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universal6 star tag team

WAR 2/26/2014

Started by Liz, February 23, 2014, 02:55:21 AM

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11:59:59 PM on February 26th, 2014
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Whitney Marret
The Owner handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.

SEW WAR General Manager
Kira Darland
The GM handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.


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MCI Center in Washington, D.C.

Theme Music

Opening Match: The Asylum
Description: A 12 ft diameter steel disc, 6 inches thick. A 1 inch thick hard rubber mat. Surrounded by a 5 ft high stell mesh caging, and wrapped in barbed wire, topped with Razor wire. Win by knockout, rung out, or submission, Biting, closed fist, scratching, anything and EVERYTHING is allowed.
Jordan Cut vs. A Native Americano w/Ric Flair
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match Two: 6 Person Tag Team
Damage Inc. (Talon & Jax O'Bannon, Kristin Fox) vs. Mid West Warriors (Simon Lee Nash, Matt Ward, and Heather Jackson)
Referee: Tom Walker

Match three: Singles Match
Drew Stevenson vs. The Mack
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match Four: Singles
Earl The Hobo vs. Danika
Referee: Doug Melvin

Main Event Match: SEW Heavyweight Championship
Phoenix Winterborn w/Whitney Marret vs. Taylor Andrews(c)
Referee: Tom Walker

Card Is Subject To Change



Opening Match: The Asylum
Description: A 12 ft diameter steel disc, 6 inches thick. A 1 inch thick hard rubber mat. Surrounded by a 5 ft high stell mesh caging, and wrapped in barbed wire, topped with Razor wire. Win by knockout, rung out, or submission, Biting, closed fist, scratching, anything and EVERYTHING is allowed.
Jordan Cut vs. A Native Americano w/Ric Flair
Referee: Doug Melvin

Both men stand in the ring as Ric Flair stands outside The Asylum set up to the side of the stage. Fans screaming and wooing for the Nature Boy who gives a loud...


Jordan Cut rushing in to A Native Americano who ducks around and waits for Jordan to come around lifting the cool cutter up into a spine shattering slam to the mat. A Native Americano with a stomp to Jordan's chest, then his head and pulls him up into an irish whip smashing the cool cutter into the mesh wall of the structure. The Director running into him for Justice, but Jordan dodging away at the last second letting A Native Americao slam into the wall bouncing off to his back. Jordan with kicks and stomps to his boss, the drops an elbow to his chest and pulls up A Native Americano for the Rock Bottom. The Director with elbows to Jordan's head and swings for a punch not looking to pull it like last week it seems. Jordan ducking around to try for The Cutter, but he gets shoved away and A Native Americano runs into a leap for a superman punch slamming his fist down smacking Jordan under the eye half as real as last week. The cool cutter staggering back to drop on his back stunned as A Native Americano lifts him up to throw Jordan up the wall into the barbed wire cutting the cool cutter's face and chest up with minor slashes. The Director yanking Jordan back shoving him across the mat, then rushes into Smoked locking up Jordan in the clutch making him give up.

Winner: A Native Americano

"Hell Yeah" plays over the pa bringing the crowd up to their feet for the dominant display of aggression the Director showcased. Ric Flair ordering the door open to enter the structure and raise A Native Americano's arm in the air, then exits with the Director to the back slapping him on the back as if to say good job while Nick Miller says.

Well at least we got more of a match this week as opposed to the shoot last week, although that one punch seemed to be pretty real and Jordan with a mark forming it looks like!?! Then again, its hard to tell with the scratches leaving him a bit bloody, but regardless, it was a brutal beating to someone who deserved a little sense knocked into him. Only time will tell if it worked or not, but next up its time to see which team prevails on WAR!?!

Match Two: 6 Person Tag Team
Damage Inc vs. Mid West Warriors
Referee: Tom Walker

Talon and Simon locking up to start this thing and then "Lowlife" plays over the pa bringing Mack out dancing arrogantly down the ramp letting the fans slap him on the back and even returns a few to outstretched hands. Mack skipping around the ring nodding to the Mid West Warriors as he goes by their corner and in the ring Simon has Talon in a side headlock wrenching hard on him. The Mack moving around to the announce table sliding in to have a seat next to Shady Smack who looks shifty eyed and jumpy due to Mack tossing him out of his chair last time he came out to the table. Mack just sits down putting a headset on as Simon is backed into the ropes and shoved across the ring. Talon running into a shoulderblock, but Simon hitting the O'Bannon harder sending him to the mat as Nick Miller says.

