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SEF Information => General Info. => Title History => Topic started by: NBD on April 10, 2018, 06:59:35 PM

Title: SEF United States Championship Title History
Post by: NBD on April 10, 2018, 06:59:35 PM

1. Scott Hall - March 17th, 2002
(Hall beat Bubba ray Dudley in a Tables Match)
Defenses: 1

2. Bret Hart - March 30th, 2002
Defenses: 1

3. Kane - April 21st, 2002
(Title is taken out of action due to Kane merging it with the European Title to form the International Title)
Defenses: 0

Vacant - April 21st, 2002
(vacated after being merged to form the International Title)

4. Chris Jericho - October 7th, 2002
(Y2J wins a tournament final against Benoit to win the title)
Defenses: 1

5. Johnny X - October 24th, 2002
Defenses: 2

6. Hayabusa - October 31st, 2002
Defenses: 1

7. Acetaker - November 11th, 2002
Defenses: 3

8. Daddy Mack - December 19th, 2002
Defenses: 2

9. Chris Jericho(2) - January 2nd, 2003
Defenses: 1

10. Johnny X(2) - January 11th, 2003
Defenses: 3

11. Daddy Mack(2) - February 1st, 2003
(Mack win the title in a fatal four way elimination)

12. Shawn Michaels - February 16th, 2003
(HBK pins J-Max in a triple threat match to win the title)
Defenses: 2

13. Outlaw - February 24th, 2003
Defenses: 1

14. Damien Destruction - March 1st, 2003
Defenses: 4

15. Chris Blade - April 27th, 2003
(Blade pins Johnny X in a triple threat match to win the title)
Defenses: 0

Vacant - May 1st, 2003
(Chris Blade walks out on SEF thus vacating the title)

16. Lil Spike Dudley - May 6th, 2003
(Spike wins a fatal four way match and he also wins the Cruiserweight Title which he merges into the US Title)
Defenses: 2

17. Viper - June 3rd, 2003
(Title is taken out of action due to Viper merging it with the SEF Heavyweight Title)
Defenses: 0

Vacant - June 3rd, 2003

18. Bubba Ray Dudley - August 8th, 2003
(Bubba wins a triple threat match against Cyclus & Matt Matlock)
Defenses: 2

19. Cyclus - August 22nd, 2003
(he wins a triple threat match against Bubba and D-Von)
Defenses: 1

20. Matt Matlock - August 31st, 2003
(Cyclus no shows for the match, so Matt is awarded the title)
Defenses: 1

21. D-Von Dudley - September 5th, 2003
Defenses: 2

22. Angelus - September 19th, 2003
(Angelus pins D-Von in a triple threat match also involving The Jackal)
Defenses: 2

23. The Jackal - October 10th, 2003
(The Jackal pins Angelus in a Tag Team match with a stip allowing the title to change hands)
Defenses: 3

24. Red Static - October 26th, 2003
(Red wins US Title and merges it into the IC Title making the US defunct)
Defenses: 0

Vacant - October 26th, 2003
(declared vacant when it is merged with the IC Title)

25. Nikky Venom - February 7th, 2010
(after a draw in an iron man match against Diamond Dogg, the owner says the International Title is disputed and since it was created from two titles originally, Nikky is the new US Champ while Dogg is the new European Champ)
Defenses: 2

26. Bobby James - March 28th, 2010
(Bobby wins a first ever Curbstomp match at Wrestle X)
Defenses: 1

Vacant - April 7th, 2010
(Bobby pins Chris Orton to win the European Title in a triple threat match involving Nikky Venom and merges the title with the US Title to unify them into the International Title once again)

27. Tina - March 3rd, 2014
(she wins the title when her partner Heather pins Nerox in a six person tag team match on XFW LIVE TV against The Hobos; Nerox, Ralph & Earl)

28. Rob Van Dam - March 31st, 2014
(Liz wins a dark match following the last edition of XFW LIVE TV for her team to earn the titles)

29. Johnny X(3) - September 3rd, 2014
(they win the titles after being added to the match when they return on this night and Rapid pins Mack with the team of Kevin Nash, Simon Lee Nash, and Brady Henderson also involved in a Tornado Triangle 9 person tag team match)

September 17th, 2014
(defends the titles against Mack, Simon Lee Nash, and Kevin Nash in a six man tag team match with Acetaker pinning Simon)

October 1st, 2014
(defends the titles against The Dudley Boyz on WAR)

January 6th, 2015
(defends the titles against The Mack, Bill Roberts, and Simon Lee Nash in a 6 man tag team match with JOhnny pinning Mack to win)

