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Wrestling Promotion => Thursday Night Burnout Event Promos => Live TV Event Archives => Topic started by: Taylor Andrews on December 03, 2014, 07:18:54 PM

Title: Shakedown 13 {12/14/08}
Post by: Taylor Andrews on December 03, 2014, 07:18:54 PM

December 14th, 2008

Back again for Shakedown right in Detroit city inside the MCW Arena and we open up with the same sound of "Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock pumping out the pa, the fans going crazy as our camera float around all over the arena.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to Shakedown! Nick Miller here as I am now permeneant in this spot as is my partner Greg.

Greg Boone: Well yea, someone has to carry your pathetic ass, so why not the guy who did it for years in SEF?!

Nick Miller: Still full a shit I see, but whats new? Tonight we got a lot moe SEF stars on the card facing MCW stars who naturally will become SEF stars. Thor who was once out of MCW for good gets to wrestle under the banner one last time before the official merger and he faces Corez, one of the men who took out Orton last week.

Greg Boone: A man who'll do that will do anything, Thor better watch his ass just like Whitney better watch it when she has to deal with the true champ Scorpion!

Nick Miller: The true champ has the title and that is Whitney. I got no doubt Scorpion has the talent of a champion and he is up to par with Whitney, but he needs to stop his whining and cheating.

Greg Boone: He never cheats and its only whining if its not true, so all he's doing is stating facts.

Nick Miller: If you say so, now lets move on, the main event, MACK one on one with World Champ Ares, non title, but a huge battle this is bound to be.

Greg Boone: I don't like either, I want to see Scorpion jump in whip both their asses, though if Ares beats Mack I'll be ok with that.

Nick Miller: I got nothing against either, both love beer and love to settle scores in the ring, but what you got against Mack?

Greg Boone: His ego for one, the guy isn't half what he thinks he is. All he ever did in SEF was hold down other people, hold down the real talent while his worthless ass pulled politics to the top.

Nick Miller: You ever talked to the guy and got to know him?

Greg Boone: Don't need to, I know what went on, I got sources and I seen it firsthand, Mack sucks!

Nick Miller: I think this entire arena would disagree and I would have to as well, s0-

Greg Boone: Like they have a clue or you too.

Nick Miller: Whatever Greg, lets get this show going cause I'm sure everyone wants action now.

Before the opening match we hear the sound of "Slave To The Gind" hit the pa and the crowd is up and shouting loud for the hometown icon MACK. He steps on out circling with his arms spread wide, then skips down the aisle high fiving fans. They grab at him, mauling him practically, damn they love him.

Nick Miller: Well this is kinda unexpected, wonder what Mack is coming out here for?

Greg Boone: To kiss even more ass, so these dumb fuck people in the crowd will give him cheers and feed his ego.

Nick Miller: Your one bitter asshole!

Mack gets to the ring and shuffles around some, then hops to the apron and dances around before stepping in the ring. He circles around and drops down into the usual pose ala is idol, then springs up doing a crotch chop. The crowd is echoing through the arena chanting his name, Mack just smiling and shaking his head. He gets himself a mic and steps into the middle of the ring raising it up. The crowd settles a little except a few loud screams.

MACK: Alright, alright, thanks for that welcome, appreciated as always, but why I'm out here isn't about myself. Ya see, last week Chris Orton was assaulted and many of ya all are unsure as to what his status is. No one was sure who should deliver the news, but most pointed to me, why, I don't know. Anyways, Orton had a pretty good number done on him, looked worse for wear after what happened, but will not miss much time from this ring. He'll be back in January sometime and I just want to say something to those who did this act...Scorpion and Corez!

The crowd boos at those names.

MACK: Ya see boys, I don't know just how much ya thought about what ya did? I'm guessing ya had a plan to use the vehicles, but maybe not that far due to how ya looked last week after ya did it. I'm thinking maybe ya didn't think about Orton returning to this ring and getting some revenge. Its no secret my ties to both of ya, I trained you Scorpion and Corez, were on friendly terms, but I don't condone this. I will not be invloved in this, its you two and Orton. You may take him ligtly, hell, there is two of you, but think about this situation, keep in mind what you took away from Orton and realize ya better indeed be ready for what's to come cause it may be worse than what ya gave.

The crowd cheers hoping it is.

MACK: Now then, I got a few words to say about this whole MCW merger with SEF!

