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universal6 star tag team

Sacrifice 58 {2/16/15}

Started by sopshowtime69, February 12, 2015, 11:30:08 AM

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11:59:59 PM on February 16th, 2015
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All questions or problems with the card can be addressed in the SEF:WUN Office, so just click the name above which is a link to where you can post any further inquiries.

Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, MI

Theme Music
My Sacrifice by Creed

Opening Contest
Singles Match

Taylor Andrews v. The Mack w/Elizabeth Marret

Mid Card Bout
Triple Threat Tornado Team Match

Priceless Paine v. Bill Roberts & Hiroku Shinobi v. West Coast Connection(c)
Sacrifice Tornado Team Championship

Main Event
The Hardcore Rumble

30 Wrestlers Will Enter The Ring One By One Every 90 Seconds & Compete In An Over The Top Rope Battle Royal Until 8 Are Left
Those 8 Will Compete in the X-Cage Until 1 Remains & The Winner Receives A World Title Shot @ Wrestle X

Click Here For a Description of the X-Cage

Card Is Subject To Change

Color Commentator
Nick Torres
Play By Play Commentator/Timekeeper
Nick Miller
Greg Boone
Ring Announcer
Samantha Winters
Head Referee
Smokey McWeed
Tom Walker


My Sacrifice by Creed kicks the show off playing in the background of the always amped up Detroit crowd here in the Joe Louis Arena. Nick Miller just another fan is eager to get started with Sacrifice.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our thirteenth anniversary of SEF's foundation date, February the sixteenth. I am Nick Miller here with you to celebrate and with me is the Westsiders Edge himself, Nick Torres."

Torres says.

"Let the celebration begin as we get The Hardcore Rumble to look forward to and The Mack opens the show against Taylor Andrews, a classic match set to happen there."

Miller says.

"No doubt about that, those two had an awesome cage match last Friday on Anarchy, but I am concerned Mack may not be a hundred percent."

Torres says.

"Mack ain't ever a hundred percent, no sweat."

Miller says.

"Apparently you missed the show cause Mack passed out during the match allowing Taylor to slip out, but he was actually in control before it happened, was doing a pose acting arrogant as usual."

Torres says.

"If Mack is booked and he shows, he is fine, so don't worry about it Miller, we are gonna see a kick ass match tonight and find out who faces Mack at Wrestle X when The Rumble comes to us live in Detroit. Maybe Mack will be in The Rumble and win it to face himself at Wrestle X, or Smokey's mop, finally!?!"

Miller says.

"Smokey is a referee now."

Torres says.

"Then he don't need the mop and it may be in training for the big opportunity to face Mack at Wrestle X and finally the mop beats Mack to take the gold home to the broom closet!!!"

Miller asking.

"Where the hell did you come up with that from? You been smoking some of that medicine going around this state?"

Torres says.

"I'm excited man, Mack is all geared up for the road to Wrestle X to begin and find out his opponent, but we may see him enter The Rumble, he's a glutton for punishment."

Miller says.

"You may be right on that one. Mack always comes back, so let's see who is going to be coming for him at Wrestle X when The Hardcore Rumble comes to you live tonight on Sacrifice. Plus we have a triple threat tornado match for the Sacrifice Tornado Team Titles, but first is Taylor Andrews and The Mack, one on one, with Elizabeth Marret at ringside."

Push It To The Limit plays over the pa bringing out the new SEF Owner and he styles the same tuxedo he wore in his debut, only black with a red bowtie and white undershirt. His expression a bit cold as stays on the stage to lift a microphone in his left hand saying.

"The opening contest tonight is being changed due to what happened to The Mack last Friday, so I am making this a tag team match with Mack and Elizabeth Marret teaming up. They will face the team of Taylor Andrews and her partner Rick Reynolds, plus this match will be for the SEFWUN World Heavyweight Championship which will become known as The Network World Heavyweight Championship from here on out. So if Mack and Elizabeth win, Elizabeth keeps her title, but if Taylor and Rick win, then whoever makes the deciding fall will win the title."

Mr Bear lowering the mic to turn and walk off the stage letting the announcement sit in and the match get underway.