30. Chris Paine - March 19th, 2015
(Jason pins Bill Roberts, who teamed with Rick Reynolds, in a 6 pack tornado team match that also involves the following teams, The Mack and Hiroku Shinobi, Jordan Cut and Johnny X, Josh Diabolical and Cool Jay Lou, Rapid and Acetaker)

31. Mesa - November 2nd, 2015
(the West Coast Connection wins a dark main event match after WAR goes off the air)

32. Nick Torres(2) - February 16th, 2017
(they win the titles when Storms pins Jeremy Ward in a huge 20 man tornado team match on SEF TV 565 which celebrated the 15th year anniversary of SEF)

33. Mesa(2) - April 2nd, 2017
(they win the titles when Mesa pins Torres after Storms turns on his partner)

34. Chris Paine(2) - January 17th, 2018
(Chris pins Jay in a triple threat tag team match also involving the team of Destruction)

March 20th, 2018
(they defend the titles against Destruction in a Live Event the night before WAR)

March 21st, 2018
(they defend the titles against Destruction at WAR)

March 22nd, 2018
(they defend the titles against Destruction at a Live Event the night after WAR)

35. Rick Reynolds - March 31st, 2018
(Jason and Chris must choose a partner for a triple tag team match where the winners will become the new Triple Tag Team Champions as these very titles are being rebranded the Triple Tag Team Championship and thus a third belt that looks like the others is introduced for the third man)

36. A Native Americano - May 16th, 2018
(ANA replaces Tina who had walked out of SEF earlier in the night and he leads his team to victory by pinning Chris Paine to win the titles)

June 20th, 2018
(defends the titles against Robbie Ruckus, Bill Roberts, and Chris Orton with ANA making Chris tap out)

July 25th, 2018
The US Title and Hardcore Tag Team Titles are stripped from the Triple Tag Team Titles, so ANA takes the US Title)

August 8th, 2018
(defends the title against Jason Stratus in a open challenge on WAR making short work of Jason)

August 15th, 2018
(defends the title in a open challenge against Simon Lee Nash)

August 22nd, 2018
(defends the title in a open challenge against Tina)

August 29th, 2018
(defends the title in a triple threat match against Sammy and Nykky Dee)

September 5th, 2018
(defends the title against Bill Roberts in a open challenge on WAR)

September 19th, 2018
(defends the title in a open challenge against J X Cash)

September 26th, 2018
(defends the title against Hick Janes in a open challenge on WAR)

October 3rd, 2018
(defends the title against PBR in a open challenge on WAR)

37. Tina(2) - February 16th, 2019
(wins the title at SEFWUN TV 680 when she pins Josh Diabolical in a fatal four way also involving Bill Roberts)

38. PBR - July 4th, 2019
(wins the title in a fatal four way two falls match by pinning Hick Janes in the first fall)

39. Black Bob - August 7th, 2019
(wins the title at WAR 207)

40. Rick Reynolds(2) - August 25th, 2019
(wins the title at Homecoming 2)

41. Nick Torres(3) - October 12th, 2019
(wins the title at SEFWUNTV)

October 19th, 2019
(defends the US Title at SEFWUNTV)

October 26th, 2019
(defends the US Title at SEFWUNTV)

42. "The Phoenix" Jake Voss - November 24th, 2019
(wins US Title at Deadly Destruction)

December 29th, 2019
(defends the title against The Resurrector)

April 5th, 2020
(defends the title against Hick Janes and Nick Torres at Wrestle X)

April 20th, 2020
(defends the title against Simon Lee Nash on WAR 210)

43. Viper(2) - September 25th, 2020
(wins the title in a triple threat two falls match @ Evolution 61)

October 14th, 2020
(defends the title in the main event of Evolution 64 against Hick Janes)

VACANT - October 17th, 2020
(vacated due to lack of competition)

44. Taylor Andrews(3) - January 25th, 2021
(wins the title when her and Simon Lee Nash each grab a title from above the ring in a ladder match for both the US Title and WAR Title with Simon grabbing the latter)

February 8th, 2021
(defends the title on WAR)

April 4th, 2021
(the US Title gets a facelift)

March 29th, 2021
(defends the title against Rob Ruckus on WAR ending in a DQ)

April 11th, 2021
(defends the title in the opening match of Wrestle X)

45. Bongman - April 30th, 2021
(wins the title in a unification ladder match along with defending the TV Title, thus this title is vacated)

46. Havoc - January 6th, 2023
(wins the title in a fatal 4 way also involving Mesa, Mark Jackson, and X X X)
47. Mesa(3) - January 16th, 2023
(wins the title in a singles match on WAR)
48. Samantha Fame - January 19th, 2024
(wins the title on WAR)
49. Cliff o Clink - April 1st, 2024
(wins the title in a tables match on WAR)