Sports E-Fed

SEF Information => SEF Industry News => Topic started by: Daddy Mack on August 18, 2012, 06:28:45 PM

Title: Axel on a Rampage!!! WAR Card Changed! jWo still alive?
Post by: Daddy Mack on August 18, 2012, 06:28:45 PM
WAR - August 22nd, 2012 (

You think for one fucking second you can stand toe to toe with the monster of a man called Axel?

The voice of Bill McLane, better known as Sly, is heard asking that question as he sits on a metal chair inside of a small dressing room. He's leaning forward with his arms on his legs and staring with that devious look of his, though fairly serious.

Skylar Moon, your nothing more than some hopped up bimbo thinking she comes from some hard life on the streets. You think you have seen shit, well you have seen nothing until you see Axel coming at you from across the ring and all you can do is prepare to die. Be afraid, show no fear, doesn't matter to either of us for Axel does not give one rats ass about who he destroys. He doesn't have to care, he just has to win and there is no one in SEF who can stop him, especially you, Skylar!

A slick smirk forming on his face and Sly just leans back a bit casual in his black suit with no tie. He rests his hands on his legs while saying with that smirk.

By the way, this being a Street Fight and everyone banned from getting involved puts the advantage in my clients corner and yes, he is my client, not Frankie's. So to the lil GM of SEF, if you have a problem with Axel, talk to me, no, wait, talk to Axel, cause he'll tear you limb from limb like he will do to your lil girlfriend Skylar. Axel needs no steroids, but you look like you may have juiced a little!?

Sly with a questionable look on his face, just smirks again as he says.

Axel is a fucking monster who never had much guidance until now and now he is truly unstoppable for he has one mission, to sit on top of SEF. No little poser thug is going to stop this monster, not even Shane Mack could stop Axel. This monster is bigger and badder than all of you and after he is done ripping Skylar's head off, well, Thomas, maybe you can sew it back on, so you can both watch what else he has in store on WAR!

A slicker smirk coming over Sly's face and he stands up walking out of the room with a bit of a cocky stride. Sly heading down the hall to a weight room where Axel sits on a bench doing leg curls. Sweat dripping off his face as he keeps lifting while Sly begins talking.

Skylar Moon said your nothing more than a steroid popping, lazy sack of shit loser who will get wiped off the mat and destroyed by her!

Axel moving his legs faster and faster looking more intense with eyes on fire. Sly backing off as the monster jumps up and runs full on into a punching bag ripping it off the ceiling and just tosses it to the floor like a sack of flour. No one else in there, but Sly, and Axel now grabs some dumbells, fifty pounders it looks like and starts curling his arms while Sly says.

Skylar also declared herself the winner of the match dedicating it to you in honor of your funeral after she kills you!

Axel enraged tosses the dumbells through a wall, then charges through the door ripping it off its hinges. The monster storming down the hall and Sly exiting the weight room heading away from the scene and so rather than follow a angry Axel, we cut to another scene. Its the Rowdy Redneck sitting on a metal chair lacing his white boots up. A pair of silver shorts on with matching kneepads and the Redneck finishes with his boots, pulls his kneepads in place, then leans back. A bit of a sneer on his face as he says.

Taylor Andrews, your time as Icon Champion is over for its high time this Redneck got Rowdy and crowded you out of the title picture. That belt would look good on me and help me in SEF plus it needs a new owner, it needs someone who can liven it up some. ON WAR your gonna get livened up a lot no matter what match we end up having. A Bar Room Brawl sounds nice and all, hell, maybe I can break for some beer and bash ya with the bottles, cans, chairs, pool cues, some hot waitress named Sally who I'm sorry I forgot to call, but shit honey, I'm a pro wrestler, I got places to be!

A bit of a smirk on his face and then back to a sneer once the Redneck says.

Anyways, Taylor, I want you to know your hell of a gal and I'd take ya out back any night for a drink and something more, but come Wednesday night, I'm simply taking the gold off the so called Golden Goddess! Now then- What the fuck?

Someone slamming by his room brings the Redneck to his feet heading out to the hall seeing Axel charge down. The Redneck shouting to him.