Opening Contest
Tag Team Match
Taylor Andrews & Rick Reynolds w/Frank Hussar v. The Mack & Elizabeth Marret(c)
The Network World Heavyweight Championship
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Taylor and Elizabeth locking up to start this match and are evenly matched on power, but Elizabeth with the experience edge to go behind in a hammerlock. Elizabeth shoving Taylor to the ropes and spins into a heel kick, but the golden gal ducking to spring across the ring bouncing off the ropes into a flying roundhouse kick. Elizabeth ducking Taylor and springs off the ropes into a low dropkick smacking the golden gal in her head. The true dominant woman of the ring pulling Taylor up in a front facelock to slam knees into her head, then twists the golden gal around for a swinging neckbreaker and scoots into the pin,




kickout! Elizabeth keeps Taylor grounded with a side headlock trying to force her face into the mat, but the golden gal fighting up to her knees. She slams her elbow to Elizabeth's midsection allowing Taylor to fight to her feet and back the true dominant woman of the ring to the ropes. Elizabeth springing across the ring to get tagged by Mack while Taylor ducks under a clothesline from the Marret. Mack springing off the top rope to take Taylor down with a clothesline whipping the golden gal to the mat. Taylor popping up to get taken down with a spear from Elizabeth who rolls to her corner climbing out to the apron. Mack off the ropes into a baseball slide dropkick to the golden gal's head and goes for the Show Strangla. Taylor trying to scurry into the ropes and keep Mack's legs from locking in the hold as Nick Miller says.

"Mack going for the Show Strangla early in this match, but Taylor has had the wind knocked out of her quite a bit it seems."

Nick Torres says.

"Its too early though, Taylor hasn't lost a beat since her return showing us she is still on the fast track to that number one spot."

Taylor getting her feet on the bottom rope as Mack gets the hold locked in and the ref counting him off before realizing he needs help unlocking his legs. Mack rolling away to get up and shake out his legs as Taylor rolls to her corner tagging Rick in. The natural sinner trying to move in sneakily on Mack, but the showsteala slapping him away and circles with Reynolds before engaging him in a collar and elbow lock up. Rick trying to kick Mack in the knee, but gets blocked and a thumb to the eye. Mack taking Rick into a side headlock, then swings around through a hammerlock to latch back on with another side headlock. Rick trying to shove Mack away and nails forearms to his midsection, but the showsteala running into a bulldog. Mack rolling up to leap into a stomp on the back of Rick's head, then spins off arrogantly beaming like the showsteala he is. Rick tries to get up, but Mack comes from behind with a kick to his back and dances up the natural sinner's back into a little strut before leaping up sideways to drop a elbow to Rick's spine. Mack trying to lock him in the Show Strangla now and Rick scooting across the ring trying to get away. Taylor runs in to dropkick Mack in his head, but Elizabeth flies in to tackle the golden gal out of the ring and well the ref tries to break them up we see Frank Hussar slide in to cut Mack in half with the gore. Frank gets out in time to meet some punches from Strife who runs out to help his Impact X brother, but Priceless Paine flocks to the ring backing their Triad brothers. They help Frank get Strife isolated, but Elizabeth ends up flying off the ropes into all three taking them down with a splash. Taylor pulling herself up on the apron as Rick tries for The Plunge on Mack, but the showsteala getting free to spring off the ropes into a flying roundhouse kick to the natural sinner's head. Taylor coming in to jump on Mack's back nailing forearms to the side of his head, then pulls him up looking for a rear naked choke drop. Mack backs her to a corner and dives out to duck Rick's clothesline. Rick whipping around to duck a spinning wheel kick from Mack and Taylor catches Mack with a superkick before being forced from the ring. Rick with a superkick to the back of Mack's head and into a german suplex for SIN and a bridge making the pin to end this one.

Winners: Taylor Andrews and the NEW Network World Heavyweight Champion, Rick Reynolds @ 22 Minutes 36 Seconds

Taylor in the ring as Rick gets up to run into him with a flying knee to his head dropping the natural sinner, then the golden gal slides out of the ring as Elizabeth Marret comes in. The golden gal a bit furious as she heads up on the stage yelling...


