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Extreme 61 {8/1/05}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 20, 2014, 08:09:41 PM

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Taylor Andrews

August 1st, 2005

We open up inside the Ground Zero Arena here in New York City, Paranoid is playing over the pa and were set for Extreme. Our cameras pan all over the araena showing all the different fans here, then we go down to the commentators table. 

Nick: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night Extreme. Were coming off a hell of a show last night, one that saw Mack reveal himself to be Xavier all along through everywhere X had been. His age as well revealed to be younger as was Viper's the two botched their match and revealed they were a team all along since '96.

Frankie: And it was awesome, simply awesome and don't forget what Mack revealed about Whitney, she was disguised as Stephanie McMahon for the start of SEF.

Nick: Yes, it was a night of surprises and we saw Mack win the rumble so he faces Whitney. Matlock beat DJ for the Intercontinental in a very, very close call, plus we saw the Hardcore Title revealed to be the Xtreme Title all along and is still in active competition and held by Mack.

Frankie: Our only hardcore icon of SEF and this business, he deserves it, he is the man, he-

We are interupted now when we hear Iron Head by Rob Zombie hit the pa and soon see Daddy Mack come walking out, jeans and t-shirt with a leather jacket, Hardcore and Tag Title over his shoulder. With him comes Viper, dressed in full leather and has his Tag Title over his shoulder. The crowd is booing them immensely and they just laugh and head to the ring. Once in the ring we see Mack dance around Brittany who tries to stay straight, but smiles at him and blushes. Mack just smacks her ass, then takes her mic. Viper leans back in the corner now eyeing Brittany and we soon hear Mack speak.

D-Mack: Yo, yo, wait for it, wait for it, whassss uuuppp all ya all muthafuckas!

The crowd boos a lot now and some actually throw trash in the ring, Mack just laughs at them.

D-Mack: Last night was awesome, I came clean and put you all in your place, I won the rumble for a second time in SEF history, I retired the Cruiserweight Title and won the Hardcore Title. Me and Viper, the Impact Playas, we are still the World Tag Team Champions and soon I will be World Champ. I am the fucking owner, its high time I did what I want from now on. So what if I wanna be champ, so what if people say I will screw you to get that belt, fact is they never been in SEF and faced me, so they can talk and talk away from my face. Till they step in here and see just how I earn my accolades, they can kiss my ass and suck my cock.

The crowd continues booing and a lil more trash is sent in the ring courtesy of Mack's adoring fans, Mack just egging them on.

D-Mack: Ya know, one lil detail we left out last night that Viper felt should be told. See, we haven't actually tagged for nine years. More like four or five cause this big man over here didn't get his start in this business till the big double 0, 2000.

Viper moves over to Mack and drapes an arm on his shoulder, leans in and says.

Viper: Age means shit as we proved last night, we fooled you all, we are called legends cause we busted our asses and now were younger than we were and no one can do a damn thing. Of course, it wasn't our age that made us fool you, we didn't do it to become legends, but Mack will explain.

Viper backs up now and moves over to Brittany draping an arm around her as the crowd boos.

D-Mack: Yea, so like he said. Now then, as Owner I feel I should name a stip to mine and my wife's match at SummerSlam, something that should deem a challenge and since I am-

Just then a huge flash of pyro shoots off and dies down, then System by Linkin Park hits and here comes Whitney out on stage to a huge ovation. She has the World Title on her shoulder and a mic in hand, she looks pissed.

Whitney: Mack, you want to fool us all, side with Viper, go against me, then I say bring it on!

The crowd pops huge for Whitney.

Whitney: But naming a stip to our match you cannot do for you are not the Owner. No you not, see you never bought SEF, no one paid for the SEF name. Granted you have the money too, but it was supposed to be all signing papers and handshakes to change ownership. I am not the pawn in you and Viper's game that you think I am, I had a special clause to protect SEF drawn up. I sensed bad intentions from you two, I love you Mack, I feel for you and I still do, but as a professional SEF is no longer your company to own.

The crowd cheers for this now and Mack looks pissed. Viper is leaning over the ropes yelling that its bullshit.

D-Mack: Then who is, you?

Whitney: No, I ccannot own SEF unless I buy the company out. The clause takes away ownership from anyone trying to use their power as Owner to go for the title, to stay on top, so since you wanna be in the ring fighting, your not the Owner and I believe this man, the new Chairman of the Board since we have no Owner.

With that our Microtron lights up now and reveals the board room at SEF Headquarters. We focus on the end of the table where the Chairman sits, arms folded on the table, dressed in a nice suit and he speaks.

Chairman of the Board: Yes, Daddy Mack, you have been relieved of your Ownership status due to the clause drawn up by Whitney Marret. Also it you have made several desicions in the past that were a bit over the limit you could say. This was more of the final straw. We have fixed several mistakes you made, like title history and other stuff.

