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Wrestling Promotion => Saturday Night SEF TV Event Promos => SEF TV Event Archives => Topic started by: Taylor Andrews on March 14, 2014, 11:46:22 PM

Title: Unscripted {7/29/07}
Post by: Taylor Andrews on March 14, 2014, 11:46:22 PM

July 29th, 2007

So here we are for the monthly July pay per view presented by SEF.....Unscripted and we open up live inside the First Union Center in the heart of Pennsylvania....Philadelphia! The shot shows the inside of the arena and pyro explodes off the stage and over the ring as "Greed" by Godsmack comes blaring over the pa and the pumped up, diehard, cult like fans of SEF cheer as loud as they can and chant...S-E-F...S-E-F...S-E-F...S-E-F...S-E-F....the cameras roam all over the place

Nick Miller: Hello everybody and welcome to SEF's Unscripted pay per view brought to you from the great city of Philly! We have one hell of a show lined up tonight, from the awesome fatal four way two falls match opening the show to our headliner, the main event, a triple threat for World Title!

Greg Boone: Oh yea, Viper continues his reign of dominance and Jordan will be bring home two titles to the DVF, a great night for them as Whitney will dominate as she always does.

Nick Miller: Obviously you pick the DVF to win their matches, but you can't count out their opponents, especially Jordan's as that fatal four way is a dangerous match for champions. Viper would normally be at a disadvantage, but due to that stip he has to be pinned to lose the title.

Greg Boone: And its as it should be, a champion like him must be beaten directly to lose the title, he's that great!

Nick Miller: No doubt he is great, but he outta be able to handle a regular triple threat.

Greg Boone: He shouldn't have to!

Nick Miller: Whatever! We also have the Tag Titles on the line and still no partner for Torres who also defends his IC Title later in the night against Derek Helms.

Greg Boone: A no good match there, least we get the DE in action to help save that tag match.

Nick Miller: I think it'll be more than them, whoever Torres picks could make it really interesting, so lets get moving on with the show and find out just who he picks!

"I Stand Alone" hits the pa as Orton comes out from the curtain making his way down the ramp, stops at the middle, raises his arms in the air cross them like an "X" as huge bright white light pyro goes off leaving flaming "X" behind him.

Nick Roland: The following match is scheduled for two falls and is a fatal four way for the SEF International and King of the Ring Titles. Introducing first, now making his way to the ring from St Louis Missouri, he weighs 240 pounds and is the SEF King of the Ring Champion, Chris Orton!

He continues to walk down the ramp make his way up the steel stairs and enters the ring, walks over to corner of the ring climbs the second turnbuckle, steps up and raises his arms in the air crossing them like an "X" then the camera shows fans cheering for him. We hear "Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" hit the pa and here comes Dog walking out on stage wearing a nice heavy robe kinda like what boxers wear and he looks pissed, ready to kill as he walks down the ramp, the crowd booing him in disgust.

Nick Roland: Now making his way out, he hails from Tampa Bay Florida and weighs in at 224 pounds, he is The New F'n Submission Machine......Diamond Dog!

He gets to ringside and suddenly springs his arms up in the air knocking his robe off to the floor, then he leaps up on the apron, grabs the top rope and leaps over the top landing on his feet, then steps around the ring getting fired up showing a lot of intensity in his face. orton suddenly rushes him with quick rights, whips him to the ropes and leaps up dropkicking Dogg sending him rolling out on the floor.

Nick Miller: My god, Orton starting this right away and he sends Dogg down on the floor.

Greg Boone: No fair, he blindsided Dogg!

"Black Bob" comes over the pa we see the lights flash a bit and some spotlights roam around a bit, the crowd goes crazy cheering for Bob. He then makes his way out and does nothing real special, sorta pumps himself up, high fives fans on his way to the ring, and just walks on down the aisle.

Nick Roland: Making his way to the ring from the streets of Detroit Michigan, he weighs 205 pounds, the Original Gangsta......Black Bob!

Once in the ring he grabs the top rope on any side and raises his fist in the air, then spins around quickly and makes motions of slapping up his opponent, flashes some thug symbols, and talks trash. He and Orton eye each other and keep an eye on Dogg, they stay apart as Dogg gets to his feet and stares in the ring pissed off. The lights go out and red and blue lights circle the arena as "You Don't Know" hits the PA.

Nick Roland: On his way to the ring, from New York, New York, he weighs in at 350lbs and is accompanied by Whitney Marret, he is the SEF International Champion............. "The Ultimate Protector" Jordan Brooks!

Once he comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he squats down and white pyro goes off from left to right as he raises up slowly and raises his fists in the air. Whitney comes walking out behind him carrying her Women's Title and walks with Jordan down to the ring. At ringside Jordan unstraps his title and drops it, then he hops up on the apron and enters the ring, Bob rushes him with punches now and Dogg comes in the ring going for Orton taking him down with a double leg and floats around lockingin armbar on him. Bob hammers Jordan into a corner and just goes crazy on him. He looks for an irish whip, but Jordan too fresh and powerful reverses slamming Bob into the opposite corner, then rushes him with crushing clothesline smashing Bob into the turnbuckles. Jordan steps back and Bob slumps down to the mat.

Greg Boone: Now that is a clothesline!

Nick Miller: A powerful one by Jordan, no doubt the man is a monster!