Frank pulls Rick from the ring and Strife comes in the ring now. Jason gets Rick's title he won and regroups with The Triad on the stage with Taylor gone and they stand tall while Strife helps Mack up and the showsteala hugs his friend. Mack pulls Elizabeth in to embrace her, then raises both her's and Strife's arms showing their band is just getting warmed up. The sound of Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory plays over the pa as Impact X drops their arms in crotch chops leaving Nick Miller to say.

"We got a new Network World Heavyweight Champion and its Rick Reynolds who pinned Mack to earn the title, although it was not without controversy to say the least."

Nick Torres says.

"The SEF motto Miller, Champions and Controversy, something Mack defined SEF as being the home of. Now Rick Reynolds has capitalized on a situation where he has bigger number allowing him to walk away the World Champion. Just wonder if he can get a numbers advantage in the rumble later?"

Miller says.

"If he can get his Triad brothers around him we may see Reynolds walk out a winner again, but in the rumble everyone wants to win, plus the competition this year is as strong as ever. Makes last year look like a cake walk!"

Torres says.

"I'll take your word for it Miller as I had other things to do last year than watch some new kids prance around here wasting space that the real talent like Ruemash, Bill Roberts, Jake Voss, Taylor Andrews, and more would have benefited from a lot better than the other nameless chumps did!"

Miller says.

"You may not have been out here, but you know what you are talking about. Its good to have real talent gracing the SEF ring again, although we got some free agents that could good one day. Simon Lee Nash has been a standout, especially last year."

Torres says.

"I'll take your word for it Miller, you know what you are talking about cause you got a good eye. Simon Lee better get on board if he expects to keep up with what I see coming on Sacrifice cause these boys over here are very hungry."

Miller says.

"No doubt about that. After being held down so much over the years they are beyond ready, although that may mean its too late for some!?! Tonight its not too late for two of them to walk out with gold. Up next is a triple threat tornado team match for the Sacrifice Tornado Team Titles."

Mid Card Bout
Triple Threat Tornado Team Match
Priceless Paine v. Bill Roberts & Hiroku Shinobi v. West Coast Connection(c)
Sacrifice Tornado Team Championship
Referee: Doug Melvin

Bill and Hiroku knock Priceless Paine out of the ring early on to collide head to head with the champs and look strong in doing so, like we may see new champs real early. Jay and Mesa come back strong though showing why they are the champions and Priceless Paine gets back in the mix wrestling the other two teams to the mat. Jay and Mesa taking control though, until Rick Reynolds saunters out with his new title, accompanied by Frank Hussar. Frank enters the ring and nods to Bill who turns into Hiroku with a roundhouse kick to the head. Bill runs into Jay with a dropkick to the chest while Frank takes Mesa into a corner delivering the Prime Cut. Chris and Jason nail a back heel trip, spinning wheel kick combo on Hiroku and pin him to end this match.

Winners and NEW Sacrifice Tornado Team Champions: Priceless Paine @ 13 Minutes 48 Seconds

Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays over the pa as Bill Roberts stands with The Triad on the stage raising his arms in the air as if he is one of the brotherhood. Hiroku in shock as he rolls from the ring and Nick Miller says.

"My god what a turn of events here tonight from Bill Roberts who just turned on longtime friend Hiroku Shinobi. Those two went back to their early days in SEF when they were running around with the jwo, they were founding members and have teamed together for over a decade, what a shocker."

Nick Torres says.

"Yea, its crazy when a friend turns on ya, but it happens a lot in this business, it has to happen in order to be number one. Bill wants it and is taking his spot. Wonder how Hiroku will react cause this is a opportunity for him as well, as in how will he get his revenge when he does?!?"

Miller says.

"And coming up is a opportunity for him to make his mark in The Hardcore Rumble where it is every one for themselves in a thirty person over the top rope battle royal, but the last eight remaining will have to fight their way out of the X-Cage with eliminations occurring through trap doors of the floor of the cage around the ring. That cage hanging above us now and its huge folks, it has to be to contain eight people and it will right here tonight, live."

