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Wrestling Promotion => Saturday Night SEF TV Event Promos => SEF TV Event Archives => Topic started by: Taylor Andrews on March 15, 2014, 11:05:17 AM

Title: Redemption {4/26/09}
Post by: Taylor Andrews on March 15, 2014, 11:05:17 AM

April 26th, 2009

The night we been waiting for over week with anticipation to find who controls SEF, to find out the fate of SEF and the night is here, Redemption is now. The Freeman Coliseum in San An tonio Texas is packed full of diehard fans screaming their heads off, then they get louder as pyro blasts off the stage light the place up. The lights come on and the camera fly around the place as "Fight The Power" by Public Enemy comes over the pa system pumping these fans up even more.

Nick Miller: Hello SEF fans and welcome to our April pay per view called Redemption! Tonight is huge, tonight we find out quite possibly the future of SEF. It was supposed to be a power struggle between father and daughter, but after what Richard Martin said on WAR two weeks ago many believe he will close the company if he wins tonight. Myself and I can guarantee every fan in here, every wrestler in the back , all around the world, were all behind Whitney Marret a hundred and ten percent! Besides that one match, the main event, we also have a World Title match. Chris Orton gets his shot at the gold facing Scorpion, a match almost as anticipated as Ric and Whitney. We see several stars shooting for the International Title, Joe Dumar and Logan Dudley challenge Nick Torres directly in a triple threat while five new stars run a gauntlet to gain contendership for the title. Were looking at a good night of action, so lets-

"Politics" by Korn cuts him off and the crowd boos loud as Richard Martin walks out with Staci Sparx on his arm. The couple stands on the stage and Ric raises up a mic to speak.

Richard Martin: Later tonight you will all witness the retirement of my daughter Whitney...

Insanely loud boos drown him out for a minute or so.

Richard Martin: You don't like it, but you will see it! However, that's not the only good news. Staci and I are getting married and none of you are invited! Were doing this in private much like what we do later tonight!

Cheering is heard as the fans don't want to see the wedding. Staci takes the mic now.

Staci Sparx: Now now Ricky, you know were waiting for the honeymoon, I want it to be special!

She licks her lips and leans in kissing on his ear, the crowd booing in disgust and Ric grinning, then pulls her with him to the back.

Nick Miller: Hmmm, interesting, but I guess the boss is getting married. Hopefully he is not acting boss after tonight and he can take Staci and get off camera. Anyways, we'll find out about that in our main event, right now we got the International title on the line!

A white light flickers as "Rise" by Pantera hits and the crowd cheers for Joe who walks out and yells while doing the crucifix pose.

Sapporo: The following is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall and it is for the International Title. Making his way out here from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 236 pounds, he is the Messiah of Violence........Joe Dumar!

Joe heads down the ramp high fiving the fans, as many as he can before getting to the ring and rolling in. He stands to his feet and does the crucifix pose again. "Just To Get High" by Nickelback is heard and out comes Logan to boos from the crowd.

Sapporo: And his first opponent, making his way to the ring from Erie Pennsylvania, weighing in at 204 pounds.......Logan Dudley!

He heads down the ramp focused on the ring and tries to ignore the boos. Logan slides in the ring and stands up turning around, but gets pulled back around by Joe and hammered with punches against the ropes. Joe whips him across the ring following right up tackling him over the ropes to the floor. Joe yanks up Logan against the commentator table and just pounds the hell out of him, then runs Logan into the timekeepers table smashing his face into it.

Nick Miller: Good god, Joe is starting this one quick and pummeling Logan.

Joe hits a reverse ddt on the floor, then gets up grabbing the ring bell and waits for Logan to stand. We hear "Regular People" by Pantera now and here comes Nick Torres dressed to compete wearing his title and smiling, the crowd cheering him. Logan stands and Joe bashes him in the head with bell dropping him with a thud. Torres takes his time down the aisle and Joe kneels over Logan punching him in the face, blood flowing from his head. He rips up Logan and runs him to the ringpost, then rolls him in the ring. Joe grabs a trash can from under the ring and tosses it in, then grabs a mop and a singapore cane sliding those in. He gets a table as Torres gets in the ring and unstraps his title. Logan is up and Torres bashes him in the head with the title, then tosses it down and puts a foot to Logan's chest for a pin, 1................2.............Joe charges Torres who sidesteps him. Joe stops his momentum and turns, but gets hit by Torres first and rocked into a corner.

Nick Miller: Torres took his time coming down letting Joe kill Logan, then tried an easy win and would have had it, but Joe stopped him.

Torres whips Joe across the ring and follows up looking for a clothesline. Joe ducks out getting behind Torres and drops him with a neckbreaker. Joe grabs Logan now and shoves him to a corner, then nails a few body shots, a hard uppercut and lifts him on the top rope. Joe climbs up the turnbuckles and slugs him a few times, headbutts Logan and hooks him for a superplex. Torres is up and comes over as Joe is about to snap back and gets under him lfiting Joe up dropping him with a powerbomb as Logan takes the superplex from even higher.

Nick Miller: What a move that was and I guess Logan was the one who got high tonight!

