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WAR 16 {4/23/07}

Started by Daddy Mack, March 15, 2014, 04:22:57 PM

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Daddy Mack

April 23rd, 2007

The GM Palace in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada hosts Monday Night WAR and our cameras open up now inside the venue, they pan around like crazy capturing the cheering fans as "Start A War" blasts over the pa.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night WAR! Nick Miller here as usual and with me is Greg Boone, we have quite a good show tonight with a main event pitting couple against couple.

Greg Boone: Oh yea, Viper and Whitney prove again why they are the dominant couple by beating Torres and Stacy.

Nick Miller: No doubt their dominant, but beating Torres and Stacy is no easy task even for those two. We'll see who wins later tonight though as we got quite a few matches to see before that one. Neo Monoxide and Trent Flash finally meet one on one, plus Jasmyne Kelli returns to SEF after three years and battles new girl Maegan Fox.

Greg Boone: Hopefully Neo makes the right choice and joins Flash, that'd be an awesome sight to see for sure. Jasmyne and Maegan, heh, least I'll get a nap in toight.

Nick Miller: You are a prick. Anyways, we also have Somoa Johnson battling a man, Nathaniel James, then a tag match pitting the brothers Justin and Lucas against a man they have history with already, Corez and his tag partner Black Bob.

Greg Boone: That one should be good, but at least Somoa and James follows Jasmyne and Maegan, means I can snooze straight through both.

Nick Miller: Your hopeless!

Greg Boone: They suck, its not my fault.

Nick Miller: They don't suck, well maybe James does, but that's kind of a given knowing who he is.

Greg Boone: Kinda like Jeremy Ward, man I can't wait to see Jordan Brooks kill him tonight, just squash that kid.

Nick Miller: Just may happen after what we heard from Jordan. Mystery is in action this week when he faces newcomer Matt Fox, both are new actually, but both seem to have talent.

Greg Boone: Where'd ya hear that?

Nick Miller: I go by what I see and I've seen them from tapes before they came to SEF, but now let's go to the ring and get this night kicked off.

A voice whispers, 'You thought you run me out, thought I was forever gone, YOU THOUGHT WRONG! Silence falls for a few long seconds before you hear 'uh huh, all you people stomp your feet like this. I heard that you were talking shit and didn't think that I would hear it,' as Holla Back Girl by Gwen Stefani echoes across the arena. Multiple bursts of pyro goe off, filling the arena with smoke, the tron clicks on showing a girl with honey blond hair and brown eyes in a variety of scenes: a fitness model, a wrestler, a martial artist and amaetuer kickboxing champion, a soccer star, and etc. The girl poses, the tron in a classy black and white set up before turning bad ass when the song kicks up a bit more, the tron hitting with an intense mix of matches with of the world's most recognizable indy stars coming up on the short end as a spotlight focuses on the entrance way, shadowing the girl in the video.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Raleigh, North Carolina, she weighs 130 pounds and is accompanied by Ash Silva, she is.....Maegan Fox!

Maegan comes out dressed in her customized ring gear: white customized pleather diva trunks, with a red maple leaf, the leaf reading Fox #8, red and white striped airbrushed halter saying "Foxy," also written over a Canadian flag, white to the knee wrestling boots featuring a bratz style fox wearing boxing gloves, and a Team Canada Olympic Soccer wind jacket. Ash follows her out, dressed in a black beater, black jeans, and combat boots. Both are intense and just head down the ramp. Once at ringside Maegan climbs to the apron and steps in the ring while Ash stays at ringside. We then hear "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks hit the pa and soon we see Jasmyne Kelli come walking out on the stage getting booed. She just smirks and heads down the ramp holding her head high ignoring the crowd.

Brittany Fox: Now making her way to the ring, from Detroit Michigan, she weighs 120 pounds, Jasmyne Kelli!

Jasmyne heads up the ring steps and slowly enters the ring, then she runs to a corner and jumps up on the second turnbuckle pumping her fists in the air. Jasmyne hops down as the bell rings and Maegan rushes her, leaps up and spins around looking for a kick to her head, but Jasmyne ducks it and Maegan lands in the corner catching her right leg on the top rope. Jasmyne lights her up with slaps now, then a hard chop to her chest. She pulls Maegan's leg off the ropes and whips her across the ring, then follows up for a clothesline. Maegan leaps up and over at the last second, then spins around with a roundhouse kick to the back of Jasmyne's head.