Jordan runs at Dogg kicking him his head, then rips him up and nails a powerslam, pops back up and kicks Orton in his head, then lifts him straight up and slams him down with a hard spinebuster. He stands up and pumps himself up even more, shakes the ropes, then grabs Bob.

Greg Boone: Yea, he just decimated them all and now will retain his title.

Nick Miller: He could do it.

Jordan rips Bob up looking for the Big Apple Bomb, but Bob starts punching him in the head, then from behind comes Dogg clipping the back of Jordan's knee and down he goes, Bob landing on him, but gets up to his feet and turns. Dogg rushes him with a clothesline, but Bob ducks backdropping him over the ropes. Dogg lands on the apron and Bob steps back and leaps up dropkicking Dogg off hanging him on the guard rail. Bob grabs the top rope now slingshots himself over on to the apron, leaps on the middle rope and spins around with a leg across the back of Dogg who now slumps back to the floor as Bob falls down as well.

Nick Miller: Damn, what a move by Bob.

Jordan is up holding his knee and Orton comes from behind kicking the back of his knee, then delivers a chop block bringing him down. He drags Jordan by his hurt leg to the middle of the ring and starts dropping elbows to his knee, pops up and drops another, then locks him in a leg grapevine. Jordan screams and crawls for the ropes. Bob is up on the floor and runs Dogg headfirst into the ringpost, then nails a russin leg sweep right on the floor. He goes under the ring and gets a singapore cane and starts laying in shots to Dogg's head and ribs cracking him real hard, looks almost too stiff a shots.

Nick Miller: Damn, Bob is really going to town with that cane.

Greg Boone: Isn't that illegal> I though Bob didn't cheat?

Nick Miller: This is SEF, anything goes!

Jordan gets almost to the ropes when Orton lets him go and runs off the ropes dropping an elbow to Jordan's chest. Bob has Dogg leaned against the steel steps now and has a chair, he swings it, but Dogg manages to slip down and Bob nails the steps, drops the chair, but kicks Dogg, then lifts him up rolling him in the ring. Orton has Jordan up and looks for a ddt, but Jordan keeps on his feet and powers Orton off his lifting him up enough and charges to a corner sitting him on top of it.

Nick Miller: My god what power.

Jordan climbs up looking for a superplex as Dogg manages to kick to Bob away from the ring, then he bolts up and baseball slides a dropkick into Bob knocking him down. Jordan has Orton ready to go and Dogg rushes over and gets on the bottom rope lifting Jordan on his shoulders a lil a she snaps back the superplex on Orton and all three men go down. Bob is on the top rope and he flips off with the Detroit Death Drop across the neck of Dogg just a second after he lands, then floats over hooking Dogg's leg, 1....................2.......................3!

Nick Miller: My god, Bob did it, he is the new International Champ and he pinned Dogg to do it after that hellacious superplex and electric chair drop combo.

Greg Boone: No fair, damn it, it wasn't fair!

The crowd is cheering loud as Bob kneels up getting his arm raised.

Nick Roland: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the first fall and new SEF International Champion, Black Bob!

The crowd cheers louder as Bob kicks Dogg from the ring, then runs the ropes and comes back landing a leg drop on Jordan and pins him, 1.............2......kickout!

Nick Miller: Bob with the first win, but the match isn't over, though he almost had Jordan pinned, a very close fall.

Greg Boone: He won't get that lucky, Jordan is tougher than Dogg!

Bob pulls up Jordan and hammers him with punches backing him against the ropes. He irish whips Jordan across the ring, Orton is up and sidesteps Jordan, leaps up and dropkicks Bob ou tof the ring. Orton then bolts up with a clothesline directed to Jordan, but he ducks it and both men go to the ropes and come back looking for a clothesline knocking each other down. Bob and Dogg brawl on the outside now, Dogg buries a knee to Bob gut and whips against the guard rail, then goes under the ring getting a barbed wire ballbat. He slams it into the ribs of Bob cutting his skin open, then jabs it into his forehead and scrapes up ripping his head open, blood oozes out. Jordan and Orton are getting up in the ring now. Dogg slams the bat into Bob's gut again, then pulls him off the rail and nails a belly to belly suplex on the floor. Orton grabs Jordan by his head as they stand and nails the CKO, then pins him.

Nick Miller: CKO....Orton connected on Jordan, he may have this won.

Orton pins Jordan now, 1..............2.....Dogg grabs Orton's leg yanking him out of the ring and swings at him, but Orton blocks him and nails Dogg with some punches. Bob has the bat and nails Dogg in his back cutting him open, then starts choking Dogg with the barbed wire bat cutting his neck open.

Nick Miller: My god, Bob could kill Dogg, that barbed wire on his neck.

Greg Boone: Somebody stop him, murder is illegal!

Orton gets back in the ring and gets up, but BAM....spear by Jordan knocking him down, then Jordan quickly pulls him up and rips up Orton nailing the Big Apple Bomb dropping Orton, then hooks his leg rolling Orton into a pin, 1................2................3! The ref calls for the bell which rings now.

Nick Roland: Here is your winner of the second fall and your new SEF King of the Ring Champion, Jordan Brooks!

"You Don't Know" hits and Jordan gets his new title, then exits the ring quickly leaving with Whitney as Bob is in the ring now with the bat. he watches Jordan head up the ramp and just tosses the bat in anger.

