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Anarchy of WAR 1/20/2016

Started by Simon Lee Nash, January 16, 2016, 05:37:59 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Roleplaying Deadline
8 PM EST on Jan 20, 2016
Click Here To Check Your Time zone

Role-play Limit
3 per Character

This Brand is Rated TV-PG with a caution for Violence!

Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Theme Music
Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil (opening theme)
Berzerk by Eminem (closing theme)

Opening Contest
SEF Titan Championship
Fatal 4 Way Match 
Ruemash vs Bill Roberts vs Cool Jay Lou vs Jordan Brooks(c)
Ref: Alex Zapata

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match 
Simon Lee Nash & San Yo Mitzu vs Jason Stratus & Dean Rush
Ref: Richard Fernendez

Main Event
SEF World Heavyweight Championship Match 
Mesa with Christine Nash vs The Showsteala(c) with Clay & ESC
Ref: Michael Bullock
Card Is Subject To Change
AoW Producer
Tim Stone
Nick Miller
AoW Play By Play Commentator
Michael Flecha Jr.
AoW Color Commentator
Anthony Florio
Greg Boone
AoW Interviewer
Maegan Silva
Ring Announcer
Samantha Winters
AoW Ring Announcer
Derek Ferriera
AoW Referees
Alex Zatapa
Michael Bullock
Richard Ferendez


As the world tunes in for AoW (Anarchy of WAR), the opening video plays on the screen as the sound of Pop Evil's "Welcome To Reality" plays.  The video ends and sounds of cheering from the sold out crowd are cheering and chanting as the camera cuts to inside the arena where a camera in seen walking through the crowd in the halls.  Walking towards a curtain and then the arena is shown, the music continues to play as the camera cuts to a ringside camera where Nick Miller, Michael Flecha Jr., and Anthony Floria are sitting behind the announce table.  With the sounds of the music playing and the crowd's loudness, the commentary team continue talking.

Nick: "Tonight is going to be huge as tonight's main event will be.....are you ready for this.....a Battle Royal".

An image appears on the screen of the AoW ring and the word "BATTLE ROYAL" overlapping.

Anthony: "Wow!"

Michael: "Whoa, that gets me to thinking about what we've been hearing online.  I don't know if Social Media is spreading rumors but something about a war between IXF and CC.  I don't know if it's true or not but you can't always believe what you read unless it's from us here in SEF".

Anthony: He laughs.  "Yeah, that's refreshing".

Michael: "Listen, if there is something between Impact Facta X and Coastal Connection, then that's tonight but let's get on with the show".

Nick: "Up first we got a good match for everyone.  Are you ready for this"?

Anthony: "Here we go with a Fatal 4 Way Match for the SEF Titan Championship Match".

The camera cuts to a wide shot of the arena and an image of the SEF Titan Championship is seen on the screen.  As it disappears, the camera cuts to inside the ring and Samantha Winters does the introductions as Nick Miller sounds the bell.


::Match 1::
Fatal 4 Way Match - SEF Titan Championship
Ruemash  vs.  Bill Roberts  vs.  Cool Jay Lou  vs.  Jordan Brooks (c)

[Samantha] "The opening contest for Anarchy of WAR is scheduled for One Fall and is the Fatal 4 Way Match for the SEF Titan Championship"!!

The crowd pops for the match as the first participant's music plays.

As "On Through The Night" by Def Leppard plays, Ruemash walks to the ring as the crowd reacts with cheers and boos.  Ruemash enters the ring and is met by the referee who checks him for illegal weapons.  As he's standing in the ring and waiting on the other opponents, the music of the next individual plays.

"The Infection" by Disturbed hits the speakers and the crowd erupts with cheers as Bill walks through the curtain to a loud roar from the sold out crowd.  Walking to the ring, he locks eyes with Ruemash and the Two stare at each other as the crowd continues cheering.  Bill enters the ring as the Two still are staring at each other while the referee checks Ruemash.  The music of the next participant plays.

Linkin Park's "Breaking The Habit" plays and the crowd quickly cheers and boos as Cool Jay Lou calmly walks out from the curtain and down the aisle.  Looking in the ring at his Two opponents, he looks back at the entrance and turns back to the ring and enters the ring as the referee separate each man into their own corner.  As CJL is being checked, the music for the Fourth and final participant plays.

"Scream" by Avenged Sevenfold plays and the crowd erupts with cheers as the SEF Titan Champion walks out of the curtain.