The crowd is cheering loud for that one and Torres gets up now, pulls up Joe and hammers him with some punches, then whips him to the ropes and looks for a big boot. Joe ducks under him and pops up charging behind Torres hitting a shoulder to his lower back. Torres flies at the ropes falling on them. Joe steps out on the apron and leaps grabbing Torres by the head and drops to the floor letting Torres go and slingshot backwards to the mat. Joe pulls a crutch out from under the ring and slides in with it. Logan is getting up, but gets the crutch to his throat, then swung into his ribs. Joe drops him with a russian leg sweep and gets up running to the ropes. He bounces back with a leg drop to Logan and pins, 1.................2.......Torres lunges over pushing Joe off.

Nick Miller: Oh, near fall by Joe, but Torres breaking his attempt up like Joe did to Torres earlier.

Torres and Joe get up trading punches and Torres is able to bring a knee slowing Joe down. Torres shoves Joe to the ropes and charges clotheslining him out of the ring, then turns lifting up Logan looking for the Gangstas Edge. Joe reaches in grabbing his feet dropping Torres and drags him to the floor. He rams Torres to a ringpost, then lifts him up hitting a back suplex on the floor.

Nick Miller: Oh my, that's a nasty fall to take on the floor, a real backbreaker there.

Joe reaches under the ring now and pulls a ladder out and leans it against the ring, then grabs a singapore cane and cracks Torres in the ribs. He pulls him up and rolls Torres on the commentator table, then cracks him again with the cane. He drops it and turns to grab the ladder, but Logan comes running and dropkicks the ladder into Joe's face sending him backwards. Logan gets out on the floor and stands the ladder up, then picks up Joe slamming his head against the ladder and rolls him in the ring. Logan looks at Torres on the table and starts climbing the ladder scaling quickly. Nick Miller is standing off to the side now.

Nick Miller: Well I'm getting a little close and personal with the action here and it seems Logan wasn't high enough earlier, oh, here comes Joe!

Joe is climbing up the other side of the ladder now and the two men reach the top throwing punches like crazy. Torres rolls off the table and crawls away from it leaning against the ring. Joe gets the best of Logan and slams his head into the top of the ladder, then hooks Logan's arms and steps up raising Logan up. He rips him up as if for the Violent Impact and leaps off the ladder driving Logan down to the table headfirst, wood smashes and monitors fly and both men are down, the crowd going nuts.

Nick Miller: OH MY GAWD!

The crowd is chanting HOLY SHIT...HOLY SHIT...HOLY SHIT...HOLY SHIT...and Logan is out, no movement at all. Joe is on his back, but sits up and looks at Logan, a sick smile forms and then is wiped off by a hard chairshot from Torres right to his face knocking back to the floor.

Nick Miller: Good god what a sickening thud with that chair!

Torres drops the chair and grabs Logan picking him up some and he wakes and shrieks loud saying he can't feel anything. Torres is stunned and shocked, drops Logan and seems off. The ref comes out checking on Logan and Torres grabs Joe rolling him in the ring, then slides in. The crowd confused now, the ref checking on Logan and Torres rips up Joe now and delivers the Gangstas Edge, then drops down hooking his leg and yells at the ref. He comes sliding in and makes the count, 1........................2........................3, then slides back out and checks on Logan yelling for help.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match and still the International Champion........Nick Torres!

"Regular People" by Pantera hits and the crowd cheers as Torres gets his title and raises it in the air smirking. Medics rush out here quick with a stretcher and Torres looks out at Logan still shocked, like this wasn't supposed to happen, but he just makes his exit letting the medics do their job.

Nick Miller: What a finish to this match, but not for Logan as he is really hurt here folks, hopefully not too serious, but I don't know.

Joe is stirring in the ring and kneels up looking around seeing the commotion and he rolls out getting on his feet wobbly. He pushes medics and asks what's going on. They just tell him to stay back, that Logan is really hurt and Joe steps back and stares down at Logan with a blank look. The crowd is buzzing now, the medics carefully get Logan on the stretcher after securing his neck and wheel him around the ring and up the aisle, Joe follows them slowly still staring blankly and soon make sit to the back disappearing from our view.

Nick Miller: We'll keep everyone update, hopefully Logan is ok, hopefully Joe is too. Show must go on and coming up we find out who challenges Nick Torres for his International Title next when five men run a gauntlet for a shot at that belt!

So without any pause were set for it and Sap is set to announce it.

Sapporo: The following match is a gauntlet match for the number cone contendership to the International Title! The rules state that two men will start and after a fall another runs out and so on until one man is left.

"Feel Me" by Twiztid begins to play over the public announce system, green pyros rain onto the stage in a shower of light and Josh steps out from behind ther curtain. He takes a moment on the stage to drink in his surroundings, as the pryos thin and then stop, before making his way down the ramp. As he walks down the ramp on either side of him colourful signs wave widely, people scream yell obscenities and occasionally a member of the audience flips him the bird the announcer speaks.

Sapporo: Introducing first, making his way to the ring from Oakland California, weighing in at 285 pounds....... Josh Drakmen!

When Josh reaches the ring he hops up onto the apron and steps into the ring between the top and middle ropes and makes his way to the center. "Warrior" by Lloyd Banks plays and the crowd boos some as Matt comes walking out raising a fist in the air

Sapporo: And his opponent, making his way to the ring from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at 310 pounds......Matt Ward!

