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SEF Magazine #6

Started by Daddy Mack, May 01, 2023, 07:32:57 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:07/11/2010 12:48 AMCopy HTML

Editor: Nick Miller
Writers: Greg Boone & Doug Melvin
Photographer: Tom Walker
...that the SEF World Title has changed hands 5 Times in the State of Michigan?
...that Shane Mack was formerly known as Daddy Mack and even once as just MACK?
...that SEF has been open more than any other company from the old MSN still open today?
...that Da Shows Ova, the name of Shane Mack's signature move, was thought up by Johnny X?
...that the infamous X-Cage was originally planned for SummerSlam #2, four months before it actually happened?
...that the longest reigning International Champion was Gabriel Brooks who held the title for over 6 months?
...that the singles title to change hands the most that is not defended 24/7 is the Intercontinental Title?
...that the World Tag Titles have changed hands the most of any title not defended 24/7?
...that the ol' MCW Arena located in Detroit, Michigan has hosted 18 SEF events?
...that the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit Michigan has hosted 21 SEF events?
...that the Cobo Center in Detroit has hosted 36 SEF events?
...that the state of Michigan has hosted 84 SEF events?
...that SEF has produced 659 events worldwide?

Daddy Mack

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Re:SEF Magazine #6
Date Posted:07/11/2010 12:50 AMCopy HTML

Extreme Revolution Pay Per View Highlights

The pay per view that took place on October 24th eight days ago was another great one presented by SEF. We saw the beginning of a new brand establish their very first champion when Shady Smack of all people captured the North American Title in the FFE Battle Royal to name a new Transcontinental Champion. Shady won the battle royal, so he threw down the NA Title and held the Transcontinental Title high declaring it the new era NA Title. The reason the NA Title was even on the line was because Rob Rocco attempted to get involved and have the DC steal FFE's thunder, so Viper said fine, your title is on the line too! We were introduced to some newer names competing in FFE like Jake O'Bannon and Lance Boudreaux as well as returning names like Journey and Matt Fox. Tao Inoki showed she will be a hands on authority figure by being at ringside to personally enforce the rules and make quick decisions.

Lacey Daniels who was actually against working the show at all since her opponents no showed stated she didn't want to defend her title in the first place despite agreeing to previously, go figure. After the DC tried again to take the spotlight by naming replacements for Lacey, Viper would over rule them and name her opponents to be Maegan Fox and Julie in her return match to SEF. A good match it was too with Julie looking as good as ever making both her opponents work extra hard. Maegan and Lacey tried to keep up helping give a good match, but Dusty O'Bannon and Chris Orton would both get involved on Dusty's behalf. As usual her trend continues and allowed her to pick up the win over Maegan, but not escape the ring without being made to tap out by Julie. A huge statement to Lacey even if it's not an official finish to a match. With Lacey's claim to try and be a dominant diva in SEF, this could be a huge opportunity to make good on it unless Julie proves too much for her!

And the Dangerous Corporation managed to pick up the first win this war against Da Gangstas after a huge ten man tag match took place. We saw some big men battle and some solid wrestling as well as brawling in this one. The DC used their numbers advantage, but Viper would help clear them out after the match with his old friend the sledgehammer and make a rematch for the next week on Extreme in a Halloween Havoc match which is basically a tornado tag match with no rules. Should be a kick ass match and its only four on four and moments away from happening as I type this!

The show stealer of the night indeed would have to be Shane Mack's return to the ring against former rival Matt Matlock making his return to SEF pay per view. It was a great match and Matt showed up to try and beat Mack who showed up all as usual and showcasing his brand new move to go with his original statement of never pinning anyone again, he used the CNC to make Matlock tap. Because of it he earned a World Title shot three days later on the debut show of FFE's Wildside airing every Wednesday night by the way. That match was decent, but Rick with a win by disqualification as he didn't want to face Mack anyways.

