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Barely Legal {2/26/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, January 03, 2014, 02:58:04 PM

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Daddy Mack

February 26th, 2006

SEF cameras open up inside the Budokan Hall in the hardcore capitol, Tokyo Japan, the home of Barely Legal, SEF's event that is. We pan around the crowd which is filled up quite a few americans who made the trip, but the natives are packed in too and all are looking excited for the show to come. We soon drop down to ringside at the commentators table.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to a first ever for SEF, an event we never made possible till this year, Barely Legal and with the hype around tonight the name just may hold true.

Frankie Malone: I sure hope so cause I'm aching to see some utter chaos and destruction. With the main event though it should happen, Mack and Whitney in a deathmatch, SEF Title on the line, new champ tonight.

Nick Miller: Mack has the homefield due to his coming up here, he has more experience, but Whitney has beat him before, and also anytime they are in the ring its always great no matter who wins.

Frankie Malone: I admit that, but Mack will win, its the night of Impact X as McMoney is walking out with more gold as well, the International Title.

Nick Miller: Very possible for him to do, he's established that he is a man meaning business here in SEF and running with Mack is making him even more known.

Frankie Malone: But he is carrying his own weight as well.

Nick Miller: True I will say, he is good. Another good match which is a grudge from last Monday, Spike and D-Von in just a simple hardcore bout, I have feeling this will get nasty!

Frankie Malone: Good, hopefully D-Von destroys his lil punk brother for that cheap win on Extreme.

Nick Miller: Spike won it fair, nothing cheap at all. The two seem to be clashing and this may just be another match to further their bad blood. We also have Travis Cross and Blaze Inferno fight in a Barbed Wire ladder match for a shot at the World Title.

Frankie Malone: Two kids with a chance at something neither deserves, what a pathetic way to fill the card, horrible!

Nick Miller: Both are young talents who could be big and who knows, this could be a kick they need to step up, so we'll see as our show goes on.


Before our first match begins we hear the pa light up with the sound of Cowboy by Kid Rock and the crowd goes up in cheers, they all stand on their feet giving him an ovation worthy of a true legend coming home. Mack just comes out dancing around and running around the stage dropping down into his pose. He does some crotch chops and flashes the kliq sign some before a pulling out a mic tucked behind his belt.

Shane Mack: Ya know I had to come out her ebefore my match and say a lil something to ya all, ya know it............whasss uuupp all ya!?!

The crowd goes nuts cheering even more for Mack.

Shane Mack: A lil ol' school for the place that made me, for the people who made me! Goddamn its been a long road and I loved it, tonight it will be like a new start for myself, number ten and remove the zero, ain't nobody crazy nuff to-

Just then he's cut off by the pa coming back alive with Getting Away With Murder by Papa Roach playing. Mack turns to look behind, but keeps an eye on the ramp. The crowd is booing as Matlock comes walking out on stage with his own mic and a smirk on his face and his title around his waist. He and Mack get a few feet apart keeping their eyes liked on each other.

Matt Matlock: Ya know what I think Mack, fuck your long road and the fans over here, fuck it all!

The crowd boos real heavy now.

Matt Matlock: Two years ago we were supposed to have our match at this event, though we did end up having it, I wanted to beat you over here.

Shane Mack: But fact is Matt, you never did beat me anyways, so what the fuck is your point, boy?

Mack gets right in Matt's face now, inches seperate them as the crowd is behind Mack with cheers.

Matt Matlock: Yea, ya beat me, but last time we faced off we went to a draw and just a while back I cost you the title your going for tonight, hell, maybe I outta do the same thing here in Japan!

Matt smirks as the crowd boos. Mack just rolls his eyes.

Matt Matlock: I want a rematch of sorts, I want another crack at you cause last time we drew, next time I win, face it, I am becoming too much for you.

Shane Mack: A rematch, from what?

Matt Matlock: From a year and a half ago, never been done since we done it, a Prison Yard match, next pay per view whether you win or lose tonight, but if ya win, its for the title, if not, a shot at the title.