Welcome to ringside Mack, what do we owe this pleasure!? Here to scout the warriors again?

Mack shrugging as Shady looks leery of The Showsteala.

Yea, that's a reason as I saw the past shows and apparently we had something going, so I figure why not come see what's up!?! Plus Nick, I wanted to come out and tell you thanks for your help after that car wreck in Miami, you bee a good friend, so yea, thank you.

Nick says.

Your welcome Mack, but its not a big deal, our biggest draw needed someone and I always been behind ya. Your a reason I am sitting here with a job in SEF calling this action.

Mack smirking.

Stop kissing my ass and do it then! We got a big six person tag match and Simon Lee in control of Talon with a rear chinlock. Wonder if the son of Big Kev can measure up to his old man's legacy?

Nick says.

Well he is a double champion right now and stood out in the rumble, but Talon fighting up showing he came here to compete. Let's see if he can get his head in the game and stop getting sidetracked by your ass!?!

Mack shrugging smugly.

They all get caught up in my light cause its the biggest there is!!!

Talon getting to his feet and rallies back on Simon with punches, then whips the son of Nash to the ropes leaping into a spinning back kick. Simon ducking under to run near his corner where Matt tags him. Simon springing into Talon with a clothesline, then Matt comes in with a punt to the ribs of the O'Bannon. Matt dropping down into a few punches, then sits up Talon in a sleeper trying to put him out already as Nick says.

Damage Inc in control of this match so far. You show Maegan any moves Mack, something to give her an edge tonight!?!

Mack laughing a little.

Fuck if I know Nick, girl jumped on my cock and seems to enjoy the ride, so yea, maybe she picked up a few things!?

Talon fighting up with elbows to Matt's midsection and tries for a back suplex, but gets taken down by his hair to the mat and the ref with a warning. Matt sneering and pulling up Talon, but gets punched and kicked back, then the O'Bannon leaping into a spinning back kick sending one half of the Tag Champs down. Talon crawling to his corner making a tag and here comes Maegan off the top rope with a missile dropkick to Matt. Maegan into the pin,




kickout! The Fox on her feet kicking at Matt and looks out to Mack at ringside pointing to him and winking, then pulls up Ward to shove him and look for a superkick. Matt ducking to run into the ropes and bounce back taking Maegan down with a hard clothesline and drops into the pin,




kickout! Matt lifting Maegan up and sets up for the Vendetta, but Maegan flipping through to her feet and kicks Ward in the midsection. Maegan with elbows to Matt's jaw and leaps into a dropkick sending him down, then rolls to her corner making the tag. Jax comes in to take Matt down with a running dropkick and heads to the top rope pulling off a corkscrew 450 splash, but hits the canvas when Matt rolls to his corner. Heather tagging in to come in hitting Jax with elbows to the back of his head, then pulls him into a running bulldog. Heather getting up seeing Maegan trying to come in and runs into her with a running dropkick knocking the Fox out to slam into the announce table, then turns back to run into Jax with a dropkick sending him over the middle rope on the other side of the ring. Maegan calling for Mack who comes out of his seat to check on the Fox while Heather nails the 437 on Jax and tags out to Simon. Talon yelling at Maegan.


But Mack snaps back.


Simon Lee lifting Jax into the F-5 to hit it which brings Talon in, but Matt meeting him with a clothesline sending the O'Bannon out of the ring near Mack who has Maegan up. Simon into the pin to end the match and gets up smiling.

Winners: Mid West Warriors

"You Know It" plays over the pa and Talon livid and pissed at Maegan grabbing her arm forcefully to get shoved by Mack who hits Da Shows Ova sending the O'Bannon to his back on the floor. The crowd loving it and Mack stomping Talon's head into the floor, then spins off and grabs Maegan around her waist dipping her into a kiss. Mack letting her up to flash a sexy grin.

Stick around for my match and I'll show ya how a real man wins, then we go celebrate!!!

Mack winking and rolls in the ring to slap hands with Simon telling him.

Good job boy, you kids keep it up and we'll see what becomes of ya!?!

Simon nodding respectively to Mack and Matt nodding as well before the warriors exit the ring while Nick Miller says.