He tried to do the same thing in the main event of Extreme Revolution after claiming to have injured his ankle. The fatal four way would start without him until Viper finally said get out to the ring or I'm taking your title and awarding it to the winner. So Rick went out there and alone as Viper had friends to watch the DC. After Rick came out is when we saw the first elimination which was by him who made Chris Orton tap. Reynolds and Price worked together trying to eliminate Justin, trying to make it just the two them it seemed. Justin would pin Price sending him to the back and Reynolds yet again with a screw job gets help from a returning Corez who dropped Justin showing where his allegiance lies. The two stood tall with Rick holding the SEF Title still and despite his controversial actions and not exactly winning by the book, he continues to get better and better everyday. Will we see an end to his reign as champion or will he down as one of the most dominant of all time?

Daddy Mack

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Re:SEF Magazine #6
Date Posted:07/11/2010 12:53 AMCopy HTML

Interview With Shane Mack

SEF: So first of all, thanks for sitting down with us as always Mack, and to get started right away, are you really retired as people have saying since your departure this summer?

Shane Mack: Well, that may be answered before this is even made public, so maybe I'll let actions speak instead.

SEF: Alright, but what about what happened back after your last match, after losing the World Title you and Rick Reynolds shared a handshake and a hug. Its of course known you trained him, mentored him, but is there any animosity between you two or maybe a future alliance?

Shane Mack: Well c'mon, you know I'd never rule either one out, but the thing is, between me and Rick, we got a bond, I gave him a lot of my knowledge and he taught me too cause even trainers don't know it all. Ya learn a lot from teaching something after just being a student for so long, ya go over the basics and realize little things you may have changed or do different. It really helps you become so much better and well ya know I never been one to be shy, I'm too good to be!

SEF: Hard to argue given your history, so let's just ask another question. You think the Dangerous Corporation is really a big threat to SEF, think they could get bigger?

Shane Mack: The way they hold some talent down, yea, they can be a threat because eventually people grow tired of it, however, the guys in the group are talented as hell, so despite their attitude which isn't all that bad, heh, I think they all have a great spot made for themselves. They all came together to let themselves shine, they made their own path together, so ya can't argue that they suck, but they definitely are assholes and need less power.

SEF: Well said, but then you are the man who calls it like is. Since ya are, then answer this, you think you personally would oppose the DC?

Shane Mack: You mean would I come back? C'mon man, like I said, my actions will speak for themselves and as I also said, who knows which way I may go if I go anywhere besides home to get some hot ass from smoking hawt wife and then speaking of smoking!

*We now take a 15 minute 4:20 break with Mack and goddamn is his weed ever good!*

SEF: Ok, wow, thanks man, now where were we?

Shane Mack: You were trying to find out if I am gonna return to the ring and I keep blowing ya off, so next question brother?

SEF: Right, bastard! Anyways, You've been the cornerstone of SEF for a lot of years, though ya have taken small breaks, worked as a management figure when physical problems kept you from performing, you gave a lot back, so there anything else to prove?

Shane Mack: Just that I still got it cause like I said, no one ever stops learning!

SEF: Alright, well is there anyone in SEF ya think needs to learn a lot, maybe anyone you want to personally help?

Shane Mack: Shit man, a lot of people catch my eye as I want to work with everyone I can. I've noted a lot earlier this year about seeing something in Johnny Camaro, some may know I worked with him a lot in the back. May even try to help Matlock now that he's back cause lord only knows how much I got behind him in the past!

SEF: True, you helped a lot of people through the years, looks like ya don't plan to change that anytime soon, so is that the future for Shane Mack, the teacher, maybe open your own gym?

Shane Mack: Yea, yea, sounds great huh, maybe even open up a small restaurant cause I ain't exactly a bad cook either, but then again this business is my biggest love. Training new guys to be World Champions, sounds great, but being World Champ one more time, heh, its tougher than ya think, for me, but will SEF ever lose Mack, probably not!

SEF: With the return of Da Gangstas, does that entice you to return?

Shane Mack: If I say I know I'm a liar, its well documented of who my friends are, but still, they got their own deal, I got mine and right now I be a wheeling and a dealing all night long, pimping 'til daybreak, and fucking through dinner!

SEF: Yea, sounds typical of you, so what do you think of this new promotion being produced by SEF, this FFE, Fox Fire Entertainment?

Shane Mack: Looking forward to the first show, don't really know much right now. Hopefully this Matt Fox can put together something good and draw in more fans to SEF, of course, not like were short of those! I like the idea, we'll see how it work though, maybe I'll have to show up in person to get a good birds eye view of the action!?