Shane Mack: Figures, ya want something else on the line besides a win over myself, but hey, I've always been up for it, so Matt, anytime, anyplace I will do it, your on!

Matt smirks and drops his mic, then backs up some and turns to head to the back, but whips around in a full circle and lunges at Mack with a punch. Mack steps back and to the side, nails Matt with a hard chop to his chest, then quick as a cat he nails the Shows Ova laying Matt out and getting a huge pop for it. Cowboy soon hits and Mack dances around standing over Matt, drops down in a pose right over him, then points at Matt and says, "bad move". He pops up and bows to the fans before making his way backstage.

Nick Miller: Wow, huge news with Matt laying the challenge and Mack accepting, that would be awesome to see happen.

Frankie Malone: Yea it would, a rematch from nearly two years ago and with Matlock look more and more like he could win.


Barbed Wire Ladder Match
#1 Contendership To SEF World Heavyweight Title
Blaze Inferno
Travis Cross

The first match of the night is up, a Barbed Wire Ladder match between Blaze Inferno and Travis Cross to determine the #1 contender to the World Title. So Travis comes walking to the ring now, but before he can get very far Blaze comes running out from behind and clubs him in the back. She slams Travis' head into the barricade and then takes him to the ring. She slides his head on one of the barbed wire ropes, slicing him open and then rolling him inside the ring. She then looks under the ring and takes out her favorite weapon, a kendo stick wrapped in barbed wire.

Nick Miller: Oh boy. That's Blaze's favorite weapon. I think Travis is in for it now.

Frankie Malone: No doubt. The kid sucks.

Blaze enters the ring now, under the ropes and cracks Travis in the head with the kendo stick. He falls to the ground but Blaze is quick to pick him up and whip him hard into the ropes. He falls back and he gets tangled in the ropes. He struggles to get free, the barbed wire digging into him as he does. Blaze takes the kendo and cracks Travis in the head at least three more times. She then lays it down and slides out of the ring, grabbing the ladder. She jams the end of it into Travis' back before heading to the side of the ring and sliding in with it. Blaze smirks evily at Travis as she starts to climb. But a bloody Travis somehow gets free and he starts to climb the other side of the ladder. Both he & Blaze get to the top now, but Blaze catches Travis with a few hard right hands. He stumbles and with one last right hand he falls off the ladder, and onto the barbed wire ropes, sliding across the top of them as he falls to the floor. On the ground Travis lays, cut open all over and bleeding real bad. Blaze gets to the top of the ladder now, and grabs the briefcase containing the contract down as the ref calls for the bell.

Brittany Fox: Your winner of this match and the number one contender for the SEF World Heavyweight Title...Blaze Inferno!

Ghost of You hits as Blaze climbs down, holding the briefcase up in the air as she slides out of the ring and heads for the back.

Nick Miller: Damn, that was fast. Blaze took Travis out in no time.

Frankie Malone: Like I said. He sucks and he could never cut it in SEF. Blaze deserved to win that one.


Hardcore Rules Match
D-Von Dudley
Spike Dudley

Spikes on his way to the ring as D-Von attacks him from behind signaling the start of their match! D-Von picks up a nearby trash can and cranks him with it! D-Von kicks him in the ribs as he goes to get up. D-Von goes to pick Spike up, but catches a low blow. Spike grabs a 2x4 laying next to him and catches D-Von in the ribs with it. He hits DVon over the back with it, breaking it in half! Spike picks him up and throws him into a wall head first splitting D-Von wide open! Spike throws him through the curtain and into the arena!

Nick Miller: D-Von bleeding now and here they finally come to the ring.

They battle to the ring, and D-Von reverses an irish whip into the ring post. He reaches under the ring and pulls out a ladder! D-Von cracks Spike in the head with the ladder, busting him wide open as well!

Frankie Malone: HA, now Spike is bleeding, only a matter of time before D-Von wins it and proves Spike's was a fluke.

Nick Miller: He could yes, but Spike beat him straight up before, he and everyone has to admit it.