D-Mack: So wait, what happens to SEF, who owns, who runs it?

Chairman of the Board: Well no one really needs to run it on air, so the regular staff will run SEF, we will book cards for all of you superstars, update the SEF website, take care of venues and whatnot. SEF is not on the market to be sold, we do have financial backing from the MSN Network now. We spoke and they were informed of those, so they are willing to back SEF. That is about all I can tell you, so goodbye for now.

D-Mack: Wait, no, one thing bitch, well two words, suck it!

The Chairman just stares with a blank expression and the tron soon goes to black.

Whitney: So you see, you will name nothing and you have no power. After SummerSlam, maybe I'll take you back, but for now I am getting ready to kick your ass!

Whitney tosses her mic down and raises the title up as Mack starts laughing now.

D-Mack: Baby, this is not a game anymore. Viper toyed with you in the past months, he toyed with you as part of our plan, now I show you what its like to step into my world. Ya went to Japan to be a female version of me, never! I did more there than you could ever do in your life. SummerSlam is it baby, our biggest match and you best pray for a miracle, pray for someone to help you cause I need no help. I may be the bad guy and not the Owner anymore, but Viper will not be there, no one but you and I, your time is over!

Viper leans over by Mack and they smirk now, then shout out, "Suck It" and do some crotch chops. Iron Head hits the pa as Whitney just rolls her eyes and walks to the back. Mack dances around Brittany, then looks for a kiss, but spins her away and exits the ring with Viper.

Nick: Well now this is interesting, Mack no longer Owner of SEF, odd how he had itr taken away, but its legite and legal.

Frankie: Its bullshit and I would be suing and killing, Mack earned the SEF name has his!

Nick: No doubt he earned a lot here, but he shouldn's pull stunts like he has. Now then, lets get on with the show.

Singles Match
Alex Van Dam
Pung Loa 

We see the two men inside of the ring as the bell sounds. Pung starts off with the karate kicks to AVD's midsection, and looks for a big roundhouse one. AVD catches his foot but Pung nails an Enziguri. He covers. One...two...AVD kicks out. Pung lifts up AVD and goes for a few punches, but AVD blocks one and takes him over with a fireman's carry. He lifts Loa up and whips him to the ropes and nails a spinebuster on the way back. A cover, and a kickout at two by Pung Loa. AVD signals to the crowd, and then scoops Pung up for 'Death Row'. AVD connects and then hooks the leg. One...two....three!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Alex Van Dam!

Nick: Decent match, AVD did goo considering the grueling match last night.

Frankie: Yea, he did ok, but Mack kicked his ass last night.

Singles Match
DeeJay George
Bob the Bruiser 

Bob is in the ring now waiting as "Fallen Angel" hits the speakers and DeeJay heads out to the ring, not looking too pleased at having lost the IC title the night before. He gets into the ring and the bell sounds. Bob starts off with a few right hands to DeeJay and then whips him to the ropes. Bob looks for a clothesline but DeeJay ducks. He keeps going off the opposite ropes and then nails a german suplex on Bob. DeeJay makes the cover, but only gets two. DeeJay stands up, and lifts Bob up. DeeJay does a little dance, punching Bob in the face a few times as he does. DeeJay looks to finish the combo off but Bob ducks outta the way, and as DeeJay turns around he gets a kick to the gut. Bob lifts him up for a powerbomb, but DeeJay gets out and slides behind Bob's back. Bob turns around only to take a 'Judgment Kick' to the face. DeeJay then lifts Bob up, and hits the 'WOF Mockery', stealing the Brooklyn Bomb and hitting Bob with it. DeeJay covers. One...two...three!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, DeeJay George!

Nick: Bob gutted it out and tried, but DJ is emotional after last night and nuts after what happened.

Frankie: Yea, that was funny, he got beat by Matt.

Singles Match
Matt Matlock
Westside Wanksta 

The fans are booing as Matlock stands in the ring, holding the IC belt in the air. "X Gonna Give It To Ya" hits the speakers now and the Wanksta comes out. He gets in the ring and the bell sounds, and the Wanksta pulls out some cash, and hands it to Matt. He's obviously looking to bribe Matt into laying down. Matt takes the money and looks to lay down, but instead pops up with a clothesline taking the Wanksta down. Matt picks him up and the Wanksta looks for a few punches, but gets socked in the jaw by Matt. Matt whips him to the corner, and nails a big time body splash. As the Wanksta stumbles out Matt runs off the ropes and hits a bulldog. He flips him over and covers. One...two...kickout! Matt seems a bit surprised, but not very happy. He flips Wanksta back over, crosses his legs, puts his foot into the back of the knee and then leans back into the "Matt-Lock". It doesn't take very long until Wanksta taps out.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by submission, Matt Matlock!