A lot of booinga nd cheering now, mixed emotions about this.

MACK: I know, SEF owned the circuit for so many years, it was so great and gave so much to wrestling, number one on MSN for six years. MCW never reached the top yet, struggled and struggled to survive and barely did, but it did! Sadly it cannot reach the top, though it won't really die, but still, we got this arena. It will remain has a constant memory as will the one championship title the company has. Most of all the memories of what happened in this ring will live on in all-

He's cut off when "Politics" by Korn hits and out swaggers Richard Martin in the usual suit, the fans booing him. Mack eyes him with a go to hell look, something everyone looks at him like. Ric just walks down the aisle smiling, gets down to the ring and heads up the steps with those power steps. He gets in the ring and walks right up to Mack who holds up the mic from him. Ric yanks it from him and Mack backs up doing a crotch chop inciting a huge pop. Ric is pissed, but raises the mic.

Ric: Its antics like that which makes me say this...MACK...get the hell out of my ring!

Booing is heard and Mack ever so defiant just steps up right into Ric's face.

MACK: This ring belongs to not you..not belongs to every single one of us wrestlers who busts our asses inside of it night after night!

Ric: WRONG...I own this ring and everyone in it, that definitely includes YOU!

The crowd boos even more and Mack smirks now.

MACK: Listen here DICK...ain't no one owns me, so why don't your ass get to stepping before I get to kicking!

A huge pop for that and the crowd begging Mack to just do it.

Ric: Look pal, you touch me and your gone, I will fire you and as for SEF, the days of "iron clad" are gone, you'll never work there again!

Boos now and Mack squints with a look of anger.

Ric: Don't try it pal, I mean business, you touch me and your gone, you will never work for either company, now get out of my ring!

More booing and Mack with balled up fists, but he relaxes and just shakes his head saying, "you ain't worth my spit" and so he turns to walk away.

Ric: Yea, you know what's good for you, so keep walking son!

And on that last word Mack's foot comes up delivering Da Shows Ova to Ric knocking him flat on his back and the crowd just goes insane roaring in approval. "Slave To The Grind" plays and Mack stands over Ric pointing a finger down saying "I do know what's good for me" and then he does a crotch chop and turns getting outta the ring heading up the aisle getting mauled by fans again.

Greg Boone: How dare he touch the owner, the bastard, he's fired now, you know Ric is bound by his word.

Nick Miller: Well, his word isn't that firm, but I feel this could be Mack's last time working for Ric, hopefully not, but it doesn't look good.

Greg Boone: Actually, that looks great, Mack gone leaves room for the real talent to get a shot for once!

Nick Miller: Your hopeless!

Singles Match
Corez v. Thor

Time for the opening match as we hear "Floods" by Pantera comer over the pa. A white light is flickering as Corez steps out doing the crucifix pose and the crowd boos.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Memphis Tennessee, weighing in at 225 pounds..........Corez!

He walks down the aisle pulling a shopping cart filled with some "toys", ignoring the fans and gets to ringside where he begins emptying the cart tossing everything in. Corez then rolls in and sits in a corner. The pa now kicks out "I Don't Want To Stop" by Ozzy Osbourne and out charges Thor.

Staci Sparx:Making his way to the ring from New York City, weighing in at 250 pounds........Thor!

He bolts to the ring sliding in and pops up heading for the turnbuckles stepping up raising his fists in the air. Corez grabbing a stop sign rushes across slamming it to Thor's back. He drops it and hops up on behind Thor back suplexing him down to the mat. Corez gets to his feet and grabs a cheese grater, sits Thor up and starts to grate up his forehead. Thor pushes it away before he gets sliced too bad and gets to his feet. Corez slaps the grater against Thor's face, kicks him in the gut and looks for an irish whip. Thor reverses it sending Corez to a corner, then charges at him for a spear. Corez jumps up bringing his knee up gainst Thor's head, then dives over him into a sunsent flip pin, 1.................2........kickout! Both men get up and Corez has a singapore cane swinging it, but Thor ducks and rips up Corez for a bearhug, no. He instead whips around hard with a spinebuster.

Nick Miller: Good match despite the sneaky start by Corez, been mostly him in control until now.

Greg Boone: He's dominated so far and what ya mean sneaky, that was a brilliant way to start the match.

