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WAR 54 {3/2/09}

Started by Daddy Mack, March 15, 2014, 09:47:35 PM

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Daddy Mack

March 2nd, 2009

So here we are in the nations capitol Washington DC and were inside the MCI Center which is sold out. Pyro shoots off the stage and then "War Zone" by Rob Zombie plays getting these fans pumped up and screaming as loud as they can. The camera roam around the place as Nick Miller kicks things off.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night WAR! Tonight we got a huge six man tag featuring Impact X versus Da Gangstas with Chris Orton.

Greg Boone: Oh yea, Mack, Viper, and Xanthus all teaming up to whip some ass like only they can.

Nick Miller: Yes they are, but their opposition is the World Champ Troy Storms, his partner Nick Torres and of course Orton, a challenge to either team and one hell of a match for the fans to see tonight.

Greg Boone: Please, IX owns all including their opposition tonight, its no contest, they'll win cause they always do!

Nick Miller: No doubt who your favorites are, but I'll have to wait and find out rather than pick a winner. Tonight we'll see the debut of Chase Jackson when he takes Hardcore Haz in what should be an experience for the kid.

Greg Boone: Yea and if he loses to Haz ya know he ain't worth a damn!

Nick Miller: Whatever you say. Liz Hyde takes on Joe Dumar and with Viper still in Liz's corner it don't seem good for Joe.

Greg Boone: What's that supposed to mean?

Nick Miller: You know what it means, IX is always using controversial antics.

Greg Boone: Oh please, their just better than everyone else and you can't handle it.

Nick Miller: If you say so! We also got Midnight in action against Pung Loa and Chris Crest battles Nick Roland.

Greg Boone: Hell of a contrast there. Roland's street fighting against Crest's unmatched technical wrestling.

Nick Miller: Indeed, it will be a big contrast, but first we open with Chase and haz, so lets get on with the show.

Time for the first match and "Hunt You Down" by Josey Scott hits the pa. Chase comes walking out spreading his arms in a cocky manner, the crowd booing the arrogance.

Staci Sparx: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first hailing from Boston Massachuessetts, weighing in at 245 pounds.......Chase Jackson!

Chase walks down the ramp ignoring the booing fans. He gets to the ring and slides in, then slowly gets to his feet and heads up the turnbuckles spreading his arms out in a cocky manner once again. Chase hops down as "Enter Sandman" by Motorhead hits and the crowd cheers. The cameras find Haz coming through the crowd carrying his cane and drinking beer.

Staci Sparx: And his opponent, making his way to the ring from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the Ultimate Sandman Fan.......Hardcore Haz!

Haz walks to the ring and hops up to the guard rail, then leaps to the ring yanking out a beer and downs most of it, then throws the can at Chase, drops his cane and rushes into the ring hammering him with punches. Haz whips Chase into a corner, slams into him with a clothesline, then body slams him out to the mat. Haz hops up on the middle turnbuckle and jumps off with a leg drop across Chase's throat. He gets up yanking Chase to his feet and sends him to the ropes. Chase bounces back and ducks a clothesline, both turn and Chase leaps up with a dropkick knocking Haz down.

Nick Miller: Haz overwhelming the new kid, but gets taken with that nice dropkick.

Greg Boone: Haz gets lucky early on, but it never lasts.

Chase runs to the ropes and comes back dropping an elbow to Haz's chest, then gets a side headlock on him. Haz fights up on his knees and elbows Chase in the gut, then tries shoving him to the ropes. Chase hangs on too tight, but Haz hits some punches to his back, then lifts him up hitting a back suplex. Haz pulls himself up leaning against the ropes and Chase gets up charging him. Haz moves forward ducking down and grabs Chase flapjacking him dropping him on the top rope. He bounces off and Haz lifts him up as if for a torture rack, but nails a reverse death valley driver.

Nick Miller: Oh damn, ya don't see that move much and that's why, its devastating.

Haz goes up to the top rope and flies off with the Rolling Rock senton bomb, leans back for a pin, 1..............2........kickout! Haz gets up and pulls Chase up delivering a piledriver on him, then rolls out of the ring grabbing his cane. The ref comes out grabbing it from him, so Haz pulls one from under the ring and gets to rope leaping off with Hazardous, a cane shot to Chase's head. He throws the cane out as the ref slides back in the ring, then Haz goes for the pin, 1..................2..................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner of the match........Hardcore Haz!

"Enter Sandman" by Motorhead hits and the fans are on their feet cheering as Haz is drinking some beer celebrating the win.

