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WAR 22 {6/4/07}

Started by Daddy Mack, March 15, 2014, 05:03:53 PM

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Daddy Mack

June 4th, 2007

Venue: American West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona

Theme Music: "Start A War" by Static X

KOTR Opening Round Match
Greg "The Rebel" Kealley VS Black Scorpion w/Danny Hansen

Scorpion dominated the match, Hansen caused distractions so he could use his bat and put away Kealley.

Winner: Black Scorpion via Pinfall

KOTR Opening Round Match
Jordan Brooks w/Whitney Marret VS Temper

Brooks won the quickest match of the night. Temper immediately charged for a spear, but got a kick to the head, given the Big Apple Bomb and pinned.

Winner: Jordan Brooks via Pinfall

KOTR Opening Round Match
Corez Version II w/Dusty Rodgers VS Trent Flash w/Danny Hansen & Black Scorpion

It was a great match, Corez went hold for hold with Flash and the two put on a good clinic. Corez controlled for a while and would take to the air a bit, but Flash would ground him and take over and almost put him away with the figure four. Hansen and Scorpion of course made their presence when Corez started getting control again, but Nick Torres took out Scorpion and chased Hansen away. Dusty would distract the ref while Torres brawled with Flash on the outside and laid him out, then backed off while the ref counted out Flash.

Winner: Corez via Countout

KOTR Opening Round Match
Chris Orton VS Sean Martin w/Whitney Marret & Jordan Brooks

Sean really surprised everyone with how good he moved and took it to Orton, but Orton controlled most of the match. We saw some intereferance, but the ref ordered Whitney and Jordan out. Orton would would end up getting the win, but after the match Viper showed up laying Orton out with a sledgehammer.

Winner: Chris Orton via Pinfall

KOTR Opening Round Match
Nick Torres w/Stacy VS Mystery

A good match, Mystery with some areial offense, but got caught when he tried it and Torres put him away in what seemed almost easy for him.

Winner: Nick Torres via Pinfall

KOTR Opening Round Match
Mitch McMoogle VS Black Bob

A decent match, McMoogle tried to win again, but Bob proved he is still on his game and got the win.

Winner: Black Bob via Pinfall

KOTR Opening Round Match
Amy Madden VS Orian Omni

An interesting match as it wasn't much of a match. Amy flirted with Orian after the bell rang and continued to do so for a while planting a long kiss on him,then she winked and motioned to forget the match and lets go. Orian let her leave first and as she turned he grabbed her from behind pulling her close and leaned his head over her shoulder smiling as if he wanted her, but then jerked her backwards into a german suplex and bridged for the pin to win it.

Winner: Orian Omni via Pinfall

Main Event
KOTR Opening Round Match
Somoa Johnson w/Justin Rodgers VS Triple V w/Whitney Marret

Somoa did try and take it to Viper who seemed to toy with her a lot, acted as if she was dominating him. Justin at ringside was frustrated and tried getting involved, but when he did Viper dropped the act and ripped Somoa to the floor where Whitney bashed her with the title. Justin tried stopping it, but Jordan and Sean would run out to take care of him. Somoa would be back in the ring and Viper nailed some hard moves, she took them and even fought back going to the air, but eventually was put away with the Unforgiven. Chris Orton would run out bandaged up and fight with Viper, but in came the rest of the DVF to fight him. We then saw Black Bob run out and start unloading on all the DVF, Viper and Whitney escaping first, then pulling Jordan and Sean out and all of them backing up the ramp as Bob and Orton stared them down.

Winner: Triple V via Pinfall

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