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03.18.24: WAR Results / eXtreme Card / Wrestle X, Click Here For More

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Extreme 22 {8/25/04}

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 28, 2014, 03:49:35 PM

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Taylor Andrews

August 25th, 2004

The Joe Louis Arena comes alive from Detroit Michigan tonight and pyro shoots off like crazy while Paranod by Black Sabbath rocks the pa system. The camera shoots all over the arena capturing the screaming fans and soon tests down on the commentators table where Black Bob and Shane Cobain sit ready to call the show.

Black Bob: Yea, my hometown, Mack's hometown, the headquarters of SEF, we be back in the D muthafuckas!

Shane Cobain: Damn man, settle it down some, I know your nuts about this, but lets do our job and tonight's show is quite a good one with this card.

Black Bob: Yea it is. Crowning new number one contenders to the Tag Titles, Kid Rock debuting against The Rock, and that main event, six man tag, damn its looking good.

Shane Cobain: Oh yea it is! We got some more matches as well, but not high profile ones, so as for the main event, Matlock, Xavier, DeeJay taking on Mack, Blade, and Jamie, what a kick ass match.

Black Bob: Yes it is, big ass match and this place is gonna come alive for it when it happens.

Shane Cobain: No doubt, but lets get rolling.

Hardcore Tag Team Match
#1 Contenders To SEF Tag Team Championship
Tommy2Cool & 3-D vs. Joker & Dark Juggalo

The match gets off to a quick start and many weapons come into play from small to big, like trash cans, pipes, canes, tables, and chairs. Tommy and 3-D seem to have their way with Joker and Dark for most of the match, but don't have it easy. Dark ends being taken out with a piledriver through a table, then 3-D and Tommy double team Joker and eventually put him down for a pinfall gaining the win.

Julie: Here are your winner by pinfall..................Tommy2Cool and 3-D!

Pulse of The Maggots by Slipknot hits the pa as Tommy and 3-D celebrate their win and head to the back.

Black Bob: Hell yea, Joker and Dark got put in their places cause them bitches ain't no real Detroit gangstas, fucking whores!

Shane Cobain: Damn man, settle it down some will ya, we all know it.

Singles Match
Staci Whitefield vs. Charis Vanessia

Well, the two women go back and forth, basic womens match, slaps and hair pulling, some kicks in the corner. Charis shows some aggression, but Staci use it against her by getting her off guard and rolling her up for a quick pin.

Julie: Here is your winner by pinfall................Staci Whitefield!

American Bad Ass by Kid Rock hits as Staci holds her hands high in the air, but Charis jumps her from behind and lays her out with the Perfection Infection and soon leaves.

Black Bob: Man, Charis is a sore loser, fucking ho.

Shane Cobain: Yea, but Charis is hot, so is Staci, decent match.

Singles Match
Hank vs. Alex Van Dam

Hank shows up acting like a bitch. AVD is an sshole to the fans, but still flies around Hank and knocks him all over the ring like a, well a bitch. AVD has his way in the match and eventually lays out Hank with the PPV Special, then pins with ease.

Julie: Here is your winner by pinfall...............Alex Van Dam!

Bawitabaw by Kid Rock hits the pa as AVD stands in victory.

Black Bob: Well, damn, AVD got an easy ass win there.

Shane Cobain: Yea he did, Hank sucks ass!

Singles Match
Kid Future vs. D-Von Dudley

D-Von brings the fight to Kid and pounds him into a corner, pulls him up and lays into Kid with clotheslines, powerslams, suplexes. D-Von destroys Kid and then puts him away with Saving Grace.

Julie: Here is your winner by pinfall.................D-Von Dudley!

Suffocate by Cold hits as D-Von gets pumped up and celebrates his win.

Black Bob: Another easy win, but then D-Von is an ol' cat, so hey, its cool.

Shane Cobain: Yea, he may not be great, but he is ol' school.

Hardcore Match
The Rock vs. Kid Rock

The Rock coes out first and once Kid Rock hits the ring, the brawl begins. Rock overpowers Kid, but Kid soon heads outside, picks up some weapons and levels The Rock with them. Kid runs Rock around the ring smashing him into the ringposts, steps, and guard rail. Kid soon rolls him back in the ring, slides in a table and ends up laying Rock out with the Wrath Of The Bullgod through the table, then pins him to win.