Thor is up and has a trash can which he stuffs into a corner, then he pulls up Corez and nails a suplex on him. Thor grabs the singapore cane now and taps it on the mat as Corez pulls himself up. Thor nails a hard swing to his ribs, then catches him with another to the head, drops the cane and irish whips Corez chest first into the trash can. Corez falls to his back and Thor picking up a cookie sheet walks over now. Corez gets to his knees and Thor slams the cookie sheet over his head, drops it and rips up Corez shoving him into the corner. He buries his shoulder to Corez's ribs, then rips him up on the top turnbuckle. Thor starts to climb up, but Corez kicks at him, rains down a couple punches turning Thor around and leaps off dropping him with a bulldog. Corez grabs a sickle and jabs it into Thor's back, then starts slicing him with it.

Nick Miller: Oh man, some ol' school Japan shit.

Thor pushes himself up and rolls away. He gets to his feet and Corez walks over swinging the sickle. Thor rolls out to the floor avoiding it, grabs Corez's legs yanking him down and out, hoists him up and rams him spine first into the ringpost. Thor rolls Corez back in the ring, then pulls a table from under the ring and slides it in. He slides in now and leans the table in a corner, then pulls up Corez leaning him against it. Thor grabs the singapore cane and swings it, but Corez ducks down and the cane hits the table. Corez leaps up hammering Thor with punches, then turns him against the table and keeps nailing punches. He slams Thor's head against the table, then pulls him down looking for the Corez Effect. Thor struggles and then turns around lifting Corez up and runs into the opposite corner. He irish whips Corez cross the ring, but he stops himself before hitting the table.

Greg Boone: Smart...noo, look out!

Corez turns and Thor bolts over with Thor's Gore smashing him through the table.


Thor pulls Corez from the ropes, hooks his leg and pins, 1....................2...................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner by pinfall......Thor!

"I Don't Want To Stop" hits the pa as the crowd jump in cheers and then Thor jumps up raising hhis arms up. He beats his chest some and climbs the turnbuckles celebrating.

Nick Miller: Hell of a good match, some hardcore action for sure, lot of back and forth between these two.

Greg Boone: Thor cheated using that table and other weapons, he should have been disqualified.

Nick Miller: MCW rules mean anything except intereferance goes, plus Corez used them too, hell, he brought them out!

 We go to the back area and te view goes inside a room where Richard Martin sits holding an ice pack to his jaw, his expression one of anger and then his eyes light up with more as Mack setps into the room escorted by security guards. Ric stands up getting in Mack's face.

Ric: I told you pal and now being a man of my word, to your face I only have a couple words for you...YOUR FIRED!

Mack just scowls and tightens his fists, security crowds him now.

Ric: Get this son of a bitch out of my arena and make sure he stays out, he is banned from any event in the future, MCW or SEF, good riddance MACK!

Ric backs off and sits down tossing his ice pack down as Mack is pulled out of the room and walked towards the arena exit. Ares comes walking into the room now after watching Mack being taken away, he's drinking a beer and Ric just eyes him. Ares stares at him, the SEF Title hanging from his shoulder.

Ares: What a sorry son of a bitch!

Ric: Yea, thankfully he's gone huh?!

Ares: I was talking about you!

Ares takes a drink a beer as Ric stands up scowling.

Ric: What the hell do you want?

Ares: To know who the hell I gotta face tonight since ya just fired my opponent for no goddamn good reason at all?!

Ric: You know what, you just go out to the ring and get ready for a match, get ready to defend that belt and I'll make sure you have an opponent, now get the hell out of here!

Ares smirks now and tosses back the rest of his beer, then lets the can drop to the floor and just swaggers out. Ric sits back down and is fuming.

Nick Miller: Wonder who Ares will face now that Mack has been fired?

Greg Boone: I don't know, but hopefully its someone who'll beat him after he was so rude to Ric who outta be commended for getting rid of Mack, not disrespected.

Nick Miller: I don't think anyone else shares your enthusiam, Mack did not deserve to be fired.

Singles Match
Joe Dumar v. Eddie The Machine

Back to the ring for some action and we hear "Rise" come over the pa bringing the fans to their feet for Joe who steps out doing the crucifix pose.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 236 pounds, the Messiah of Violence.........Joe Dumar!

Joe heads down the aisle high fiving fans and looking excited as usual. He gets to the ring and rolls in, stands up and does the crucifix pose again. "Pedal To The Medal" soon plays and out comes Eddie to some cheers.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds.........Eddie The Machine!