Nick Miller: Jordan wining the second fall over Orton and taking that King of the Ring Title, Bob still wants a piece of him.

Greg Boone: If he knew better he wouldn't.

Bob gets his title and exits the ring now, starts up the ramp, but Dogg with a trash can charges behind Bob slamming it down on his head dropping Bob to the ramp. Dogg pulls brass knuckles from his tights and slips them on, then starts hammering Bob in the head right where he's cut making him bleed more. He then lifts Bob up and walks him to the stage, slams against the wall, then nails the Diamond Drop on the stage. The crowd boos loud as Dogg walks down the ramp grabbing the title of Bob's and heads back up standing near Bob and raises the title up in the air.

Nick Miller: What a lowdown, dirty act by Dogg, jumping Bob like that.

Greg Boone: Because he destroyed Bob like he said he would its lowdown and dirty, you just don't want to admit Dogg is the better man.

Nick Miller: He jumped him from behind after the match.

Dogg drops the title and looks to leave, the crowd booing in disgust at this, then Bob starts to get up and as he's staggering Dogg charges like a bullet with a hard shoulder block he calls the Diamond Driller sending Bob flyng off the stage smashing through a table.

Nick Miller: Good god, what a fall Bob took, somebody get Dogg out of here.

Dogg being booed out of here finally leaves to the back as he sees Orton run up towards him. Orton stops and hops off the ramp heading over to check on Bob.

Nick Miller: What a piece of work Dogg is, spouts off about his great wrestling skill, yet he has to attack a man from behind to "take him out".

Greg Boone: He doesn't have to do anything he don't want to do, he simply took Bob down as he said he would do, Bob was the one running away from him.

Nick Miller: The match was over, he was heading to the back to shower or whatever he may do after a match.

Greg Boone: Excuses..excuses, don't bother Miller.

Nick Miller: Whatever! Up next we got the Tag Title match, who will Torres pick as his partner?

"Rock And Roll All Nite" begins to play as Trent walks out wearing a purple robe and his golden locks flowing freely. He walks to the ring, led by his manager Danny Hansen, and his body guard the Black Scorpion following closely behind. Hansen carrying the World Title while Flash and Scorpion each wear their Tag Title.

Nick Roland: The following match is a tag team match scheduled for one fall and is for the SEF Tag Team Titles. Introducing first, they weigh in together at 496 pounds and are accompanied by Danny Hansen , they are the SEF Tag Team Champions, Trent Flash and Black Scorpion!

Flash gets in the ring and undoes his robe to reveal his Tag Title, he then takes it off and hands it to Danny. He warms up real quick bouncing off the ropes and stretcing his arms as Scorpion takes off his jacket and title. We hear "Regular People" come over the pa and the crowd cheers as Torres comes out with a cocky swagger, but he wears jeans a t-shirt, one of his new t-shirts though, cool. he has the IC Title over his shoulder and a mic in hand which he raises up.

Torres: Cut the music monkeys, I got something that needs to be said!

So the music is cut, the crowd chants for Torres who just arrogantly swishes his toothpick in his mouth.

Torres: I know, I know, ya all wanted to see me whip those jabronis asses in the ring, but ya know something, due to "doctors orders".....I cannot compete tonight!

Torres shoots a "fuck you" stare to Flash who looks pissed at that.

Torres: I had a great partner in line and together we could have taken the Tag Titles, but have no fear, I opted to just have myself and my partner replaced by the other Tag Team Champions of SEF!

Flash looks confused now as does Hansen who stands in front of the ring holding all the gold of the DE.

Torres: I didn't think you get it, so maybe you'll get a clue when this man, their manager, introduces them!

Torres steps to the side and points back at the entrance as "Mouth for War" hits the pa and out swaggers Frank E Dangerously wearing what we always saw him wear in the past nd carrying a mic, the crowd cheers for him. Frankie just looks around with that devious smirk, eyes lit up under the bill of his Detroit ballcap, then he raises the mic to his lips.

FED: So let me see here, we got the Diamond Exchange standing down there ready to fight one man who yes as a fucking partner, but hey hey Flash, the doctors have spoken, he cnanot wrestle, you my friend know all about that business now don't ya? Now then, the other Tag Champs this man spoke of, they are the REAL SEF Tag Team Champions.....yea, ya heard me, the REAL Champs, they are the greatest tag team of all time, the most dominant team ever, they will leave the two of you laying in....DESTRUCTION!

The crowd pops and we hear "Iron Man" began to rumble over the pa and then we see the two masked, leather clad huge men, Thrash and Slash, march out on stage and stand on either side of Frankie. The trio now heads down the ramp now and Hansen runs around the ring getting away from them. Thrash and Slash undo their titles and rip off thier masks and vests, then their chaps, then they slide in the ring and stand up staring across at Flash and Scorpion. The bell rings and the four men just stand there facing off, Thrash and Slash turn to each other and then they take off charging across the ring with clotheslines. Flash and Scorpion ducks and turn them around nailing chops in stereo on the huge men, but to no effect. Thrash and Slash headbutt their opponents, then begin stomping on them. Thrash yanks up Flash and whips him hard into a corner, then charges with a splash, backs out and Flash falls on his face. Slash has Scorpion in a corner choking him out and the ref makes Thrash get to his corner. Flash rolls to the floor and heads to his when Torres comes down and shoves him into the ringpost headfirst, then drops him with a reverse ddt.

