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The Walker Sisters Eating Food In Their Car.

Started by Tonya Walker, November 23, 2023, 08:41:29 PM

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Tonya Walker

tonya walker, and lexi walker, are shown outside in a parking lot. with some food looks to be ready made food from giant eagle they got soda bottles in the trunk of their car, they look to be real hungry, tonya smies shivers and it is raining outside, so Tonya beautiful Blonde hair is getting all wet, Lexi got a hat on tonya smiles and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. This food is so good wish we had enough for Thanksgiving, food but this is good enough, at least we are eating some kind of food.

Lexi Walker.i tell you so what if none of our family members know where we are shit this rain is cold ru sure you don't want to eat inside this van.

Tonya Walker. No im Fine, all is going good today, im so Hungry omg we need more food around here so glad giant eagle got a good portion of food to buy.

lexi Walker.i Know we can brush our teeth in the bathrooms nobody is any the wiser,  we are going be fine, no worries or concerns at all Nothing be worried about Tonya

Lexi Walker im almost done hey the store is stil open we can go inside if you want dry off.

Tonya Walker im Fine we are going be good ido want to dry off a bit but everyone would see us.

Lexi Walker Don't worry about anyone noticing we are there we going be fine just Buying food that all we got our Health Benefits card if Nobody knows then Nobody cares.

[ she and tonya talk for while somebody drives by them notices they are out in the bad weather and begin to talk

tbc by anyone please reply
Tonya Walker.

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