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SEF gets a NEW Domain

Started by Daddy Mack, November 11, 2023, 01:13:30 AM

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Daddy Mack

SEF was Founded on February 16th, 2002 at 2 am on MSN Groups as Stephaine's E-Fed and would go through a couple name changes before we moved to Aimoo in December 2008, then SEF became its own network in 2011, but then the fed separated in 2013 to form SEW with XFW forming while SEF became open for business to any other fed wanting on the network, but in 2014 all feds were merged into SEF:WUN and by 2015 we became the SEF Wrestling Underground Network open for business 24/7 with any brand, although we would drop the Underground from the name, then reapply it, our movement that helped make SEF will never die, but SEF is the Sports Entertainment Federation, or Sports E-Fed and we are now at sportsefed.com 

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