Greg Boone: What, Torres has no right getting involved in this and isn't he injured or something?

Nick Miller: Hey man, the guy wants revenge, can ya blame him after all the beatdowns he suffered?

Torres pulls Flash up and tosses him against the guard rail, then charges clotheslining him over it. In the ring Slash sends Scorpion to the ropes, looks for a clothesline, but Scorpion ducks and hits the ropes leaping up with a cross body taking Slash down into a pin, 1...............kickout! Torres heads up the ramp and turns to watch the match a lil. Scorpion has Slash up and delivers a piledriver on him, then tries for another pin, 1...............2.......kickout! He looks pissed and gets up going to his corner, but looks for Flash, Hansen is trying to pull Flash over the rail.

Greg Boone: No fair, Torres prevented Flash from being in the match, so now Scorpion is in a two on one.

Nick Miller: He knows how Torres felt all those weeks now.

Scorpion turns now and Slash makes the tag, so in comes Thrash charging Scorpion. he dodges out of the way and Thrash hits the corner, Scorpion slugs him in the kidneys, then drops him with a reverse ddt, runs the ropes and comes back with a leg drop, then pins, 1..............2...kickout! Scorpion pulls up Thrash clubbing him in the back, then tries for a piledriver, but Thrash back body drops him, then runs the ropes and comes planting an elbow on Scorpion's chest. Thrash gets up yanking up Scorpion nails a powerful bodyslam on him, then he makes the tag to Slash, they whip Scorpion to the ropes and catch him nailing a double spinebuster. Hansen gets up on the apron now yelling in protest, the ref gets in his face. Before Thrash or Slash can come over we see Frank E grab Hansen by his leg yanking him down bashing his face off the apron, then punches him in the jaw knocking him on his ass. Thrash has Scorpion laid across his knee, Slash comes off the second turnbuckle with an elbow drop nearly decapitating Scorpion leaving him in Total Destruction! Slash now pins, 1..................2.................3, then the ref calls for the bell which rings.

Nick Roland: Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners of the match and the undisputed SEF Tag Team Champions, Thrash and Slash....Destruction!

"Iron Man" plays over the pa as the ref hands the duo the Tag Titles they just won, Frank E comes in with the Tag Titles they wore out here and so Thrash and Slash each hold up two Tag Titles standing dominantly in the ring as Torres still watches and just smiles. Flash has Scorpion and Hansen on their feet and Torres leaves now, the DE start their exit and Frank E grabs a mic, the crowd cheering and chanting.

FED: You see this fucking team right all see them, this is what tag team wrestling is all about, they are what is needed in this business right now to revitalize the lost art of tag teams and do that they will....we will! Its time for a change in SEF which is why I am back. I could have just sent Destruction in here, but I had to come in as well. I am not just their voice, I am here to do what I always do, raise the fucking bar of extreme!

The crowd cheers loud and starts chanting Frankie....Frankie....Frankie...Frankie....Frankie! He just smirks and soaks it up, then speaks again.

FED: Tonight is fucking unscripted....well then let the name of the show live up to all the goddamn hype it created on the name all want unscripted, you just saw a lil bit of it, but you ain't seen shit yet!

Again the crowd cheers and then we hear "Mouth for War" hit the pa and Frank E makes his exit with Destruction in tow. The crowd chants...S-E-F...S-E-F....S-E-F....S-E-F!

Nick Miller: What a statement by Frankie, but what the hell does he mean?

Greg Boone: Who the fuck knows what goes on that crazy mind of his. All I know is we got new Tag Champs, unified champs, but it happened only after the DE got screwed over!

Nick Miller: A taste of their own medicice is all they got, Torres got even with Flash, can't wait to see if those two lock up again.

Greg Boone: Flash will own Torres!

Nick Miller: If you say so, but we got more of our show to go on, next is the Women's Title match, Emma Michaels undefeated in singles competition faces the dominant champion Whitney Marret!

The pyro shoots off as "What It Is To Burn" blares over the PA and Emma runs out on stage.

Nick Roland: The following match is one fall and is for the SEF Women's Title! Introducing first, from Knoxville Indiana, she weighs 137 pounds, she is Emma Michaels!

She runs down to the ring and slides in and gets in all turnbuckles and the crowd shows much disapproval for her presence. "Money, Power, And Respect" by The Lox hits as blue, green, and red lights circle the arena with matching pyro going off. Then Whitney comes out and poses for the crowd at the top of the ramp, the crowd cheering her.

Nick Roland: Making her way to the ring, from Las Vegas Nevada, she weighs 145 pounds, she is the SEF Women's Champion, Whitney Marret!

She makes her way to the ring and climb the steel steps. Once inside the ring Whitney goes to the middle of the middle of the ring and throws her hands and arms in the air. Whitney hands her title to the ref and stands in the middle of the ring. The ref holds up the Women's Title, then hands to the ring announcer, Emma eyes the title and Whitney charges her from behind leaping and slamming a knee right into her spine sending Emma into a corner. Whitney pulls her back and leaps up driving both knees to her back, but drops down in a back cracker move. She holds on to Emma wraps her legs in a body scissors around Emma, then hooks her head back in a dragon sleeper completing her signature move the Southern Sleeper.

