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Extreme 6 {2/11/04}

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 13, 2014, 08:09:50 PM

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Taylor Andrews

February 11th, 2004

Paranoid by Black Sabbath begins playing and pyro shoots off inside the American Wrest Arena in Phoenix, Arizona. The camera moves about the arena capturing the fans waving their hands and signs in the air. After a few minutes it drops down to Joey Styles and Joel Gertner at ringside who are sitting at the commentators table, fans jumping around behind them.

Styles: Hello people and welcome to tonight's show of Extreme from out here in the hot desert of Phoenix. The action in here is pretty hot as well.

Gertner: Oh yea, that's for sure. D-Von and Jackal going at it with Mack as the ref, something is gonna explode for sure.

Styles: Some combustable elements in that one, but battle between Cassidy and Chae looks good as well.

Gertner: Nothing I love more than two hot women who hate each other in a hardcore match, it makes ratings and makes me even hotter.

Styles: Damn, do you ever quit with that?

Gertner: No! And I am sure Spike and Patricia won't quit when they get in the ring with V-5, canes, oh man.

Styles: They will be after him as will Lucky and Cassie be after each other when they team with their boyfriends in that tag match.

Gertner: Yea, plus Orton teaches a couple low time punks who the real future of the business is when he fights Andy and Josh.

Styles: Orton is good and can do it, but that main event still looks good as does it all.

Handicapped Singapore Cane Match
V-5 w/Courtney Michaels vs. Spike Dudley & Patricia Stratigias

V-5 is in the ring with a cane in hand when Toxic hits and out walks Patricia alone with a cane in her hands. She jumps in the ring and looks to go one on one with V-5 who just laughs and looks behind her and himself for Spike, but sees him nowhere. He then seems confused as Patricia swings at him, but gets blocked and piefaced to the mat. Spike then crawls from under the ring with a cane and climbs the turnbuckles. He yells and comes crashing down with the cane to V-5's head, then proceeds to lay in some hard shots to the ribs. Patricia is up and motions Spike back, then gives V-5 some shots of her own. Spike soon lifts up V-5 and whips him into the ropes, but gets reversed and planted with a dropkick. Patricia jumps on his back and slaps him some, then tries for a bulldog, but gets thrown into the turnbuckles. Spike gets up with a cane and nails V-5 in the side of the head, then grabs him and runs up the ropes nailing the Dudley Dog on him. He picks up Patricia in a press slam, then lets her drop on V-5 pinning him......1......2......3!

J-Lo: Here are your winners by pinfall......................Spike Dudley and Patricia Stratigias!

Welcome To Dudleyville hits as Spike and Patricia get their hands raised. Joyce who has Matthew at ringside in then let in the ring and Spike takes his son raising him up for everyone to see and they all soon head backstage.

Styles: Now that was cool to see. Spike and Patricia take out V-5, then celebrate in the ring with their son.

Gertner: Spike sure is proud as is Patricia.

Intergender Hardcore Tag Team Match
Lucky Falcon & Scott Blaze vs. Cassie Michaels & Strife

Its Murda hits and Lucky comes walking out with Scott and the two soon get in the ring. Then Never Gonna Stop me hits and Cassie comes walking out with Strife. The two run down to the ring and the teams soon collide. Cassie tackles Lucky and Strife clotheslines Scott outside the ring going with him. They fight across the announcers table and use a few weapons. In the ring, Cassie has Lucky on the turnbuckle for a superplex, but Lucky punches her and executes a torndao ddt on Cassie. Lucky then gets a trash can of weapons and looks to bash Cassie in the head, but gets a drop toe hold and lands facefirst on the can. Scott has given Strife a piledriver on to the steel steps and now slides in the ring, picks up a trash can lid and slams it across Cassie's back, then lifts her up and hits Just Perfect on her. Scott tends to Lucky, but gets pulled out of the ring and pummeled by Strife who soon gets a chair and goes to work on him. Lucky picks up Cassie and gives her the Lucky break on to a stop sign, then pins.........1.......2.....3!

J-Lo: Here are your winners by pinfall........................Lucky Falcon and Scott Blaze!

Its Murda hits as Strife chases off Lucky, then goes back outside the ring and starts hammering on Scott's leg. He Wraps his knee around a ringpost and jams it into a chair, then stomp on it. He helps Cassie to the back as EMT's flood to ringside.

Styles: Well, Lucky sure got lucky when she pinned the Women's Champion, but what about Strife'a actions?

Gertner: I know, he really took it to Scott after the match.