Greg Boone: So much for this Chase kid, he just got beat by one of the worst we got, he has no future!

Nick Miller: Oh please, Haz just had his number and is not the worst there is. He just happens to show up drunk sometimes!

A white light flickers as "Rise" by Pantera hits and the crowd cheers for Joe who walks out and yells while doing the crucifix pose.

Staci Sparx: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way out here from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 236 pounds, he is the Messiah of Violence........Joe Dumar!

Joe heads down the ramp high fiving the fans, as many as he can before getting to the ring and rolling in. He stands to his feet and does the crucifix pose again. The lights flicker about as "Catfight" by Lene Alexandra plays throughout the arena. Mixed reaction in the crowd as she begins to comes from beyond the curtains and Viper with her, his arm around her neck.

Staci Sparx: "Ladies and gentlemen, coming to the ring from Little Rock Arkansas, weighing in at 170 pounds and accompanied by Viper, she is the rich bitch herself, Elizaaaaaaabeth Hydeeee!!"

Elizabeth comes walking down in a runway type fashion and and puts her hands up as to tell the crowd to talk to the hand. She smirks some and kisses Viper, then she slides into the ring and immediately attacks Joe as the bell rings. Joe pulls her around throwing Liz into a corner and nails an elbow to her head. Joe whips her across the ring and charges with a running splash engulfing her into the turnbuckles, then grabs Liz in a side headlock running her out with a bulldog driving her face to the canvas. Joe turns over and goes for the pin, 1...............2...kickout!

Nick Miller: Joe with a very early pin attempt.

Greg Boone: He knows he's gonna lose, so he's trying to get an upset.p

Joe pulls Liz up and runs her into a corner, buries his shoulder to her stomach, then hip tosses her out to the mat. Joe hops on the middle turnbuckle and leaps off for a leg drop, but Liz rolls out of the way. She pulls herself up and runs to the ropes bouncing off with a dropkick to Joe's face. Liz gets on her feet and pulls Joe up into a dragon sleeper, but Joe keeps out of it and wiggles around charging Liz against the ropes. Viper suddenly yanks her out of the ring away from Joe who just looks pissed.

Nick Miller: What the hell is Viper doing?

Viper motions for Joe to come gets some and so he hops, but so does the ref keeping between them and then he orders Viper to the back. Liz runs at Joe grabs her and slams Liz against the ring apron. Viper shoves the ref and slams behind Joe with a club to his back, then rips him around slamming his head into the ringpost. The ref calls for the bell ending the match in a dq.

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner of the match........Joe Dumar!

Viper nails the Unforgiven on Joe right on the floor, the crowd is booing. Viper just helps Liz up and raises her arm in the air pointing to her as the real winner, then the couple heads to the back as "Catfight" by Lene Alexandra plays.

Greg Boone: Fuck Joe, he's a worthless piece of shit whow as cheating anyways,

Nick Miller: What are you talking about? It was a fair match until Viper interefered.

Staci Sparx: The following is schdueled for one fall. Already in the ring hailing from Toyko, Japan, weighing in at a 195 pounds............Pung Loa!

Pung is already in the ring when the lights dim, the crowd cheers as "Not Meant for Me" by Wayne Static plays. Pyros go off as Midnight comes out on the stage. She slightly smirks as she rubs her hands together.

Staci Sparx: The following is schdueled for one fall. Making her way to the ring from Little Rock Arkansas, weighing in at 150 pounds.........Midnight!

She then throws her arms up in the air and then front flip down to the ring. She then stops, turns around and slides into the ring. She then spins around and is in a crouch position. She then looks up at Pung as she smirks evilly at them. She then stands up and then motions for him to come forth as the bell rings. The two lock up and Midnight looks for a DDT but Pung flips back behind her and nails a reversed DDT. Pung then picks Midnight up by the head and whips her across the ring. When she gets to the ropes, Midnight loops her arms catching herself. Pung runs at her and tries to clothesline her out of the ring. Midnight goes over the top rope and lands on the floor. After she gets to her feet, Pung runs from one side of the ring bounceing off the rope and goes through the top and middle ropes with a suidice dive to Midnight. Pung gets to his feet as weel as Midnight clutching her chest area, Pung then picks up midnight and half suplexes her onto the gaurd rail and goes back into the ring. He then climbs the turnbuckles and gets to the top one. Pung then flies off the turnbuckle with a head butt and knocks Midnight in the head and hits the side of his head against the gaurd rail.

