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Wrestling Promotion => Sunday Night Sacrifice Event Promos => Topic started by: Taylor Andrews on December 18, 2013, 12:51:02 AM

Title: Sacrifice 24 {2/16/03}
Post by: Taylor Andrews on December 18, 2013, 12:51:02 AM

February 16th, 2003

Pyros shoot off as My Sacrifice by Creed begins playing and Sacrifice kicks off live from the sold out Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo, Michigan! Stephanie McMahon-Mack and Daddy Mack are sitting near the stage at the announce position ready to kick off the show!

Steph: Hello everyone and welcome to sacrifice! Tonight is SEF's one year anneversary and the show tonight looks to be a great one! What do you think mack?

Mack: I think it looks f'n superb and stephy, good job on one year my darling of mine!

Mack gives steph a kiss before she speaks!

Steph: Well thank you honey! Now back to the show! Tonights lineup of matches looks good, expecially that fatal four way tag match for the world title, interesting!

Mack: Yea, I'll say! Rapid has a nice suprise waiting for him as well! The triple threat two falls match looks good too huh?

Steph: Yea, it does look good, cause your in it, my man!

Mack: Yea I am and j-max will get his tonight!

Steph: I'm sure he will! But now, lets start te show off with johnny x' and kaci's christianing for their newborn baby which mack will christian the baby in!

Serenity Madison Blade's Christianing

Cameras pan around, showing what has happened before the show. Backstage, a large locker room is shown. Inside are the members of the Impact Factor and the Vicious Vixxens. The cameras show everybody except for Kaci and Johnny X's new baby, due to the parent's orders. Spaydz is sitting by the baby carriage, poking in and playing with it as Kaci is watching him closely. Spaydz shakes a rattle and makes faces. Inside, the baby watches him, a bit curious. Johnny X, Rapid, Mya James, Christina Love, Chris Jericho, his wife Trish and Damien Destruction are all doing their own things. Spaydz tilts the baby carriage a bit and Kaci jumps up. He stops as she grabs his arm and pulls him aside. She then begins to speak.

Kaci: "Spaydz! Are you crazy? She could've fallen out and got hurt! I told you to be careful."

Spaydz: "...but, It didn't fall!"

Kaci: "It almost did! If you drop my child tonight, I will personally kill you!"

Spaydz looks at her, a bit scared as Johnny X jumps up and places his arms around Kaci. He looks at Spaydz and then at his wife.

Johnny X: "Kaci, calm down. If Spaydz drops her, I'll catch her. Don't worry. I'll be standing right there"

Kaci: "He better not drop her!"

Spaydz: "I won't."

Kaci looks over at Mya, Trish and Christina who are now watching the baby. Kaci sighs and just walks over to them as Spaydz scratches his head. The scene fades out to a commercial break.

On stage, Johnny X and Kaci are standing on either side of the baby's carriage. Mya and Rapid, the godparents of the child are standing behind them. Everybody else is watching from their seats. Along with the four and the baby is with Spaydz, who is presenting her to the world. Kaci looks out at the cheering crowd, and is handed a microphone. She steps forward and begins to speak.

Kaci: "I can't tell you how much this child means to me. She's only been born for a few days but, since the first moment I laid my eyes on her...I knew that she is an angel. I get so teary-eyed when I talk about her to people. She's my little girl. I was telling my mom how excited I was to have a child and I just got all choked up. Like now!"

Tears begin to roll down Kaci's cheeks as Johnny X walks up to her and hugs her, consoling her. The whole crowd goes 'Awww!' as she begins to speak once again.

Kaci: "See what I mean? Anyways...Johnny, do you have anything to say?"

She looks over at him and he nods. Kaci hands Johnny X the microphone. He brings it up to his mouth, looking down at his child. He then looks out at the crowd and begins to speak.

Johnny X: "Just when you think life can't get any better, God delivers another special angel into your life. As I look into Serenity's eyes, I see another woman very special in my life, I see her mother Kaci. You both are very special to me. I don't know what I would do without you to. I thank God because he made you to very special and tonight our baby, Serenity, will be baptized. This is one of the happiest days of my life."

A tear rolls down Johnny X's eye as he goes over to Kaci. Daddy Mack then opens the bible as he takes out a vlask of whiskey and gets ready for the christening. Mack takes a sip, then begins speaking while standing next to the holy water and the baby!

Mack: Alright people, whass uup in here?! Ya all ready for this gig?

The crowd cheers as mack takes another sip!

Mack: Alright! Lets start it up! Dearly beloved, we.......

