and dresses up in a suit and tie if the occasion calls for it.

World Title, SEF International Title, SEF Referee, SEF Interviewer, SEF Ring Announcer

Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:04/09/2010 1:01 PMCopy HTML

Bill Roberts

July 5th, 1985

Height / Weight
6'1" / 215lbs.

Boston, Massachuessetts

Theme Music
Never Enough by Eminem

Pro Debut
June 18th, 2003

Finishing Move
Heartbreak Heaven
(Shooting Star Leg Drop)

Trademark Moves
Interview This (sets opponent up for a double arm ddt, but lifts them almost
vertical in the air before dropping them on their head), Whack Off (Flying Leg Lariat), Boston Crab, Split Legged Moonsault, Bulldog, Powerbomb, 450 Splash, Hanging Suplex, DDT, Superplex, Dropkick, Shining Wizard, STF, Sleeper, Abdominal Stretch

Wrestling Style
High Risk Technician; Knows how to fly high and with grace, but can wrestle on the mat with fluid motion and capitvate crowds. His time working with many who have come and gone through SEF, plus training under Shane Mack has helped him a lot, Not the biggest, but not the smallest and can get somewhat cocky.

A rich kid born in Beverly Hills who got into wrestling, bought is way in, but did pay
his dues a lil. Got into SEF as Westside Wanksta and stayed on the undercard til '07 when he dropped from wrestling and picked up a mic full time as an interviewer. He acted like a gangsta all the time, but was a real wanksta, always got a weird crazy eye with people if they wouldn't answer his questions, acted like he'd never back down, but always ran from people threatening him. He'd ask the hard hitting questions, questions that shouldn't be asked, that could get him beat to a bloody pulp, he's had his ass kicked a lot! He always had a lot of heat acting all gangsta, but fooled everyone when he donned a disguise as a black man, as Nick Roland and even won the International Title. Earned a lot fo credibility pulling off that role. Revealed himself at Golden Glory '09 after failing to win the Tag Titles and now he's dropped his gangsta bit and wrestling under his real name trying to work his way up the ranks. Bill was another unfortunate victim of the mass firing in the fall of '09 and he too like many of those would come back in the summer of 2010 to be a part of the SEF revamped MCW which would get cancelled before its first show and instead Sacrifice was brought back, so Bill stayed to work that show.

Favorite Match

Favorite Quote
"Yo Bitch...Interview This!"
"You can't handle the Whack Off"

Favorite Weapons
Ballbat, Chain, Microphone

SEF Accomplishments
International Title, Referee, Interviewer, Ring Announcer

SEFZONE Merchandise
jWo "Were Taking Over" T-shirt

Wears white and silver tights with mtching boots, knee pads, and wrist bands. Wears a white leather shirt to the ring and out of the ring often. Sometimes just a plain t-shirt with jeans and sneakers is what he'll be seen in out of the ring. Sports black sunglasses often.

Ring Entrance

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