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universal6 star tag team

WAR 109 {3/20/13}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 25, 2014, 07:09:13 PM

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March 20th, 2013

The GM Palace packed with a crazy crowd of canucks in Vancouver tonight as WAR kicks off with pyro blasting off over the ring.


Is what Nick Miller shouts, then the voice of SEF says.

Tonight we get to see Rick Reynolds defend the Xtreme Title against The Queen Julie who is heading into Wrestle X with an SEF Title shot. Julie with a win last week looks to win two World Titles in SEF in two weeks time. Kimberly Pain is looking to become the II Champion of SEF while Phoenix Winterborn battles Showstoppa Champion Steve Weigel in a non title match. The winner will get a World Title shot of their choice next week! But the main event tonight is The Showsteala going one on one with the SEF Champion Jake Voss just a week and a half before our biggest show of the year. That is non title as well, but quite personal and looking to be a fight!

Bob exhaling a hit of his blunt.

About time Mack got his hands on that chump of SEF. Jakey boy gonna get fucked up unless he and the DVF got some bullshit planned!

Nick says.

Who knows what may happen in the headliner of the night, but that's why everyone came to see that match. We got a good undercard though and more gold up for grabs with Tristan Darland defending the Internet Title against Tim Stone. A big triple threat tag match involving the Tag Chamnps, though its non title, plus we see some fatal four way action and more!

Phoenix Winterborn v. Steve Weigel
Shane Mack is Banned from Ringside
Referee: Doug Melvin

Winner: Phoenix Winterborn via Disqualification due to Jake Voss intefering @ 23 Minutes 47 Seconds

After the match we see Jake and Steve with a beatdown. Jake holding Phoenix for Steve to bash him with the Showstoppa Title. Phoenix ducking it and Jake gets sent down. Steve charging Phoenix who rolls out of the ring heading to the back and Steve just leaving disappointed.

Internet Championship
Tim Stone v. Tristan Darland(c) w/Kira Darland
Referee: Steve Whitmore

Winner and still Internet Champion: Tristan Darland via Pinfall @ 7 Minutes 28 Seconds

Fatal Four Way
The Star v. Kasey Winterborn v. Skull v. Jordan Cut
Referee: Harry Hunter

Winner: Jordan Cut via Pinfall over Kasey @ 11 Minutes 38 Seconds

The Star laying Skull out with The End on the ramp just heads to the back leaving Jordan to celebrate his win posing on the turnbuckles.

Flamez v. Axel
Referee: Steve Whitmore

Double Count Out @ 8 Minutes 29 Seconds

Axel and Flamez brawl into the back where security breaks them up and the GM of WAR makes them fight in a steel cage next week.

The Queen making her way out on the stage to a rousing ovation just smiles as she struts down the ramp. Julie flanked by Taylor Andrews who limps out on crutches in blue jeans and a pink DIVA shirt. The Sexy Sensual Sweeties heading to the ring with Julie entering by the steps while Taylor rolls in under the ropes. Julie getting a mic stands in the middle of the ring with Taylor arrogantly leaning on her left shoulder and the crutches.

Last week was a prelude to what is to come and tonight The Queen takes that Xtreme Title from the Natural Sinner. I told you I would beat you and now you get to suffer humiliation two weeks in a row by losing to The Queen. However, anyone and everyone should know that it is not that humiliating to lose to this woman. Despite what some people think, there isn't a wrestler in SEF today who can out match me. Steve Weigel, if you ever get the balls to find out the truth, step in the ring with The Queen. As for you Ricky, get your ass out here and let's go cause I want gold. I'm getting hungry for the SEF Title at Wrestle X and tonight is my appetizer!

Julie lowering her mic just smiles with a gleam of determination in her eyes.

And here comes the Natural Sinner to a chous of boos wearing a silver and white robe with no feathers and sort of silky. His blonde hair hanging down and Rick swaggering down full of cockiness just undoes his robe revealing the Xtreme Title around his waist. He heads up the steps and calls for his own mic raising it up as he stands a few feet from his challenger.

Listen here Queenie, you and your bimbo aren't half a match for the Natural Sinner and the real Worlds Champion of SEF. Tonight the appetizer is too much for you to handle unlike last weeks fluke win. Why don't you send your tramp sidekick to the back and see what happens when its really one on one?

Taylor scowling at that and Julie just smiling.

First of all, I don't know what it is your talking about!?

Julie sarcastic now keeps smiling.

Second, if Taylor wants to leave she can for she is no sidekick and if your not careful, she may kick your ass before I do!

I could whip both your skank asses at the same time if I had to!

Rick seething a little just smirks arrogantly as Julie scoffs and Taylor rolls her eyes getting ready to fight. Rick saying.

The only humiliation is going to be for the so called queen to tap out tonight to the Natural Sinner. When I clamp on the Deathtrap you will taste sweet death if you refuse to give up! Now get your slut sidekick out my ring so I can show you and the world who the greatest World Champion in SEF is!

Julie holding Taylor back and the Golden Gal exits the ring so the match can begin.