Frankie Malone: Whatever.....

D-Von sends the ladder in the ring, along with two chairs! He rolls Spike in and goes under the ring again, only to come out with a barbed wire 2x4! He gets in the ring and swings it, but Spike ducks it and kicks D-Von right in the nuts! D-Von drops the 2x4 as Spike grabs him and Acid Drops him into the the barbed wire 2x4! Spike goes for the cover..1...2.. kickout! Spike unfolds a chair and sends D-Von into the ropes. He attempts a drop toe hold but gets caught by D-Von. D-Von nails Spike and picks up the barbie again! This time he swings and connects, sending Spike writhing in pain to the canvas! D-Von unfolds the other chair, and bridges the two unfolded chairs with the ladder. He goes outside and comes back in ring with a strand of barbed wire! Spike gets up and gets clotheslined right in the throat with the barbed wire! Spike holds his throat rolling around on the mat!

Nick Miller: Oh god that had to hurt Spike's neck and especially with his past neck problems.

Frankie Malone: Yea, break his neck, cut his throat D-Von!

D-Von wraps the barbed wire around the ladder brided between the two chairs. He picks up an unconscious Spike, knocked out from possibly a crushed pipe, and climbs the turnbuckle. D-Von screams "TESTIFY" and he picks up Spike and powerbombs Spike off the top rope onto the barbed wire ladder in the ring, and the ladder doesn't give! He covers him on the ladder! 1...2...3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, D-Von Dudley!

Torn by Creed hits as D-Von gets his hand raised and tries to stand.

Nick Miller: Good god that powerbomb was insane, Spike could have been hurt bad.

Frankie Malone: Who cares, D-Von won!

We go to the back now where we see Bubba heading down the hall, he is adjusting his wrist bands when from behind comes a man in a hooded sweatshirt nailing him across the back. The man shoves Bubba into a wall, then starts hammering him with punches, but Bubba musters up and pushes the guy up against the opposite wall. Security comes running down the hall and seperates the two men. Bubba heads down the hall as the other man is dragged off and we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: That was crazy and what was it all about?

Frankie Malone: Who knows, maybe it was the same guy who laid out The First and Adam Smith on Extreme?

Nick Miller: Could be or someone hired by McMoney to rough up Bubba considering their match is up next!


Money In The Bank Double Jeopardy Ladder Match
SEF International Championship
Matt Matlock(c)
Bubba Ray Dudley
Michael McMoney

Were ready for the Money in the Bank Double Jeopardy ladder match, Matlock, McMoney, and Bubba Ray have made it out now. The match starts with all three men in the ring, looking up at the title, they circle one another, then all three meet in the middle beating the hell out of each other! McMoney suplexes Matlock, but gets elbowed by Bubba. Bubba gets up and starts kicking both of them. McMoney grabs his foot and trips him up, as Matlock gets up as well. Matlock goes for Bubba as McMoney slithers over to the corner, and rolls out of the ring. He goes to the back as Bubba and Matlock go at it, toe to toe in the middle of the ring! Matlock hits Bubba with a hard clothesline, sending him down with authority. Matlock grabs him and picks him up, and gives him a scoop slam. Matlock picks him up and Bubba rolls him up in a small package...1...2...3! Bubba gets the fall over Matlock!

Nick Miller: Bubba with the first fall, could this be a sign?

Frankie Malone: Doubt it, just a lucky pin.

Matlock gets up in disbelief and jumps on Bubba as the match continues. Matlock pounds on Bubba out of frustration, and opens Bubba up. McMoney returns from the back with two ladders! He slides one in the ring and puts one over the top rope. Bubba blocks a Matlock punch and hits Matlock, who stumbles face first into the ladder on the top rope, as McMoney uses the ladder as a teeter totter and pulls down on it, sending the other end smashing right off of Matlock's face! McMoney climbs in the ring and spears Bubba, who rolls through it and lands on top, as he begins pounding away on McMoney! He gets to his feet, only to be met by Matlock with a ladder to the mush! Matlock sticks McMoney with the ladder, and he puts the ladder on his shoulders and spins around in circles, connecting on McMoney and Bubba twice a piece before he stops!