Nick: Wanksta tried to buy out Matt, credit him for not doing so and a nice match by both.

Frankie: Yea, whatever, Matt killed him almost as bad as DJ.

Tag Team Match
Sweet Emotion
Axel Tate & Nina 

So it's time we see the debut of Sweet Emotion in tag team action, made up of Christine & The Jackal. The bell rings as Christine is in the ring with Nina. Nina looks for a hiptoss but it's blocked and Christine counters with one of her own. She drops an elbow a couple of times and hooks the leg for a cover, but Nina kicks out at two. Lifting Nina up now, Christine knees her in the face a few times. She then nails Nina with 'Wrath of A Woman' and makes the cover, but Axel comes in and stomps on Christine to break it up. This brings in Jackal, who starts swinging like a madman at Axel. But due to the size difference Axel just lifts him up by the throat and tosses him. The ref forces Axel back to his corner, and Nina crawls over and tags in. Christine then tags in Jackal and the two go at it. Jackal nails some stiff shots to Axel's head and looks to irish whip the big man but he stands his ground. Christine comes in from behind and dropkicks Axel in the leg, taking him down to one knee. Jackal then clocks Axel square in the face with a Yakuza Kick, and then makes the cover. One...two...Axel powers out. Nina comes in, and she looks to run at Jackal, probably because she's horny or something. But Christine cuts her off with a spear and the two ladies brawl to the outside. Jackal pulls Zxel up to his feet, and then nails the 'Jackal Effect'. He hooks the leg, and Jay counts the three.

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners by pinfall, Jackal and Christine!

Nick: Nice tag outing, Jackal and Christine did good, especially with a big man like Axel in there,

Frankie: They did ok for facing a low card team.

Singles Match
The Sandman

Sandman comes charging to the ring from the crowd and cracks Flamez in the back with a singapore cane, then steps on to the second turnbuckle and leaps off with a hard shot to his head staggering the big man. Sandman comes off the ropes and chop blocks the back of his knee, then runs off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Flamez shrugs him off and swings at him, but Sandman grabs his cane and starts nailing Flamez in the ribs, then hits him in the knee bring him down some. Sandman comes off the ropes with a short dropkick now sending Flamez to his back, then he backs up the turnbuckles and comes off with a leg drop. He slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair bringing it in, but Viper is in the ring stares him down. Sandman brings up the chair, but Mack comes from the side and hits the Shows Ova laying him out. He rolls from the ring as does Viper, then Flamez backs into the ropes and falls with a splash on Sandman into a pin, 1........2........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Flamez.

Flamez leaves the ring now as Mack and Viper point at Sandman laughing and do crotch chops before leaving.

Nick: Horrible, what a horrible act by those two degenerates.

Frankie: I thought it was kinda cool myself!

Main Event
SEF World Tag Team Championship
Impact Playas[c]
Bombastic Brothers 

The brothers are in the ring and we are hearing Iron head play now as Mack and Viper are heading to the ring. They get in there and show off their titles, make gestures to the brothers and just act like asses, cool huh. To decide who goes first they play paper, rock, scissors. Mack gets a rock as Viper has scissors, so Mack smirks and lays up on the ropes now. Harry starts for his team and we see a lock up, then Viper shoves him into a corner and charges with a clothesline. Harry dodges him though and turns around hammering Viper with punchesm then whips him to the ropes and looks for a cross body, but Viper catches him and delivers a powerslam. Viper sits up and punches Harry, then looks over at Mack who is pretending to sleep. Viper stands up and pulls up Harry walking him over and tags in Mack who gets to his feet and locks up Harry in an armbar. Mack runs him around the ring into a corner sending him shoulder first into the ringpost. Mack raises his arms up in victory, then pulls Harry, but gets some hard rights and Harry tags out. Eddie flies in and hammers Mack with some punches, but Mack ducks a shot and drops him with a reverse ddt. He whips Eddie to Viper now, then rolls from the ring and grabs a chair, runs to Harry and cracks him in the back. Mack slides in the ring and slides the chair to the middle of the ring, then dropkicks Eddie. Mack pulls him up and sends him to Viper who lifts up Eddie nailing Sinful on the chair, then Mack comes off the top rope with the Mack Attack concluding their Impact Drop and Mack pins, 1.........2........3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners by pinfall and still the SEF World Tag Team Champions, the Impact Playas!

Iron Head hits the pa as Mack stands up and Viper hands him his title, the two standing victororious.

Nick: Well its been a hell of a night coming off Heat Wave last night.

Frankie: Oh yea, Mack may not be Owner, but he and Viper still own SEF, the Impact Playas are the greatest.

Nick: Great they are, but others can shine as well, so we'll see what happens in the future, till then goodnight folks.

And Paranoid hits now as our cameras roams around the arena now and we soon fade to black.

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