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universal6 star tag team

Arabian Knight

Started by Taylor Andrews, December 29, 2014, 08:41:21 AM

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Taylor Andrews


January 17th, 1981



Los Angelos, California

Wrestling Style
Hardcore/Highflyer; Loves taking the bar up to the level that people say it can't go to. Will take any risk you can imagine, goes all out for any match because he can. He is insane, homicidal, like Sabu in everyway, except he speaks no english. His ability to raise the bar and take risks can lead to injuries, although he loves pain, thrives on it, serious injury can lead to an early career ending some say, but his idol kept up, so Mesa will too.

Theme Music

Trademark Moves
Mesa Slam(Russian Leg Sweep with singapore cane), Arabian Facebuster, Moonsault, Camel Clutch, STF, Single Leg Boston Crab, Flying Body Splash, Superplex, Hurricanrana, Karate Kicks, Running Elbow Drop Off Ring Apron, Crazy Splashes Off High Spots

Finishing Move
Arabian Ariel Assault
(450 Splash)

Favorite Matches
Anything hardcore, anything at all as Mesa will fight any environment, any odds, and anyone.

Ring Entrance:
The lights go completely out and then we hear the words......

"The Suicidal, Homicidal, Arabian Knight Has Arrived"

We then hear BAD RELIGION hit the pa and and play for a few seconds, then the lights pop back on to find Mesa sitting in a corner of the ring with his hands in a prayer motion as he looks up to the heavans yelling.


And now the announcer introduces him.

In the ring now, from Los Angelos California, he weighs in at two hundred twenty pounds.......Mesa!

Mesa gets up after he is announced and stretches his arms, removes his headgear handing it to someone out of the ring and gets ready to fight.

Ring Exit:
Mesa will drop to his knees and bring his hands up in a prayer as he looks to the heavens and shouts out "Alah"!

Outside the ring Mesa dresses in all black suits, no tie and a black shirt underneath with black wingtips and always sports his arabian headgear in and out of the ring. In the ring he wears the same style pants as Sabu only they are always red with a white sash and he wears black boots. He takes his headgear off when in an actual match, he just wears it to the ring.

Favorite Weapons
Strands of Barbed Wire, Barbed Wire Ballbat, Barbed Wire 2x4, Cheese Grater, Sickle, Fork

Favorite Quote
"The Suicidal, Homicidal, Arabian Knight Has Arrived

Mesa was born and raised in Tal Afari, Iraq, but when he was a teenager traveled to Bombay, India, the same place that his idol Sabu came from. Mesa's early years before wrestling are not known really. At the age of 16 he began his career by receiving training from Sabu himself and even learned some stuff from Terry Funk, Mick Foley, and a few other hardcore wrestlers, but Sabu was the biggest impact to him. Mesa traveled the western Continent wrestling shows, wrestled in Japan a lot. It was in Japan where he met a man going by the name of L.A. Jay and after a while went back to L.A. with Jay. Mesa wrestled in the city, went down to Mexico as well and was loving it over here. Jay got a call to SEF and Mesa was soon to follow him and well the two formed a tag team looked good, but ended up leaving SEF after a few weeks. They would go back to SEF once, but never really made it big, so they left soon. Mesa originally came to SEF in late '04 as a part of a tag team, the West Coast Connection with friend L.A. Jay. The two lit up the tag team scene in the few weeks they were in SEF, Mesa undefeated with a three and zero record. They would try a stint the next year, but never got started, then on September 11th of '06, the five year anneverasry of 9/11 we would see Mesa return to SEF. He was brought back by Frank E Dangerously who would manage him and have Mesa as the forefront of the Dangerous Alliance. Mesa would continue his undefeated streak, capture the Intercontinental Title and make an impact very few have done. He was hated for how he returned, his actions and Frankie's verbal assaults speaking for Mesa, but he was respected for his passion in the ring. Mesa would face then SEF Champion Michael McMoney and a legend Triple V also called Viper in the same match and win it, although non title, he made a huge statement. He had a good run which would eventually end with his first technical loss or two if ya get real technical. He lost a two falls match to Neo Monoxide and Chris Orton, though to Mesa's credit he was not involved in either fall nor was he in the ring, so in his enitre career in SEF he has never been pinned and he sure as hell has never submitted. He has now returned for the SEF Rumble and is all alone, no manager, no one to speak for him, no one to help him, Mesa is running solo and single gunning for the SEF Heavyweight Championship! He left SEF to join the Underground with partner L.A. Jay and helped revitalize tag team wrestling. He stayed with that company even when they lost their TV deal and now finds himself back with SEF due to the merger of the two companies. Only a matter of time before we find out if he is sticking with tag team wrestling or if he will pursue the World Title. Faded off the scene for a while until returning briefly in '09 and early 2010, then left and came back in the summer to join MCW which was reformed under the banner of SEF, but cancelled before its first show. Mesa stayed with SEF though and worked Sacrifice until it was cancelled. Stayed with SEF and reformed the West Coast Connection with L.A. Jay, the two really intent on dethroning the monsters of mayhem and finally win Tag gold.