Nick Miller: Oooh, what a kick that was.

Maegan pulls Jasmyne from the corner and whips her across the ring, then when she comes back Maegan leaps up catching her for a Foxycanrana. Maegan pops up and Jasmyne sits up, Maegan nails a short, hard kick to her head knocking her down, then goes up to the top rope and leaps off with a shooting star press. She bounces up on her knees, then falls back into a pin, 1.................2...................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner of the match by pinfall, Maegan Fox!

"Hollaback Girl" hits the pa as Maegan stands up getting a few cheers, Ash is in the ring and raises her hand up in the air.

Nick Miller: Nice match, Jasmyne didn't get in much offense, but Maegan showed off some good moves.

Greg Boone: Who cares, a sleeper followed by another sleeper, now be quiest, so I can rest up for the worthy matches to call.

Nick Miller: Whatever you say. Coming up now is Somoa and Nathaniel.

"Whats Left Of Me" hits the pa now and the crowd cheers a lil as Somoa Johnson comes walking out on stage raising her arms in the air.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Miami Florida, she weighs 128 pounds, Somoa Johnson!

Somoa is heading down the ramp and now and she gets to the ring, rolls in the ring and sprints up to her feet looking around the arena. She then backs into a corner and stares at the stage.

Nick Miller: Somoa faces Nathaniel James next!


We come back from break to find Nathaniel James entering the ring. He steps through the ropes when Somoa rushes him with a dropkick knocking James to the floor. The ref pulls her back and Somoa tries getting by him and argues with him. We see Justin Rodgers come down the ramp and get behind James who is up. Justin turns him and drops James with PO'd on the floor, boos are heard from the crowd. Justin pulls up James and rolls him on the apron, then he backs up the ramp.

Nick Miller: Not very fair by Justin.

Greg Boone: Match hadn't really started yet.

Somoa lets the ref go and pulls James up and nails the Rock Bottom, then she pins him, 1.................2.................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner of the match by pinfall, Somoa Johnson!

"Whats Left Of Me" hits the pa as Somoa stands up and Justin eyes her from the stage, the crowd booing. Justin soon winks, then heads to the back as Somoa exits the ring now.

Nick Miller: Seems like Justin and Somoa have something between them as we've been seeing lately anyways.

Greg Boone: A budding romance, no way to kill a career quicker. Drop her quick Justin.

Nick Miller: Oh shut up. So they may be back together, nothing wrong with it. Up next though its Justin and his brother against Corez and Bob, wonder if Somoa will return the favor to Justin during his match?

"Attitude" by Sepultura hits the pa now and we soon see Justin and Lucas come walking out on stage raising the arms in the air, then they high five each other and begin their walk down the ramp, Hayden on Lucas' arm.

Brittany Fox: The following match is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first at a combined weight weight of 480 pounds, they are accompanied by Hayden Rodgers, the team of Lucas and Justin Rodgers!

Boos are heard from the crowd as Justin slides in the ring with Lucas while Hayden heads up the steps. Justin climbs some turnbuckles raising his arms high while Lucas and Hayden raise their arms together. We hear "Becoming" hit the pa and Corez comes out on stage with a steady walk showing he means business, he is fired up too. He pumps his hands in the air with the devils sign which he uses to proclaim himself as Version II.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Memphis Tennessee, he weighs 220 pounds, he is.....Corez Version Two!

The crowd responds with cheering as Corez just taunts all the way down the aisle, high fives some fans, then waits at ringside string into the ring. "Black Bob" comes over the pa we see the lights flash a bit and some spotlights roam around a bit. Bob then makes his way out and does nothing real special, sorta pumps himself up, high fives fans on his way to the ring, and just walks on down the aisle.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from the streets of Detroit Michigan, he weighs 205 pounds, the Original Gangsta......Black Bob!

Bob stands next to Corez and looks over at him, Corez looks back and then the two rush to the ring sliding in and pop up to their feet. Corez shoots across at Justin ducking behind him and coming around tackling him to the mat while Bob and Lucas brawl in the middle of the ring. Lucas overpowers Bob and whips him across the ring, catches him for a sleeper, but Bob steps to the side and lifts him up and back for a back suplex. Corez has Justin on the floor now and is pounding him hard with punches. Hayden comes from behind grabbing his hair, Corez gets up and grabs Hayden's hair, then backs her up against the guard rail.

