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Tonya Walker, Has A New Attuide.

Started by Tonya Walker, October 08, 2023, 12:37:33 AM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker new Killer Music and Entrance Hits she Walks Down To The Ring With a Purpose in Mind, she walks down to the ring not taking her eyes off of the ring, goes to the steel steps climbers under the ring ropes, in the ring, she looks toward the audience, and she then takes a deep breath and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. Ever Since i Came Here i have been  treated as a afterthought a Joke Simon is right but No More Iam sick and dam tired of Taylor Andrews, Running over everyone she been on top for so long it is Damm Sicking you hear me! Taylor i have yet to defeat you, and show the world  and everyone here! what Iam copiable of i know i just Know i can defeat you and make my name here as one of the all time greats!

Tonya Walker. Well Tonight That ends i know i can do this Simon is right it is time for me to step up, i had lot's of chances i always come out short, well not tonight! tonight iam going to give you the best match of my entire career aim not going anywhere u ran my friends out of here well I'm sorry Bitch but mother fucker Iam not going anywhere! it is me vs u and your little boy toy Chris Orton who i heard shoots blanks! anyway

Tonya Walker, Bitch it has been a while since we have been in the ring with somebody like me iam going to do through you like knife through a steak and bitch iam the oven! Iam going to break every rule Iam going to destroy everything u stand for Iam not going to take it easy on you Andrews Iam not going to take it easy on anyone!

Tonya Walker. you been on top here for so Long and hell its all right with me that you and simon are good respectful, friends and soon he is going be looking at a new woman!

Tonya Walker. but i wil save that for another time, it hurts you don' it andrews i would not want to be in the ring with me i showed the world what me and lexi are made of during the last time we faced each other in the triple threat trios match it stil hurts you don't it! dont it does it burn inside of your soul! cause i tell you something iam ready to be a player iam ready to be somebody iam more ready then ever!

Tonya Walker im not going anywhere but to this ring to totally destroy you and Chris Orton im done being treated as a joke tonight it is my time this is mine and lexis time!

Tonya Walker i mean hell your tag team partner proably wont even show up he sucks he is a complete asshole does that hurt you Taylor does that make you angry cause i tell you something it makes me very happy and satisfied tonight you are going to see a new side of Tonya and this new side of me is never ever ! going away !

Tonya Walker. iam done being a joke side of entertainment for you people iam done tonight all of you are going to see why me and my sister are called the most dangerous sisters in the world trust me this is a side of us that everyone was afraid was going to be shown you know what.

{ she stares in the camera with a sick smile on her face and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. you are going to wish Simon Nash never awoken up this side of us cause he is and bitch now that iam awake this crazy ass mother fucker is not going anywhere! the old funny laughing Tonya is sleeping and she can sleep all she wants haha.

Tonya Walker tonight me and Simon are going to completely destroy u2 they going have to call 911 in order to stop us bitch nobody can stop us Nobody good luck cause you are going to need it

she waits
Tonya Walker.

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