Pro Wrestling Debut
March 17th, 1995

SEF Intercontinental Title, SEF World Tag Team Titles, SEF US Tag Team Title

Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:02/09/2010 9:51 PMCopy HTML

"Homicidal, Suicidal, Arabian Knight"

January 17th, 1979

Height / Weight
6' / 220lbs.

Los Angelos, California

Theme Music
Bad Religion by Godsmack

Pro Debut
March 17th, 1995

Finishing Move
Arabian Aerial Assault
(450 Splash)

Trademark Moves
Mesa Slam (Russian Leg Sweep with singapore cane), Arabian Facebuster, Moonsault, Camel Clutch, STF, Single Leg Boston Crab, Flying Body Splash, Superplex, Hurricanrana, Karate Kicks, Running Elbow Drop Off Ring Apron

Wrestling Style
Hardcore/Highflyer; Loves taking the bar up to the level that people say it can't go to. Will take any risk you can imagine, goes all out for any match because he can. He is insane, homicidal, like Sabu in everyway, except he speaks no english. His ability to raise the bar and take risks can lead to injuries, although he loves pain, thrives on it, serious injury can lead to an early career ending some say, but his idol kept up, so Mesa will too.

Mesa was born and raised in Tal Afari, Iraq, but when he was a teenager traveled to Bombay, India, the same place that his idol Sabu came from. Mesa's early years before wrestling are not known really. At the age of 16 he began his career by receiving training from Sabu himself and even learned some stuff from Terry Funk, Mick Foley, and a few other hardcore wrestlers, but Sabu was the biggest impact to him. Mesa traveled the western Continent wrestling shows, wrestled in Japan a lot. It was in Japan where he met a man going by the name of L.A. Jay and after a while went back to L.A. with Jay. Mesa wrestled in the city, went down to Mexico as well and was loving it over here. Jay got a call to SEF and Mesa was soon to follow him and well the two formed a tag team looked good, but ended up leaving SEF after a few weeks. They would go back to SEF once, but never really made it big, so they left soon. Mesa originally came to SEF in late '04 as a part of a tag team, the West Coast Connection with friend L.A. Jay. The two lit up the tag team scene in the few weeks they were in SEF, Mesa undefeated with a three and zero record. They would try a stint the next year, but never got started, then on September 11th of '06, the five year anneverasry of 9/11 we would see Mesa return to SEF. He was brought back by Frank E Dangerously who would manage him and have Mesa as the forefront of the Dangerous Alliance. Mesa would continue his undefeated streak, capture the Intercontinental Title and make an impact very few have done. He was hated for how he returned, his actions and Frankie's verbal assaults speaking for Mesa, but he was respected for his passion in the ring. Mesa would face then SEF Champion Michael McMoney and a legend Triple V also called Viper in the same match and win it, although non title, he made a huge statement. He had a good run which would eventually end with his first technical loss or two if ya get real technical. He lost a two falls match to Neo Monoxide and Chris Orton, though to Mesa's credit he was not involved in either fall nor was he in the ring, so in his enitre career in SEF he has never been pinned and he sure as hell has never submitted. He has now returned for the SEF Rumble and is all alone, no manager, no one to speak for him, no one to help him, Mesa is running solo and single gunning for the SEF Heavyweight Championship! He left SEF to join the Underground with partner L.A. Jay and helped revitalize tag team wrestling. He stayed with that company even when they lost their TV deal and now finds himself back with SEF due to the merger of the two companies. Only a matter of time before we find out if he is sticking with tag team wrestling or if he will pursue the World Title. Faded off the scene for a while until returning briefly in '09 and early 2010, then left and came back in the summer to join MCW which was reformed under the banner of SEF, but cancelled before its first show. Mesa stayed with SEF though and works Sacrifice.

Favorite Match

Favorite Quote
"The Suicidal, Homicidal, Arabian Knight Has Arrived"

Favorite Weapons
Strands of Barbed Wire, Barbed Wire Ballbat, Barbed Wire 2x4, Cheese Grater, Sickle, Fork

SEF Accomplishments
IC Title

Outside the ring Mesa dresses in all black suits, no tie and a black shirt underneath with black wingtips and always sports his arabian headgear in and out of the ring. In the ring he wears the same style pants as Sabu only they are always red with a white sash and he wears black boots. He takes his headgear off when in an actual match, he just wears it to the ring.

Ring Entrance
The lights go completely out and then we hear the words......

"The Suicidal, Homicidal, Arabian Knight Has Arrived"

We then hear BAD RELIGION hit the pa and and play for a few seconds, then the lights pop back on to find Mesa sitting in a corner of the ring with his hands in a prayer motion as he looks up to the heavans yelling.


And Tina now introduces him.

In the ring now, from Los Angelos California, he weighs in at two hundred twenty pounds.......Mesa!

Mesa gets up after he is announced and stretches his arms, removes his headgear handing it to someone out of the ring and gets ready to fight.

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