Sauntering down the ramp now and Matt gets to the ring stepping on the apron and then into the ring raising his arms in the air. Josh rushes across at him for a clothesline, but gets shoved into a corner as the bell rings. Matt hammers him with hard shots to the gut, then whips Josh across the ring and charges hitting a huge clothesline slumping Josh to the canvas. Matt pulls him up and delivers Hell Ride, then backs up the turnbuckles and waits for Josh to kneel up a little. Matt leaps off with Cold, dropping his big leg across the back of Josh's neck.

Nick Miller: Oooh, Josh down and may be in trouble already.

Matt locks in Heartless, a crossface and rips away at his neck, Josh screaming in pain and taps like a drunk man.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the first fall.......Matt Ward!

Matt gets up and kicks Josh from the ring, then turns looking up the aisle as the lights go out and "Bad Brother" by Infidels featuring Juliette Lewis plays. A spotlight shines up into the rafters, as Ravyn Crow drops from them into the ring.

Sapporo: Now in the ring, hailing from Little Rock Arkansas, weighing in at 250 pounds......Ravyn Crow!

He looks around and then points the bat at Matt's direction. The lights come back on and Ravyn gives an evil smirk as he takes his black trenchcoat off. Matt charges him for a big boot, but Ravyn ducks out of the way and swings the bat connecting with Matt's ribs. He nails him in the back of his left leg, then then drops Matt with a russian leg sweep. Ravyn locks him in an armbar, but Matt fight up to his feet backing Ravyn to a corner. They break and Matt looks for a punch, but Ravyn kicks him in the knee, then tackles him taking Matt back a little. Matt stays standing and rips Ravyn up for a powerbomb, but once up he raises him looking for the Deadend. Ravyn gets free leaping down behind Matt and grabs the ref while mule kicking Matt bringing him down to his knees.

Nick Miller: Man, a low move by Ravyn, but undetected cause he distracted the ref.

The ref pulls free and tells Ravyn to keep his hands off or he's done. Ravyn ignores him and turns grabbing Matt in a side headlock rushing forward delivering a bulldog. He runs to the ropes and comes back with a kick to Matt's head, then lifts him up and drops Matt on his head with a piledriver and pins him, 1..................2..........kickout! Ravyn kneels on Matt and hammers him with a few punches, then stands up and stomps on his forehead. He pulls up Matt and whips him to the ropes, but gets reversed and charges back for a clothesline. Matt connects with a big boot first and drops Ravyn, then he goes and climbs the nearest turnbuckles getting to the top. Ravyn starts to get up and Matt leaps off for Cold, but Ravyn steps back at the last second and Matt hits the canvas. Ravyn charges him diving down with a hard clothesline snapping Matt to his back. He gets up and grabs Matt's legs kicking at the back of each, then steps in and starts to turn him over looking for Hell's Fury. Matt resists and uses his long legs to keep Ravyn from getting the hold, but in his position he can't hold for long and Ravyn gets it locked in and sits back as far as he can. Matt screams, the ref asks him if he quits and just yells, shakes his head no.

Nick Miller: Oh man, Matt in trouble here, Ravyn has that hold locked in tight.

Matt punches the canvas and pushes himself up some, tries crawling and does move a little, then he reaches out for the ropes and is almost there. He crawls some more and touches it, then pulls a little more and clasps his hand around the bottom rope. The ref orders Ravyn off, makes a count and he breaks on four. Ravyn stomps on Matt's back now, then drags him from the ropes and looks for the same hold, but gets kicked away to the ropes. Matt gets up and barely and Ravyn comes charging with a hard clothesline knocking Matt down. He grabs his bat and swings cracking Matt in the ribs, then lifts him up and holds the bat to his neck while hooking a leg behind Matt's. Ravyn trips him backwards to the canvas driving the bat down into his neck.

Nick Miller: Oh my, what a devastating move with that bat, he could have crushed Matt's neck.

Ravyn slides the bat away and hooks Matt's leg, 1..................2...................3!

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the second fall.........Ravyn Crow!

Matt rolls from the ring as Ravyn stands up and "How I Live" by Twizted begins to play over the public announce, blue smoke rises from either side of the stage and Joey steps out from behind the curtain. He pulls a cigarette and lighter out of his pocket, places the filter in between his lips and lights up before heading down the ramp. He walks slowly towards the ring ignoring the people yelling and screaming out of hatred as he passes.

Sapporo: Making his way to the ring from Oakland California, weighing in at 200 pounds......Joey Drakmen!

Joey stands next to the ring tosses his cigarette butt onto the floor and puts it out with the toe of his boot, he then hops to the apron staring at Ravyn. They staredown, then Joey leaps to the top rope and flies at Ravyn who barely rolls out of the way. He grabs his bat and springs up, Joey turns and gets cracked right in the head with it and falls to the mat. Ravyn drops on him hooking his leg, 1..................2.................3!

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the third fall........Ravyn Crow!

But before Ravyn can stand Suicide Hank, the other man and last one in this match slides in the ring with a chair and charges with it smashing Ravyn in the back, then lays it on him and goes up to the top rope leaping off with a stomp on the chair smashing it into Ravyn.

Nick Miller: Ravyn just picked up two falls here, but Hank sneak attacking him, though he is the last entry, so he's legal.