Main Event
The Hardcore Rumble
30 Wrestlers Will Enter The Ring One By One Every 90 Seconds & Compete In An Over The Top Rope Battle Royal Until 8 Are Left
Those 8 Will Compete in the X-Cage Until 1 Remains & The Winner Receives A World Title Shot @ Wrestle X
Referees: Smokey McWeed + Doug Melvin + Tom Walker

So first out is Josh Diabolical who stretches his arms getting ready while Jake Voss comes out as the second entry. Jake rushing into Josh right away trying to eliminate the diabolical one cause he knows its gonna be a long night. Josh fighting off the ropes to shove Jake backwards, then dives into a tackle taking the Voss down to hammer him with punches. Jake tosses Josh off and hops on him hammering down punches on the diabolical one. Josh turns Jake over and gets in a few punches before getting tossed off and kicked under the bottom rope to the floor. Jake getting up and Josh scrambles back into the ring pushing himself up to tackle Jake again, but the Voss gets a quick kick to the diabolical one's midsection. The defiant god going for Victimized, but gets shoved to the ropes by Josh who charges for a clothesline trying to take Voss over the ropes. Jake with elbows to Josh's head as the buzzer sounds and Slow by Professional Murder Music plays bringing Rapid out in a run. Rapid sliding in the ring and gets up hitting Josh with the Exterminator. Jake with clubbing forearms to Rapid's back tries to toss him over the top rope, but Rapid grabbing the top rope to stop the momentum. Rapid with a elbow to Jake's jaw and kicks him in the midsection going for the RX Explosion. Jake grabbing the ropes to pull himself out of the move and under the top rope to the floor. Rapid backing up to motion him in the ring and Jake waves him off leaving the Impact Facta member to kick Josh in his head. He lifts Josh up into a spinebuster slamming him to the mat, then tosses Josh up to launch him over the top rope. Jake runs in to blindside Rapid, but gets caught with a diving clothesline instead. Josh is able to hang on to the ropes keeping himself on the apron and rolls back inside as the buzzer sounds bringing The Infection by Disturbed playing over the pa. Bill Roberts flies out to the ring springing up to the top rope and leaping off into a dropkick taking Rapid down. Bill up to duck a big boot from Josh and springs off the ropes into a spinning wheel kick. Jake getting up and Bill up first to kick Voss in the head, then yanks him up for a scoop slam trying to toss Jake over the top rope. Jake holding on to the ropes and from this point we see Frank Hussar join the rumble followed by Jordan Brooks and The Mack. Around the 8 minute mark is when Frank Hussar is eliminated by Mack with an assist from Jordan Brooks. Acetaker and Jason Price come out before we see Josh Diabolical eliminated around the 11 minute mark. Strife comes out to help Jordan Brooks eliminate Acetaker, then we see Johnny Rebel and Mesa enter before our next elimination which turns out to be Jake Voss, around 16 minutes into this match. A Native Americano comes out next to clean house eliminating Jason Price and Johnny Rebel around 17 minutes before tackling Mack who nearly drops the native over the top rope. Kayleia Manson and Rick Reynolds come out and around 20 minutes we see Rapid eliminated by Mack and Strife with an assist from Reynolds. A Native Americano eliminates Jordan Brooks around 21 minutes before we see Cool Jay Lou come out followed by Cassie Michaels and Johnny X. Around 25 minutes we see Mesa eliminated by Cassie and Kayleia, but Kayleia being sent out too as Cassie shrugs and continues to fight. Courtney Michaels and Chris Paine end up in the ring before our next elimination which Johnny X does with a spear through the ropes to Cool Jay Lou around 28 minutes. Steve White enters the ring a few seconds later and not to soon after we see Strife taken out by the Triad members leaving Mack to battle all three. Cassie and Courtney trying to eliminate Johnny while Steve targets A Native Americano showing us a brawl between the big men. At the thirty minute mark is when Velzian joins the action in this years rumble and about a minute later we see Courtney Michaels eliminated by the man from the fifth dimension. Mack eliminating Chris Paine before our next entrant comes out and its Red Flowers and next up is Hardcore Haz, then the golden gal, Taylor Andrews, and business picks up big time. Taylor targeting Mack, but with no love for the Triad she ends up battling back to back with Mack a few times. Hardcore Haz eliminates Cassie Michaels with the help of Johnny X around 36 minutes and here comes our next entrant. Hiroku Shinobi runs out to fly in the ring on a mission to eliminate Bill Roberts. Rick battling Mack and Taylor who battle each other while A Native Americano gets some help from Red Flowers to eliminate Steve White. Red and the Native battling as Ruemash enters the ring next and kicks Velzian out of the ring eliminating him around 38 minutes. Ruemash fighting Johnny X and Hardcore Haz which sees Haz eliminated with a Rogue Kick. At 39 minutes we see Earl The Hobo run out looking for his brother only to get eliminated with a Rogue Kick from Ruemash a few seconds later. Johnny trying to dump Ruemash over while Red Flowers gets tossed out by A Native Americano who turns his attention to Rick Reynolds leaving Taylor and Mack to fight it out. Bill and Hiroku in a deadlock trying to battle for that number one spot and 30 seconds over the 40 minute mark is when we see Trent Flash enter. Trent going for Mack and Taylor uses him to help her get the showsteala on the ropes. 90 seconds later we see our final entrant is Spaydz who comes in to help Johnny. Ruemash fights off both men and dumps Spaydz over the top rope to eliminate him around 43 minutes. A couple minutes later see Mack get Trent Flash over the top rope to bring this rumble to a intermission. The referees get in the ring to keep the final eight wrestlers separated while the ring crew takes the ropes down and Nick Miller says.