Nick Miller: Oh my.....Pung flew off and not only hurt himself but Midnight as well!

Greg Boone: Maybe this will knock some sense into Midnight's head that there's only one dark figure in wrestling and that's The Undertaker.

The ref starts the count at 1. At 5, niether Pung or Midnight looks to be stirring as the ref continues the count. Then at 9, no signs of life from both of them as the ref gets to 10, he calls for the bell and declares that the match is a double count out.

Staci Sparx: This match has been declared a draw to both wrestlers being counted out!

One ref comes out and checks on Pung while the other one checks on Midnight. The both refs help up both competitors and help them to the back with some claps from the crowd out of respect.

Nick Miller: That was a good match and man, what a move by Pung. They both could have major to minor head trama.

Greg Boone: Oh whatever, Nicky! Maybe....just maybe, Midnight will come back to us and have a clear head on her shoulders instead of trying to be dark.

Staci Sparx: The following is a non title match scheduled for one fall.

"Never Enough" by Eminem hits the pa now and the crowd boos as Nick makes his way out pumping his fists in the air.

Staci Sparx: Now making his way to the ring, hailing from Boston Massachuessetts, weighing in at 210 pounds.........Nick Roland!

Nick heads down the ramp with cocky steps and gets to the ring hopping up on the apron. He tosses his short off and steps inside pumping his arms in the air. As Nick stands in the ring, "Numb" by Linkin Park plays and a few seconds later we see Chris come walking out with a serious expression, no playing, just walks down the ramp.

Staci Sparx: And now making his way to the ring, hailing from the Northwest Territories of Canada, weighing in at 233 pounds, he is The Shooter..........Chris Crest!

Chris heads up the steps and into the ring, steps up the turnbuckles and raises his right arm with his index finger extended. The bell is rang and the match starts off with Chris and Nick circling each other and Chris locks up with Nick. Its a bit of a struggle for both, but Nick's power helps him push Chris into a corner. The ref calls for a clean break, but Nick slaps Chris who dives out lifting Nick into the air and turns him down on his face to the mat. Chris kneels over his back nailing crossfaces and then floats around looks for a facelock, but Nick wiggles around and crawls backwards getting away from him. He starts to get up and Chris charges him slamming a knee into his head. Chris yanks up Nick and hits a suplex on him, then floats over nailing some punches to his face. Chris turns Nick to his side applying an armbar on him.

Nick Miller: Crest is a hell of a wrestler man, Roland is in trouble.

Greg Boone: Gotta agree there, but Roland has been on a roll.

Chris pulls Nick to his feet and runs him to a corner, then looks to lift him up the turnbuckles, but Nick gets an elbow to his head and kicks Chris away. He runs at him, but Chris takes Nick down trying for a cippler crossface. Nick tries staying out of it and getting away, but gets locked in it and Chris rips away on him hard. The ref gets close asking if he gives and Nick grabs him by the collar pulling him down on top of himself and Chris. The hold gets broken cause of it.

Nick Miller: Aw c'mon, you can't touch the ref.

Greg Boone: Hey, he may not have known who he grabbed, he was in pain trying to get free, was smart though.

Nick is up and the ref is in his face warning him not to do that. Chris gets up and Nick pushes the ref away and kicks Chris low, then quickly hits him with Interview This and hooks hisleg for the pin, 1...................2..................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner of the match........Nick Roland!

The crowd is booing as "Never Enough" by Eminem hits and Nick stands up smiling raising his arms in the air.

Nick Miller: Still undefeated, but only because he cheated.

Greg Boone: What are you talking about, Chris got pinned right in the middle of the ring fair and square.

Nick Miller: Sure, whatever you say. We got the main event next, Impact X faces Da Gangstas and Chris Orton!

We go to the back finding Chris Orton in front of a backdrop looking focused and ready to fight, but appears ready to to speak as well when Whitney Marret steps into view. Orton turns to her and Whitney slaps him across the face. He looks pissed now, stares at her, but then from behind him a singapore cane cracks across Orton's back, then Xanthus is seen and wraps the cane around his neck pulling Orton back with a russian leg sweep to the floor. He stands up and starts slamming the cane into his ribs several times, just beating the hell out of him. Whitney backs off and security comes over pulling X away and checks on Orton.

Nick Miller: Oh c'mon, what the hell was that for, they got a match coming up?!

Greg Boone: I guess X was just proving he needs no one to take down Orton.