Xtreme World Heavyweight Championship Match
Julie w/Taylor Andrews v. Rick Reynolds(c)
Referee: Harry Hunter

Winner: Julie via Disqualification @ 22 Minutes 37 Seconds when Rob Rush charges in to Spear Julie

Taylor dropping a crutch slides in with a good spring in her step, like she don't need them anymore!? She uses the other crutch to catch Rob in the ribs, then smack him across the back. Taylor dropping the crutch nails a roundhouse kick to the head. Rick rolling out grabs his title and heads to the back, but Taylor getting a mic looks up to him yelling.


The crowd cheering and Rick nodding no way. Taylor seething.

Next week I am returning to the ring and I was informed earlier that it would be in a match for an Xtreme Title shot at Wrestle X. And no matter who my opponent is, Ricky, it will be you and I at the biggest show of the year and the Golden Gal shines bright again. This time its with a World Title, the one your holding, so clutch it tight Ricky!

Taylor grinning now and she drops the mic checking on Julie.

Triple Threat Tornado Tag Team Match
Chris Paine & Jason Price v. Cool Jay Lou & Mesa v. Bill Roberts & The Grand Minoru
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Winners: Cool Jay Lou & Mesa via Pinfall @ 16 Minutes 33 Seconds when Mesa pins The Grand Minoru

Josh Diabolical v. CWS
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Around 12 minutes CWS sends Josh through the ropes with a dropkick, then leaps over the top with a splash. Josh moving out of the way sends kicks to the drunks ribs, then rips him up tossing CWS across the announce table. Josh grabbing a chair folds it up to smack CWS across his head.

Winner: CWS via Disqualification @ 13 Minutes 19 Seconds

Josh laying in to CWS with a couple more shots and the drunk is bleeding profusly now. Josh yanking the drunk up sends him headfirst into the ringpost, then goes to grab him again, but security comes out stopping him. Josh dragged away and CWS staggers up out of it, but ready to keep fighting.

II Championship Match
Kimberly Pain v. Rob Rush(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

Around 15 Minutes Kimberly has Rob reeling in a corner with chops to his chest and tries for an irish whip. Rob with a reversal rushes in after Kim to the opposite corner for a clothesline, then follows up with a bulldog and the pin,



kickout! Rob pulling Kim up into a firemans carry, but she slips down for a russian leg sweep. Rob with an elbow to her head, but here comes The Star sliding in and into a spear on the II Champion.

Winner and still II Champion: Rob Rush via Disqualification @ 17 Minutes 38 Seconds

The Star rolling out and Kimberly chasing him to the back leaves Rob to try and recover, but Bill Roberts coming from the crowd grabs the II Title. Bill slides in and catches Rob in his head with the title, then stands up posing arrogantly with the championship over his head.

Main Event
Jake Voss v. Shane Mack
Phoenix Winterborn is Banned from Ringside
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Around 30 Minutes we find Mack in control with a side headlock clamped on Jake holding him to the mat. Both men sweating and Jake letting his shoulders lay on the mat,


and he pulls up trying to fight free. Mack hanging on to him tight drags Jake up for a bulldog, but gets sent into the ropes. Mack springing back for a flying forearm smash gets taken over into a quick powerslam. Jake popping up with stomps to The Showsteala's chest drops a knee to his head. The SEF Champion pulling Mack into a front facelock tries for a ddt, but gets charged into a corner. Mack burying his shoulder to Jake's ribs a few times comes up with a european uppercut, then whips Jake out of the corner. Jake with a reversal sends Mack to the opposite corner and charges in leaping up for a splash. Mack ducking out lets Jake stagger around into Da Shows Ova, but here comes Steve Weigel into the ring with his Showstoppa Title. Weigel bashing Mack in the head just puts the boots to The Showsteala.

Winner: Shane Mack via Disqualification @ 34 Minutes 25 Seconds

Weigel standing tall with his title, but here comes Julie sliding into the ring. Weigel getting tackled to the mat by The Queen and escapes from the ring heading up the ramp as Nick Miller says.

Despite efforts made to keep this main event and our opening match from being tainted we still saw inteferance. Weigel laying Mack out gives The Showsteala a DQ win, but Julie letting the Showstoppa Champ know he may have bitten off more than he can chew with his comments about The Queen! As a result of earlier in the opening match we will see Jake defend his SEF Title just four days before Wrestle X against Phoenix Winterborn next week on WAR! Will Jake be able to hold on to the gold or will Phoenix be able to capitalize on the opportunity to win the biggest title of his career?

Bob exhaling a hit of his blunt.

I hope the hell he does after the shit Jake has been pulling. Someone needs to put him in check and if Phoenix don't, ya can bet your ass Julie will!

Nick saying.

One would think so and Julie has already made no bones about who see wants to face saying she has a shot the SEF Champion and it don't matter who it is come Wrestle X, The Queen is taking the gold! Julie almost winning the Xtreme Title tonight, but Rob Rush intefering in the match gave her the DQ win and not the title. A lot of DQ's tonight as the action is getting hot and heavy around here on this WAR torn road to Wrestle X. With the biggest show of the year a little over a week away what will we see next week? Its our last WAR before Wrestle X and no doubt it'll be good, but who will walk out of WAR and on to the biggest stage of the year as SEF Champion!? We'll find out next week and we'll see ya then, so goodnight and see ya there!

Dark Main Event Tag Team Match
Jake Voss & Steve Weigel v. Shane Mack & Julie

Winners: Shane Mack & Julie via Pinfall when Julie pins Jake @ 24 Minutes 38 Seconds

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