Sports E-Fed

Wrestling Promotion => SEW Friday Night Evolution Event Promos => Topic started by: The Perry Family on November 18, 2020, 10:58:36 PM

Title: Jade Wants Gold AGain,Evolution RP.
Post by: The Perry Family on November 18, 2020, 10:58:36 PM
Jade is in the middle of the ring, she looks around for the first time in her career in sefuw she is without her devil playground but she did join Nws which is even better she then begin to talk.

jade west.for the first time in my career here in sefuw iam without my family the devil playground but im sure where they are at they are still my family and are going to be just fine, i have forever joined up with the baddest group ever to grace the entire company, that right i have joined the Nws,and with the Nws i got me more protection then i could ever ask for in my entire life they are going to grow and we will take this company ever your lives are over let me just say that!!

Jade and tonight i go for the championship title that is rightfully mine iam going go for the championship title that so rightfully belongs to me that is the SEF TV Championship title it never schould of left myy side in the first place!

jade well tonight simon nash tom smith what a joke u2 beat me before im sorry but this will not happen again never this is our company and the sef tv championship is coming home to nws and to me! and there is Nothing else anyone here can do about it!

she rest for while and begin to talk again.

Jade so good luck guys im going to be more worse more bad ass then you have ever seen me soo good luck your sure as hell going need it!!

she wait for reply