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Carnage 2 {3/18/03}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 26, 2014, 08:56:58 PM

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Taylor Andrews

March 18th, 2003

The show opens up to the sold out Savvis Center in St. Louis, Missouri and pyros immediately begin shooting off on the stage as Sacramental Carnage by Sinister hits and the crowd goes crazy for Carnage kicking off! The camera pans around the arena showing everyone cheering and waving their signs, then cuts over to Kid Rock and Eminem at ringside, sitting at the commentators table ready to call the show!

Kid Rock: What up st louis?! Ya all ready for the greatest show on earth, SEF to kick it up in here?

Eminem: Damn kid, settle down! We gotta call this bitch now!

Kid Rock: Right, so now, kicking of carnage is a lumberjack match with kane and chris lesnar hooking up! At ringside is our boy mack, hbk, damio, the crock, and a few others like kane and lesnars boys!

Eminem: Should be pretty chaotic man! But also, cassidy is defending her womens title tonight against four other chicks, torrie, jazz, and danielle!

Kid Rock: Yea, all them ladies look pretty good, well, jazz is kinda manly, but a lil jim beam and yea!

Eminem: Crazy bastard! Also though, we got this lil shit james or jamie what the f'ck ever, he's taking on jerad, matt, jackal, and viper all at once!

Kid Rock: Yea, what a dumb shit! But dogg, its sweet, bra and panties with patricia and courteney and mack is special ref! Damn him, he shoulda let me be the ref!

Eminem: Yea, I could imagine you as ref man! Anyways, also tonight, victoria defends her ic title against bubba ray in what looks to be a good match and faith teams with willow to fight the team of aaralyn michal and serria mystique!

Kid Rock: Yea, four hot honeys, but man the main event is gonna be good! Mack is gonna show all these young boys in SEF how its done tonight! Now lets get on with it!

Lumberjack Match

All the lumberjacks are out at ringside already! Damien, matt mattlock, and the jackal on one side near the ramp, across from them is mack and hbk who are at the commentators table chillin' with kid rock and eminem! On another side is the rock and james ego and across from them is flair, andy, and cassidy! Then, slow chemical hits and out comes kane doing his usual shit, shooting out fire! After that, chris lesnars music hits and he runs out and jumps in the ring immediately trading punches with kane who sends chris into the corner and nails a huge uppercut sending him to the mat! Kane looks to pick up chris, but flair reaches in and grabs his foot, then chris jumps up and kness kane in the gut before suplexing him and nailing a few elbow drops on him! He then picks up kane for a powerslam, but kanes slips behind him and pushes him into the ropes and hits him with a big boot sending chris to the outside on mack and hbk's side! Neither man do anything, so kane jumps out and starts pounding on chris, then looks to put him through the commentators table! Thats hwen mack an shbk jump up and nail kane with right hands, push him back, then hit a double superkick on him, laying him out! Rock and james come fliyng over, rock brawling with hbk as james goes for amck, but gets nailed with a huge clothesline from chris lesnar! Chris then grabs kane and rolls him in the ring and tries for a f-5, but kane lands on his feet, whips chris into the ropes and grabs him by throat, hitting a chokeslam! Flair and andy jump on the apron, but damien comes over and pulls andy down as kane uppercuts flair! He turns around and chris is back up, so he grabs him by the throat again and chokeslams him, then pins, 1........2..........3!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner by pinfall..............Kane!

Outside, hbk and rock are still fighting when mack nails rock with a chair, then he and hbk head b/s as slow chemical hits and kane does his pose!

Kid Rock: Man, that was f'n chaotic! Kane chokeslammed the hell out of chris!

Eminem: Yea he did and he almsot put him through our table! Luckily mack and hbk stopped him or we would have had to do it!


Cassidy is shown in th klassic killaz l/r talking with andy, chris, and david about her match and looking happy with a evil smirk!