A good match by the Mid West Warriors who once again got Mack's attention, but so did Talon, although, not in a good way. The O'Bannon getting his jaw jacked and Maegan seems to be giving up her team to stay in The Showsteala's corner!?

Maegan coming in the ring hanging on Mack to wait with him until his opponent comes out.

Match three: Singles Match
Drew Stevenson vs. The Mack w/Maegan Fox
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Drew waiting for Mack to come out of a corner and The Showsteala laughing a little as he steps around arrogantly swinging his hair. His challenger having enough and comes in for a clothesline sensing disrespect, but Mack too quick for the kid and ducks around nailing knife edge chops to his chest. Drew getting lit up and rocked into a corner where Mack lays into him before backing off on the ref's count. Drew ducking out to the floor holding his chest shouting.


His chest reddened a bit and Mack with a crotch chop, then Maegan coming over, so Mack distracting the ref allowing his girl to slap the piss out of Drew. No really, looks like he pisses in his shorts, or he came from a hot chick actually touching his worthless ass!?! Drew sliding back in the ring where Mack stomps his face into the mat, then leaps up with a hard stomp to the back of his head. Mack backing up the turnbuckles waiting for Drew to get up and positions himself on the top rope to fly off into a clothesline taking Stevenson down. Mack rolling into a side headlock wrenching Drew into the mat and whips his legs up to drive knees into Drew's back. Drew trying to fight out, but decides he has had enough and gives up, literally, he tells the ref.


Mack letting go and rolls up as the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Mack

"Lowlife" plays over the pa and Drew on his knees looking frustrated he couldn't get out of the box against SEF's best wrestler, then stands and shakes his head no at Mack turning to leave. Maegan in the ring though and she slaps Drew across his face again to spin him right into Da Shows Ova and Mack dancing around grabbing his girl in a liplock. She pulls Mack down to the mat getting frisky and moving a hand down his pants as Nick Miller says.

Well that was odd of Drew to give up from a side headlock, but I guess Mack was too much for the kid!? Maybe he's still sore from the real punch A Native Americano gave Drew last week?! I don't think Mack minds, although I am sure he would have preferred a challenge rather than a cop out!?!

Mack rolling out of the ring with Maegan and takes her to the back skipping up the ramp and through the curtain leaving us to cheer and chant until we seem him again.

Match Four: Singles
Earl The Hobo vs. Danika
Referee: Doug Melvin

Earl in the ring looking unsure of himself and the SEFTRON comes alive showing Danika bent over in Mack's dressing getting railed by The Showsteala while Maegan Fox lays on Danika's back getting her pussy licked by Mack. So with that seen and getting a pop from the crowd we award the match to Earl via forfeit.

Winner: Earl The Hobo

"Like a Hobo" plays and Earl heading to the back as Nick Miller says.

Well I guess Danika doesn't care about wrestling and Earl, well, he doesn't seem to care much as he isn't doing much more around SEF than Danika. Least she gave us more pussy to see get fucked! But up next is our main event and sure to showcase two wrestlers who care for the business their in. Some words between them and respect is there, but Phoenix a little off on what Taylor had to say about him for the Golden Gal actually pinned him last week, not lost by DQ. Phoenix wants to be a leader and show the word what he can do, so if he can win the SEW Title tonight, he'll have a chance to do so, and hopefully he uses this chance better than he has before!?!

Main Event Match: SEW Heavyweight Championship
Phoenix Winterborn w/Whitney Marret vs. Taylor Andrews(c)
Referee: Tom Walker

Taylor stepping out of a corner as Phoenix stands in the middle of the ring and moves in close to go toe to toe, but lets loose a hard slap to the American Tradition's face. The Golden Gal leaping into a standing dropkick sending Phoenix down and scrambles over him with elbows to his head applying a side headlock. Taylor pulling Phoenix up running for a bulldog, but gets shoved into a corner with the American Tradition running in to slam a forearm to the Golden Gal's back. Phoenix turning grabbing Taylor's head to pull her out of the corner into a neckbreaker, then makes the pin,




kickout! Taylor reaching up with a punch, but Phoenix responding with his own and leaps up stomping her into the mat, then drops an elbow to the Golden Gal's chest. Phoenix rolling up to run the ropes springing into a kick to Taylor's head and drops into the pin,