He runs down the aisle now and slides into the ring, pops up doing a spin kick, then just stands there. He and Joe stare at each other, Eddie cocking his head a bit, then extends a hand to which Joe extends his and they shake. The bell rings and Eddie flies in with right hands rocking Joe backwards. He responds with punches, but not enough to counter and gets backed up to the ropes. Eddie whips Joe across the ring and looks to meet him with a spinning kick, but Joe ducks and hits the other side of the ring ropes. Eddie turns and gets met with a clothesline being taken down. Joe pulls him back up and backs him into a corner burying his shoulder to Eddie's ribs. He lifts him up to the top rope and reaches up nailing a couple punches, then climbs up looking for a superplex. Eddie hammers some body shots, then headbutts Joe and pushes him down to the mat. He flies off with an elbow dropping it to Joe's chest.

Nick Miller: Nice counter there, Joe trying a superplex, but Eddie knocking him down and driving that elbow to his heart.

Greg Boone: It was ok, just like this match.

Eddie has an armbar on Joe who fights up to his knees and gets around hammering Eddie in the gut. He gets to his feet and Eddie lets go, then nails a quick clothesline knocking Joe down. He runs to the ropes and comes back leaping up in a spin and drops a leg across his throat. Eddie gets up yanking Joe and appies a hammerlock, then runs him shoulder first into the turnbuckles. He pulls Joe back looking for a german suplex, but gets an elbow to the head. Joe turns and hammers himw ith punches, then drops Eddie with a ddt. He rolls from the ring and looks under it, grabs a trash cand tosses it in, then grabs a singapore cane and slides in.

Nick Miller: Well, Joe introducing some weapons now, this should get interesting.

Greg Boone: Should, but it still won't save the match.

Joe grabs the trash can and shoves it over Eddie's head, then picks up the cane and winds up for a swing. Eddie pulls the cane up and brings it slamming down on top of Joe's head, then kicks him in the gut and rips him up and over in a fishermans suplex, 1................2..........kickout! Eddie gets up and goes to the top rope now, Joe getting up and Eddie leaps off catching himw ith a bulldog driving Joe into the mat.

Nick Miller: Eddie really taking it to Joe now, guy is on fire.

Eddie has the cane now and cracks it over Joe's back mking him arch in pain, then cracks him again and again before dropping down for a camel clutch, though he uses the cane under Joe's neck. Joe fights quick and thrashes around not letting the hold get locked in too tight. Eddie jumps up and runs to the ropes bouncing back with a hard kick to Joe's ribs. He pulls up Joe looking for an irish whip, but Joe reverses. Eddie hits the ropes bounces back ducking a clothesline, spins around and takes Joe down into a crippler crossface right in the middle of the ring.

Nick Miller: Oh man, this could be it unless Joe can hang in.

Greg Boone: Hopefully its over, I can't stand anymore of the match.

Nick Miller: Oh can it!

Joe reaches out for the ropes, he tries crawling, inches his way over a little, but Eddie is latched on like a pitbull, the crowd is going nuts for this match. Joe wears down a little and almost appears to tap, but then starts rocking his body and rolls backwards. Eddie lets him go and gets to his feet kicking Joe in his back, then rips him up in a full nelson snapping backwards into a dragon suplex bridging to a pin, 1..................2...................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner by pinfall.........Eddie The Machine!

The crowd cheers for the finish as "Pedal To The Medal" hits the pa and Eddie gets to his feet raising his arms in the air. Joe rolls out to the floor holding his head.

Greg Boone: Joe loses again and this match is thanfully done, now we get to see Scorpion own Whitney!

Nick Miller: Your hopeless! Joe and Eddie put on a great match as will Scorpion and Whitney considering their so evenly matched.

Singles Match
If Scorpion Wins He Earns An MCW Title Shot Next Week
Scorpion v. Whitney Marret

Pre main event match up time and the crowd boos as "Sinner" hits the pa and Scorpion steps out with a cocky strut.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Amarillo Texas, weighing in at 220 pounds, the Ultimate Sinner.........Scorpion!

He heads down the aisle taunting the fans making them jeer him more. Scorpion gets to the ring and steps up on the apron acting cocky, steps in and praises himself by spreading his arms out, smirks brushes his hair back. The booing changes to cheering when "Money, Power, Respect" hits and out steps the MCW Champ.