"Folks, I got word that the new SEF Owner, Mr Bear, has declared this change to The Hardcore Rumble, that when the X-Cage comes into play we see the ropes removed to allow more freedom in each corner of the cage. So all we have is the ringpost which may have padding on the top, but still has less give than a human body."

Nick Torres says.

"That is true Miller, that steel post hurts. I can tell you that from experience and my spine has never been the same since. I like the idea of removing the ropes as it does allow more freedom to fight. I been in that cage and it can be cramped, although I won the rumble before, so yea, I can tell you its a hardcore rumble for sure."

Miller says.

"I am sure you can, but it seems we are ready to get the action going as are the stars in the ring, so let's get to the conclusion of The Hardcore Rumble and find out who goes to Wrestle X!?"

Torres says.

"Or will Mack go on to pick his own opponent?!"

The X-Cage locked in with Bill Roberts and The Mack locked together while A Native Americano squats down in a corner staring down his singles opponent in this second part of the rumble, Rick Reynolds. Johnny X and Taylor Andrews already embroiled in a lock up in their corner while Hiroku Shinobi sizes up his larger opponent Ruemash. Hiroku with kicks to Ruemash slowing the large irish warhorse down a bit while Taylor gets the advantage over Johnny with a few of her own kicks. Taylor smacking Johnny in the head with a feet of fury while Mack smacks Bill's head off the chain walls that make up this cage. A Native Americano just stalks Reynolds around the ringpost in their corner while the natural sinner seems to be taking his sweet time before getting physical. Johnny comes back on Taylor using his power edge over the golden gal to hold her in a bearhug, then slam her into the walls of the cage. Taylor getting slammed on to the metal floor of the cage around the edge of the ring and Johnny drops a elbow to her chest. Johnny into a side headlock as Ruemash has taken over in his corner of the cage to batter Hiroku off the walls trying to tear this place down around them. Ruemash with a powerslam and then presses Hiroku high over his head to just toss him into the wall. Reynolds finally engages A Native Americano only to thumb his eye and get the native into a hammerlock and a side headlock. Ruemash into the Rogue Kick on Hiroku and gets him out of the door in the metal floor to eliminate him around the 60 minute mark leaving the big man wait with a pace. Bill running Mack into a wall of the cage with a dropkick rocking the showsteala off the chains hard. Johnny eating the cage wall as Taylor shoves him into it, then runs into him with her knees slamming Johnny in his head. Taylor into a piledriver and tries to eliminate Johnny through the door in the floor while Reynolds stands off with A Native Americano after the big man won't go down. Rick shoving the native, but ANA just glares at him begging the natural sinner to strike him down. Johnny fighting Taylor to stay in this match while Ruemash keeps pacing in his corner before looking up and shrugging before he ascends up the chains. A bit of a struggle for the big irish warhorse, but he scales up to the top as Mack fights off the onslaught of Bill Roberts. Bill hurting as the signs of his long time in this rumble is showing, but he rallies on kicking Mack in the chest and then the head. He tries rolling Mack over and out the door, but the showsteala to strong willed to remain in the game. Ruemash over the top of the center wall makes his choice to jump in with Rick Reynolds and A Native Americano. Rick pleads with the irish warhorse to side with him once again and let the Triad roll on forever and it appears to be a reunion, at first. ANA indifferent to this just begs them to strike him and Ruemash gives the bearded beast what he wants with punches rocking the native to the wall. Rick gets in some kicks on ANA and Ruemash takes control whipping the native across the chamber to follow up for the Rogue Kick. ANA ducking to take a clothesline from Rick and Ruemash with a Rogue Kick to Rick knocks him down and out it seems. Ruemash all over ANA trying to keep the native down with kicks and punches while Johnny sets up for X-cution on Taylor. The golden gal countering into a sto and the T & A is locked in while Mack keeps Bill from locking in a submission. Bill trying to get Mack turned into a boston crab, but the showsteala twisting out and slams Bill to the cage floor. Mack rolling up to use the chain wall stepping up quick with his feet to flip backwards into a moonsault on Bill. A Native Americano is on Ruemash's shoulder looking to be javelined into the wall, but slips backwards to send the irish warhorse into it. Ruemash turns to get caught