Greg Boone: Hey, he can't be manhandling a woman like that.

Nick Miller: She shouldn't have tried getting involved.

Justin is up and comes from behind driving a knee to Corez' back, Hayden moves away quickly. Bob is still in the ring and working over Lucas' right leg. Justin clubs Corez across his back, then Hayden hands him a lead pipe and he cracks Corez in the back with that, then dumps him over the guard rail and drops the pipe. He heads around to his corner acting innocent, but has a smirk.

Nick Miller: Now that wasn't very fair.

Bob lets go fo the grapevine, gets up and applies a spinning toe hold to Lucas. He looks almost for a figure four, but Lucas rips him down into a small package, 1...............2......kickout! Bob rolls up to his feet and turns around dropkicking Lucas in his head. He pulls up Lucas, hooks his arms and lifts up and over nailing the Back Alley Bomb, then pins him, 1..............2............Justin comes in dropping an elbow across Bob's back.

Nick Miller: That may have been three had Justin not come in.

Greg Boone: Nah, Bob can't beat anyone.

Bob gets up yelling at Justin, then he pulls up Lucas and walks him to a corner, lifts up on top and now climbs up hammering him with a couple punches. Bob looks to set him up for a swinging neckbreaker it seems, but Lucas fights him and tries shoving Bob away. Justin comes rushing over clubbing Bob in his back, then yanks him down to the mat before getting back to his corner. Lucas gets up straight on the ropes, Bob gets to his feet and Lucas comes off the top with a missile dropkick sending Bob down. Corez is leaning against the ring now and reaching for the ropes. Lucas pulls up Bob and whips him into the ropes where Corez is coming up, but gets knocked off into the guard rail now. Bob bounces back to Lucas who nails him with a spear and pins, 1...............2........kickout!

Nick Miller: Lucas with a near fall and Corez is down again.

Justin is tagged in now and he almost stalks Bob who is slowly getting up. Corez hangs on the guard rail, slumps to the floor and starts to push himself up. Bob gets up and Justin looks for PO'd, but no, Bob shoves him away and Justin comes back to get a drop toe hold, then locked into an stf. Justin is screaming in pain, Bob has it cinched on in the middle of the ring, but Juston crawls for the ropes. Lucas comes in quick and drops an elbow to Bob's back. The ref gets him back as Hayden starts kicking Corez in his ribs, then slams his face against the guard rail and soon backs off.

Nick Miller: C'mon, that was uncalled for.

Bob is getting up and he pulls up Justin who suddenly snaps him down with PO'd, bouncing to his back near the ropes. Justin turns over and covers him with one arm, 1................2.......Bob gets his left foot on the bottom rope. Justin looks up pissed and kneels up now, pulls Bob from the ropes and pins again, 1................2.........kickout! Justin gets up and tags in Lucas, then he pulls up Bob. He and Lucas get on either side of Bob, then nail a double Downward Spiral, Justin exits to his corner as Lucas pins, 1.................2...........kickout! Lucas starts kicking Bob's knees, drops his own knees down on to them, then wraps him up into the Loki Lock. Bob screams in pain as Lucas cinches the hold on. Justin yells to just tap, Bob refusing to do so and he crawls for the ropes. We suddenly see Corez bolt into the ring and drops Lucas with a forearm to the back of his head.

Greg Boone: What, no fair, he can't come in the ring.

Nick Miller: That never stopped Lucas or Justin the whole match.

Justin is in now and charges Corez with a clothesline, but he ducks, runs across the ring and comes back taking them both over the ropes with a clothesline. Lucas and Bob are up, but Bob suddenly drops Lucas with a ddt, then he pulls himself up and gets to the top rope. Corez and Justin are brawling up the ramp now as the ref looks towards them, Hayden gets on the apron grabs Bob's leg pulling him down crotching the top rope. She hops down now as Lucas gets up and climbs to the top.

Nick Miller: This has been a three on one match, not a tag team match.

Greg Boone: Oh boo hoo... now shut up!

Lucas pulls Bob up and looks for a ddt, but lifts him up in the air for an Impaler and falls back to the mat dropping Bob hard. Lucas holds his back in pain, but covers Bob, 1...............2...............3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners of the match by pinfall, Lucas and Justin Rodgers!