Staci Sparx: Making her way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 145 pounds, she is the MCW Champion..........Whitney Marret!

Whitney pats her title around her waist, then heads down the aisle letting the fans pat her on the back. She keeps her focus on Scorpion and gets to ring heading up the steps and gets inside. She unstraps her title rising it up and points to herself telling Scorpion she is the real champ. Scorpion just sneers in disgust, Whitney hands the title to the ref and then slaps Scorpion across the face.

Nick Miller: Oh man, what a slap from Whitney that was.

Greg Boone: A cheap bitch slap from a real bitch!

Nick Miller: Go say it to her face, I dare ya!

Scorpion holding his face just stares with hatred at Whitney who stares back and motions for a free shot. Scorpion doesn't take it, he motions no and Whitney suddenly flies at him with hard elbows to his jaw taking her own shots on him. She hammers him into a corner, then climbs up on the turnbuckles and rains down punches. Scorpion slips down and pulls Whitney's legs out bringing her face down into the turnbuckle.

Greg Boone: Yea, disfigure that whore!

Nick Miller: Well a good counter it was, but that was pretty harsh to say about Whitney.

Scorpion nails some forearms to Whitney's back, then pulls her around and irish whips her to the opposite corner. He charges across at her leaping with his knee, but Whitney ducks down and Scorpion smashes into the turnbuckle. Whitney grabs him from behind pulling him out of the corner nd drops him with a reverse ddt. She gets up and drops an elbow to his chest, then turns him over applying a front facelock. Scorpion fights up on his knees, but Whitney yanks him up to his feet and twists around hitting a neckbreaker. Whitney gets up and kicks Scorpion in his side, then pulls him up hammering him with elbows backing him to the ropes. She looks for an irish whip, but gets reversed. Whitney leaps on to the middle rope and flies back with a cross body, but Scorpion dives under and the ref gets taken down.

Nick Miller: Oh man, no one home except the ref.

Greg Boone: Whitney needs to be dqed, she blantly hit the ref.

Nick Miller: The hell she did, Scorpion ducked.

Scorpion is up and kicks Whitney in the back, then yanks her up and nails a brainbuster on her. He gets up and looks to the back motioning with his arm, then turns back pulling Whitney up

Nick Miller: What was that, who was Scorpion signaling?

Greg Boone: Huh, what was what?

Scorpion pushes Whitney into a corner and charges her, but gets a foot to the jaw. She brings both her legs up around Scorpion's neck and pulls herself over the top rope sliding outside the ropes in a Candice Michelle fashion choking out Scorpion with her legs and the top rope. Whitney hangs on for a few seconds, not illegal in MCW, but she ends up letting go and flipping down to her feet. Whitney reaches in the ring grabbing Scorpion's legs dragging him outside and rams his back against the ring. She rams into the guard rail, then nails a few hard chops to his chest making him clutch in pain.

Greg Boone: C'mon ref, wake up and dq Whitney!

Nick Miller: She's not breaking the...oh no...

Corez comes from the crowd with a barbed wire bat and behind Whitney, he swings tearing into her back. Whitney drops to her knees and Corez scrapes it down her back, then brings it under her chin choking her and cutting her open.

Nick Miller: Now this is illegal damn it.

Scorpion gets in the ring and keeps the ref from seeing this as he is starting to wake up. Corez tosses the bat in the ring, then pulls up Whitney and drops her with the Corez Effect. He yanks her up and rolls her in the ring, then heads to the back, the crowd booing like crazy. Scorpion pulls up Whitney and slaps her, then rips her up and charges her into a corner, buries  shoulder to her stomach and lifts her up on the top turnbuckle. Scorpion hammers her with elbows, then climbs up the turnbuckles and leaps up delivering a hurricanrana taking Whitney down to the mat. Scorpion yanks her up and sends Whitney crashing into  corner facefirst, delivers a superkick to the back of her head and quickly grabs her in a waistlock executing a german suplex into a bridge completing SIN and pinning Whitney, 1...................2..................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner.......Scorpion! 

The crowd is livid as "Sinner" hits and Scorpion stands up demanding his hand be raised, the ref doing his job and raising it. Scorpion pulls away and looks down at Whitney arrogantly, motions the title around his waist and says he'll be champ soon.