As all Four (4) are in the ring, the referee gets the title from Jordan Brooks as the bell sounds again.  Samantha then begins to introduce the match.

[Samantha] "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall and is for the SEF Titan Championship"! 

The referee raises the title over his head as the crowd cheers and then shows the title to each participant before handing it off to the outside ring attendant. 
[Samantha] "Introducing first, the challenger from Los Angeles, California.  He is COOL JAY LOU"!!

The crowd responds as Samantha continues introductions.

[Samantha] "And his opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts, he is the Hardcore Heartbreaker....he is BILL ROBERTS"!!

The crowd again responds while Bill acknowledges the crowd.  Samantha continues the introductions.

[Samantha] "Their opponent, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he is The Steel City Warrior, and a member of the Coastal Connection.  This is RUEMASH"!!

The crowd reacts to Ruemash's introduction with cheers and boos as Samantha continues speaking.

[Samantha] "And their opponent, he is the current and defending Titan Champion, from Brooklyn, New York....this....is....JORDAN BROOKS"!!

As Samantha exits the ring, the bell sounds and the crowd cheers as all Four look at each other.  The Three challengers nod at each other and go after the champion, Jordan.  As Jordan is knocked down, the Three kick on him but he rolls out the ring. 

Anthony: "This is broken down".

Nick: "This is a brawl and we knew it would be".

The referee tries to step in but gets pushed aside.  Ruemash goes out after Jordan but Cool Jay Lou blindsides Bill Roberts with a clothesline to the side of the head, knocking him into the turnbuckle.  As CJL delivers knees into Bill's gut, Jordan sends Ruemash into the announce table.  CJL tosses Bill outside and Jordan grabs him and throws him into the ring apron.  CJL motions to the crowd and steps outside the ropes. 

Michael: "And here we go".

On the apron, he jumps off and hits anyone standing with an elbow.  The elbow knocks down Bill and Jordan but then jumps onto a downed Ruemash and starts throwing blows.

As the referee is in the ring trying to get someone to get back in the ring, he can't get control of the situation and so he gets on the floor.  With all the chaos, no one pays attention to him as they're still fighting.  The referee gets back in the ring and Jordan manages to slide back into the ring.  Following him is CJL but is met by a boot to the side of the head.  CJL is leaned over the second rope and Jordan grabs him and delivers Protection.  The crowd reacts with a loud "OWW".  CJL falls into the ring and crumbles to the mat.  Jordan picks up CJL and pushes him into the corner.  He smiles before connecting with a Sweet Chin Music, snapping back CJL's head.  As he staggers out the corner, Jordan hits an RKO in a combination he calls "The Ultimatum".

Nick: "WHAT A MOVE"!!

Michael: "That's why he's the champ".

Jordan looks around at Bill and Ruemash still battling out on the floor and covers CJL.  The referee starts to count.


The bell sounds and Bill and Ruemash quickly stop and look in the ring.  Samantha announces the winner as "Scream" by Avenged Sevenfold plays.

[Samantha] "Here is your winner and STILL SEF Titan Champion....JORDAN BROOKS"!!

Bill and Ruemash rush the ring as Jordan slides out and runs around, grabbing his title from ringside.  As Jordan grabs the back of his head and walking backwards down the aisle, he stares in the ring at Bill and Ruemash who are pointing at Jordan.  Jordan turns around and walks through the curtain.  Bill and Ruemash look at each other in disgust.  As Bill turns, Ruemash grabs him and turns him around and pushes him into the ropes and hits a Rogue Kick.  The crowd boos as Ruemash exits the ring.

Referees rush the ring to aid Bill and Cool Jay Lou to the back.

Nick: "Looks to me like the Steel City Warrior just declared war".

Anthony: "I can tell you that Ruemash is going to have something to say about that".

Michael: "It was a match that was brutal and let's move on to more people that's brutal and that's your favorite team, Nick".


Nick: "It's now time to see Impact X Facta in action".

Michael: "Personally, I love seeing these guys in action but Jason and Dean are no pushovers either".

Anthony: "You're right so let's get to the match".

Inside the ring, the bell sounds as Samantha begins to announce the next match.

[Samantha] "The following Tag Team match is scheduled for One Fall.  Introducing first...

The music of "Retaliation" by CFO$ plays.  While the crowd cheers, Samantha introduces the individual.

[Samantha] "Making his way to the ring, he is DEAN RUSH"!!

As Dean walks to the ring and slides under the ropes, Samantha introduces his tag partner for the match.

[Samantha] "And his tag team partner..."