with a hard clothesline rocking the irish warhorse to the floor, then rolls him up into a sto. ANA stalking Rick now to hit him with Justice and drag the natural sinner to the door shoving him out, then turns to Ruemash trying the same. Mack with a german suplex to Bill and goes for another rolling up, but its reversed and the showsteala gets launched to the back of his head. Taylor with Johnny out of it from the T & A submission and so the golden gal let's go to try and drag him out of the door in the floor. Ruemash keeping himself from being eliminated and punches his way into control of his chamber shoving A Native Americano into a corner of the walls. The irish warhorse looking for the Rogue Kick, but ANA ducks out to turn around into his own boot he slams into the back of Ruemash's head. Johnny staying in the rumble and looks for X-cution again, but Taylor leapfrogging to snap off a superkick and finally eliminates the Impact Facta member. Bill and Mack both winded as they continue to keep the pace high speed while Ruemash keeps swinging for A Native Americano in the chamber next to them. Taylor all alone and just sits back watching the action as the chamber Ruemash started in is empty and the wall separating their chambers lifts out now. Taylor standing up looking like she may get involved in one of the chambers when the wall separating her from Mack and Bill lifts up leaving A Native Americano and Ruemash remaining in a small chamber. Taylor wasting little time in taking Mack down with a running dropkick, then ducks a roundhouse kick from Bill to sweep his legs and drop a leg across his throat. Ruemash with a death valley driver to A Native Americano and tries eliminating him while Taylor delivers a snap suplex to Mack and climbs up the wall to leap off with a moonsault to the showsteala. She pops up and Bill grabs her for a german suplex, but the golden gal flipping through to her feet and waits for Bill to get up. Taylor running into Bill with a knee to the head and gets up to kick Mack in his head. Mack ducking to leap up in a dropkick sending the golden gal down while Ruemash aims for a Rogue Kick, but A Native Americano ducks to rebound into Justice. Ruemash able to leapfrog the native and turns into a hard diving clothesline, then picks up A Native Americano to deliver R & R into the corner of the cage. Mack with an armbar on Taylor looking for the Show Strangla as Ruemash forces A Native Americano out the door to eliminate him. Taylor escaping from Mack to get up on her feet and is met with a superkick from Bill who leaps to the top of the ringpost flipping off in a twisting somersault senton bomb on the golden gal. Mack running into a low dropkick smacking Bill in his head, then pulls up Roberts into the Mack Attack. He forces him through the door of the floor, or tries to as Bill goes headfirst and uses his arms to try and hang on. The chamber walls separating Ruemash are finally lifted up and here comes the irish warhorse to help Mack with a stomp to Bill kicking Roberts to the floor eliminating him. Ruemash hammers on Mack now and tries to shove him down through the door and here comes Taylor with a running dropkick knocking both men down. The golden gal grabbing Mack for a piledriver, but gets backdropped to the cage floor. Ruemash nailing the Rogue Kick to Mack, then he lifts up the showsteala to deliver R & R into the corner of the cage crumpling Mack to the floor. Taylor into a running dropkick knocking Ruemash down and the golden gal leaps on to a ringpost to soar off with a diving headbutt to Ruemash nailing it. The golden gal hurting, but forces herself up to stalk Mack and aim for a superkick, but the showsteala catches her foot to spin Taylor around. She whips into a roundhouse kick and Mack ducks to catch her for a german suplex. Taylor flipping through to her feet and staggers to run into a spinning wheel kick taking Mack down. The golden gal leaping on to the cage wall climbing up and launching herself backwards into a moonsault on Mack, then she leaps up into as stomp on his chest. Taylor dragging Mack to a door in the cage floor to push him through, but the showsteala fights up and looks for a roundhouse kick. Taylor ducks into a skip, then snaps off a superkick to Mack sending him falling through the door into elimination. Ruemash charging for the Rogue Kick, but Taylor ducks it and Doug Melvin gets knocked out when he climbs up through the door to referee this match. Ruemash confused for a second and Taylor takes over quickly with a running knee to his head slamming the irish warhorse into the side of the cage wall. She rolls him over into the pin and Smokey helping Mack yells at Tom to get in there and do the job. Tom gets Doug out of the cage and shuts the door, then Taylor yells.