Greg Boone: Finally the real champ gets the official win over Whitney, the paper champ.

Nick Miller: With a little help don't forget, hopefully next time its ctually one on one.

Greg Boone: Whitney was the one cheating, but luckily Scorpion overcame the disadvantage showing his superiority.

Nick Miller: Were we watching the same match?


Main Event
Singles Match
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Ares(c) v. The Resurrector

Time for the headliner and the crowd is pumped after the show so far, their anticipating it and then they burst when "Rock You Like A Hurricane" hits and the cheers are deafening for the SEF Champ swaggering out.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Alburquerqe New Mexico, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion...........Ares!

He swaggers on down the aisle high fiving some fans, getting handed their beer and drinking 'em down. Ares gets to ringside and tosses his title inside, then rolls in the ring and stands up. He raises his hands up flipping the middle fingers, then picks up his title and tosses it to the ref. Ares rips off his vest and tosses it out, then runs the ropes warming up. He stops when "Politics" comes over the pa, the crowd booing as Richard Martin walks out. He makes his way down the aisle pulling away from the fans, gets to the ring nd heads up the steps getting in. He gets the mic from Staci who smiles at him. Ric then turns to Ares and smirks.

Ric: So you need an opponent do you, someone to defend that title against, someone who can beat you for that title, so maybe a former World Champion, someone bigger than you, badder than you, someone like this man...

Ric lowers his mic and the lights begin to flicker, then shut off and come back on, everyone is confused and then the lights go off again and stay off.

Nick Miller: What the hell?

Over the pa "Dark Age" by Vader is heard and from the entrance a dark blue light forms and we see a tall, dark figure step into it. Ric is out of the ring and Staci as the mic bck.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Devils Hole Nevada, weighing in at 330 pounds.........The Resurrector!

The crowd pretty well hushed and the big man slowly makes his way down the aisle now, head down and hair over his face. He gets to the ring and steps up the stairs, raises his arms bringing the lights back on and removes his coat, then his hat and steps into the ring. He and Ares stand toe to toe now, Ares looking up showing no fear, Resurrector, lets call him Tor for short, he just stares down with that cold, blank look, no remorse in those dark eyes. The bell rings and neither man makes a move.

Nick Miller: What a chill when The Resurrector came out, but what a staredown between he and Ares.

Greg Boone: Its a cold one, but hey, ya need to to introduce our boss joining us here to call the match, Mr Martin.

Ric: Thank you Greg, hope to see some good action here tonight.

 Ares has backed up now and looks to circle, so Tor goes with that and so then they look for a lockup, but Tor nails a kick to Ares gut and hammers him with hard uppercuts rocking Ares back into a corner. Tor whips him across the ring and follows up with a running splash, then lifts him out of the corner and nails a powerslam. Tor stands up goes out on the apron climbing to the top rope and perches up there. Ares gets to his feet and Tor flies off for Decapitation, but Ares ducks it and Tor goes rolling across the ring. Ares is up and charges over kicking Tor right in his back, then pounds down on his head. He rolls out of the ring grabbing Tor's legs wrapping them around the ring post and slams both legs against it. He grabs his legs and pulls him into the post hurting his lower extremities.

Nick Miller: Oh man, no matter how big ya are that has to hurt.

Greg Boone: And its also illegal, what the hell ref!?

Nick Miller: Not in MCW, anything goes!

Ric: He is right, but thankfully this is the last show these rules are in effect on.

Nick Miller: What?

Ares has a chair now and slams it against Tor's left leg several times, then slides in the ring. He swings the chair for Tor's head, but misses when Tor rolls out of the ring barely standing on his feet. Ares drops down and rolls out swinging the chair for him again, but Tor gets a leg up booting the chair into his face and falls down from the impct and the damage to his legs. Ares is laid out on the floor nearly out cold.

Nick Miller: What a boot by the dark man, but it seems his legs are hurting from the steel.

Greg Boone: Not enough to stop him from winning.

Ric: Hopefully not!