The music of "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin plays and the crowd cheers while Samantha continues speaking.

[Samantha] "This is JASON STRATUS"!!

With Jason in the ring with Dean, it's now time for the introduction of their opponents.

Nick: "Yes, here it comes.  Here's what I was waiting for".

Anthony: "Nick, do you need a minute"?

Michael: "Get it together man, you act like you're in love with them or something".

The music of "Blaze Of Glory" by Jon Bon Jovi plays and the arena goes nuts. 
They cheer so loud that the commentary team cannot hear themselves.

Nick: "WOW, guys can you hear me"?

Michael: "What"?

Anthony: "Dammit people, I can't hear.  Thank you, geez".

Samantha starts her introduction.

[Samantha] "And their opponents, making their way to the ring, representing Impact X Facta...the team of SIMON LEE NASH and SAN YO MITZU"!!

::Tag Team Match::
Simon Lee Nash & San Yo Mitzu  vs.  Jason Stratus & Dean Rush

Both men walk to the ring with giving their fans high fives.  At ringside, they look in the ring and their opponents and slowly climb the steps and stand on the apron.  They point at their opponents as they enter the ring.  All Four men begin attacking each other as Samantha quickly exits the ring.  The referee tries to restore order as San Yo catches Dean with a low blow.  Simon and Jason are delivering rights and lefts until Simon knocks Jason down with a hard uppercut.  San Yo and Dean rolls out the ring and leaves Simon and Jason in the ring.  The referee calls for the bell and the match officially begins.

Anthony: "About time, get this match started".

Nick: "They knew what they were doing.  That's why they're the elite group here in AoW".

Michael: "Aw, shut up.  You're kissing ass and you know it".

Jason catches Simon with an elbow to the face but Simon returns with a boot to the gut.  With Jason bent over, Simon picks up Jason for a suplex but drops his on his shoulders setting up for an F-5.  The crowd goes nuts as Simon hits the move and outside the ring, San Yo gets on the apron and connects with a running Hurricanrana onto Dean and sends him into the wall barrier.  Simon pins Jason as the referee slides into position.


Nick: "YES...YES...YES"!!

The bell sounds as the music of Jon Bon Jovi's "Blaze Of Glory" plays again.  Simon and San Yo shake hands as the referee raises their hands.  Samantha's voice is heard as she sits at ringside...

[Samantha] "The winners of the match, the team of San Yo Mitzu and Simon Lee Nash"!!

Michael: "Dean and Jason never had a chance".

As the winners walk away, referees come to the aid of Dean Rush and Jason Stratus as the camera cuts to the commentary team at ringside.

Nick begins laughing.

Nick: "Wow, that was a match.  I feel sorry for the guys that piss off Impact X Facta.  But hey, are you guys ready for this?  It's time for the Battle Royal".


Anthony: "We started tonight with a title match and then that beat down and now this?  What else exciting can happen tonight"?

Michael: "The night's not over so let's see".

Nick: "Right about that so let's send it to Samantha to get the rules".

The camera cuts to in the ring and Samantha as the bell sounds.  Samantha speaks saying...

Samantha: "It's now time for the main event (the crowd pops with cheers) and it's time for the Battle Royal!!  (The crowd continues).  The rules of the match are as follows, each participant will enter the ring and when all have entered, the match will begin.  Eliminations happen when you're thrown over the top rope and both feet hit the floor.  The last man standing will be the winner of the Battle Royal.  (The crowd cheers again). 

Nick: "What I like about this match is that yes that little thing on the end that says "...and more" because we know in a Battle Royal, you never know who's going to show up".

Michael: "Well, shut up and let's get on with it already.  I can't wait to see this".

Anthony: "It's an every man for himself type match but it's not looking that way right now as these teams are working together to eliminate the other team".
The music of AoW, Pop Evil's "Welcome To Reality" plays, as the roster begins to make their way to the ring.

Michael: "Well, here we go".