SEF Intercontinental Championship

Bombshell hits and out comes bubba ray who heads stright to the ring and looks serious as hell! Then, all the things she said hits and out comes victoria with her ic title around her waist with viper who has both tag titles over his shoulder! Victoria gets in the ring and poses and bubba wastes no time and clubs her in the back, then whips her into the ropes and clotheslines her! Bubba picks up victoria and looks for a ddt, but victoria blocks it and backs him into a corner! The ref pulls victoria away and viper jumps up clocking bubba in the head with a right hand! He turns to viper, then victoria dropkicks him in the back and rolls up, but only gets two! She begins kicking him in the ribs, then picks him up and tries a suplex, but can't lift bubba and he reverses it! Bubba then body slams victoria near the t/b's and goes up looking for a splash, but she moves as he comes down! Victoria jumps up and flips over bubba head, pulling it down and letting it snap back to the mat! She then drags him over to the ropes, goes outside on the apron and flips over hitting bubba with a leg drop, pins, but only gets two! She then jumps up and argues with the ref, pulling so his back is to bubba! Meanwhile, viper pulls bubba to the outside, whips him into the steel steps, then lifts him up and hits sinful on him! He rolls bubba in the ring as the ref turns around and sees him, issuing a warning! Victoria then starts stomping on bubba and soon lifts him up, back to back, hooks his arms and lifts him up somewhat, hitting the widows peak, then pins him, 1........2.........3!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and still ic champ................Victoria!

All the things she said hits and viper jumps in posing with victoria, then they head b/s!

Kid Rock: Man, they f'cked up bubba! Victoria did good, but viper sure helped!

Eminem: Yea, but hey, a mans gotta do his thing for his woman!

Bra&Panties Match
Special Referee: Daddy Mack

Cowboy hits and out struts daddy mack wearing a ref shirt who makes his way to the ring and does his pose! Then seperated self hits and out comes courteney michaels wearing a black robe and soon climbs in the ring! After that, fighter hits and out comes patricia wearing a pink robe with falcon by her side! She climbs in the ring and soon both women disrobe with mack eyeing them both! Patricia is wearing a white lace bra with a matching thong while courteney is wearing a red lace bra with a matching thong! Before the match starts, mack uses his authority and decides to search both ladies for any weapons they may have! After that, both laides lock up an dcourteney shoves patricia back into the corner and soon lays in some chops on her! She then whips patricia into the ropes and looks for a clothesline, but patricia ducks and comes flying back at her with a cross body taking her down! She stays on her, slapping courteney in the face, but gets rolled over and courteney mounts patricia punching her in the head and pound her head into the mat! She then lifts up patrcia and tosses her across the ring by her hair! Then falcon jumps up and distracts her, but mack just moves courteney to the side and drops falcon with a right hand! Courteney goes back to patricia and picks her up, hittinga suplex, then presses her above her head and slams her down! Falcon then gets up and jumps in teh ring charging at mack who just nails da shows ova laying him out, then picks up patricia and whips her to courteney who nails a chick kick, then pins as amck makes a quick count, 1.2.3!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner by pinfall.............Courteney Michaels!

Seperated self hits and courteney poses, then mack grabs her and lays a long kiss on her before heading b/s and leaving her stunned in the ring!

Kid Rock: Damn man, thats my boy mack! Making a play for ladies as always!

Eminem: Yea, thats nuts! Mack never changes dogg!

Tag Team Match

Faith and Willow come to the ring together. And they enter. The fans cheer, and they pose. Then Aaralyn comes down, stops at the bottom of the ramp, and then waits for Sierra. When all four women are in the ring, the bell sounds, and the match begins.Willow and Sierra hook up. Willow get the upper hand, and goes around, and gives a bulldog.Sierra lays on the mat for a few moments, and then gets back to her feet.Sierra delivers a few chops to the chest, and sends Willow into the ropes. Willow holds on and kicks Sierra in the the chest, and Sierra falls to the mat again. Willow hooks the legs, and flips over Sierra for a 2 count. Willow helps Sierra up, and walks over to tag in Faith.Faith runs at Sierra but, Sierra flips her over, and she lands on her head. Sierra slowly walks over, and tags in Aaralyn. Aaralyn sees the chance, and delivers a bulldog, and goes for the cover. Gets a fast 2 count, and then Faith kicks out. Faith begins to fight back, and the two women fight it out. After a few minutes of a brawl, Willow is back in the ring, and sends a few punches Aaralyn's way. Finally in the end Sierra hits a Unique Mystique on Willow, and Aaralyn clotheslines Faith from the ring, and Sierra covers for the one, two, three on Willow!

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners by pinfall..............Aaralyn Michal&Serria Mystique!

Aaralyn and serria pose as their music hits before leaving the ring!

Kid Rock: Man, that was pretty good skill wise for it being a bunch of chicks man!

Eminem: True, guess these ladies can kick some ass huh!

