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universal6 star tag team


Started by Derek Helms, November 07, 2014, 11:22:04 PM

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Derek Helms

Ashley Pearson
"The Pride Of Houston"

Birthdate- October 14th 1982
Height-  5'9 120 pounds
Hometown- Houston, Texas
Entrance Theme- Bad Girlfriend by Theory of a Deadman
Pro Debut- 2002

Finishing Move-  "Lone Star Driver" (Kudo Driver aka vertebreaker)

Trademark Moves-
Southern Comfort (Sit-out Front Suplex)
The Blackout (Powerbomb into a sitout facebuster)
Tornado DDT
Bicycle Kick
Suicide Dive through ropes
Top Rope Diving Hurricanrana
Snapp DDT
Boston Crab
German Suplex
Belly To Belly Suplex
Shooting Star Press

Northern Lights Suplex
German Suplex
Suicide dive through the second rope
Torture Rack Submission
Spike piledriver
Leg Drop from Top Rope
Frog Splash

Tornado DDT, Bicycle Kick, Suicide dive through the second rope, Top rope diving hurricanrana, Neckbreaker, Snap DDT, Spear, Boston Crab submission, German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Shooting Star Press.

Wrestling Style- Technical, High Risk. When she first started training, she posessed only a technical wrestling move set. Over the course of her wrestling career she has branched out into trying more high risk moves such as the suicide dive and her breathtaking shooting star press

Ashley always had the passion for professional wrestling and started competing professionally at the age of 20. In 2002, she worked for an independant wrestling company known as SSWF and captured their Womens Title 2 times as well as being a 2 time Tag Champion. Her dreams came true when she made it to the big leagues with SEF in late 2002 and even won the Cruiserweight Title. In 2005, she decided to leave wrestling for a while to begin a life with fellow SEF talent Derek Helms. The two divorced in 2009 and are both back in the company as of 2011. Ashley returned and had a notable rivalry with her former lover ending in a Hardcore Rules match at Christmas Carnage #2. After the match, the two embraced in a kiss shocking the world as Ashley and Derek would once again become an item. A week later, Ashley turned on her ex husband in a tag team match and the two would do battle in another Hardcore Match which Derek won. Ashley announced in an interview with Greg Boone that 2012 would be her final year with SEF and has her sights set on gold. With Ashley's time winding down, can the Pride of Houston capture more gold here in SEF?

Ashley Pearson came to SEF in 2002. She has wrestled many matches with the company, but due to very fierce competition, she has only been able to capture the Cruiserweight Title on one occasion. She left the company in 2005 to begin a life with Derek Helms. After the divorce, Ashley kind of fell off the face of the earth for a while. She resurfaced when she saw Derek Helms make a return to SEF. She heard about him badmouthing her and saying how horrible of a person she was. She made her shocking return to SEF in 2011 having a showdown with her ex husband. She has vowed that things will be different in her second run with the company. Before she decides to retire from wrestling, she wants to capture the SEF World Heavyweight Championship.

Ashley always had the passion for professional wrestling. In 2002, her dreams came true when she made it to the big leagues with SEF and even won the Cruiserweight Title back in '02. In 2005, she decided to leave wrestling for a while to begin a life with fellow SEF talent Derek Helms. The two divorced in 2009 and are both back in the company as of 2011. Ashley returned and had a notable rivalry with her former lover ending in a Hardcore Rules match at Christmas Carnage #2. After the match, the two embraced in a kiss shocking the world as Ashley and Derek would once again become an item.

Favorite Quotes-
"Shit Happens"

Favorite Weapons
Tables, Chairs, Sledgehammers, Ladders, etc.

Favorite Matches
Doesn't matter what match she's in. As long as she gets to kick someone's ass, she's happy!

Singles, I Quit, Last Man Standing, Ironman, Extreme Rules, Deathmatch.

SEF Cruiserweight Title
SSWF Womens Champion (2), SSWF Tag Team Champion (2)

Merchendise- "Shit Happens" t shirt

On her way to the ring, Ashley wears a black and pink t-shirt with the words "Shit Happens" on it as well as very short jean shorts and boots. She removes the shirt during her entrance fighting in either as white, pink, or blue bra.

Ring Attire- When walking down to the ring she has on her black "shit happens" t shirt and blue jeans. During her entrnace, she takes her shirt off so she fights in a bra and blue jeans.

Ring Entrance- "Bad Girlfriend" hits and out comes Ashley Pearson to a major ovation. She slaps hands with the fans at ringside and takes photos with a couple of them as Sara introduces her.

Making her way to the ring from Houston Texas, she weighs in at one hundred twenty pounds.........Ashley Pearson!

She gets into the ring and poses on the second rope taking her "Shit Happens" t shirt off. Ashley tosses it into the crowd, then hops down stretching her arms.

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