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Giving Away Mack's Stock {(ALL READ)}

Started by Showsteala, March 05, 2014, 12:31:22 AM

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Daddy Mack

Mack with a meeting called for all SEF employees and the tv crew set up to show the whole world what is at stake inside of a large banquet room backstage. D-Mack sporting ring tights and a Showsteala t-shirt with his World Championship slung over his left shoulder as he stands in front of a podium sporting black shades and his hair down. The whole crew sitting in front of him on chairs lined up in rows and whatnot, the SEW roster and XFW, everyone working for SEF right now, minus Whitney Marret and A Native Americano. Mack with a paper on his podium and holds it up in his left hand while clutching the title in his right on his shoulder.

Boy sand girls, I have signed it, so whoever wants my remaining five percent stock in SEF and to become Executive Vice President as I have negotiated with the majority Owner of SEF, c'mon up and get it. Anyone out there in the other universes, come stake a claim in management if ya got what it takes to handle business in the home of champions and controversy!?!

Mack laying the paper on the podium and walks off in a swagger exiting the room just like that leaving it for whoever wants it, so anyone has the opportunity to be a Owner of SEF. Whoever responds first and signs it, so who will it be, who wants this chance to have power in SEF? Someone who will do what is best for business or abuse the power? Who's it gonna be boys and girls, who's got the skill to be where the best big dawgs bark!?!

Simon Lee Nash

Just then Carlos Mitchell. The President of the SEF, General Manager of SEW Friday Night Anarchy and owner of 5 percent of the company steps forward and goes up to the podium. He take a good long hard look at the contract. He read everything that the contract said. He thinks about it long and hard. He stops for a moment to think about it some more.

Carlos Takes a deep breath.

He grabs the pen and signs the contract

He put the pen down and looks at the management.

Daddy Mack

Which means Carlos fails to see Mack skip back in the room to hit Da Shows Ova on him and winks at Kira motioning to the podium slapping the paper.

Come claim it before this chap wakes him and finds out what happened!!!

Mack skipping away arrogantly to leave the room again, making us all wonder if its for the last time with a few people leery to even move, tools!?!

Simon Lee Nash

Simon lee Nash and a few others help carlos up.

SImon wipes him off

SImon: You ok man.

Carlos: Yeah. Here is hte contract

Simon grabs it and hands it to him.

Carlos makes sure he signs it again and then hands it to Whitney Marrett to make it offical.

Carlos: Well if that is Macks way of saying welcome to the management crew. I am honored to be here.


All of sudden Brady's theme song hits, and he runs down the ramp. He slides into the ring, and attacks Carlos as he hits his finishing move. He does it to the others that helped Carlos up, and picks  up the contract. He hands it straight to Kira, and she signs it.

She hands it to her, and gets out of the ring with Brady. They walk up the ramp, and the fans are shocked this just happened.


A long black limo show up backseat door open coming out were legs of someone. Camera moves up the person of those legs turn out to be custom suit wearing, bling bling, and know good business Marcus "The Money Man" Dollars. He makes his way with big smile on his face, so company crew and staff are shock to see him in the company, so he sees company employee started speaking to him

Excuse me! Please inform Mack that person who wants his 15% stock is Marcus "The Money Man" Dollars tell him that I have offer for him which he will not turn down you know what I'm sayin! I will be skybox check out talent this company has pretty soon will be working for me!

Marcus "The Money Man" Dollar pulls out stack of dollars bills, and he waves at the limo comes out is one of his honeys carrying black suitcase as they made their way to skybox, so The Mack will have to show up listen to offer which Marcus Dollars said he won't refuse.

Daddy Mack

Mack ain't doing shit cause he already signed off his stock to the first person to nab it and that was Carlos Mitchell who signed it, but got a superkick from Mack and in all the commotion Kira Darland stole the document and went to the ring to make it official that she was a new minority Owner of SEF. If Marcus wants it, he better go after Brady and Kira wherever they ran off to, but if he wants Mack, he better lace up and step in the ring cause The Showsteala is in SEF management no more, he is doing what he always does, being the number one pro wrestler in the world!?!


Marcus Dollars in his skybox suddenly someone comes in informs him that Mack 15% stock belongs to Brady and Kira, so Marcus Dollars decided to send a message to them on camera.

Hey Brady and Kira! You two running this place is going out of business, because you two will fail keep this company going out of business so that why I'm offering you Brady a match on War next week with 15% stock on the line, and you got any balls step up or prove to the world that I am right that two of you will put this company out of business then Mack will realize that I deserve to have 15& stock not those two bunch of change talent! Holler at me when you accept my challenge Brady!

Marcus Dollars leaves his skybox out of the building until Brady answers the challenge made by Money Man.


Brady just laughs as He gets talking

Brady Henerson hey Mr money banks maybe you didn't  get the memo but I am on leave of absence so you will have to wait another thing Kira happens to be the WAR general manager and you will treat her with respect if you what is good for you or you will pay the price

Brady wasn't going to be bullied by this moron

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