"Attitude" hits the pa as Hayden comes in the ring raising Lucas' arm, then points up on the stage where Corez and Justin are brawling. The two exit the ring and head up the ramp just as Corez nails the Corez Effect on Justin. He gets up and turns to Lucas raising the v2 sign up, then heads to the back. Lucas and Hayden check on Justin.

Nick Miller: Lucas with the pin in this match and over Bob who is the challenger to the World Title.

Greg Boone: Exactly why Bob can't win the World Title, he can't even beat a new guy, though Lucas is pretty good.

Nick Miller: There is the unfair tactics that seem to happen to him, remember Hayden tonight and the DVF for months now.

Greg Boone: Stop making excuses and admit the guy just plain sucks!

Nick Miller: I refuse to tell a lie like that. I will tell you that up next is Jordan Brooks one on one with Jeremy Ward though.

The lights go out and red and blue lights circle the arena as "You Don't Know" hits the PA.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall. On his way to the ring, from New York, New York, he weighs in at 350lbs and is accompanied by Whitney Marret, he is............. "The Ultimate Protector" Jordan Brooks!

Once he comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he squats down and white pyro goes off from left to right as he raises up slowly and raises his fists in the air. Whitney comes walking out behind him carrying her Women's Title and walks with Jordan down to the ring. Once inside the ring, Jordan goes to the far right turnbuckle and poses for the crowd by pointing to himself. Whitney stays at ringside while Jordan runs the ropes getting warmed up.

Nick Miller: Jordan is looking ready to kill, but can he beat Ward? We'll find out next!

We come back from break to hear "Graveyard Symphony" playing and see Jeremy Ward on the apron now. Jordan rushes over grabbing Ward by his head and flips him over the ropes into the ring.

Nick Miller: Jordan starting this match right away.

Greg Boone: He's all business and all about kicking ass.

Jordan yanks up Ward whipping him to the ropes, then catches him in a bearhug and squeezes tight, but then whips around violently and nails a spinebuster. Jordan pops up and stomps at Ward some, then rips him up and nails some hard punches, bends him down and lifts up Ward nailing the Big Apple Bomb, then covers him, 1...............2..............3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner of the by pinfall, Jordan Brooks!

"You Don't Know" hits the pa and Jordan stands up with Whitney who is on the ring and they raise their hands high. We suddenly see a masked man come from behind and nails Jordan in the back with a chair. Triple V is seen sprinting out now as the man grabs Whitney backing her against the ropes. He looks to pulls her up, but Viper gets down in time and pulls Whitney from the ring holding her back some. The masked men threatens with the chair, then backs up and drops it, lifts up Jordan horizontally as he stares at Viper. The masked man then swings Jordan's legs behind him, whips around the other way landing him on his back. Viper has a mic now and stares in the ring pissed.

VVV: Look you lil punk bitch, I know its you, the same guy who has been giving all these return signs lately, well save all the drama and just reveal yourself now, c'mon coward, show your face!

The masked man has a mic as well.

???: Do you remember this voice?

He then drops the mic and rolls from the ring leaving through the crowd. Viper and Whitney get in the ring now checking on Jordan.

Nick Miller: That voice does sound familiar and with Reckless Rebellion this Sunday who knows what we'll see from this masked retruning star. We have the Diamond Exchange standing by right now.

So we go to the back and we find Trent Flash wearing a usual fancy suit and standing in a locker room watching the monitor and shaking his head.

Trent Flash: This kid returning is in for a world of hurt, but its his funeral. I have other fish to fry.

Black Scorpion is seen sitting on a bench in the background, he has his bat resting on his lap. Danny Hansen comes walking in now and looks flsutered kinda, almost worried.

Danny Hansen: Flash, still no sign of Neo, I don't know what the kid is up to.

Trent Flash: He's not showing naturally, he either joins us or no shows and he's just being smart, he knows better than to fight me, but I'll address that later, get this camera out of here.

Danny Hansen: You heard him monkey, get out of here.

Black Scorpion is seen standing now, so the view cuts to ringside now.

Nick Miller: Interesting words we heard from Flash ad he isn't dressed to compete, wonder what's going on?

Greg Boone: Neo is either joining him or no showing out of fear.