Frankie Malone: Round and round she went, the new and improved Matlock Go Round!

Nick Miller: Oh good grief!

Matlock picks up McMoney and hits Animal Instincts on him and rolls him over for the pin! 1...2...3!

Matlock gains a fall over Michael McMoney as the match continues. Matlock goes over to Bubba and nails him, but Bubba pokes him in the eyes! Bubba does the bionic elbow on Matlock as McMoney sneaks up behind Bubba and rolls him up for the 1...2...3!

The match continues as McMoney fights with Matlock now, as he pushes McMoney into a Bubba roll up! 1...2...3!

Nick Miller: Two for Bubba, I believe now he can go for the briefcase and ladder.

Frankie Malone: If he can which he can't cause he's a Dudley!

Bubba rolls off as Matlock attacks him. McMoney gets up looking frustrated and charges the two, as they send him to the outside via a backbody drop! Matlock kicks Bubba low and hits him with Animal Instincts for the fall!

Matlock sets up a ladder and goes to town, but McMoney sets up a ladder beside him! McMoney is at the top as Matlock reaches for the title and briefcase, and McMoney nails a beautifully landed superkick to his teeth, knocking him off the ladder onto the mat! McMoney leaps off and nails a Psychosis-like leg drop on Matlock and pins him! 1....2...3!

Nick Miller: A hell of a kick sending Matlock off the ladder, then the leg drop for a pin, this match is good.

Frankie Malone: Hell yea, McMoney and Matlock are in it!

McMoney gets up and looks up at the title and briefcase, then jumps to his feet and starts climbing. Bubba goes up the other side as they race to the top. McMoney gets there first reaching for it but gets cut off by Bubba! They battle it out on top as Matlock climbs the other ladder! Once on top, McMoney is realing as Bubba and Matlock make eye contact. Matlock grabs McMoney and falls back, as Bubba leaps catching McMoney and hitting him with a 3-D from the very top of the ladders!

Nick Miller: Oh my god, that was crazy, the 3D with Matlock's help and the fall for McMoney.

They get up and now Bubba and Matlock race up opposing ladders, as now both are at te top! Bubba and Matlock trade punches as Bubba wisely jumps down and grabs Matlock's ladder, shaking it! Matlock says "no" but Bubba tips it over, sending him to the outside, meeting a guardrail face first!

Frankie Malone: No, Bubba cheated!

Nick Miller: He did not, it was a smart move actually and fair for the match, a nasty fall for Matlock though.

Bubba climbs the ladder, as its the only one left standing! He gets to the top and reaches for the belt and briefcase when all of a sudden a man runs in from the crowd wearing camo! He bolts up the other side of the ladder, nailing Bubba in the chest! He grabs Bubba and hits an Emerald Fusion off the top of the ladder all the way to the mat! The man walks over and slaps McMoney in the face, but to no avail! He picks him up and pushes him up the ladder with both Bubba and Matlock laid out cold!

Nick Miller: What is this, who is this guy, no fair!

Frankie Malone: Who cares and I think its McMoney's ol' friend who signed recently, Big Country!

McMoney comes too and reaches up, as he grabs the SEF International Championship and the Money In The Bank briefcase, signaling the end of the match! He falls off the top and lands on the mat as he grasps the title and the contract!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner of the match the new SEF International Champion, also the Money in the Bank winner, Michael McMoney!

Money Talks as the guy helps up McMoney who clutches his title and briefcase close, then the two head to the back.

Nick Miller: A lil unfair at the end, but a good match up to that, all three gave a hell of an effort.

Frankie Malone: Oh yea, Matlock and McMoney kicked ass, but McMoney outsmarted them in the end.

Our SEFTron lights up now showing the backstage area where Mack is see walking down the hall in his gear looking focused as all hell. We then split the screen and show Whitney walking down a hall as well, her attire on and her title around her waist, she rubs it and looks determined, the crowd cheering in anticipation for the main event which is next.