Steph nudges him and tells him to do it right!

Mack: Oh right, wrong page! Ok now, friends and family, we are gathered here to present to the world and to god Serenity Madison Blade!

Steph holds the water for mack as he dips his hand in and sprinkles it on the babies forehead as he says!

Mack: In the name of father....[sprinkles water].......the son.......[sprinkles water].........and the holy spirit......[sprinkles water]!

Steph hands the water to a stagehand as says!

Mack: Now, newly christianed and free from sin, I present to you a child from myself or as some like to say, god, Serenity Madison Blade!

Spaydz picks up serenity and holds her up once before handing her to kaci and all the fans cheer while mack drinks some more whiskey from his vlask!

Ladder Match
SEF Commissioner

Once viper hits the ring, matt jumps on him and tries clubbing him down, but viper just pushes him away and nails a huge clothesline on matt! He then lifts him up and hits sinful, stares at him with a mean look, then gets the ladder and sets it up! Matt is on his feet and swings at viper who steps back, kicks matt in th egut and hits the unforgiven, then climbs the ladder and wins the match! Afterwards viper joins steph and mack at the commentators table!

Winner: Viper

Steph: A one sided match by viper and still commish!

Mack: Yea, thats my boy! How ya feel man?

Viper: Like kicking some more ass!

20-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
Shot At SEF World Heavyweight Championship On Raw

The match is finally down to four after Abu The Snake,Bubba Ray Dudley,Dustin Gabriel,D-Von Dudley,Edge,Johnny Tsunami,Nic Noss,Nick,Rico,Ryan Michaels,Scott Hall,Skye,Slade,Spike Dudley,Tha Juggla,Test are all eliminated! Mikey Whipwreck, The Undertaker, Strife, and Lil Rocker. The Undertaker takes Mikey Whipwreck and starts to jab him in the corner while Strife and Roacker are battling it out. Roakcer puts Strife in a headlock, but Strife pushes him into the ropes sending him flying back bakckwards.Strife then dropkicks Lil Rocker to the outside. The ref escorts Rocker to the back as Strife ruuns to the corner and hits Undertaker form behind again and again. Mikey Whipwreck and Strife then double team Undertaker by nailing some kicks and punches. They then go for a double clotheline but Undertaker counters it into a double chokeslam. Undertaker gets up a little dizzy and picks up Mikey Whipwreck. He throws him between his legs and raises his arm up. Undertaker then Last Ride's Mikey Whipwreck over the top rope and to the floor. Its now down to Undertaker and Strife. Strife gets to his feet and punches Undertaker in the ribs. He then whips him against the ropes, but on the way abck taker clotheslines Strife. Undertaker then pics up Strife and pushes him onto the ropes. Taker then with all his might tries to get Strife over but Strife won't budge. Mikey then runs back into the ring for revenge. He dropkicks Taker from behind sending him over the top onto the apron. Mikey then runs and knocks both Strife and Undertaker to the outside at the same time. Afetr minutes of watching the replay, the ref can't decide on a winner so they rule the match in favor of both men.

Winner: Strife&Undertaker via Double Elimination

Steph: Wow, looks like tommorrow night it will be a triple threat for the world title

Mack: Yea, this should make for a good show!

Viper: I hope rapid can handle unlike is past shows!

Triple Threat Match
SEF Cruiserweight Championship

Andy Styles and Jeff hardy start fighting each other while Cameron waits there and lets them beat the hell out of each other. Andy then nails an awkward ddt on Jeff sending him down to the mat with serious neck pain. Jeff is holding his neck when Andy turns and charges at Hutton. Andy nails a football tackle on Hutton and starts punching the crap out of him. Hutton then blocks one of Andy's punches and nails a headbutt which hurts both men. Hutton gets up holding his head and looks at Jeff who is slowly getting up. Hutton then elbows Jeff on the back sending him crashing back down to the floor. Andy gets up and starts to battle it out with Hutton again. Jeff gets up and all three men then start to duke it out. Jeff then tries to nail a hurricanrana on Styles, but Andy reverses it into the Styles Bomb. Jeff rolls out of the ring and crashes on the matt as Styles low blows Hutton while the red was looking at Jeff. Styles then stes up Hutton for the Styles Bomb, but Hutton punches Styles and jumps behind his back nailing Breathless for the win.

Winner: Cameron Hutton via Pinfall

Steph: Good match! Cameron has been doing holding on to that cruiserweight title!

Mack: Yea he has! He and flair are quite good actually, me and shawn had a good match with them!

Viper: Yea, cameron looks ok!

