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universal6 star tag team

WAR 166 {8/27/14}

Started by ropsef4832, August 10, 2014, 08:34:38 PM

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SEF:WUN Board of Directors
The Board members will collaborate together on the direction of WAR and what talent should be used with the WAR GM handling the general nature of the show while the SEF:WUN GM oversees her. The Director/Producer will make any big decisions and usually handle headliners and main events.

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Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo, MI

Theme Music

Match one: 12 Person Tornado Team
Shot @ US Triple Tag Titles Next Week on WAR
Kevin Nash + Simon Lee Nash + Brady Henderson v. Jeremy Ward + Matt Ward + Heather Jackson w/Larissa v. Trent Flash + Red Flowers + JR Hawk v. Johnny Rebel + Steve Weigel + Tim Stone
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match two: Singles
Winner Receives A Shot @ The Light Heavyweight Title On WAR 167
Drew Stevenson v. Jordan Cut
Referee: Tom Walker

Match three: Singles
Skull v. Rob Van Dam
Referees: Doug Melvin

Match four: Submission
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Johnny Camaro v. William Mack(c) w/Elizabeth Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Main Event Match: Singles
WAR World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels v. Elizabeth Marret(c) w/William Mack
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Card Is Subject To Change



Nick all hyped up for tonight in Kalamazoo at the Wings Stadium just three nights after the King of SEF pay per view.

"Nick Miller here with you tonight where we got some high stakes on the line in five matches. Two World Title matches are featured with HBK challenging Elizabeth Marret for the WAR strap and Johnny Camaro challenging Mack for the SEF strap. Jordan Cut has a chance to earn a Light Heavyweight Title match next week and three of twelve wrestlers compete next for a chance to earn a US Triple Tag Title shot next week. We also got RVD in action, plus a 24/7 Chaos Title, so no telling how hardcore the action may get as is the case on WAR!?!"

McMoney chiming in.

"Where the hell is my World Title shot?"

Nick says.

"Not sure Michael, not really sure why they left you off the card even!?"

McMoney acting arrogant.

"Yea, really, maybe I outta take matters into my own hands!?"

Nick says.

"What's that supposed to mean? Anything to do with the crew you have been hanging around lately, the trio of Trent Flash, Red Flowers, and JR Hawk?!?"

McMoney acting offended.

"Were just friends Nicky, just friends."

Nick says.

"Ok then, well folks, we got a good show lined up and apparently something coming from my partner here who wants involved in the show it seems, so let's find out what happens on WAR!"

Match one: 12 Person Tornado Team
Shot @ US Triple Tag Titles Next Week on WAR
Kevin Nash + Simon Lee Nash + Brady Henderson v. Jeremy Ward + Matt Ward + Heather Jackson w/Larissa v. Trent Flash + Red Flowers + JR Hawk v. Johnny Rebel + Steve Weigel + Tim Stone
Referee: Doug Melvin

Michael McMoney got involved trying to help Flash, Flowers, and Hawk win the titles, but was not able to take the titles in this match that saw the ring pretty filled up a few times. The WAR GM, Kira Darland, abused her power giving Brady's team the advantage by declaring the other teams able to be disqualified for breaking the rules, where as Brady's team wasn't. All four teams kept the pace fast and furious until Kevin Nash was able to hit the Jacknife Powerbomb on Steve Weigel, then lifts Simon Lee up for a bodyslam dropping him stomach first on Steve for the pin to end the match.

Winners: Kevin Nash + Simon Lee Nash + Brady Henderson @ 12 Minutes 45 Seconds

Johnny Rebel comes backstage in anger looking ready for more of a fight, so he finds Jordan Cut and slams the 24/7 Chaos Champ into a wall, then hits Rebel Yell to pin him and win the title.

Match two: Singles
Drew Stevenson v. Jordan Cut
Referee: Tom Walker

Jordan Cut after The Cutter via Pinfall @ 4 Minutes 23 Seconds

Jordan comes backstage fired up from his win after steamrolling through Stevenson, so off to find Johnny Rebel and win back his 24/7 Title. Brady Henderson gets involved though and ends up taking the title for himself.

Match three: Singles
Skull v. Rob Van Dam
Referees: Doug Melvin

Skull trying to overpower RVD and keep him down with quick strikes, but the bigger man fairly agile. RVD couldn't be kept down and showed off some of those trademark moves and kicks before hitting his patented 5 Star Frog Splash to end the match.

Winner: RVD @ 9 Minutes 57 Seconds

Jordan Cut finds Brady Henderson in the WAR GM's office attacking him with a fierceness in his eyes. Kira ends up knocked down in the brawl and Jordan taking the 24/7 Chaos Title after nailing The Cutter on the GM's desk. Jordan runs off before medics show up to check on Kira.

Match four: Submission
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Johnny Camaro v. William Mack(c) w/Elizabeth Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Johnny talking smack to Mack who taunts further bringing his opponent swinging for the fences. Mack ducking and catches Johnny coming back around with a snapping kick to the midsection and nails the Mack Attack, then slips on the Show Strangla. Johnny a little out of it allowing Mack to lock it in and that awakens his opponent to scream for a release. Mack holding tight and smirks a bit sarcastically.


Mack shouting that and Johnny trying to get his legs apart, but its as if they are locked like a vice and the challenger taps his hands signaling he had enough.

Winner and still SEF World Champion: Mack @ 3 Minutes 16 Seconds

The referee has to help Mack unlock his legs after they rub his knees it appeared, perhaps to loosen them up, but why!? Once the hold is broken we see Mack hopping up with no problem standing and celebrates his quick victory with Elizabeth who enters the ring awarding her man with his title. Johnny getting up and looks for a superkick on Mack who ducks and Liz kicks Johnny in the midsection to hook his arms and nail the Fall of a Kingdom. Liz gets up and Mack raises her arm in the air, then the Extreme Dominant Couple exit the ring to head backstage where Greg Boone approaches them.

"Mack, Elizabeth, nice to see you both, and Mack, what a way to make short work of Johnny Camaro. Were you expecting a better challenge than that?"

Mack nodding no as he laughs.

"I was hoping for a better match, but I guess the kid isn't quite the big boy he claims to be, so maybe his accolades should be questioned!?! I mean hell, what is it that he ever did in SEF that entitles him to think he is some top star?!?

Greg shrugs.

"Exactly Boone, so step aside while me and my wife go have a minute alone before we go back out there and Lizzy defends the WAR World Title."

Mack shoving Greg a little, then pats him on the cheek as if to say sorry in a sarcastic manner before escorting Elizabeth off to their room.

Main Event Match: Singles
WAR World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels v. Elizabeth Marret(c) w/William Mack
Referee: Smokey McWeed

A dazzling performance by both competitors making this the main event to see for sure. A match that went back and forth with so much suspense and wonder building up after over a half hour that all you get to see is Johnny Camaro run out to hop on the ring apron. The ref stopping him from getting in and Elizabeth yelling.


Mack yanking Johnny off the apron and hammers him with punches up the ramp while HBK takes advantage with Sweet Chin Music to the CEO and ends the match.

Winner and NEW WAR World Champion: HBK @ 37 Minutes 24 Seconds

Mack backing Johnny up to the stage not letting up with punches except to lay in some chops to his chest, then shoves him to the edge of the stage. Mack running into a dropkick to send Johnny sailing off like a rag doll through a technician table causing a small explosion. In the ring we see Shawn with his newly won title shaking Elizabeth's hand and raising her arm in the air declaring her a rematch anytime she wants. Mack making his way back to the ring to embrace his friend and wife with a group hug, then steps between both raising their arms in the air as the show goes off the air.

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