Nick Miller: Oh man, this is gonna be a huge match, I don't know if Sly knew just how big this was gonna be!

Frankie Malone: Mack in Japan fight for his tenth SEF Title reign, claiming its a new start, this is gonna be of fthe hook.

Nick Miller: And its next, the main event everyone, get ready!

Main Event
Japanese Deathmatch
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Whitney Marret(c)
Shane Mack

And now its all down to the main event, a Japanese Deathmatch for the SEF World Heavyweight Title. Cowboy by Kid Rock hits for the second time tonight and out struts Shane Mack, Daddy Mack as he mostly known to all. The crowd erupts like nothing ever heard and Mack just dances on down the ramp, fans reach out as he slaps their hands, he dances right under the ladder at ringside. Mack makes his way up on to the ring apron and circles around, does his pose, then pops up and jumps up doing the kliq sign. He soon starts discarding his chaps and vest as System by Linkin park hits the pa. We see Whitney Marret come walking out looking as determined as earlier, the fans give her quite an ovation as well. She makes her way to the ring, slaps fans hands and soon Whitney makes her way around the ladder and over the bed of death carefully and gets into the ring. She unstraps her title and holds it high into the air, then hands it to the ref who straps it to the loop which soon raises twenty feet above the ring. Whitney looks around at the ropes with electric wire, looks to the floor with the beds of death, then she stares up at her title and soon drops her eyes to Mack's who is now standing just inches from her. He has his arms spread and says, "welcome to my world"! Whitney smiles, but she suddenly lets a punch fly to Mack's jaw, then she nails a few chops and knees him in the gut, then hits a ddt. She follows through to an armbar, but Mack is too fresh and rolls through it getting Whitney facefirst and into a hammerlock. She is able to roll out and away from Mack before its locked in and the two are on their knees and move into a amatuer style lock up now. Mack floats around behind Whitney looking to take her down, but she gets her legs out and moves around behind Mack now. He pulls up and forward, then bends down trying to roll Whitney over top of him and into the ropes, but she snaps him back locking him in a body scissors and sleeper.

Nick Miller: My god that was some good chain wrestling by these two and now its seen Mack get trapped in a sleeper.

Frankie Malone: He'll get free, besides, Whitney can't win this way.

Mack is rolling his body now, Whitney squeezes tight and he screams, but keeps rolling until he turns over and gets near the edge of the ring. He keeps rolling trying to go over the edge, Whitney is on his while Mack is face down and she scoots off, then kicks at him sending Mack off the mat and down on the bed of death creating a small explosion. We see Mack laying on his back, the glass broken and he sits up trying to get back in the ring, blood all over his back. Whitney is up and stomps on his hand, then she backs up and comes sliding at him with a baseball slide dropkick sending Mack back on to the bed of death creating another small explosion.

Nick Miller: Damn, this has got to be killing his back.

Frankie Malone: Its Mack, he's taken way worse.

The crowd is loving the action so far. Whitney gets on the edge of the ring and she leaps off driving her knees into Mack's gut now. She falls forward, but gets her hands out, cuts them, but keeps her face from being all cut up. Whitney steadies herself on Mack, then leaps off to the floor grabbing the ladder to make sure she don't fall backwards. She folds the ladder up, then lays it on an angle on the edge of the ring. Whitney then walks up the ladder like a rmap into the ring, but as she does we see Mack gets up and grabs the ladder turning it over and Whitney falls right on to the bed of death creating quite a nice explosion and the crowd loves it.

Nick Miller: Oh good god!

Mack slides the ladder into the ring and pulls up Whitney who is bleeding from her back now, then looks for a piledriver on the bed of death.

Nick Miller: No, oh my god, no Mack, don't do it!

Frankie Malone: Yes, do it Mack!