Fatal Four Way
SEF Womens World Championship

All the women start to punch one another when Trish Jericho grabs Victoria and whips her into the corner. Trish then does some summersaults and tries to Hurricanrana Victoria but she pushes her feet away! Cassidy and mya fight off in the corner as victoria stomps away at trish, then pick sher upa nd hits a suplex before hitting a leg drop from the outside edge of the apron! Mya has cassidy down and runs over to clothesline victoria, but gets kicked in the stomach and powerbombed! Cassidy then dropkicks victoria in the back, then rolls her up, but only gets two! She begins kicking at victoria till trish gets up and goes after her, but mya tackles trish and sends her to the outside with a suplex to the top rope, followed by a kick to the face! Cassidy then clotheslines trish in the back, then hits her with a suplex! Victoria gets up and looks to kick cassidy in the head, but she misses and cassidy catches victoria from behind and backdrops her! Cassidy then picks up victoria and hits the declaraion of death and pins her to win the match!

Winner: Cassidy Dawn McPherson via Pinfall

Steph: Cassidy won, what a victory for her! We now have a new womens champ!

Mack: Yea, thats cool! Damn do we ever have a great womens division in SEF!

Viper: Yea, it looks good!

Free For All
SEF Hardcore Championship

James and jericho start off brawling as austin and highboy brawl on stage and damien begins beating down christian! Jericho soon disposes james to the outside after brutaly beating him with a chair and trash cans! Damien has christian bleeding from a kendo stick and begging him to stop! Jericho then takes a chair and cracks damien in the back, then proceeds to bust him open with several shots to the head! He disposes of christian to the outside, then picks up teh kendo stick and nails damien a couple times before locking him in the walls of jericho and making damien scream! Damien refuses to tap and crawls to the ropes, pulls himself up them and breaks the hold! Jericho stays on damien, hitting him with trash cans and two by fours and naything else he can find! Damien takes quite a beatinga nd even puts jericho down a couple stimes, but soon is taken down with a bulldog to a chair, then hit with a lionsault by jericho who pins and wins the match!

Winner: Chris Jericho via Pinfall

Steph: Good match and very hardcore! Jericho and damien were the main highlights in the match!

Mack: Yea they were and jericho finally won a match!

Viper: It was ok, some good action!

Triple Threat Two Falls Match
1st Fall: SEF United States Championship
2nd Fall: SEF Intercontinental Championship

The match starts off with mack and shawn immediately double teaming j-max and not letting up one bit! They hit him with some great moves and keep on him, working together like brothers! Soon, after mack puts down j-max with da shows ova, hbk pins him to win the 1st fall and the us title! They beat down j-max some more and soon hbk hits sweet chin music on j-max and mack pins him to win the match! The two then head b/s!

Winner of 1st Fall: Shawn Michaels via Pinfall

Winner of 2nd Fall: Daddy Mack via Pinfall

Steph: Alright, well what a match! Mack and shawn sure did good!

Viper: Those guys never change!

Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Rapid Must Be Pinned To Lose The World Title

Flair and spaydz start off together with flair beating down spaydz quickly and really taking it to him! Herbs soon tags in and flair catches by suprise at first, but herbs puts down flair hard and starts working him over and he soon tags out to cameron who comes in flyinga round herbs, knocking him down and puncing outlaw! Herbs then gets a hold of cameron and pounds on him and takes him down in a headlock! He soon lets up and looks for the lightning strikes, but andy runs in and knocks him down, then turns and dropkicks risktaker to the outside, then beats on herbs some more! Riskataker gets up and chases andy to the back as flair jumps in and beats on herbs, but outlaw jumps on him! Then spaydz decides to jump in and start shelping beat down eahc man, but ends up getting laid out by herbs from a belly to belly! Rapid actually tags herbs at one point when he is close enough and starts getting intense and soon eliminates everyone but spaydz of course and cameron from the ring! He then hits the retribution on cameron and pins him to win the match! He and spaydz head up the ramp and viper is seen standing there waiting for him! Rapid walks up to hima nd drops the title, then they start trading punches when viper gets the better of rapid and soon rocks him backwards, till finally kneeing him in the gut and lifting him up, then giving him the sinful on the stage! Spaydz just looks at viper and runs past him b/s and the show ends with these words from stephanie!

Winners: Spaydz&Rapid[c] via Pinfall

Steph: Well, that match was definitely main event material, but what viper did to rapid afterwards, wow, what a beating! Anyways now, thank you all for making SEF what it is today and last one year and I will see all of you for one more year hopefully, goodnight!