The golden gal upset as Tom drops down to count,





kickout! Taylor jumping up to slap Tom across his face and turn back kicking Ruemash in his head, then the golden gal lifts him up into a snap suplex. She rolls into a cross armbreaker and Ruemash screaming in pain drives his elbow into the mat with intensity. Ruemash rolling up Taylor to make the pin,




kickout! Taylor holds on with the cross armbreaker getting Ruemash on his stomach now, but the irish warhorse pushing himself up to swing Taylor up and around to the mat in a arc rotation. Ruemash rolling away holding his left arm and gets up as Taylor forces herself up into a charge at the big man. Taylor ducking a charging Ruemash in a matrix like move to flip back into a pele kick catching the irish warhorse on the back of his head. Ruemash staggering and Taylor into a superkick floors the irish warhorse to his back, then the golden gal hops on to a ringpost steadying herself. Taylor leaps high to perform shooting star press into a leg drop across Ruemash's throat and moves into the pin ending this match.

Order of Entry
Josh Diabolical
Jake Voss
Bill Roberts
Frank Hussar
Jordan Brooks
The Mack
Jason Price
Johnny Rebel
A Native Americano
Kayleia Manson
Rick Reynolds
Cool Jay Lou
Cassie Michaels
Johnny X
Courtney Michaels
Chris Paine
Steve White
Red Flowers
Hardcore Haz
Taylor Andrews
Hiroku Shinobi
Earl The Hobo
Trent Flash
Order of Elimination
Frank Hussar
Josh Diabolical
Jake Voss
Jason Price
Johnny Rebel
Jordan Brooks
Kayleia Manson
Cool Jay Lou
Courtney Michaels
Chris Paine
Cassie Michaels
Steve White
Hardcore Haz
Earl The Hobo
Red Flowers
Trent Flash
Hiroku Shinobi
Rick Reynolds
Johnny X
A Native Americano
Bill Roberts
The Mack

Winner: Taylor Andrews @ 92 Minutes 31 Seconds

Foxy, Foxy by Rob Zombie plays over the pa as Taylor sits up in joy of this moment, her moment to make her Wrestle X dream come true. The golden gal hops to her feet as the cage raises up around her and this Detroit crowd a bit mixed, but all of them on their feet. Taylor pointing to the Wrestle X logo hanging up in the rafters and motions to a title around her waist as Nick Miller says.

"What a rumble that was and what a win for the golden gal who really fought her heart out here tonight even if the crowd isn't the happiest with her."

Nick Torres says.

"Taylor Andrews put it all on the line and solidified her spot at Wrestle X and like her or not, she earned it. Many say she should have won last year had a certain scandal not happened."

Miller says.

"Yes, there was some political work in play last year thanks to Viper, the dominant player. But Taylor realized her dream of headlining Wrestle X and will do so against SEF World Heavyweight Champion, The Mack, and this year is our tenth anniversary of the biggest show of the year. So don't miss it folks, and don't miss us next time on the SEF network for only a dollar a day when we bring you eXtreme this Sunday, goodnight."

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