Hardcore Match
Shot At SEF Women's Title At Barely Legal
Cassidy Michaels w/Randy Orton vs. Chae Stratigias

Wait and Bleed hits as Cassidy comes walking out to the ring along with Orton. She throws in some weapons among what is still in there and then slides in the ring. Why Can't We Just Dance hits and Chae comes running out and charges at Cassidt backing her into a corner and unleashing with elbows. She looks for an irish whip, but is reversed. Cassidt charges her in the corner, but is kicked in the head, then ddted. Chae picks up a potted plant and bashes it over Cassidy's head, then pins......1......2.......kickout! Chae starts slapping Cassidy, then lifts her up for a suplex, but Cassidy counters and drops Chae with one. Cassidy then picks up a stop sign and slams it down on Chae, picks up a trash can and stuffs it in the corner, then lifts up Chae. Cassidy whips Chae into the trash can, then kicks her in the stomach and drops her with a double arm ddt. Cassidy climbs up top and hits a swanton bomb, then drags Chae far from the ropes and locks her in the Painful Pleasure. She wrenches hard on her legs and Chae soon taps out.

J-Lo: Here is your winner by submission...................Cassidy Michaels!

Wait and Bleed soon hits as Orton climbs in and celebrates with cassidy who berates Chae before leaving the ring.

Styles: Wow, that match was pretty brutal and now Cassidy has another chance.

Gertner: Yea, this time could be her time to get on top of the women's division.

Matt On A Mission
Host With The Most: Matt Matlock
Topic: ???

Of course the show was cancelled, but whats this, Cowboy hits and Daddy Mack makes his way out with his Heavyweight Title of course and rols on in the ring. He gets a mic and after listening to the deafening cheers, he speaks.

Mack: Yo Matt, man this sucks to do, but seeing as ya ain't doing much, then ya can't get much, so your show is not only cancelled tonight, but for good. I created this whole deal and I am ending it once again. Twice now I had people try to carry my legacy and you and Matt Hardy both failed me, so tough luck Matt, no more mission.

Mack tosses down the mic as Cowboy hits and he takes a seat at the announce table.

Styles: Well, big news with you cancelling Matt's show Mack and I don't blame you.

Mack: Tough choice, but Mat left me none. I am sorry for what I did to him and Cassie as far as their staff positions and even more sorry now, but shit happens.

Gertner: True man, can't fault yourself for others being lazy.


The scene shows the medic room and in there is Scott Blaze on a table, Lucky Falcon next to him and an EMT. Resident interviewer Snoop Dogg as come in and says this.

Snoop: Yo Scott, mind if I ask how serious this is?

Scott: Serious, man, I am gonna fucking miss some serious time from the ring that's for sure:

Snoop: Damn, that sucks.

Lucky: Yea, Scott dislocated his knee and will miss some time, not sure right now.

The scene cuts back to ringside.

Styles: Damn, Scott Blaze out of action, that has to be bad.

Mack: Yea it does, I was looking forward to seeing him get a good run in SEF.

Gertner: No doubt, the man has potential.

Hardcore Match
Brian Robinson vs. The Rock w/Ric Flair

Brian and Rock get in the ring and Flair jumps in looking to help Rock when Mack comes flying in with a cross body off the top rope taking down Rock and Flair. He then stands up and smiles at Brian, but turns away and drops him with Da Shows Ova. Rock jumps up, but his dropped with Da Shows Ova as well, then Mack goes up top and delivers the Mack Attack to Flair. He then kicks them all from the ring and gets a mic.

Mack: Seeing as how them bitches weren't up for a show, I need to take this time to make a very important announcement regarding our next PPV which is titled Barely Legal. See, that chumped up, no talent bum Dragon walked on the greatest company of all time and now the Tag Team Titles are looking grim since he was my partner. Well, I am vacating them which in total for their history makes a lot, but fuck it, I am bowing out of the tag division for good and stating that as of now, the only title in my future is the Heavyweight Title, well, for SEF that is. Now, for the Tag straps, since the Dudleyz earned their shot, they will be placed into the match at Barely Legal to determine now champs and that match will be a TLC match. Their opponents will be decided earlier in the night when a free for all over the top hardcore battle royal will occur. The last two people to be in the ring will fight the Dudleyz and that's all I got to say for now, later all.

Mack drops his mic as Cowboy hits. He rolls out of the ring, grabs his title off the announce table and makes his way backstage.

Styles: Well, a hell of an anouncement by Mack here tonight and his presence is far from over.

Gertner: Yea, damn man is fucking the whole damn show for sure.