SEF: Oh, well that would be interesting, already heard that the World Title may be defended there, wonder if that's true?

Shane Mack: Who knows man, depends on where ya heard it.

SEF: Well that is true and I guess that's all I got, so as always its been a pleasure Mack, thanks for your time!

Shane Mack: Not a problem, peace!

Daddy Mack

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Re:SEF Magazine #6
Date Posted:07/11/2010 12:55 AMCopy HTML

The Dangerous Corporation's Obsessive Struggle To Control SEF

Well they are indeed dangerous when you think of the talent combined to operate as one group, but maybe what is more dangerous is thought of what could happen when these egos implode the Dangerous Corporation?!

Rick Reynolds is without a doubt one of the greatest in history, he started out as Scorpion and paid his dues, worked his way to the top and even played dress up in one of the biggest ribs of all time. He has a mouth on him though, a mouth makes you wonder, could even his mother tolerate it? He has talent though, no doubt he is good, but he makes you despise him regardless, his ego, perhaps the biggest in SEF history?!

His Triad brothers, Rob Rocco and Thor, his cousins, both have egos. Thor is a former World Champion, a quick, huge bullet. He hits fast and hard and never stops, so what happens if he wants the World Title again? Rob is like a Rick in many ways which could mean from the brotherhood comes the rivalry that could match Mack versus Viper! Rob has shown hunger, he has that ego befitting the family he comes from, ya never know!?

Hal Havoc, he's built his career on having one of the biggest egos in the business and despite being older he can still hang in the ring, he was good and still is and being a former World Champ as well as Thor with the ego comparable to Rick, maybe an implosion could be one way to stop the seemingly unstoppable DC.

Now aside from the wrestlers there are two guys who are very verbal and display egos for being extremely smart about the business. Their ideas while sometimes may be controversial are always impact and make you watch for more. Frankie, formerly a member of the Dangerously family, he indeed brings that danger to the DC with his mind and his duo of Destruction as they are named, Thrash and Slash. Well it seems he may be the perfect man to help the DC truly establish themselves as being dangerous, can he truly be trusted?!

Of course, with a name like Sly, Bill McLane may be the obvious pick to cause the DC to implode. He has his monster Axel to do his bidding and if one day he decides Axel should be getting the gold and glory that others are going for or have in the DC, who will stop him? Axel is a near seven foot monster, one inch away and his frame is massive. He's a beast of a man at nearly four hundred pounds of all muscle. With a creative mind like Sly behind this monster, who could stop them both from any title in SEF, even the World Title?

So for now, the Dangerous Corporation is indeed what it is, but for how long, that depends on how long so many egos can coexist. We all know that in this business, egos collide everyday!

Daddy Mack

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Re:SEF Magazine #6
Date Posted:07/11/2010 12:57 AMCopy HTML


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Re:SEF Magazine #6
Date Posted:07/11/2010 12:58 AMCopy HTML

The Informer's Rant #3

Well here I, the Informer, am back again and finally in an official column for the SEF magazine that I rightfully deserve!

Seems to be a hell of a war heating up in SEF, wonder just how many people will choose a side and how many will remain undecided?

Someone was heard backstage saying Johnny Camaro has the mentality of a three year old, but I DIGRESS, some three year olds are far more intellectual!

Matt Matlock is said to still not care for the wrestling business even though he still works in it, ok then!

Drake Sage made a move to join the DC and seems to have found a home within SEF, but then again, does anybody really know where home is?

And why did Viper return to run this place, he should be in the ring dominating these young kids who don't get it, like the "emo" Nikky Venom or this poster boy for Playgirl, Justin Rodgers, which by the way is for the gay men of the world in case some of you don't know.

At least we got Da Gangstas back, but the DC is still too powerful, not even Mack could help take them down, could he?

Rick Reynolds loves his World Title, many have noted he likes to carry to everyway and boast about being the best, truly he is nowhere near slowing down like some may believe he'll do soon, though maybe his outside interests will take top priority?

SEF continues to run strong looking into another year of true hardcore action, but how long before it is targeted to be destroyed, again?

Will Shane Jericho ever get a win, maybe by the time this goes to print?

Until next time, it has been I, the Informer, bringing you the real dirt!

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