He lifts her, but Whitney keeps herself down and drops to her knees, then brings an arm up low blowing him. She gets on her feet and nails an uppercut to Mack, then tries for a suplex. Mack blocks it and lifts up Whitney, then twists around dropping her into the ring. Mack stumbles, but gets a hand on the edge of the ring, then jumps up into it. He gets up on his feet and grabs the ladder setting it up now. Whitney gets up and clubs him in the back, then she tries sending him to the ropes, but Mack puts on the brakes and looks for a clothesline. Whitney ducks it and drops Mack with a neckbreaker. She lifts him up and bashes Mack's head into the ladder, then whips him across the ring to a no ropes side. Mack drops to the mat and bolts up for a spear on Whitney. She leaps up and delivers a spinning kick sending Mack to his back. Whitney gets up now and starts climbing the ladder, the match by the way is over the twenty five minute mark. She makes it like halfway up when Mack gets up to his feet. Whitney sees him and waits for him to turn to her, then she leaps off with a cross body, but Mack catches her and keeps on his feet, then turns her into a tombstone position. He steps to the edge of the ring and the side with the glass still whole, then leaps down nailing a tombstone piledriver on to the bed of death, an explosion goes off and Whitney lays on her back tangled in barbed wire now. Mack kneels up and falls backwards.

Nick Miller: Oh my god, that was a crazy move, just insane and career threatening, has to be.

Frankie Malone: A sick move truly, but it was so great to see.

The crowd is going nuts and loving this, Mack now gets his feet free and starts climbing into the ring. Whitney moves and tries getting off the wire, she screams from the pain. Mack gets to his feet in the ring and starts climbing the ladder, gets near the top when a buzzer sounds signaling the 30 minute mark, the time when the explosion begins. Whitney has rolled off the bed of death and ducks beside the commentating table as the ring starts exploding not stopping for like 30 seconds. The ladder falls and Mack goes crashing down right on to the ropes into the explosion, plus getting electricuted and he flies back on the mat out of it. The exploding stops and Mack is laying on his back breathing hard.

Nick Miller: Jesus, this is crazy action and these fans love it, they are passionate about this sport.

Frankie Malone: Hell yea they are, this is truly great.

Whitney is sat up now and she looks into the ring seeing the carnage and Mack down. She slowly gets on her feet, then makes her way across the bed of death carefully and gets into the ring. Mack is coming to, but just rolls on to his stomach now. Whitney grabs the ladder standing it right over him, then she starts climbing it, slow steps as she is bleeding badly and a lil worse for wear. Mack gets out from under the ladder and he starts up the opposite side from Whitney. She is over halfway up and Mack tries as hard as he can, but looks winded still. Whitney gets a hand on the top, then pulls herself up and starts reaching for the title. Mack gets up to the top and laying in chops to Whitney's chest. She nails some elbows to him and the two go back and forth for a bit. Mack reels back some and Whitney climbs up higher, then she jumps on to Mack's shoulders apparently looking for a powerbomb. Mack though shoves her away and down with a powerbomb all the way to the mat. The ladder shakes and wobbles, Mack trying to steady it and reaches up grabbing the title, starts unhooking it and gets it, but the ladder gives and he falls down on to the ropes getting electricuted and flies back landing on Whitney, the title laying on his arm now.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner of the match and new SEF World Heavyweight Champion, Shane Mack!

Cowboy hits the pa as Mack stirs, but just lays there. Whitney moves some, but sees Mack on her and notices the title down, then just lays her head back. EMT's rush to the ring now checking on them both.

Nick Miller: Wow, that match was incredible, Mack and Whitney have lived up to their past, maybe exceeded it.

Frankie Malone: Yea it was and these people ate it up, man the Jap's are nuts. Crazy night we had, some hardcore action all night.

Nick Miller: Oh yea it was, two new champs, a number one contender and two brothers in a war. Extreme is tomorrow, so we'll see ya then, take care folks.

Mack and Whitney are on their feet on the floor, their being helped up the ramp. On stage we see Mack get free of help and grabs Whitney laying a kiss on her, the two bleeding still, but who cares. They soon head to the back as our cameras roam up over the crowd before fading to black.

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