Nick Miller: If you say so. We got Mystery and Matt Fox facing off next.

The lights cut out, "Act a Fool" by Ludacris hits the pa system. A small flash comes from behind the curtain, showing that someone is making their way to the ring. You can't see anything though until a burst of pyro goes off. This not only shows you the man that is entering the ring but causes the lights to come in a greyish colour.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, from Flint Michigan, he weighs 223 pounds, Mystery!

Mystery walks to the ring, sliding in when he reaches the apron. He stretches on the ropes, before standing in the middle of the ring. The lights lower as "Narcotic" by Dead Poetic hits the P.A. A Canadian flag appears on the tron, flickers briefly, before fading out into action shots of a young Canadian kicking ass and winning titles. He's shown with several allies fighting against groups of people, also he is shown with two women variously. We then see Matt come walking out on stage to a few cheers, with him is Maegan.

Brittany Fox: Now making his way to the ring, from Edmonton Alberta Canada, he weighs 238 pounds and is accompanied by Maegan Fox, he is Matt Fox!

They make their way to the ring after slapping some fans hands, then Matt heads up the steps and jumps into the ring spreading his arms out. Maegan just stays at ringside. The bell soon rings and the two men circle each other. Mystery and Matt lock up finally and struggle for power, Mystery shoving Matt back to a corner, but Matt turns him around slamming him against the turnbuckles. He backs up for a clean break and Mystery bolts out dropping Matt with a clothesline. He runs across the ring and comes back leaping on to the middle rope and spins off landing a leg drop across Matt's throat, then floats over into a pin, 1...........2.....kickout! Mystery sits Matt up and applies a rear chinlock driving his knee into Matt's back. Matt struggles to get free, tries reaching out for the ropes that aren't far. Mystery keeps his head locked back, but Matt keeps scooting a lil bit. Maegan comes around to look at Matt and cheer him on. Matt keeps fighting and Mystery suddenly jumps up and wraps his legs around Matt's head grabbing his arm for a triangle choke. Matt rolls for the ropes and gets a hold of the bottom one.

Nick Miller: Mystery with some good mat wrestling here and almost had Matt in that triangle choke, good thing Matt got the rope or he may have tapped, that hold can hurt.

Mystery gets up as does Matt who is irish whipped across the ring, Mystery leaps for a dropkick, but Matt stops short letting him fall, then grabs his legs and catapults Mystery up and over on to the top rope. Matt gets up and comes off the ropes charging behind Mystery, gets to him and leaps over with a flip coming down to the floor with his feet and he grabs Mystery's head pulling him down on the top rope, then lets him go snapping Mystery back to the mat. We suddenly hear "Rock And Roll All Nite" hit the pa and Matt as does the ref turns to the stage seeing Trent Flash and Danny Hansen come out in their usual suits, Flash carrying his title. From behind Matt comes Black Scorpion cracking him in his side with the bat and rolls him in the ring. Scorpion slides in and stands up swinging the bat into Mystery's ribs, then turns to Matt swinging it against his head, the ref calling for the bell.

Nick Miller: What the hell is this all about, why is the Diamond Exchange coming out here now and Flash in a suit when he has a match to get ready for?

Greg Boone: Whatever they want to do is why there out here and as noted before, Flash has no match cause Neo either joins or no shows, nothing else is an option.

Flash and Hansen are in the ring now, Hansen getting a mic as Scorpion keeps laying into Mystery and kicks him from the ring, Matt is out being tended to by Maegan. Hansen raises the mic as Flash eyes Maegan giving her a wink, the crowd booing the DE.

Danny Hansen: Shut up and listen dummies. These two chumps are an example of what the Diamond Exchange can do to anyone they want, Scorpion here took them out by himself, so had Flash got involved it would have total anniliation on our part. Your looking at the premiere group in all of wrestling.

The crowd is booing more and Hansen hands the mic to Flash who smirks and holds it up.

Trent Flash: That's right, very right indeed, the Diamond Exchange is forever baby, he he, nobody is better than the three men in the ring right now. One man could get better though, one man could be on our level if he joined us, so Neo Monoxide, you see I am not here to wrestle because I know your either not here or your going to join us. I haven't seen you anywhere all day, but I wasn't looking, you have to come to me, so are you coming down here or are you staying away because of the fear of facing me?