Hank picks up the chair, waits for Ravyn to stir some, he kneels up and Hank runs to the ropes charging back swinging the chair right to his head knocking Ravyn to his back. Hank slams the chair down on his chest and tosses the chair away. He picks up a bloody Ravyn and lifts him into a press, then drops him into a michinoku driver.

Nick Miller: There's the move he calls the Suicide Bomb and this may be over.

Hank hooks Ravyn's leg and pins, 1..................2..................3!

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.......Suicide Hank!

"I Try" by The Jacka hits the pa, the crowd kinda mixed, but mostly booing as Hank shows no care and just stares down at Ravyn in disgust. He picks up the chair and smashes it to his head, then drops it and exits the ring heading to the back.

Nick Miller: Hank picking up the win there, but after the war of words he and Ravyn had and the way he went about winning with that sneak attack I think these two are just getting started with each other. That we'll find out about at a later date as tonight we still got more action and coming up is the World Title match between Chris Orton the challenger and Scorpion the champ!

Ravyn is helped to the back and once gone we hear "Bodies" by Drowning Pool hit the pa system, Chris Orton comes out from the curtian hearing the crowd pop. Taylor Johnson is with him and claps for Orton pointing him, the crowd cheering as the two head down the ramp.

Sapporo: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the World heavyweight Title! Now making his way to the ring from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds and accompanied by Taylor Johnson, he is......Chris Orton!

He walks up the steel stairs enters the ring and makes his way to the corner of the ring, climbs the second turnbuckle, just stares at the fans with an arrogant smile and looks down to Taylor on the floor winking to her. he comes down moving his arms like a circle. He jumps few times to loosen his legs to get ready for his match. "Sinner" by Drowning Pool kicks in and the lights flash a little as Scorpion comes out and the crowd just boos as loud as they can.

Sapporo: And his opponent, making his way to the ring from Amarillo Texas, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion....Scorpion!

With the title around his waist and sporting his tights with the superman logo, Scorpion walks down the ramp with cocky steps and a smirk across his face. He gets to the ring taking his time getting in and then unstraps the title raising it high, flaunting it. The ref takes it and raises it up in the air between the two men, then hands it to Sap who gets out. The bell rings and some jaw jacking happens, then Orton rushes at Scorpion for a clothesline. Scorpion ducks it and skips away, backing up and smirking. Orton sneers at him and walks that way, but Scorpion leaps at him nailing a forearm to his jaw, then hits a european uppercut on him and whips Orton to a corner. Scorpion charges him leaping up for a splash, but Orton dives out of the corner letting crash into the turnbuckles. Scorpion staggers out and Orton puts an arm around his neck, but gets back to back and drops forward pulling Scorpion down in a backbreaker.

Nick Miller: There's that deadly Orton backbreaker and pretty early on in this match.

Orton gets Scorpion in a sleeper wrenching it in and leaning down with all his weight. Scorpion twists around trying to get free, fights up on his knees and reaches up trying to rake his eyes, pull his hair, do anything to get free. The ref warns him not to do it, but Scorpion keeps reaching up and finally pokes Orton in his eye, then pushes up and grabs his head dropping down with a jawbreaker. Orton snaps up and staggers back some. Scorpion gets it together and gets up charging him into the ropes hammering Orton with punches, whips him across the ring and follows up for a clothesline. Orton ducks and backdrops him out of the ring. Scorpion lands on his feet, but staggers back against the rail, Orton dives over the top rope splashing on to him.

Nick Miller: Hell of a suicide dive by Orton, not something ya see him do, but its effective.

Orton has Scorpion up and rams his back into the ringpost, then runs him around the ring and sends Scorpion flying on to the timekeepers table, picks up a chair and smacks him across the back. He drops the chair and grabs Scorpion sliding him in the ring, then climbs up getting to the top rope. Scorpion pulls himself up and here comes Orton for a cross body, no, Scorpion leaps dropkicking him in the chest and Orton slams backwards into the turnbuckles slumping down to the mat. Scorpion gets up and runs at Orton slamming a knee to his head, then lifts him up and chops him hard across the chest. He whips Orton to the opposite corner and charges after him hitting a hard clothesline, then pulls him out delivering a bulldog. Scorpion runs to the ropes and comes back with a baseball slide dropkick to Orton's head. he springs up and drops an elbow to his back, then locks him in a crippler crossface ripping back on Orton's head.

Nick Miller: Scorpion really taking it to Orton and now has him grounded with that dreaded crossface made famous by Chris Benoit!

Orton screams in pain, he raches out, tries crawling to the ropes and Scorpion yells at him to just quit. Orton refuses yelling no and inches towards the ropes dragging Scorpion, his face showing the extreme pain he's in. Scorpion lets his hands go and cluibs Orton across th eback of his neck, then locks him back up and rips Orton's head back as hard as he can. Orton keeps screaming, but still refusing to tap he crawls some more and moves his body across the mat getting his foot to the ropes hooking his boot on the bottom rope. The ref orders Scorpion to let go and so he does, but drops an elbow to Orton's back real quick. he jumps up and runs across the ring coming back with a baseball slide dropkick to Orton ending him out to the floor. Scorpion slides out and kicks Orton in the head, then lifts him up and slams him against the rail. He knees Orton in the gut, then rolls him in the ring and sees Taylor nearby. He steps towards her and she steps back. Scorpion just smirks and motions to himself in a cocky manner, then he reaches under the ring pulling out a stop sign and slides in the ring with it. He stands up and raises the sign up over Orton who suddenly kicks up to his gut, then kneels up punching him and stands up rocking him backwards, the sign dropping. Scorpion gets rocked to a corner, but suddenly ducks out and around clubbing Orton in the back, then looks for a reverse ddt. Orton fights it reaching up with slaps to Scorpion, twists around and lifts Scorpion up off his feet, then tosses him away. Scorpion lands on his feet and charges back for a clothesline, but Orton ducks and lifts him up with a flapjack dropping him into the turnbuckles. He gets up and grabs Scorpion from behind and drops him with a russian leg sweep.