Triple Threat Hardcore Match
Andy Stone vs. Josh Weible vs. Randy Orton w/Cassidy Michaels

Andy and Josh are in the ring when Evolution and out walks Orton looking cocky and confident as ever, Cassidy my his side as well. He soon rolls in the ring and poses, then looks down at his opponents and laughs. Josh runs at him, but gets a backdrop to th eoutside, then Andy runs over and clotheslines him. He picks up Orton for a press slam, but Orton slips down and shoves Andy into the ropes, then dropkicks him down. Orton picks up a chair that Cassidy slid in and bashes Andy in the head. Orton then picks upa bloody Andy and RKO's him into the chair, then pins......1.......2......breakup by Josh who picks up Orton and tries for a suplex, but is blocked and countered into one by Orton. He picks up the chair and bashes Josh in the head, then slams it over Andy's head. Orton picks up Josh and RKO's him, then pins........1.......2.......3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by pinfall..................Randy Orton!

Evolution hits as Orton stands up with a smirk and gets his hand raised, then his met by Cassidy who kisses him before they head to the back.

Styles: Well, Orton certainly showed us why he is everything he says by demolishing those two guys pretty quickly and impressively.

Gertner: Yea, he gave them a beating and did it in a style mush his own.

Free For All Women's Hardcore Brawl
Tyna Hilton vs. Alia Starr vs. Angel Marie vs. Kelli Thieseen vs. Lindsey

All five women are in the ring and the bell sounds to begin the match. Tyan and Alia start tearing into each other as Angel Marie and Lindsey double team Kelli knocking her from the ring. Lindsey turns on Angel and sends her crashing into the turnbuckles, then drops her with a hard ddt into a trash can. Tyna has Alia on the mat after a suplex and goes up top, but Lindsey hits the ropes stopping her, then runs over and shoves her off to the outside. Angel comes at her, but Lindsey backdrops her to the outside and picks up Alia, hits The Sliencer and pins......1......2......3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by pinfall....................Lindsey!

Faint hits as Lindsey celebrates her victory.

Styles: Nice, Lindsey beat quite a few women who looked promising.

Gertner: Yea, but the compromising I want from them is compromising positions.

Tables Match
SEF Intercontinental Championship
D-Von Dudley vs. The Jackal[c]
Special Guest Referee: Daddy Mack

Cowboy hits and out struts Mack with a ref shirt on and he soon gets to ringside, tosses in countless weapons and slides in a few tables, then makes his way over by the announce table and kicks back in a steel chair near it, pops a beer and waits. Bombshell explodes as D-Von runs to the ring and does his usual shit, pumps up and waits, staring at Mack a bit. Don't Tread On Me hits and Jackal comes out with his title, gets in the ring staring at D-Von, then hands the title off and Mack starts it up. The two men lock up and after a struggle, Jackal backs up D-Von, looks for a clean break, but gets a poke to the eyes and clotheslined. D-Von picks up a table and stes it up, then grabs Jackal and looks for a powerbomb, but gets backdropped. Jackal grabs a trash can lid and bashes D-Von in the head, then lifts him up, whips him into the ropes and drops him with a bicycle kick. Jackal picks up a singapore cane and slams it over D-Von's head, then picks him up for The Jackals Claw, positioning him to go through the table when Bubba Ray runs out and clubs Jackal in the back, then gives him the Bubba Bomb. Mack jumps up and slides in the ring, whips Bubba around and starts punching him, the two fighting to the outside. D-Von and Jackal get up and fight into a corner, then Matt Matlock comes running out and goes around the ring to help Bubba and together they beat Mack down. In the ring, Jackal hip tosses D-Von out of the corner, then lifts him up and gives him The Jackals Claw through the table, but Mack can't see it to count it. Bubba soon runs into the ring and grabs a chair clocking Jackal in the head, then clears out the table debris and helps up D-Von as Matt comes in. While the Dudleyz set up a table, Matt picks up Jackal and gives him the Matlock Go Round, then lifts him up and whips him to D-Von who lifts up Jackal and with Bubba gives him the 3D through the table. Bubba sets up another table as Mack gets in the ring and nails Matt with Da Shows Ova, then runs and clotheslines Bubba to the outside once he is done. D-Von picks up Jackal who is bloody as all hell and powerbombs him through the table. Mack turns to see it and calls for the bell.

J-Lo: Here is your winner and new SEF Intercontinental Champion................D-Von Dudley!

Bombshell hits as Mack hands the title to D-Von who looks pumped up and raises it in the air. Bubba comes back in and stares down Mack who makes his exit. Bubba celebrates with D-Von as Matt recovers at ringside.

Styles: Wow, D-Von finally captured one of the most prestigious titles in SEF, the ttitle second only to the Heavyweight Title.

Gertner: Oh yea, D-Von is the new IC Champ, what a night this is.

Styles: Sure has been a hell of a night and we will see you all next week.

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