Julie: Here is your winner by pinfall......................Kid Rock!

Devil Without A Cause by Kid Rock hits as Kid Rock stands up and takes cheers for his win.

Black Bob: Hell yea, Detroit's own Kid Rock won his match up in here tonight, yea muthafuckas.

Shane Cobain: Hell yea is right, that was a sweet ass beating he gave to The Rock.

6-Man Tag Team Match
Matt Matlock, Xavier, DeeJay George w/The Coach & Christine vs. Jamie Peirce, David Blade, Daddy Mack w/Whitney Marret

Jamie Peirce decides to no show this match, so that leaves us with a 3 on 2 handicapped tag team match, but Mack reassures Blade who looks ready as ever despite the odds. Matt starts against Blade and both seem pretty even. Matt gets cocky and laughs at Blade for not getting him down. Blade ends up going into a tie up with him for like the thrid time now and due to Matt's cockiness, Blade hip tosses him out. Matt sits up looking pissed and Blade I on him with punches. Matt takes a beating and come sback, but tags in Xavier who flies around Blade, puts him down some and forces him to tag in Mack. Xavier looks set to go, but DeeJay wants in, so Xavier tags him in. DeeJay and Mack go toe to toe and Mack ends up working DeeJay into a corner, gets reversed in an irish whip, but comes back strong taking DeeJay down. Mack takes it to DeeJay in a hard way and DeeJay fights back knocking Mack off and beats on him a bit. Mack gets the advantage back and has DeeJay down, climbs up top and hits the Mack Attack, but when he goes for a pin, Xavier flies in off the rop and hits a leg drop to the back of his neck. Mack gets up and starts going at DeeJay, but Matt distracts the ref while Xavier takes his DOGG Title to Mack's head. DeeJay is now up and order is restored. He picks up Mack and gives him a piledriver, then tags in an eager Matt who comes in kicking at Matt and beating on him now that he is down already. Xavier distracts the ref and DeeJay tosses Matt the SEF Title which he uses to nail Mack in the head and now he is busted open slightly. Matt lifts up Mack and hits the Matlock Go Round, pins, but Mack kicks out at two. Matt gets pissed and soon tags in Xavier who works over Mack on the mat. Blade is going crazy wanting a tag, but can't get one. Xavier has Mack up and looks for a hurricanrana, but is countered with a powerbomb out of desperation. Mack ends up crawling over and tagging in Blade while DeeJay gets tagged in. Blade meets him with hard punches and puts him down with a clothesline, then dropkicks Matt who runs in. Blade pulls up Xavier and tosses him out of the ring, then suddenly the lights go out completely. Some thrashing is heard in the ring for the next few minutes and the SEFtron soon lights up showing this message.

It quickly disappears and the lights flash back on. Blade is laying out cold, really out and is bleeding on the ramp. Mack is bleeding more so than he was and looks even worse for wear. Xavier is up on his feet in confusion as Matt and DeeJay get up looking around as well. DeeJay pulls up Mack and with Matt gives him a double front slam. Xavier rolls Blade in the ring, then goes up top and hits Mack with the Gangsta Splash. DeeJay gives Blade the DeeJay ZappCannon and pins him to pick up the win for his team.

Julie: Here are your winners by pinfall................DeeJay George, Xavier, and Matt Matlock!

Live Again by Sevendust hits the pa as Matt exits quickly and grins all the way to the back, but still confused as to what happened during the black out. DeeJay and Xavier are as well, but celebrate their win and head to the back. Mack picks himself up and helps Blade get on his feet, raises his hand up high and takes him to the back.

Black Bob: For a handicapped match Mack and Blade sure were hard to beat as it took two titles to do it.

Shane Cobain: Yea, kinda shows ya how Matt will fair at SummerSlam, but hey, they cheated and won, they won is what matters.

Black Bob: True, this match was won by their team and they didn't get caught, but still, to prove yourself is another story.

Shane Cobain: Yea it is and that other time is SummerSlam, see ya all then, later on.

With that the camera pans about the crowd now showing one last of the packed in fans of the Joe, then the show fades to black. The SEF logo flashes by quickly and the show ends.

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