Nick Miller: This is a great match, these two are really throwing it all out here and rightfully so with the World Title on the line.

Orton pulls himself up and yanks up Scorpion in a facelock dragging him to the center of the ring and drops him with a ddt, then gets up and backs to a corner leaning in it. He waits for Scorpion to stir, locks his eyes on his head and then he charges out of the corner looking for a punt to the head he calls Darkness, but Scorpion sways away at the last second and pops up behind Orton rolling him into a school boy, 1........Scorpion lets off the pin and grabs Orton's legs turning him and gets him over to his stomach locking in the Deathtrap pulling orton so he's damn near upside down vertically.

Nick Miller: Oh man, had Orton hit that kick we may have seen a new champ, but now Scorpion has that submission locked in and we may see him retain his title, such a good back and forth match this is!

Orton is screaming in pain and reaching out wanting the ropes, raises his hand like he may tap, but clenches into a fist and punches the mat. He tries pushing himself down flat, the crowd behind him, but Scorpion keeps him locked the way he is, so Orton tries rolling through the hold. He almost does, but Scorpion slams a knee to his back, then applies pressure with the hold again, Orton screaming and trying to crawl. He has both hands to the mat and inches across the ring, but Scorpion holds on and keeps him away. His hand goes up again like he may tap, but sees Taylor outside the ring yelling for him to fight, to win and he clenches another fist, then pushes himself up. Scorpion uses his force to keep him vertical and Orton now goes with his flow using the momentum to roll through and slam Scorpion to his back. Orton rolls to the ropes grabbing them and resting from the pain he was in, the crowd cheering loud.

Nick Miller: Somehow Orton willed his way out of that hold, but the damage done may have been too much, we'll see.

Scorpion gets up and charges over for a kick to Orton's head, but he moves and jumps up running across the ring, bounces off the ropes and meets Scorpion with a tackle to the mat and lays in punches to him. Orton gets up pulling Scorpion up and looks for the Laydown, but gets an elbow to his head, then Scorpion takes him over with a snap suplex. Scorpion gets up and kicks Orton in the ribs, then runs to the ropes and comes back for another kick, but Orton leaps up and catches him with a spinebuster. Both men stay down for a few seconds, but Orton starts to stir first and moves around on his knees, lowers down to his fists in a stalking motion.

Nick Miller: Oh boy, looks like Orton is ready strike with that CKO of his. If he can hit it this one is over and we got a new World Champ!

Scorpion stirs, starts to get up when Matt Ward comes running out and slides in the ring. He charges Orton for a big boot, but he ducks and Matt hangs up on the top rope, then Orton drops him with the CKO! Scorpion is up, but the ref preoccupied by Matt and Orton doesn't see Taylor grab Scorpion's leg. He turns and leans out of the ring telling her to get outta here, then whips around to run at Orton, but Taylor grabs his leg again tripping him this time and Orton charges over hitting Darkness right to his head, Scorpion almost dodges it, but is caught somewhat.

Nick Miller: Whoa, Matt runs out here, but gets the CKO, Taylor intereferes and Scorpion is down and almost out.

Scorpion starts to kneel up and Orton yanks up, then drops himw ith the CKO and quickly covers him hooking his leg, 1.........................2..........................3!

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match and the new World Heavyweight Champion.......Chris Orton!

The crowd erupts in cheers as "Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits the pa. Taylor comes in the ring hugging Orton and the ref has the World Title and raises his hand, then hands them the title. Orton holds it in front of him, he smiles big and lifts the title in the air still getting cheered, Taylor all over him.

Nick Miller: My god, we have a new World Champ and his name is Chris Orton, he finally achieved his dream.

Orton lifts Taylor up, she wraps her legs around his waist and they kiss, then she gets down and they exit the ring, high five fans and head to the back. Scorpion is on the floor holding his head and looking pissed, Matt staggers over near him and looks mad too, they both watch Orton and Taylor with disgust and soon head to the back as well.

Nick Miller: What a match that was, what a huge win for Orton, he proved a lot here tonight, but he does still have a lot to prove. Despite his claims he has a long ways to go before he is the greatest or will carry SEF and we still have some time left as we got our main event coming up next. Yes folks, that World Title match was not our main event. We have Whitney Marret, a legend in SEF fighting her own father, the chairman of the board for the power of the company, if she wins she is CEO and runs the place without intereferance from Ric, but should Whitney lose, she is done in SEF forever. I am pulling for her and I'm sure everyone else is too!

We cut to the back now where we see Mack knock on a door with his fist and yell, "ITS TIME", then the door opens and out steps Whitney Marret in her ring gear with a grin on her face. Mack throws an arm around her shoulders and the couples kisses quick, then heads down the hall and we cut away to the ring now.