Fatal Four Way
SEF Womens World Championship

Need a lil time hits as Torrie Wilson make sher way out, then rythm hits as Jazz comes out to the ring!Danielle Lesnars music hits and she comes out, then cassidys music hits and she comes out with andy styles! All the women fight it out. Cassidy and Danielle sorta team up and take Jazz out with a double clothesline outside of the ring.Torrie Wilson runs at them and clotheslines them down. Torrie covers Cassidy, and recieves a one count before Danielle kicks the pin up. Torrie delivers a few chops to Danielle, and then sends her into the ropes where she sends her out from the ring.Cassidy sees this chance and rolls her up for the three count! The fans mostly boo her, as the ref raises her arm!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner by pinfall..................Cassidy Dawn McPherson!

Cassidy then heads up the ramp with andy and quickly leaves!

Kid Rock: Man, that was pretty quick! Cassidy picked her spot there!

Eminem: Hell yea, thats the way it goes!


Mack is shown in his l/r getting ready for his match, but looks a lil pale and fatigued, but he just shakes his head and shows no emotion on his face indicating anything wrong!

Handicapped Match

James music hits and he comes running out to the ring and jumps in posing for the fans, then jerads music hits and he comes out to the ring! James flies at jerad taking him down and soon both are brawling it out with jerad taking it to james! Matt and jackal never show and soon the unforgiven hits as viper comes out with victoria who has her ic title around her waist and both tag titles over her shoulders! They get to ringside and viper just watches on! Jerad hits a suplex on james and looks for a elbow drop, but james quickly moves and kicks jerad in the head, then runs off the ropes and dropkicks him! He goes up top and hits a moonsault gettinga two count! James then tries an irish whip, but gets reversed and hit with a clothesline! Jerad then lifts up james and hits the party up, then goes up top and looks for alone, but viper jumps in and stares at him, then rushes over, grabs him in a press slam and drops him throat first across the top rope, kicks him in the gut and nails the unforgiven! Viper picks up james and rolls him on jerad as teh ref counts, 1..........2..........3!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner by pinfall.....................Jamie E.!

Jamies music hits and he jumsp up looking excited, but confused as viper just grins, then kicks him in the gut and lifts jamie up, hitting sinful before heading b/s with victoria!

Kid Rock: What the f'ck was that? Why did viper let jamie win, then put him down?

Eminem: Who knows man? Viper is one twisted man!

Triple Threat Match
SEF United States Championship

Bombshell hits and out walks d-von who climbs in the ring and does the dudley pose! Then cowboy hits and out struts daddy mack who makes his way in the ring and does his thing! Then i stand alone hits and out coems damien destruction with his us and hardcore titles, poses with them, then the match starts! D-von looks to go after damien, but turns to mack who just nails him with a right hand, then damien nails d-von as well and they both punch him some more and back him into a corner! Mack backs off as damien beats down d-von! He then whips d-von into the ropes and hits a clothesline on him and turns around to be met with a dropkick by mack and quickly suplexed! Mack grabs d-von and whips him to the corner, then grabs damien and whips to the opposite corner! He then runs to damien and clotheslines him, then whips him into d-von and runs at him grabbing damien in a waistlock and hittinga german suplex into a pin, 1...........2...........d-von breaks it up! He then grabs mack and nails a few punches, then whip him into the ropes and looks for a back body drop, but gets kicked in the head and clotheslined! Damien gets up, but mack kicks him in the gut and hits a ddt on him! He and d-von get up and mack ends up tossing him to the outside! Damien then gets up and mack punches on him till he leaning against the ropes, then backs up and runs at him, clotheslining damien to the outside going out as well, but mack hangs on to the top rope and flips back in, grins and does a lil dance, spins around and does his pose, then as he is flexing with his legs laid out, mack collapses face first on to the mat and does not move at all! The ref stops his ten count and bends to check on him, then calls for medics to come out which the do with a stretcher and some equipment! Damien and d-von get up and look in the ring, unsure of what to do, so they just watch and hope mack is ok! The EMT's start giving mack some air with a lil pump they have and hbk makes his way out to see hwat haoppened, then once he is breathing a lil bit, they roll him on a stretcher carefully and carry him to the back with hbk by his side! D-von walks to the back as damien grabs his titles and does to! Then kid rock and eminem end the show!

Kid Rock: What the f'ck happened to mack? He just collapsed for no reason at all!

Eminem: I know, he dominated that match and now look! Maybe its from coming off that coma man?

Kid Rock: Could be! Whatever it is, I hope he gets better soon! But hey people, thats it, so we'll see ya later and be hoping for mack, peace!

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