Flash lowers the mic now, the crowd booing and some cheer for Neo to come out and kick ass.

Nick Miller: Will neo join or not, is he even here though, will we have a match or new member to the DE? We'll find out right after this break.

Back from the break and we find the Diamond Exchange still in the ring, Flash holding the mic and looking a lil impatient.

Trent Flash: Its obvious now that Neo, you are very scared of me, but who can blame you kid? I am the greatest wrestler alive, I would bury you in this ring, so you used your head for once and steered clear of the Real Worlds Cha-

After heavy booing we hear "Regular People" hit the pa and the crowd cheers as we see Nick Torres and Stacy come walking out on the stage. Torres wears both titles around his waist, well, the IC is above the IN. Stacy hangs on his, spins in front of him for a kiss, then steps back and they head down the ramp.

Greg Boone: What the hell, how dare he interupt Flash. What does Torres have to come out here for anyways?

Nick Miller: Probably his main event match coming up.

Torres holds Stacy's hand as she walks up the steps, then he gets on the apron and holds the ropes for her to get in. Torres bends down getting in the ring now and slides an arm around Stacy who Flash checks out a lil. Torres looks back and forth between both, Stacy just glares at Flash. Torres asks for the mic and gets it, then raises it up.

Torres: So your the one they call Trent Flash are you? I had to come on out right now get a better look at you, see what that title looked like that you like flaunt so much, well I also happen to have a main event match against another World Champ. Oh yea, now I remember I had a question too. Since your the real worlds champ and all, well how many main events you done in SEF so far?

Flash just places his right hand on his hip as he taps the title with his left. Torres holds the mic to Flash for him.

Trent Flash: When your as good as I am match placements means nothing. I overshadow the whole show!

Torres: So in other words you haven't had any and have to make an excuse as to why not, gotcha, nice answer. As for your gold, I got gold as well, two piece of it, so I'd say I have more gold, that'd be accurate.

Torres smirks as the crowd cheers for him.

Trent Flash: Any point to any of this?

Torres: Yea, I have a match and your in my ring, so leave unless you want to have a match with me cause I'm game, are you?

Scorpion raises his bat up as Torres just stares at Flash. Flash shakes his head and laughs, then waves a hand as if to motion he's not worth it. He backs Scorpion off, then the DE soon exit the ring heading up the ramp. Torres and Stacy just watch them go as the DE stare back.

Nick Miller: An interesting confrontation between Torres and Flash, but now its time for our main event.

Torres has his titles unstrapped now and hands them to ringside staff, then puts an arm around Stacy.

Brittany Fox: The following is the main event of the night, it is an intergender tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 410 pounds, Nick Torres and Stacy!

The crowd cheers for the couple. "The Unforgiven" then hits and plays for about one minute and the lights dim, then we see a single spotlight shine on the curtain and from it emerges Viper with a Metallica t-shirt on and a bottle of water in his hand which he douses on his head and takes a drink from as he walks to the ring, Whitney Marret with him in her ring gear and behind them is Jordan Brooks.

Brittany Fox: Making their way to the ring now, from Las Vegas Nevada, they weigh on together at 400 pounds and are accompanied by Jordan Brooks, they are Triple V and Whitney Marret!

Viper heads down the aisle with Whitney, walks up the steel steps getting into the ring and gets a mouthful of water before tossing the bottle away. Viper goes to the side of the ring and stands with one foot on the bottom rope, another on the middle rope, and he thrusts his right fist in the air while spewing the water out in a mist, Whitney raising her arms up and motioning to him. Jordan just stays at ringside. Viper hops down and rips off his shirt tossing it to the crowd, then flexes on the turnbuckles. He hops down and kisses Whitney who soon exits the ring to the apron in her corner. Stacy steps back to her corner and the bell rings, Viper and Torres circle each other.

Nick Miller: The two men starting this match off, Viper and Torres, this outta be good.

They lock up and struggle for power, Viper pushing Torres back, but Torres with the slight height twists Viper around and shoves him backwards into a corner. Viper shoots out at Torres who hip tosses Viper over, then drops an elbow, but Viper rolls out of the way. Both men get up and starts throwing punches, go back and forth till Viper buries a knee to Torres gut, then runs him facefirst into a top turnbuckle. He smashes Torres a few times, then lifts him for a back suplex. Torres hooks his feet on the ropes pulling himself to the middle rope, punches Viper, then shoves off the ropes twisting around planting Viper with a bulldog sort of. Torres sits up and turns Viper over leaning back on him for a pin, 1.............2.....kickout!