Axel stopping and turns into a charge at the Rowdy Redneck who meets the monster with a hard kick to the midsection taking the wind out of him. The Redneck unloading with punches to the jaw, then tries slamming Axel's head to the wall. Axel putting his hands up headbutts the Redneck, then nails a hard uppercut to his jaw and floors him with a boot to the face. Axel lifts up the Redneck nailing a Down Under Slam right there on the floor, then hoists him up on to his shoulder carrying the Redneck towards the loading dock and tosses him in a plastic bin. Axel shoves the bin off the dock sending the Redneck sprawling out on the pavement not moving. EMT's come out and Axel leaves the scene. Willy Winka and Rappin' Robbie are then seen in front of a black backdrop in their ring gear sporting old jWo shirts. Willy with his arms crossed, though one is propped to place a finger to his temple as he appears to be thinking deep, or taking a nap, hard to tell behind those big ass dark sunglasses he sports. Robbie just looking semi serious begins to rap, oh no.

They say the jWo be dead
But here we are, and unfed
We got no gold, but that be ok
Cause come WAR, we won't nay
We be saying yay, hip hip hooray

And Rob mockingly curls his arm up as if for a flashy uppercut, then grins cheekily and laughs a little. Willy not changing his pose, so Robbie continues.

Come Wednesday we be jacked up and ready to win
throwing it all out balls to the wall looking for that pin
or just beating The Taliban into submission, we-

He's cut off by Bill McLane coming into view saying.

Excuse me boys, I got an announcement to make, so go get ready for your match.

Robbie looking annoyed, but its his boss and Willy walking off leads him away from making a scene. Sly just turns this way with a smirk saying.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Rowdy Redneck has been injured at the hands of Axel and so he will not be competing this Wednesday for the Icon Title or for a while, a couple months is all I can say at this time, maybe more as it was his neck that got hurt and those can be bad. Anyways, his replacement will be CWS!

Sly spotting Axel coming down the hall approaches the monster saying.

Bullocks is in the ring now and says your too chicken to come out and whip his ass in a match where no rules apply, a hardcore match!

Axel heading that way before Sly finishes and we follow him to the ring as "Hells Bells" plays over the pa. The crowd cheering a bit for the monster who just snarls and snaps his jaw. Axel getting to the apron just leaps up to it and steps in the ring getting rushed by Bullocks who swings his arms into clubbing blows. Axel shrugging them off and Bullocks with kicks to the midsection, then tries for an irish whip. Axel reversing sends Bullocks to the ropes and boots him right in the skull. He lifts Bullocks up into a hanging suplex slamming him to the mat, then Axel pulls him right back up. A Down Under Slam to Bullocks and Axel rips him back up for a second one, and then nails a third one before dropping into the pin, ONE.....................TWO......................THREE! The bell rings and Axel slides out pulling Bullocks with him, then tosses him into the guard rail. Axel with a kick to his head sends Bullocks over the rail and then he climbs over. Axel lifting Bullocks into a press tosses him back over the rail against the edge of the ring. Axel coming back over pulls Bullocks up into a chokeslam on the floor. Axel just looks around screaming for more and pulls Bullocks up and around the ring running him into the steps. Axel lifts Bullocks to his shoulder and walks him up to the stage running to the edge and launching Bullocks off through a couple tables covered in wires and equipment, electrical it looks like. A couple sparks fly as he hits and Bullocks lays among the mess out of it as Axel just snarls and shrugs. He heads to the back leaving the crowd a bit excited and Nick Miller saying.

Guess Axel didn't need the hardcore stip to win, but he sure destroyed Bullocks afterwards. The guy may not make it to next week and Skylar Moon may have her first and last match when she has to face the monster on WAR!

And now we cut to a small bar somewhere on the outskirts of Detroit where CWS sits drinking a Natural Ice. The bartender approaching with a phone saying.

Its Bill McLane!

CWS takes the phone listening to the other end, then says.

OK, I'll be there Wednesday!

He hands the phone back, slams his beer, and says to the bartender.

Keep 'em coming and bring me a couple shots of your cheapest liquor!

The bartender nodding as the scene fades to black.