Nick Miller: Except that cane of his! Now what's gonna happen, can Orton make it to the ring?

Staci Sparx: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is the main event of the evening and it is a six man tag team match scheduled for one fall!

And now we hear "Renegades of Funk" by Rage Against The Machine and a mix of cheers and boos as all of Impact X comes walking out, the guys in their ring gear. X jumping around weilding his cane and drinking a beer while Viper and Mack got their arms around Liz and Whitney.

Staci Sparx: Introducing first at a combined weight of 660 pounds, accompanied by Elizabeth Hyde and Whitney Marret, they are Xanthus, Viper, and Mack!

X hits the ring first sliding in as the other four take their time getting there. The ladies head up the steps as Mack jumps on the apron and Viper walks to the side hopping up. They all are in the ring now and stand side to side doing some crotch chops while pyro shoots off in X's behind them. Liz kisses Viper while Whitney kisses Mack, then they hop out of the ring. "Cowboys From Hell" by Pantera hits now and the crowd comes to their feet roaring for Da Gangstas. Storms and Torres step out smirking, Torres getting in front and making some sliding gestures down the ramp.

Staci Sparx: And their opponents at a combined weight of 630 pounds, they are Troy Storms and Nick Torres!

They get to the ring and stare in at IX, then Torres hops on to the apron as Storms pulls himself up and over the top rope. Torres gets in and they stand across from IX Mack smirks and yells, "where's your partner?" No more music plays, so apparently they don't have one, Orton must not be coming out. Storms and Torres shrug and motion to bring it on. The ref is between them and keeps them from fighting ordering one from each team in the ring. X jumps up and down demanding its him, so Viper and Mack shrug and let him. Torres starts for his team and the bell rings. X rushes across the ring leaping up in the air, but Torres dives to the side letting him come down on the ropes. Storms brings his boot up clocking X in the head sending him backwards, then Torres rushes him with a hard clothesline dropping him to the mat. He yanks up X for a backbreaker, but just holds him, smirks and falls back with a fallaway slam he calls The Westside. Torres sits up and smiles wiping his hands, then gets up and tags in Storms.

Nick Miller: A quick tag by Da Gangstas and here comes the big World Champ!

Storms picks up X and tosses him into a corner, slams an elbow to his head and lifts him out in a press. X wiggles his body and drops down to his feet, then leaps up with a dropkick to his back. Storms turns and rushes him with a clothesline, but X ducks and runs over tagging Viper. X and Storms rush each other and X slides under Storms legs. Viper comes in hitting a spear on Storms as X clips the back of his leg.

Greg Boone: Now that's teamwork!

Viper lays in some punches on Storms, then gets him in a side headlock when Chris Orton comes running out and slides in the ring. He runs at Viper kicking him in the head with Darkness, then dives at Mack through the ropes with a spear taking him out to the floor.

Nick Miller: Well I guess Orton decided to come out, nice to see he wasn't kept down.

Greg Boone: Bullshit, he was supposed to be out, this match no longer involves him, this is illegal!

Nick Miller: Its still a six man tag!

X leaps down on Orton's back with an axe handle smash, then rips him up slamming him against the guard rail and runs taking him over to the floor around the fans. Storms has Viper up and suplexes him, then whips him to Da Gangstas corner and charges with a knee to his gut. Torres tags in and Storms whips Vioper to the ropes, then charges with a big boot while Torres charges with a spear and they both hit Viper dropping him with the ol school Gang Bang. Mack is up on the apron when Storms runs over knocking him to the floor and Torres pins Viper, 1...............2.............3!

Staci Sparx: Here are your winners of the match........Troy Storms, Nick Torres, and Chris Orton!

The crowd cheers as Storms and Torres stand tall and "Cowboys From Hell" by Pantera plays. X and Orton fight through the crowd while Whitney and Liz help Mack up who pulls Viper out and the four head towards the back while Da Gangstas remain in the ring.

Greg Boone: What a bunch of cheaters, all the double teaming and cheapshots on IX.

Nick Miller: Are you kidding? It was a messed up yes and IX had the advantage until Orton made it even legally as the match was announced as a six man tag.

Greg Boone: Whatever Nicky.

The crowd is still cheering and the music switches to "War Zone" by Rob Zombie signaling the end of the show.

Nick Miller: That's all we got and what a way to end, but nothing is over, this war is only begginning and we'll have to see what happens next week!

And we still Torres and Storms in the ring and then the show ends fading to black.

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