kickout! Taylor shooting up and over while Phoenix gets up running the ropes again springing into a baseball slide dropkick knocking the Golden Gal under the bottom rope dropping to the floor. Phoenix rolling out to kick Taylor in her ribs, then yanks her up driving her back into the guard rail, then turns driving her against the ring. The American Tradition rolling Taylor in the ring and climbs in stomping her legs into the mat before going for Failed Redemption. Taylor fighting to keep free of the hold and crawling for the ropes getting close before Phoenix locks her in grounding her. The Golden Gal with pain etched on her face yelling, but not giving up. Phoenix holding on grimacing himself trying to force the champion into submission, but Taylor pulling herself over to grab the bottom rope and breaks the hold. Phoenix holding it until a four count before letting go and kicks at Taylor, then backs off. Taylor rolling out of the ring as Nick Miller says.

Hell of a match so far with Phoenix intent on winning, but Taylor well versed in submission wrestling. She seems to be taking a break, but here comes Phoenix after her.

The American Tradition rolling out and Taylor skipping around the ring making him chase her, but Whitney Marret stands in her way. Taylor going nose to nose with the CEO and holds her hands up, turns and ducks a clothesline from Phoenix who stops himself from running into Whitney. The CEO backing up to avoid a crash and shoves Phoenix out of the way to avoid a superkick from Taylor. The Golden Gal livid and kicks Phoenix in the midsection, then looks for an irish whip, but gets reversed to be sent knee first into the ring steps flipping over them to her back. Phoenix rolling in the ring to break the count by the ref and rolls out the other side where Taylor is getting up to kick her in the head. The Golden Gal swinging up to his midsection and Phoenix raining down punches to her head, then runs Taylor into the ringpost bouncing her head off the steel. Phoenix yanking Taylor up to throw her in the ring, then he climbs up to the top rope with Nick Miller saying.

An odd sight to see Phoenix going to the top rope, but the guy ay be pulling out all the stops in his pursuit to regain a World Championship!?!

Taylor getting to her feet and Phoenix flying off into a European uppercut to the Golden Gal, then scrambles into the pin,




kickout! Phoenix pulling Taylor up into a irish whip leapfrogging Taylor on the rebound and flies into a spinning heel kick repeating it two more times for the Reign of Fire. The Americano Tradition catching Taylor staggering up with a kick to her midsection and a hard chop to her chest, then pulls her in for the FireStorm nailing it and turns her into the pin,





kickout! Phoenix shooting up shocked and gets to his feet stomping ferociously on Taylor's head and all around her before yanking the Golden Gal up for the FireStorm, or attempts to do his finisher again. Taylor with an elbow to his head and leaps up grabbing the American Tradition in a facelock swinging around to bring Phoenix down in a ddt. The Golden Gal into the pin,




kickout! Taylor pushing herself up and heads to the top rope looking for a 450 splash, but gets knees driven to her midsection causing her to roll off clutching at her stomach. Phoenix staggering up and Taylor getting up on the ropes to spring off for a running dropkick, but the American Tradition managing to dodge to the side. Taylor landing on her back and sits up to get a kick to her spine from Phoenix. The American Tradition yanking her up with a whip to a corner and drives in with a clothesline to the Golden Gal, then lifts her to sit on the top turnbuckle. Phoenix shoving her legs behind the middle rope and pulls Taylor down and into the Eternal Ashes locking in the cross armbreaker. Taylor screaming and thrashing her body trying to break out of the hold, but Phoenix with it locked in and the Golden Gal swinging her other arm around fighting to get free. She refuses to give up and wearing down a little almost looks like she may pass out, but manages to drag herself and her challenger across the ring enough to grab the bottom rope. Phoenix waiting for a four count to break and rolls away catching his breath as Taylor pulls herself up on the ropes, then runs at her. Taylor springing off to duck a clothesline and whip around into a roundhouse kick against the American Tradition's head knocking him down. The Golden Gal heading up top to flip off in a senton bomb, then leans back in the pin,





kickout! Taylor rolling up Phoenix in a front facelock lifting him to slam a knee into his head, then tries for a suplex, but Phoenix with a counter suplex. The Golden Gal slipping down behind Phoenix dragging him backwards into a back cracker with knees to his back and rolls him into the pin,




kickout! Taylor pulling Phoenix up shoving him away and runs in for a sto, but gets an elbow to her head and Phoenix looking for the FireStorm. The Golden Gal with elbows to his head now and runs to the ropes flying back for the sto, but Phoenix ducking and both competitors run the ropes with the American Tradition hitting the Reign of Fire. Phoenix in for the FireStorm, but gets elbowed away and Taylor running into a sto, but gets elbows and pulled into the FireStorm. Phoenix into the pin to win the match title.