Nick Miller: Torres with a nice counter and a two count.

Greg Boone: All he'll get on Viper.

Torres is on his feet and pulls up Viper, rams him into the corner, then stands up and whips him across the ring. Torres follows up with a clothesline smashing him into the corner, then whips Viper out to the ropes. He bounces back and Torres readies to catch him, but gets caught with Venom and laid out flat, Viper rolling to his back winded.

Greg Boone: Oh yea, its all over here, Viper is the man!

Nick Miller: Not yet, Viper isn't even able to make the cover.

Viper kneels up looking at Torres, then he turns to Whitney who wants in and Viper crawls over tagging her. Whitney comes in and drops an elbow to Torres, then pins him, 1............2.......kickout!

Nick Miller: Whitney wanting in to pin Torres, but she only got two.

Greg Boone: The ref needs to not count slow.

Nick Miller: Speed of his count seemed normal.

Whitney is up and kicking Torres, but due to the rules he isn't legal now. Stacy comes in from behind with a bulldog to Whitney, turns her over locking in an armbar. She grips on her arm tight, Whitney fighting to her knees and now punches Stacy in her stomach. Whitney fights up yanking down on Stacy's hair, the ref wars her and Stacy now back heel trips Whitney to the mat. Stacy runs across the ring and comes back doing a flipping senton, but Whitney rolls out of the way at the last second. She gets up and drops an elbow to Stacy, then floats around applying a headscissors. Stacy kicks up trying to break free, then she flips over laying her feet across the bottom rope. Jordan is near and shoves them off, but the ref saw and admonishes him to stay out of it.

Nick Miller: Jordan caught by the ref trying to help Whitney.

Torres is coming around the ring and meets Jordan with punches knocking him back against the rail. Stacy and Whitney are up and brawling. Viper comes around the ring and nails a double axe handle to Torres back, then pulls him down backwards in a reverse ddt. Viper hops in the ring now grabbing the ref as Jordan lifts up Torres in a bearhug and rams him into the ringpost, then turns dropping him with a spinebuster.

Nick Miller: That's not fair, Jordan has no right getting involved.

Greg Boone: Prove he got involved?

Viper grabs Stacy by her hair now, Whitney backing off and Stacy turns slapping Viper. Whitney charges clubbing Stacy across her back, then Viper lifts up Stacy nailing a spinebuster. He is forced to his corner now as Whitney pulls up Stacy and nails Southern Pride, then pins her, 1................2................3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners of the match by pinfall, Whitney Marret and Triple V!

"To Live Is To Die" hits the pa now and Viper helps up Whitney and raises her hand high. Jordan rolls Torres in the ring now and slides in as well. Viper picks up Torres and gives him the Unforgiven, then Whitney hands him a mic as the crowd boos.

VVV: Hey Nick, I have it on good authority that you will be booked twice at Reckless Rebellion, very good authority as it was the other member of the DVF, Sean martin, who booked you and guess what? Its for your Intercontinental Title and this man here....

Viper points to Jordan who smirks.

VVV: He is your opponent and the next Intercontinental Champion!

The crowd boos and Jordan pulls up Torres, then rips him up, over, and slams him down with the Big Apple Bomb. He stands up gets his hands raised by Viper and Whitney as "To Live Is To Die" hits the pa again.

Nick Miller: A nice main event that had to end on a sour note, but what this means for this Sunday at Reckless Rebellion is hard to say. Viper with a win as well as Whitney, Torres beat down and now just six days away we find out he has two matches intead of one.

Greg Boone: So what, its about time the chump defended his IC Title and Jordan deserves it. After Sunday all of DVF will have gold.

Nick Miller: That remains to be seen as Viper will have to go through Black Bob in a Prison Yard to keep his title, Whitney has to deal with Stacy as well. The event has shaped up nicely, so we'll see everyone there, take care till then.

"Start A War" plays over the pa now, the DVF still stands tall in the ring as the crowd continues to boo them. Our cameras begin roaming around over the crowd, then rests from the stage right on the ring and we fade to black, then the logo flashes..............

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