Sapporo: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is the main event of the night and it is an I Quit match for the Power of SEF!

We soon hear the beat to "Money, Power, Respect" and the lights up by the entrance flash on showing The LOX performing live and then a spotlight on the curtain appears and we hear the lyrics of the song begin...

See i believe in money, power, and respect.
First you get the money.
Then you get the muthafuckin, power.
After you get the fuckin' power muthafuckas will respect you.

...and now out walks Lil Kim...

It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Help you sleep at night.
You'll see the light.
It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.

Ayo my whole clique bout it, bout it.
We take yours while you pout about it.
Truck, step out the whore's wanna' crowd around it.
You could see me on optimum tv.
Go in your bathroom turn the light out. scream!
Bloody mary, 1, 2, 3.
Sheek ain't your usual friend.
About to setchu' up like kaiser and walk straight at the end.
I'm done wit' ice and charms.
I'm tryin' my whole casket when i'm gone.
Pull up wit' class on the don'.
Once i meet em' i greet em'.
Kiss his feet for freedom.
Tell em' thank you lord.
Cuz on earth i was gettin' bored.
Now resurrect me back to this cat called sheek.
So i can make this album.
And get back the cats that's weak.
Two thirty, six two.
Me bust for you that's like a cat vs. a pitbull.
Gun, know clip full, keep hunger.
And plan for the future, cuz you figure
You gon' be older
Way longer than you gon' be younger.

It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Help you sleep at night.
You'll see the light.
It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.
It's the key to life.

Only time could tell how the clock ticks.
I'm really loved here but i'm still a hostage.
Two personalities check the posture.
Smoke out the mouth clear out the nostrils.
You think of death but the life seem scary.
I'm past the graveyard seein' people hail mary
I ain't chillin til' i'm out parachutin'.
Race my man in mountain climbin' for about ten diamonds.
Twenty five thousand a piece.
Fuck streets!
Tryin' to own the island.
Forget about wilin'.
Try ridin' in the car that be glidin'.
If i showed you where i lived you would think i was hidin'.
Sling dick to chicks that don't speak english.
Wake up in trinidad, like fuckin' em rich.
Come back. private jet
Live on set.
If you could shit gold like you split the decks.

It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Help you sleep at night.
You'll see the light.
It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.

Yo nutin' but the hotness.
Whenever we drop this.
Monotonous for ya'll to keep hatin',
Cuz ya'll never gon' stop us.
I keep my rocks spotless,
And my hoes topless.
Take time try to figure out who da lox is.
Fear no one.
Kick rhymes like shoguns.
You scared to blow one.
Get robbed wit' your own gun.
If i don't respect you i'm ah check you.
And if i don't kiss you i'm a peck you,
Right before i wet' chu.
I sneeze on tracks an' bless you.
I'm special.
And if you like workin' out,
Then i'm gon' stretch you.
Husslin' is dead but we still get red.
Turn the spots in the bakeries to get back bread.
And ya'll said my monies spent.
But it's in the bent'.
So when the feds come the dogs can't get a scent.
For my story, self-explanatory
That i'm the hottest thing on the street.
An' yall ain't got nutin' for me

It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Help you sleep at night.
You'll see the light.
It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.

Arf, arf.
This is a beat that i can freak to
Just drop the reals.
Plus a nigga wit' the ill.
Ya'll niggas know my skills.
Ass from the grills get em' up,
Split em' up, wet em' up.
And watch em' come get em' up,
Set em' up.
When you do dirt, you get dirt.
Bitch, i'll make your shit hurt.
Step back like i did worse.
This ain't no fucking game.
You think i'm playin, till you layin.
To where? the junkyard decayin'.
Mom's at home prayin'
That chu comin' home.
But chu not, cuz you sittin up in the trunk
Startin to rot.
And hell is hot, i know because i'm here now baby.
It's goin' down baby.
Git the full pound baby.
And let off up in a nigga,
Especially if he think he bigga'
Than my muthafuckin' trigga'.
Did i?
Can i get my?
Is it gone?
Dmx represent for one time.
It's on.

It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Help you sleep at night.
You'll see the light.
It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect

As Kim trails off, the beat continues and then out walks Whitney Marret with Mack and they step on either side of Kim, the crowd going insane now. Whitney hugs Lil Kim and then heads down the aisle with her and Mack. They high five fans along the way.

Sapporo: Introducing first, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 145 pounds, accompanied by Lil Kim and Mack, she is.......Whitney Marret!

Kim high fives Whitney before she heads up into the ring, Kim and Mack stay out on the floor. Whitney climbs the turnbuckles and raises her arms in the air to huge cheers from the crowd. We then hear "Politics" by Korn and out walks the boss Richard and he wears black tights with a matching long sleeve shirt that has white fringes on the arms. Staci is on his arm and he holds a mic, the crowd is unloading with massive boos. The couple heads down the aisle and Mack is seen looking confused as is Whitney.

Sapporo: And her opponent, making his way to the ring from Ann Arbor Michigan, weighing in at 219 pounds, accompanied by Staci Sparx, he is the Owner of SEF..........Richard Ma-

Ric: Hold on, hold on, stop right there Sap! That is not my last name! At one time Whitney stated that the Martins never existed and that is very true because my last name is Leer, my full name is Richard William Leer, but many of you might remember me better when I had the long black hair and went by the name of FATE!