Nick Miller: Whoa, Whitney with the drop on Emma and has her grounded already and she could tap, though she is kinda close to the ropes.

Greg Boone: She will tap, Whitney owns her!

Emma struggles and screams, she kicks her feet out trying to get the ropes, but she gives in and taps out, the crowd cheer for this as the ref calls it and the bell rings.

Nick Roland: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by submission and still the SEF Women's Champion....Whitney Marret!

"Money, Power, And Respect" hit the pa as Whitney kicks Emma out to the floor, a small chant of "Thank You Whitney" starts up for disposing of Emma, then Viper enters the ring raising her arm in the air while she holds up the Women's Title.

Nick Miller: Damn, Whitney dominated Emma, what a quick win!

Greg Boone: Like there was ever a doubt, Whitney is the greatest woman in SEF ever!

Viper has a mic and hands it to Whitney who holds her title on her shoulder, then she raises the mic up.

Whitney Marret: This title has a long list of champions who have held it, many great women have held it, but only a few select women are of an elite group that simply the very best in the world and I am the woman who set that elite standard!

The crowd cheer her respectfully knowing this is true.

Whitney Marret: I raised the bar in SEF, in this business as well. Maybe I sound a bit arrogant, but I am not shy about what I have do-

The crowd cuts her off by chanting...We Love You....We Love You....We Love You....We Love You....Whitney smiles at that chant and they fans soon calm down as she looks to speak some more.

Whitney Marret: Well then, thank you all for that, I love you all as well, thank you for the appreciation. Now I do have an announcement to retirement....

The crowd screams in protest, no booing, a chant of "Don't Go" breaks it, Whitney looks as if she is sorry for saying it.

Whitney Marret: It is something I have to do, but its not like you'll never see me, SEF will always be my home and I may make special appearances. One thing you will not see in SEf ever again is this title over my shoulder as with me it is retiring, as of tonight my reign ends and this title's great history ends, no more. SEF does not need to seperate divisions, I made it that by winning the title Viper now holds. It doesn't matter if your a man or woman, it only matters if your good enough to hold that title, gender in SEF is not an issue for being a champion!

The crowd cheers and begins chanting.....Thank You Whitney....Thank You Whitney....Thank You Whitney.....Thank You Whitney.....she just smiles and raises the title up, then lowers and raises her mic.

Whitney Marret: Thank you for the memories, SEF has many great mments, I am sorry to retire now, but as I said, you'll see me sometimes, sooner than you think!

Whitney grins as the crowd cheers and "Money, Power, And Respect" hits the pa as she and Viper raises their hands and titles in the air. They soon make their exit, fans bowing to Whitney as she heads up the ramp and she just smiles.

Nick Miller: Wow, Whitney retires and takes the Women's Title with her, but what a crowd reaction, lot of respect for her as there should be!

Greg Boone: No doubt, she is the greatest woman there is, some may argue the greatest out of everyone to ever be in SEF!

Nick Miller: That could be argued! Up next we....wait, backstage we have Flash standing by.

So we go to the back now where Flahs is standing by visisbly pissed off, Scorpion behind him and Hansen holding the World Title and hysterical almost. Smokey McWeed stands close with a mic, but Flash shoves him away some, though lets him keep the mic held up.

Trent Flash: Nick lousy son of a bitch! You cost the Diamond Exchange the Tag Team Titles, you rob us of our gold...well Torres, the beatdowns will continue and you will be robbed of your gold when I take that Intercontinental Title from you!

Smokey McWeed: So you challenging Torres for the belt. Any idea when or don;t ya care?

Trent Flash: It doesn't matter when we have a match, any night of the week I will tear him apart! I am the real real wrestler around here, the Real Worlds Champion, and I am damn sure a hell of a lot better looking than that grease ball bastard Torres! He wants a war with me....with us.....he can't survive a war against the Diamond Exchange!

Smokey looks to speak, but he is pulls out of view and we see Mitch McMoogle step into Flash's with the mic in hand.

McMoogle: Look here asshole, forget Torres, next Sunday on Sacrifice I want your ass in the ring and only one man stays in SEF afterwards, the loser leaves town! I am sick of your bullshit, keeping me down, fuck you Flash, I want to send you out of here, SEF can't contain the two of us!

Trent Flash: I agree that SEF isn't big enough for us noth, so next Sunday its my pleasure to get rid of you for good!

McMoogle smirks, then slaps Flash across the face, Scorpion rushes him, but McMoogle dodges backwards and takes off running now, Flash keeps Scorpion from running and they walk off now, Hansen looks at the camera now.

Danny Hansen: McMoogle will wrestle his last match Sunday, so forget him. Nick Torres, step in the ring with Flash, so you cna wrestle your last match ever! Like it or learn to love it!

Hansen walks away now.

Nick Miller: Wow, a challenge from Flash to Torres, but then McMoogle challenging Flash who accepted, a loser leaves town next week!

Greg Boone: Good, its high time McMoogle got his ass out of here!

Nick Miller: he isn't the favorite, never won a match in SEF, but he seemed fired up, ya never know. Up next is Torres in action, but his opponent has not been seen or heard from, hopefully he shows tonight!

We hear "Sing For The Moment" hit the pa and from the back walks Derek Helms to boos.

