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My Best (SEF TV)

Started by Da Gangstas, September 19, 2023, 08:13:52 PM

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Da Gangstas

(I Hate IPA by Scuzz Twittly plays over the pa bringing out PBR in his Sandman shirt, ripped blue jeans, sneakers, and a beer in one hand with that singapore cane in the other. But then slams down his beer and tosses the can away, looks for another and turns back to reach through the curtain pulling a shopping cart out with a thirty pack of pabst blue ribbon in a trash can full of ice. A dozen more singapore canes are in the cart and PBR tosses his in to grab a new beer cracking it open as he pushes the cart to the ring. PBR tosses back his beer and tosses the can away, then rolls in the ring to step around bobbing his head before getting a microphone.)

I had a good weekend, not this last one, but the one before or so, I rediscovered who I am, so thanks mom.
(PBR smiles and reaches over the ropes for a beer to crack it and raise up in a toast to his mom.)
Now, Cliff o Clink, I may have to thank you for being preoccupied because if you are, I will be at my best. If you are not at your best, then I have to be at mine, and there is no hard feelings. I respect no matter what you do, and personal life comes first, so take care of her. I will gladly take care of that Impact X Championship for you. You have had a great run as the inaugural champion and maybe you could do more, knowing you, ya could, but you done enough to establish that title for what it needs to be. Its time for me to climb that ladder and keep up the legacy you started by reinventing who the hell I am. I may have remembered my name, least until I get a few more beers in me.
(He tosses back his beer throwing the empty away.)
I know who I am, and hardcore is my name, and I have a legacy of my own to redefine as the most hardcore man in the business. That Impact X Title can do just that, so its time to step up and take it, to do this for the betterment of the business.
(PBR grabbing a new beer cracking it open.)
Now if ya want to get here and get this started, let's do it, otherwise I'm open for a challenge from anyone else, so who's it gonna be to get hardcore with the hardcore icon of SEF!?!
(PBR taking a drink of his beer and stands there ready for a fight.)

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