A gasp by the crowd stunned by this and Mack shaking his head, Whitney's eyes wide and Ric just smirks.

Ric: Shocked yes, but think about Whitney, you too Mack, a lot of things make sense now don't they?! Regardless, tonight makes a lot of sense, tonight I do what's right and put you both out for good because Mack, if Whitney is gone, so are you.

The crowd boos heavy.

Ric: That was a nice entrance Whitney, a fitting entrance for your last one!

He drops the mic, the crowd boos and Whitney shake sher head no. Ric and Staci walk to the ring and then Ric kisses her and steps into the ring now. He walks right up to Whitney, the two staring each other down, the bell rings and then Whitney slaps her father across the face. He backs up, then looks at her cockeyed twisting his head and suddenly kicks her in the stomach, then whips her to the ropes and catches her with a clothesline. Ric pulls Whitney up hitting a suplex on her, holds on and rolls her over into a front facelock. He raises Whitney up looking for a knee to her face, but she grabs a hold of his leg and pushes him backwards, then lifts him off the mat some and runs him back into a corner. She gets free and hammers him with elbows, then a chop to the chest and Ric turns her into the corner lighting her up with a few chops of his own and Whitney clutches her chest in pain.

Nick Miller: Good god, his own daughter and he's showing no mercy or remorse.

Ric pulls Whitney out in a facelock, rips up on her neck and then drops back with a hard ddt. He rolls her over and gets to his feet, looks out at Mack who just sneers and Ric turns to Whitney lifting her up as if for a bodyslam, but drops her across his knee with a backbreaker. He holds on to her and lifts her back, then hits another backbreaker and lets her fall to the mat. Ric turns her on her stomach and sits on her back now, pulls up on her arms and head applying a camel clutch. Whitney screams in pain, the ref holding a mic asks her and she yells no. Ric stands up and drops down with his weight on her back slamming Whitney to the mat, then he clubs the back of her neck, nails a forearm to the side of her head and re applies the camel clutch. He tell sthe ref to ask her again and then tells Whitney she better quit now. She still says no and Ric rips back on her head like he wants to rip it off. The crowd gets behind her trying to get her up.

Nick Miller: Man, Ric is one hell of a wrestler and considering he's the man known as Fate its no surprise, Fate was one of the greatest and so that means Ric is one of the greatest, still an asshole though!

Whitney tries pushing herself up, but Ric lets go of her head and nails some forearms to her head again. he jumps up and drops on her back again, then jumps up to do it again, but Whitney quickly turns over bringing her knees up right into his jewels. Ric falls backwards clutching himself in pain as Whitney scoots away using the ropes to get up. The crowd is cheering for that one and Whitney charges across the ring and does a baseball slide dropkick to Ric sending him out of the ring. She slides out and kicks him in the ribs, then rips up Ric and slams him into a ringpost, walks him over to the table Nick is using to sit at, just a regular wooden one and she throws her father on it. Nick jumps up stepping away.

Nick Miller: Oh man, not another table!

Whitney punches Ric in the head, then she grabs a chair and slams it down on to his chest, then brings it up and down to his head. She drops it and rolls in the ring, climbs up the turnbuckles to the top and raises her arms in the air. She points to Mack flashing the love you sign and leaps off with his move X, a flying elbow drop right to the heart of her father crashing him through the table.

Nick Miller: OH MY GAWD!

And the crowd is going wild and chanting HOLY SHIT...HOLY SHIT...HOLY SHIT...HOLY SHIT...Whitney kneels up and slaps her father to make sure he's awake, then tells the ref to give her the mic and he does.

Whitney Marret: You no good bastard, say it, say it NOW!

She shoves the mic to his mouth and he just sneers, spits into the mic and yells no. She jabs the mic into his head a few times, then tosses it down and gets to her feet. Whitney grabs the ring bell and slides it in the ring, then she pulls a trash can from under the ring tossing that in. She pulls out a sledgehammer and slides it in, then she picks up her father and rolls him in the ring. Whitney climbs up the turnbuckles, waits for Ric to stagger up and flies off with a clothesline taking him down. She rolls on to her feet and kicks the bell to the middle of the ring, then pulls up Ric over it hooking his arms for the Southern Pride. Ric tries to power out and backdrop her, but Whitney clubs him across the back and wraps her arms around his midsection, then lifts him up and drops back with a piledriver, but misses the bell.

Nick Miller: Oooh, still a move that hurts, but had she nailed it on the bell Ric woulda been out.

Whitney gets up and grabs the trash can stuffing it into a corner, then she pulls up Ric whipping him to it and he smashes his back against it, then Whitney charges into him with a clothesline and pulls him out with a bulldog. She gets up and stomps on Ric's ribs, then leaps up stomping down on his forehead. Whitney lifts him up and shoves Ric back some, then tries for a chick kick, but he ducks and elbows Whitney in the kidneys. He then lifts her up for a back suplex, but Whitney flips over landing her feet and tries pulling him back for the Southern Sleeper. Ric fights it and then we see Scorpion comes running down and slide in the ring, pop up and superkick Whitney to the back of her head. She falls into Ric who moves and lets her fall, Mack comes in and chases Scorpion out and up the aisle to the back.

Nick Miller: Damn it, why the hell did Scorpion have to run out here?