Nick Roland: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the SEF Intercontinental Title. Introducing first, from Miami Florida, he weighs 155 pounds, he is Derek Helms!

Derek jogs down the ramp, then he slides into the ring, jumps up and runs up some ropes raising his hands in the air. We hear "Regular People" come over the pa and the crowd cheers as Torres comes out with a cocky swagger. He stands on the stage and Torres just looks around with a cocky smirk.

Nick Roland: Now making his way to the ring, he hails from Seattle Washington and weighs 280 pounds, he is the Westsiders Edge and the SEF Intercontinental Champion........Nick Torres!

He walks down the aisle and Torres high fives some fans while keeping his eyes on the ring which he soon gets to and climbs up on the apron, then climbs inside. Torres stomps his feet as he kinda bends down some and points his thumbs to himself getting pumped up, then raises his arms out straight. He'll take his toothpick out of his mouth, then turns starting the match by throwing his toothpick at Derek blinding him, then Torres nails some quick punches rocking Derek into a corner, drags him out in a side headlock and drops him with a bulldog. Torres gets up removing his vest and chokes Derek with it, then tosses it away and removes his title handing it to the ref who turns handing it to the ring announcer. Torres kicks Derek right below the belt, then pulls up and spreads his arms in a crucifix, the fans cheer now and Torres rips up Derek, then drops him with the Westsiders Edge and rolls him up into a pin, 1....................2..................3! The ref calls for the bell which rings and he is handed the title right back.

Nick Roland: Here is your winner and still the SEF Intercontinental Champion, Nick Torres!

"Regular People" hits and Torres raises up his title, the fans cheer, but then his music cuts and is replaced by another Pantera song, "Drag The Waters" and we see Troy Storms come walking out now with a cocky smirk. Torres lays his title on his shoulder and has his hands on his hips, a look of confusion as the crowd wants to cheer Storms, they want a reunion, but they too aren't sure of what's gonna happen. Storms gets to the ring and steps up on the apron, his and Torres eyes stay on eeach other and Storms comes in over the top rope, walks by Torres getting a mic and turns around locking eyes with him once again.

Storms: Look man, there's been a lot of talk as to what I will do and all the rumors are swirling around saying its gonna be a war between the westsiders, that I can't be trusted, that I'm back to take you out because some bitter chip on my shoulder, that I'm jealous of your success.

The crowd in anticipation as Storms steps closer to Torres, their eyes locked on each other.

Storms: My friend, I have only one thing to say about your successfull rise over the last few months.....way to go bro!

Storms steps back and extends a hand as he smirks. Torres shakes his hand and the crowd cheers, Storms yanks up Torres arm in the air, they stand facing opposite directions and Storms brings the mic in his other hand down to the back of Torres head sending him facefirst to the mat. The crowd turns to boos and Storms kicks his friend in the ribs, then hoists him into position and rips him up, then lets him drop in the Westside Bomb, the crowd booing even more now. Storms grabs the mic and speaks.

Storms: I am glad you have been successful and I take nothing from you, your talented and one of the best, but Nick, you being the future of SEF will be put on hold because The Westsider is back to take his spot at the top, I never lost the World Title, twice I won it, twice I was forced to give it up, so fuck you, I'm making sure you don't get in my way as I take my top spot back!

The crowd boos in disgust, some trash is thrown in the ring and Storms just drops the mic and kicks Torres once, then exits the ring as "Drag The Waters" plays.

Nick Miller: My god, Torres with a quick win and it seemed Storms was putting the rumors to rest and reuniting with him, but then dropped him with a cheapshot.

Greg Boone: Ya heard him though, he did put the rumors to rest really, he had a different reason for what he did and well he's right, he's never beaten for the World Title, he deserves a shot, not Torres, so as he said, Torres future can wait.

Nick Miller: You can't stop a man if his talent pushes him into the title picture.

We cut to the back now and find Michael McMoney dressed to compete, his eyes show his determination, but from behind comes a black ballbat connect to his back sending McMoney to the floor and standing over him now is Black Scorpion. He squats down and lifts McMoney into almost a camel clutch, but uses the bat choking him out now. Scorpion stands up to the side and delivers a hard kick to McMoney's head, then rips him up on his shoulders and nails the Scorpion Driver right there on the floor. He starts jabbing the bat into his ribs, then pulls him McMoney walking him down the hall a bit taking him into a room nailing him in the back of his knee, kicks him into the room and shuts the door. Scorpion grabs a chain from on top of a metal box, wraps it around the door and hooks it back on the chain making a loop, then he pulls the chain out walking to a soda machine and hooks the chain on the lip of the spot where the soda drops down, not real tight, but enough to keep McMoney trapped. Scorpion smirks now.

Black Scorpion: That outta hold his sorry ass, hopefully that knee of his ok!

He laughs at that sarcastic comment and walks off with his ballbat over his shoulder.

Nick Miller: What a low down, dirty attack and then trapping McMoney in a room, now even if he could walk to the ring he still won'tmake it out for the main event in just a few minutes.

Greg Boone: So what, fuck McMoney, its Viper who makes the main event great!

Nick Miller: McMoney rightfully had his spot in the main event, that attack was uncalled for. Ragrdless the main event isn't being postponed obviously, so lets get on with it!