Tor pulls himself back up and picks up the chair, pulls up Ares and holds the chair to his throat. He shoves Ares down to the floor, but the chair hits first and crushes into his throat making him stumble back clutching his throat. Tor grabs the chair and slams it to Ares back, drops it and slides him in the ring. He rolls in and gets up, yanks up Ares whips him into the ropes looking for a big boot. Ares ducks it and bounces off the ropes again nd leaps up for a thesz press. Tor keeps stedy and grabs Ares in the air, squeezes him in a bearhug, then drives forward slamming him down with a spinebuster. Tor gets to his feet and raises both arms as if to draw up power, then stomps on Ares a couple times, lifts him up on to his shoulder and walks to a corner. Tor drops him down facefirst and runs to the ropes coming back to complete the Soul Smash, but Ares ducks it. They both spin around and Ares pulls Tor close lifting him and round with the Cyclone Slam.

Nick Miller: Whoa, Ares nails a big move on the big man and could have him down for a bit with it.

Greg Boone: No way, Tor will kill him.

Ares kneels over Tor raining down punches on him, then stands up stomping on his chest. He yanks up Tor and nails some hard punches rocking him to a corner, then lifts him up to the top turnbuckle. Ares climbs up and hammers on him, tries for a superplex, but Tor hedbutts him, then shoves him to the mat. He gets perched on the top rope as Ares gets up. Tor then leaps off with Decapitation taking Ares down. Tor gets to his feet and waits for Ares to get almost up and runs at him with a hard boot for his chest knocking backwwards a ways and out of breath.

Nick Miller: My god, that was Impaled as he calls it and what a kick it is from Tor.

Ric: Our soon to be new champ, least he better get the job done.

Greg Boone: He will, Tor is awesome!

Tor slowly pulls up Ares and holds him by his throat, makes a cutthroat motion, then hoists him up on his shoulder going for Resurrection. Ares kicks his feet struggling to get free and slides down behind Tor. He turns and gets hammered with punches, overwhelmed by them, then Ares kicks him the gut and looks for the Atom Bomb. Tor shoves him forward to the ropes, Ares bounces back and ducks under a big boot. Ares spins Tor around and looks for the Atom Bomb again, but gets ripped upside down and Tor plants him with the Resurrection driving his head to the canvas and letting him fall to his back. He crosses Ares arms over his chest for the pin, 1......................2....................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner b y pinfall and your new SEF World Heavyweight Champion.......The Resurrector! 

Tor stays on his knees getting his hand raised as "Dark Age" plays. He's handed the title and just stares at it, then slowly he stands and raises it high above his head as the crowd mostly boos and especially when Richard gets in the ring and grabs a mic. 

Nick Miller: Well, seems we got a new World Champ, but Ric is in the ring, to congrtulate him maybe? 

Ric stands before Tor who holds his title down now, then Ric raises up the mic. 

Ric: Congratulations big man, I'm glad to finally have a deserving champion to represent SEF, someone who knows what to do, someone who will listen for once. Now as for MCW, this is the last show, no more left, MCW is now dead and SEF will come back in the new year, January 5th, Monday Night WAR returns. 

A mixed reaction for this, well, maybe more boos as MCW was loved in its short time, but people loved SEF too. 

Ric: Now that that's over with, Tor, again ya did well, so put it there pal. 

Ric extends his hand nd Tor just looks at him with a look of I don't think so, Ric looking a little mad now. 

Ric: You got a problem with shaking my hand? 

Tor says nothing and just stares with that cold expression. 

Ric: Shake my nand damn it, I order you, shake my hand! 

Ric is fuming now and Tor brings his hand up, but quickly wraps it around Ric's throat and squeezes. Tor drops the title and stares deep into Ric's eyes, then makes a cutthroat motion and pulls Ric upside down and drops him with the Resurrection getting cheered for this. 

Greg Boone: What the hell did he do that for, why not just shake the bosses hand? 

Nick Miller: Maybe Tor isn't the type to follow orders?! 

Tor grabs the title and stands up, stres down at Ric as "Dark Age" plays again and he now heds to the ropes stepping out and walks to the back, the fans mixed now, some cheers for what just happened, but booing as they don't know completely like him. 

Greg Boone: He may be a big man with a lot of mystery to him, but it don't matter who you are, you never cross a boss like Mr Martin. 

Nick Miller: He can be devious, very manipulative, but right now he's out cold in the middle of the ring courtesy of our new World Champ. That's all we got too, hell fo a way to end the last show of MCW, the last Shakedown. Next time we see ya all will be January 5th for WAR, so make sure ya tune in and check out SEF, ya know its gonna be good, see ya then and goodnight. 

"Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock plays ending the show, the crowd going nuts and the cameras soon fade to black.