Ric kicks at Whitney now, then pulls her up and walks her to a corner leaning her in it. He walks over and grabs the sledgehammer now, raises it up and smirks at his daughter. She moves her around groggily, tries to get out of the corner and Ric comes running at her with the sledge raised and then Whitney leaps feet forward dropkicking Ric in the knees tripping him forward to the mat. She grabs the sledgehammer now and gets up driving it to his back, then kneels over him bring the handle up under his chin choking him with it. The ref asks if he quit, but we just gurgling. Whitney finally lets him go and drops the sledge, then pulls up Ric over the bell, hooks his arms and nails it, Southern Pride bouncing his head off the bell, the crowd loves it.

Nick Miller: Good god what a brutal move, but I gotta say it was cool seeing the boss get it!

She turns him over and Ric is bleeding now, then she grabs the mic shoving it in his face demanding he quit, but no response as he may be a little too out of it. so Whitney tosses the mic away and rolls from the ring now. She gets a table from underneath and slides it in, then a ladder and slides that in. She gets in and sets the table up in middle of the ring, then stands the ladder up near a corner. Whitney pulls up Ric and rolls him on to the table, then heads for the ladder when Staci gets in the ring standing in front of it. Whitney stops and they stare at each other. Whitney gets in Staci's face telling her step out or go down again by her hands. Staci does nothing, but Ric comes off the table staggering behind Whitney and clubs her in the back. He pulls her around and rolls Whitney on the table, punches her in the head, but then Staci moves up behind grabbing Ric for a sleeper, but drops him to the mat with a rear nake choke drop.

Nick Miller: What the hell, Staci just turned on Ric, why?

She stands up smirking and Whitney rolls off the table. Staci rolls Ric on to it and heads up the ladder herself, then flies off with a 450 splash smashing Ric through the table. Staci gets up holding her ribs and Whitney smirks, then pulls up her father and applies the Southern Sleeper falling to mat with him locked in the hold. Staci bends down slapping Ric's face to wake him up, takes the mic and shoves it to his mouth. He stares at her confused and mad, but just says why, so Staci brings the mic to her lips.

Staci: Because Staci Sparx never existed, this was all a rib on you Dick! My name is Julie...the one of SEF fame, why ya think we never got intimate?!

She winks at and slams the mic to his forehead and digs into his cut. Ric screams in pain, Whitney keeps him locked in the hold and then he has enough and screams...

Ric: I QUIT...I fucking QUIT!

The crowd shouts loud with cheers and the ref signals the end.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Whitney Marret!

More cheers and we hear "Money,  Power, Respect" by The LOX and Whitney lets her father go, then stands up next to Staci, well no, she's really Julie. They invite Lil Kim in the ring and the three raises their arms up to cheers.

Nick Miller: Wow, Staci was Julie all this time pulling a ruse on the boss who is no long running his own company, that is now our new CEO's job, Whitney Marret, thank god!

Julie raises the mic now.

Julie: Before I let my best friend have this thing, I have to confess something else. You see, this is not first acting gig as I have been a few other women in SEF. You all remember the rib on McMoney with Sammy, well Sammy was me and also, Stacy who came in here with Nick Torres for a while, me as well. Brittany Fox too, I have been ring announcer here a lot! Just wanted to clear that up and also, this was the best by far because Dick truly got his tonight and by the way, I am not Xanthus' mother, my god, I was only two when he was born!

She hands the mic over to Whitney.

Whitney Marret: Ok, before we send Ric on a proper farewell I have to let everyone know that we are having a weekly show still, but WAR it will not be. See, our original flagship show when we went extreme was simply called Extreme, but MSN had copyrighted it and legally we couldn't use...until now! Since they closed it became up for grabs so to say and we got it back and its coming back as it should have never been taken away, Sunday night is the night and every Sunday except on pay per view night. Same time as WAR, same channel, but on Sundays. Also, the Diva Title, my father only brought it back to put on his "girlfriend".

The crowd cheers as she looks at Julie and the two snicker.

Whitney Marret: What he did disrespected all women because for years now we haven't need a seperate division in SEF and were not gonna now, so I am retiring for good tonight and as long as I run this place, women get the same shake as men. I worked too hard, so did Julie, to let this happen, so it ends tonight.

The crowd cheers and Whitney looks for Ric who is sitting on the ring steps about out of it.

Whitney Marret: Now as for you..."daddy"...its time you got out of here because this is my show, so get to stepping old man!

Ric turns looking at her with disgust and anger. Mack comes walkiing down the aisle to cheers and heads to Ric grabbing him and shoves him up the aisle, then Whitney leads the crowd with "Nah na nah na, nah na nah na, nah na nah na, hey hey goodbye" and the whole arena shouts it out, Ric seething as he heads up the aisle. Mack rolls in the ring and grabs Whitney lifting her up and kisses her. He lets her down and raises her arms with Julie's and Kim's as "Take The Power Back" by Rage Against The Machine hits the pa.

Nick Miller: Well folks, what a night this was as we saw a new World Champ crowned and Whitney take back control of SEF and I guess the next time ya see us is next Sunday on Extreme. What a night we had, hope ya all enjoyed and have a goodnight!

The four in the ring keep posing and the crowd cheers loud, the music still playing and the cameras fly all around before the show ends and fades to black.