So here it is, the main event of the evening and we hear "Walk" by Pantera hit the pa, the crowd booing loud and in disgust as Hank comes walking out, trash immediately thrown at him.

Nick Roland: The following our main event of the evening, it is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall and is for the SEF World Heavyweight Title, but as per stipulation, the champion must be pinned to lose the title. Now, introducing the first man, he hails from Sedalia Missouri and weighs 255 pounds, Suicide Hank!

Still booing, fans trying to get at Hank and hit him they hate him so bad, Hank just gets to the ring and rolls in and sits in a corner. "The Unforgiven" plays for about one minute and the lights dim, then we see a single spotlight shine on the curtain and from it emerges Viper with a Metallica t-shirt on and a bottle of water in his hand which he douses on his head and takes a drink from as he walks to the ring.

Nick Roland: Making his way to the ring now, from Las Vegas Nevada, he weighs 255 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion of SEF......Triple V!

The crowd cheers as Viper heads down the aisle, walks up the steel steps getting into the ring and gets a mouthful of water before tossing the bottle away. Viper goes to the side of the ring and stands with one foot on the bottom rope, another on the middle rope, and he thrusts his right fist in the air while spewing the water out in a mist. Viper hops down and rips off his shirt tossing it to the crowd, then flexes on the turnbuckles. He hops down and hands the title to the ref, but suddenly lunges at Hank smashing him in the face sending him down to the mat, the crowd cheering him for it.

Nick Miller: No McMoney of course, thanks to that asshole Scorpion, but what a reaction for Viper, the crowd loves him.

Greg Boone: Odd....very odd, I guess it is unscripted!

Viper has Hank out on the floor and slams hi sface into the steel steps, then rips him over slamming him on the commentators table, rolls him on it, then grabs a steel chair slamming it down on Hank's head. Viper then takes Hank off and sits him on the ring apron, pulls himself up on it and brings Hank into a powerbomb position, rips him up and jumps off the apron sending Hank crashing through the commentators table destroying it and Hank!

Nick Miller: OH MY GAWD!

The crowd cheers loud and chants....Holy Shit...Holy Shit...Holy Shit...Holy Shit....but then they turn to a chant of....Thank You Viper...Thank You Viper....Thank You Viper! Viper just lifts up Hank sending him into the ring, then grabs a sledgehammer from under the ring and holds it straight getting cheered for it, then drops the head to the steel steps making a loud bang. Viper gets in the ring and waits for hank to getup, then takes a couple steps and BAM....sledge to the head and Hank is flattened, his head now trickles out blood from the stiff shot of the sledge.

Nick Miller: My god what a shot, Hank has to be knocked out.

Greg Boone: Good, that guy sucks!

Viper is being cheered and praised now, he just smirks and pulls Hank into a powerbomb position, raises his arms commanding more cheers, then hooks Hank's arms and BAM, Unforgiven. he rolls Hank over and rubs a forearm across his nose, 1..................2................3! The ref calls for the bell now which rings.

Nick Roland: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and still the World Heavyweight Champion of SEF.....Triple V!

"The Unforgiven" plays now as Viper grabs his title from the mat and raises it in the air, spits on Hank and now climbs the ropes thrusting his title high in air again. He hops down and walks around the ring with dominant steps ponting to himself and the World Title, Hank is ou ton the floor bleeding now and the music cuts and soon we hear "Black Bob" come over the pa. We then see Black Bob walk out and he gets cheered, Viper has title on his shoulder and stares at him. Bob carries his new International Title and heads to the ring, slides in and gets up stepping right into Viper's face, the crowd are chanting for both man.....Viper...Viper....Viper...Bob...Bob....Bob....Bob...then Bob pulls a mic from the back of his pants and holds it up.

Bob: All i gotta say first off is thank you for destroying that piece of shit Hank!

The crowd goes nuts cheering for that line, Viper smirks.

Bob: Now between you and I, I ask you man to man, one more time, let's face off, next month at Gangsta Paradise in a street fight!

The crowd cheers and Viper refuses the mic and just shouts, "You got it", then he extends his hand and Bob shakes it, then stand nose to nose and Viper raises up the World Title between them.

Nick Miller: MY god, Viper destroys Hank and now Bob makes the challenge to Viper for next month and its on, this is crazy!

Greg Boone: No shit, why would Viper give him a shot?

Nick Miller: Maybe the respect by the fans tonight made Viper give Bob some respect.

Viper and Bob continue staring down as it seems like the show may end, but then we hear..... ......"Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" hit the pa and out walks Diamond Dogg with a mic, the crowd booing him and we see Viper and Bob turn eyeing him.

Dogg: What a bunch of bullshit in that ring right now. I got screwed out of that title on your shoulder Bob, I got screwed out of winning two titles tonight and Viper, I won't get screwed out of beating you for the World Title!

The crowd boos Dogg as Viper motions him to come get some.

Dogg: Ya really want me to come down there and destroy you two, fine, but don't say I didn't warn you!

Dogg drops the mic and starts running down the ramp, but from behind runs McMoney who drops Dogg at ringside with a forearm to the back of his head. Black Scorpion charges out, McMoney meets him with punches and they brawl. We see Trent Flash come out helping Scorpion, but Nick Torres comes out brawling with Flash, then out runs Troy Storms to help Flash. Chris Orton comes running out now and starts to fight Storms helping to even things out, but then Jordan Brooks charges out targeting Orton. Viper and Bob stay in the ring just watching this and then we see Frank E Dangerously come out on stage and he grins big, then steps aside and out runs Destruction just targeting anyone who moves.