Winner: Phoenix Winterborn

"Lowlife" plays over the pa bringing rowdy crowd even higher in decibel as Mack skips out in his tights and boots. Phoenix stumbling up on the ropes watching confused as Whitney comes in a bit confused as well. Mack getting to ringside and Maegan Fox following him like a lost pup gets whispered something from The Showsteala. She heads around the ring as Mack hops to the apron dancing in to his muscle pose, then pops up in a crotch chop and pats Phoenix on his shoulder saying.

Good job boy!

Taylor rolling out and heading to the back as Maegan comes in the ring with a microphone and the SEW Title handing both to Mack who takes them look at each one. Mack handing the title to Phoenix I a show of respect, then lifts the mic to his mouth.

Take it, you earned it, but if you think that belt makes you the man, the battle has only begun!?! So hit the showers and get ready for a real match come the biggest show of the year as you need all the time you can get to face me. If ya think your hungrier than what lies behind these eyes, you already lost, now get lost or stick around, ya may learn something cause I gotta let Whitney here know what up with Mack!?!

Whitney arching a brow showing she is listening while Maegan has her arms around Mack holding her man tight.

Ya see, I been going over what happened in the last five years and not quite sure what to think cause I been tossing your chosen boy around for the last year as well as every other chump who came into SEF and after tonight's jobberific challenge, its enough sweetheart. I love ya, I love SEW, SEF, but until ya give me a challenge, don't book me on WAR and the same goes for the Anarchy show. I don't need to be in SEW...SEW needs Mack. I need to be headlining against the best in this world, against someone who delivers their best performance, otherwise, just leave me off the show and I will get into trouble all by myself cause we all know I know how to do that very well. Hell, I got XFW to keep me busy, and with Wrestle X on the horizon, I got ideas and wouldn't mind the time off. Let these boys and girls have the ring time to hone their skills and try to get on my level, otherwise its always gonna be the same as what we got tonight, Mack upstaging the talent to make them all look like jobbers!!!

Whitney not liking the sound of this, but she listens cause she knows Mack is right as do the crowd who eat it up and Phoenix listening as well.

Don't be mad honey, I am always here to be booked so if ya feel the need, fine, book me, but don't get mad at me when these no talent hacks give up cause they can't hang with Mack. I don't hold back, no slack from Mack who rolls hard leaving 'em all on their back, so give your boy here more time, give this girl hanging off my ass some ring time, hell, give it to Tina cause she needs it too. Give these so called talented wrestlers in SEW more time and let me do my thing cause that is what SEF needs and that is as good as it gets from anyone under this brand that is SEF. My word carries more weight on this entire network than anyone else's, so take it to the bank, cash it, and let's get the show rolling!!! I may have some memory loss, but as you can see I never lost a beat in this ring, hell, maybe I got something back after that car wreck in Miami, fuck if I know!?! All I know is how to wrestle five star matches cause I be a dumb jock with a small cock, but as you and this honey on my side can testify too, size means nothing when your name is Mack!!!

Maegan squeezing him tight and looking lustfully into Mack's baby blue eyes that are showing nothing, but a hunger like no one else has in this business. Whitney nodding ok as Phoenix just stares back at Mack listening as he should be. Mack just tossing the mic down and does a crotch chop, then takes Maegan in his arms laying her back in a hot, passionate kiss which brings them to the mat as "Lowlife" plays over the pa. Whitney exiting the ring on that cue and Phoenix heading out too as Nick Miller says.

Well there ya have it from Mack himself, the word that means more than any other in SEF whether ya love him or hate him, Mack knows what he is talking about. A damn good match between Taylor and Phoenix with the SEW Title changing hands and back in the camp of the Renegades of Peace, but for how long will the American Tradition hold it this time!? Only time will tell and we'll see what Whitney does for next weeks WAR where we see you all again for another kick ass Wednesday night event like only SEF can offer. I wonder what she'll think up after what Mack had to say, but until then, its been fun folks, so have a goodnight.

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