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Evolution 15 {6/20/03}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 29, 2014, 12:03:54 PM

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Taylor Andrews

June 20th, 2003

A pyro shoots down from the rafters and is followed by several as Evolution 169 by Nevermore begins playing and Evolution kicks off live from the sold out SBC Center In San Antonio, Texas! The camera pans over the screaming crowd, showing many of them who are waving their signs in the air before it cuts over to ringside where Kid Rock and Eminem are sitting at the commentators table!

Kid: Yo, yo, whass up all ya all crazy ass texans? Ya ready for a kick ass show tonight!

Em: Damn man, sounds like they are and it sure sounds like you are too!

Kid: You damn right! We got that match between Kayleia and Emily plus a hardcore triple threat match!

Em: Those should both be good! Also though, the two quarter final matches and the main event!

Kid: Yea, D-Von get s a shot at Viper for the World Title! That one should be good!

Em: Oh yea it should! That and the triple threat match should be great tonight!

Kid: Should be, but hey, let's get rolling with it!

KOTR Quarter-Finals Match

Chris Cage makes his way out and waits, but Kevin Nash fails to show, so the ref issues a ten count and awards the match to Chris!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by countout................Chris Cage!

Kid: Man, what a fucking dick Nash is for no showing!

Em: I know, I heard he had walked out of SEF as well!

KOTR Quarter-Finals Match

Scott Steiner makes his way out to the ring along with Patricia Stratigias! Then out comes Spike Dudley! Spike looks to lock up with Steiner, but instead he quickly runs the ropes and slides between Steiner's legs, then dropkicks him in the back! Steiner stays on his feet, so Spike runs the ropes again and looks for a cross body block, but gets caught by Steiner and powerslammed! Steiner then looks to lock Spike in the Steiner Recliner, but he quickly scurries to the ropes and grabs a hold! Steiner grabs his legs and ends up hitting a guillotine on Spike! He then picks up Spike in a military press and raises him a few times, but before he can slam him down, Spike slips behind Steiner and actually rolls him for a two count! They both jump up after that and Steiner looks for a clothesline, but Spike ducks and comes flying back with a forearm smash taking down Steiner! He then goes up top and jumps down, stomping on Steiner's stomach! Spike picks up Steiner and tries for the Dudley Dog, but Steiner grabs him in a waistlock and gives him a release german suplex! He then recovers and locks in the Steiner Recliner, sitting back as far as he can! Spike struggles and tries to break free, but can't do it, so he gives it up!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by submission....................Scott Steiner!

911 hits as Steiner celebrates with Patricia!

Kid: That was a nice match man, Spike tried, but in the end gave it up!

Em: He truly is one tough lil bastard and sure gave Steiner a workout!

Singles Match

Emily and Kayleia Manson both make their way to the ring and soon lock up with Kayleia getting the better of the situation! She backs Emily into a corner and immediately starts laying in some chops and slaps! She then tosses Emily to the outside and rams her into a ringpost before getting a steel chair and nailing Emily right in the head with it! The ref see sit and disqualifies her, but Kayleia keeps on hitting Emily!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by disqualification...............Emily!

Kayleia ends up rolling Emily who is bleeding severely on to the commentator's table and looking to put her through it when Viper, Cage, and both Flair's come running out! Cage and David grabs Kayleia and hold her while Viper slaps her, then rolls her in the ring and looks for The Unforgiven! Before he can do the move, Scott Steiner comes running out with a lead pipe and goes for Viper who quickly escapes the ring and heads backstage! Steiner attends to Kayleia and helps her to the back!

Kid: Damn, Emily got fucked up, Kayleia almost did, but Steiner rescued her, weird!

Em: I know, guess he likes more than freak huh!

Hardcore Rulz
Triple Threat Match
The Winner Will Be Placed In The Free For All At King Of The Ring

Bubba Ray Dudley makes his way out, setting up a table at ringside and throwing several weapons in the ring! Shane Cobain doesn't come out, but Marshall 'Halo' Mage does! He and Bubba immediately start trading punches, swinging like madmen! Bubba gets the better of it, but Halo knees him in the gut and whips Bubba into the ropes! He looks for a backdrop, but Bubba clubs him in the back, then clotheslines him! Bubba then grabs a singapore cane and looks to hit Halo, but gets dropped with a toe hold! Halo jumps up and gets a fire extinguisher and sprays Bubba in the face! Halo then brings in a table of his own and sets it up, then rolls Bubba on it and goes up top! Bubba gets up and follows up, punches him a few times, then gives him a superplex off the top rope! Both men fall through the table, both hitting it with heads! They lay for a few seconds, until Bubba moves and starts getting up, then Halo does as well! Bubba nails Halo with a ring hand, then a left and looks for a double axe handle, but Halo ducks and hits Bubba with a german suplex! He picks up Bubba and Heavens Tumble on him, then pins, 1...........2..........3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by pinfall..................Marshall 'Halo' Mage!

Wanted Dead Or Alive hits and Halo celebrates his win!

Kid: Man, that one was fucking brutal! Them boys went all out!

Em: Oh yea man! Bubba is tough, but Halo proved he is hardcore as well!

SEF World Heavyweight Championship

D-Von comes out looking serious, then Viper makes his way with Ric Flair! Viper and D-Von have a lil staredown before D-Von charges Viper and tackles him, laying in some punches! Viper roll shim over and rakes his eyes, then jumps up and kicks him in the ribs! Viper picks up D-Von and hits him with a ddt, then gives him a elbow drop! He drags D-Von to the outside and starts pounding his head into a ringpost, then whips him into some steel steps! Viper then grabs a chair, but the ref stops him! He then gets pissed and kicks the ref in the gut, then slams him into the timekeepers table! Viper grabs the chair and bashes D-Von in the head, then rolls him on the commentator's table and gives him The Unforgiven through the table! As Ric his helping him up, Scott Steiner comes running out with a lead pipe and ends up nailing Viper in the gut with it! David and Cage comes out and distract him while Viper gets away and they all head up the aisle while Steiner gets a mic!

Steiner: Yo Viper, nice lil stunt you pulled tonight! You did keep that title after all, but next week, two days before your big pay per view match, you and I will lock up in a six man tag team match! It will be you, Chris Cage, and David Flair against myself, Bryan Kanyon, and my mystery partner at King of the Ring! 

The crowd lets out a huge roar of approval!

Kid: Holy shit! What a match that will be!

Em: Fuck yea man! I wonder who Steiner's partner is?

Kid: Me too!! But hey, that's all for tonight, so later on people, peace!

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