Nick Miller: My god, now this is a fucking pier six brawl from hell!

Thrash and Slash go nuts just hitting anyone as Frank E watches on and from the ring Bob and Viper watch on, but Bob suddenly runs the ropes and flies by Viper over the top rope on top Slash and some others taking them down, the crowd cheering loud for the suicide dive. Viper just steps back to the far side of the ring as the brawl continues, but then we hear "Back In Black" hit the pa and out walks Sean Martin....huh? He stands near Frank E and has a mic, th emusic cuts and he screams.

Sean Martin: Enough, stop this chaos, stop it now, all of you stop!

No one listens and the crowd boos Sean who looks mad, Frank E just laughs and keeps watching the brawl. We then hear "Money, Power, and Respect" hit the pa and now Sean and Frank E turn in confusion while stepping aside as Whitney Marret walks out dressed in a business suit and holding a mic, the crowd cheering her on and Whitney walks right down the and stands just inches from the brawl and now she raises her mic.


The brawl doesn't cease at those words, but most everyone stops and backs up seperating into a couple groups backing off to opposite sides outside the ring. Whitney walks to the steel steps and head sup into the ring and turns facing the stage as Viper still stands back against the ropes eyeing Whitney.

Whitney Marret: First off all, something needs to be cleared up, so Sean Martin, it is now time, let everyone see who you really are!

Sean looks around with his eyes, but then reaches under his chin ripping off his face....well no, its a mask, he peels it off in sections from his face revealing a familiar face underneath.....Bill McLane....Sly....former Commissioner of SEF! The crowd not sure how to react, but Whitney speaks.

Whitney Marret: I have no brother and the Martin's never existed. There was a plan for it all, but something happened, this event changed it and I could not go through with it all, so this is what unscripted is all about. Sly is the Commissioner and Frank E, he was right about being back with SEF for more as his company called Wrestling Underground will be operated alongside SEF. He still owns it and its still unorganized, but through one man we have come to be friends and I am helping him financially as he has always helped SEF survive by bringing in some of the most talented wrestlers. The two companies will not deliver the same product, we do things our own, unique way, its just as I said, I am helping him since he has helped me all these years.

The crowd cheers in respect.

Whitney Marret: So as I said earlier, thank you all, this event was for all you diehard SEF fans, this was un-

Whitney is cut off now as the arena darkens and we hear a heavy rock riff come over the pa, its the opening of Skid Row's "Slave To The Grind" and the crowd is into it just because that song rocks, but who the hell is it? We soon hear the words kick in.

You got me forced to crack my lids in two
I'm still stuck inside this rubber room
I gotta punch the clock that leads the blind
I'm just another gear in the assembly line - oh no

The noose gets tighter around my throat
But I ain't at the end of my rope cause
I won't be the one left behind
Can't be king of the world
If you're slave to the grind
Tear down the rat racial slime
Can't be king of the world
If you're slave to the grind

Get it?

The song keeps playing and we see a man in black leather with a black helmet ride out on stage on a black crotch rocket motorcycle and pop a wheel holding the bike up as he stands, looks to Sly, then to Frank E, revs up his bike and drops the front wheel, pops into gear peeling down the ramp, stops on a dime and skids sideways at the ring, then gets the bike points up the ramp and shuts it off, the crowd is cheering loud for the entrance, the music still plays and the man rolls in the ring now. He dances around Whitney and snatches her mic, then skips around over by Viper extending a hand and the two shake, then the leather clad man moves around in front of Whitney as the music comes to an end. The crowd is cheering and chanting....That Was Awesome...That Was Awesome...That Was Awesome....That Was Awesome....the man looks around, directs his head to stare at Whitney it seems and he brings the mic up under his helmet.

???: Ya know something Whitney Marret, you do deserve the respect you got here, you do deserve greatness as you earned it, but there is one problem, that was not unscripted.....this is...UNSCRIPTED!

Whitney is confused and the man pops his helmet off revealing DADDY MACK and he moves in dipping Whitney back and laying a kiss on her, the crowd come un fucking glued, a deaf man would hear this reaction. Mack lets Whitney up and undoes his jacket a bit dancing around some more keeping the crowd pumped up, yea, like he has to try.

Nick Miller: By god it is Mack, the Daddy Mack, but what is this?

Mack raises his mic up as he slides an arm around Whitney.

D-Mack: I couldn't let ya ll be out here on this show hogging all the of the spotlight and plus, like I said, the name of the show, it just fits! Now Viper, get your ass over here bro!

Viper steps up next to Mack who slides an arm around Viper and Mack lets Whitney have the mic.

Whitney Marret: I have nothing more to say, well, I guess thank you all again for keeping the last of real fed alive, thank you all!

Whitney drops her mic and the three in the ring raise their arms in the air as the wrestlers at ringside cheer and clap, the fans really cheer. We hear "Greed" come over the pa as the crowd is chanting....S-E-F....S-E-F....S-E-F....S-E-F....S-E-F....S-E-F....S-E-F....S-E-F....S-E-F....the show then fades to black and now the logo flashes......
