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08.28.24: The Next 6 Months, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Strap Up Boys!!!

Started by ropsef4832, March 12, 2014, 07:35:37 PM

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The cries of his daughter echo in A Native Americano's ears as he exits the back room of Whitney's office and peeks in to say softly.

I love you and I promise daddy will be back to sweep ya up and dance all night. Love you too sonny, and see ya out there Liz. Shady will be by later.

His daughter sounding excited with shrieks of laughter at that name and Liz says.

Oh good, they love that midget.

The Director leaving the door ajar and turns looking at Ric Flair who is up on his feet strutting and wooing in his thousand dollar suit. A Native Americano in his ring gear minus the swat vest which he pulls up off the sofa and over his upper body strapping the sides through loops and tightening the vest up. The Director looking up with a snarl and Ric patting him on the back.

Lead the way boss!

That classic grin of Flair and A Native Americano heads out of the office and down the hall to the curtain. He ducks into the gorilla position with Flair following and then we cut to ringside in the Charlotte Coliseum which is packed full of diehard fans ready to see WAR. "Hell Yeah" by Rev Theory plays over the pa bringing these fans up in a roar like A Native Americano offers as he charges out to rear back looking primal. Ric Flair behind him getting many woos in his country and the two men head to the ring with the Director sliding in the ring and standing up. Flair heading up the steps and A Native Americano holding the ropes for the legend, then gets a microphone and takes center stage in the ring owning his spot with hungry dark eyes remaining indifferent.

Some people in this business just never learn, and I realize that is a cliché almost, due to the stupidity of so called pro wrestlers. I miss the days when people got it, where they understood what they do and what they have to do to get over. Because of it we will see a classic match by The Showtime result in them winning for one man can't beat them all, and I am but A Native Americano, so unlikely you will see me prevail tonight. That doesn't mean I lay down and die cause The Showtime has Justice coming to them in overpaid dues. Tonight is only a step in paying them dues for I know how it ends, but no one knows how hard I will hit you until it happens. I have always been clear, so why that would that ever be news to anyone means that someone must not get it. No matter your age, everyone has to learn what they do not know for you have no right to think you get a pass above anyone else. You earn your place in SEF by pushing your own ass to be number one, to be champion, to be whatever the fuck you want to be, a pro wrestler, a diva, a tag team specialist!?! You do that and I will direct you where you want to go and whether I like you or not, I will give you what you give me and make sure you make it in SEF, but cannot promise what I do is any help. I work for you, all of you in this arena right now, all of you filling these seats and all of you in the back, I do this for you, and I never failed to show that or lose that recognition. I just never knew how to say it until now as unlike what some bitches may think, I am nowhere near a legend in this ring. I am again, A Native Americano, just a big, brutal, ugly muthafucka who will rip your head off if you disrespect me. I am not Mack and will not take disrespect, being buried by children throwing temper tantrums to just come back and blow them all off. I don't care what press it gives them, the press are and always have been full of shit because instead of reporting news, they have to add spice and compete. Its why SEF makes fun of the news when its not just rattling off what happened and moving on, but that is not why I am out here instead of taking care of my children who need it. You unprofessional so called wrestlers I spoke of, keep crying, but you'll not get any sympathy for the bullshit you pulled. Grow up, fly right, and if ya wanna roam in SEF, let's go boys, and girls, we always gonna be equal to all genders, long as you can wrestle professionally. To my so called team I got going into this main event tonight, well boys, I don't know what to say to ya which is why I got off topic a little, sort of, maybe, I don't care!?! I care about this sport, so if you do, strap the fuck up and let's go to WAR and give The Showtime something unpredictable rather than a for sure win. Phoenix Winterborn, Jax O'Bannon, hell, Talon too, even if your quitting after this or whatever your doing now, go out with something to make us remember you, for once. Don't worry about who said what and did who, show up and fight your battle in the ring. I'm waiting boys and I'll wait all night, until bell time, then I go it alone or with whoever is at my side like a real soldier, and not a sheep, a renegade. We ain't no fresh faced babies with no experience, but we ain't that bad, just might look like a little rough, so if that's you, we know how it goes. Show us what you got and let's do this, whether its one night only or something more, let's go to WAR!!!

The crowd all riled up and rallying behind the Director chanting for him actually.


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