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universal6 star tag team

Josh Rodgers

Started by Danika, January 16, 2014, 10:10:06 PM

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Name: Josh Rodgers
Nickname "Modern Day Warrior"
H 6'6 275 lbs

Theme: Tom Sawyer by Rush

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Pro debut 1993

Moves: The Last Ride (delayed vertical suplex), Border Toss (throwing crucifix powerbomb), The Claw, Over The Top Rope Suicide Dive, ankle lock, pump handle slam, double under hook powerbomb, spinebuster, Fireman's Carry into TKO, Code Red Arm Bar

Finishers: The Black Knight (Hell's Gate) and The Crusade (standing dragon sleeper)


Josh was in and out of the foster care system in Dallas with a group of kids that he'd eventually build a wrestling stable with "The Stallions" including one time friend Barry Boudreaux.  As a teenager he got caught trying to steal Kerry Von Erich's motorcycle by a local cop who was working security for a WCCW event.  Apart of his community service was to help work security.  He eventually became friendly with some of the wrestlers there and began training with them.  After the death of Kerry Von Erich he would pick up the nick name, "Modern Day Warrior" and begin using the claw.  After knocking up his high school girl friend he went into the Marines to try to support them all.  They would eventually divorce and he would trick an impressionable young Kristin Fox into a relationship despite the fact she was only 16 years old, knocking her up too.  Never faithful to any of the women he shacked up they would have a very difficult relationship before her "dad" Christopher would almost kill him in an Alcatraz Cage Match.  It would be revealed that he was abusing Kristin while having an affair with her sister Marissa and another former girlfriend, Lyric.  The two were able to ensure that his marriage to Kristin was never legal.

In wrestling he would wrestle for SCW, Pacific Stampede, HCW, and CEW before the near fatal match in PCWF.  In PCWF/Pacific Stampede with his brother Scott he was tag team champion a combine amount of 15 times.  In singles PCWF he was Extreme Submission Gimmick Champ 2x  In SCW he was North American Champion, CEW he was briefly the Heavyweight champion, and he and Scott were four time tag team champions.  In HCW he was Hardcore Champion 2x.

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