::Main Event::
Battle Royal
Chris Orton, Dead Dawg, Jake Voss, Josh Diabolical, Mesa, Ruemash, Bill Roberts, Cool Jay Lou, & more


Bill Roberts, Chris Orton, Cool Jay Lou, Jake Voss, Jordan Brooks, Ruemash, Cliff O Clink, Dead Dawg, Jordan Cut, Josh Diabolical, Marijuana MacMan, Mesa, Phoenix Winterborn, Simon Lee Nash, and Steve Weigel are all in the ring for tonight's 15 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal and all hell breaks loose with Impact X Facta targeting the Coastal Connection to kick off this main event, especially since San Yo Mitzu helps the IXF in the ring despite not being officially in the match. Chris Orton dumps Steve Weigel over the top rope, then nails Phoenix Winterborn with the Put Down. He drags Phoenix up to toss him over the top rope as Marijuana MacMan backdrops Jordan Cut over the ropes to the floor. Jordan Brooks sends Cool Jay Lou over the ropes and tackles Ruemash off Simon Lee Nash to try and take him over the ropes. Bill Roberts has San Yo Mitzu up on the turnbuckles with the young Japanese warrior hanging on to the ropes. Josh Diabolical and Dead Dawg double team Cliff O Clink who ends up clotheslining Josh over the top rope to the floor. Marijuana MacMan helps Dead Dawg with Cliff while Chris Orton and Mesa brawl it out. Chris with a knee to the midsection of the Arabian knight, then runs him to launch the King of SEF over the top rope. Mesa lands on the ropes and springs back into a roundhouse kick to the head of Chris Orton. Simon Lee and Jordan Brooks dump Ruemash out of the ring, then target Bill to save San Yo. Mesa running in to dropkick Simon in the chest, then gets up to battle it out with Jordan Brooks. Jake Voss sticking and moving manages to keep out of everyone's way until he helps Dead Dawg and Marijuana MacMan eliminate Cliff O Clink. Jake trying to talk the two into working with him, but they double team the defiant god. Chris Orton helps Jordan Brooks eliminate Mesa, then stares down with the Titan Champ. Simon with a clubbing forearm to the back of Chris and Jordan readies for his superkick, but hits Simon when the CKO ducks. Chris off the ropes to drop Jordan with a clothesline, but San Yo flies into him with a dropkick to the head. Bill Roberts off the ropes with a his own dropkick flooring San Yo down, then the hardcore heartbreaker delivers kicks to the head of San Yo. Jake Voss escaping Marijuana MacMan and Dead Dawg to spear down Bill, then the defiant god kicks at Jordan Brooks before hoisting him to lay him on the top rope. Dead Dawg running over for a big boot, but Jake ducks letting him hang up on the top rope. Jake meeting Marijuana MacMan with punches, then kicks the MacMan Family leader low and drops him with a ddt. Chris Orton running into Jake with a clothesline to take him over the top rope, but the defiant god holding on to hit the apron and roll back in tripping Chris. Jordan and Simon double team Bill to eliminate him, then turn to Dead Dawg, but Marijuana MacMan joins the fight once again and sends Simon over the top rope. Jordan backdrops Dead Dawg only to get a running clothesline from Marijuana MacMan taking the Titan Champ out of the match. He turns to run into both Chris and Jake for a double clothesline across the ring, but they both turn to duck and backdrop the MacMan Family leader from the ring. Jake with a low kick to Chris and delivers Victimized, then drags him up to dump Chris over to the floor, so Derek Ferriera makes the announcement.

"Here is your winner of the match and the number thirty entrant into The SEF Rumble, Jake Voss."

Rock You Like A Hurricane plays over the pa as Jake stumbles up ecstatic over his win and shouting.


Jake getting his AoW World Heavyweight Title belt to celebrate with it while Nick Miller says.

"What a battle royal that was and Impact X Facta broke all the rules as expected, but it was the defiant god who pulled out the win."

Michael Flecha Jr says.

"It came down to Chris Orton and Jake Voss like last time on Anarchy of WAR. Wonder if they will meet up in the Rumble two weeks from now?"

Anthony Florio says.

"Unlikely since Chris Orton is now the number one entrant due to coming in second to Jake Voss!"

Michael says.

"Chris is a former World Champ and if he wants it again he may push himself to take out twenty nine others including the thirtieth entrant, Jake Voss!!"

Nick says.

"That he may as its been done before, so we shall see in two weeks. The SEF Rumble is going to be huge and live right here on Anarchy of WAR in just two weeks from this night, as Michael Flecha indicated earlier. That is where the Road to Wrestle X will begin, with The SEF Rumble as the winner will face the SEF World Heavyweight Champion at our biggest show of the year, Wrestle X."

Berzerk plays over the pa closing out Anarchy of WAR as Nick wraps it up.

"Been a hell of a night here with Impact X Facta representing big time in the absence of their leader, The Showsteala, who is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion. We'll see you all in two weeks for The SEF Rumble and who knows what else, or who we'll see, so until then, have a goodnight folks."

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