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Extreme 126 {11/20/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 21, 2014, 10:08:42 PM

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Daddy Mack

November 20th, 2006

So the show opens up inside the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota and over the pa we hear "Posthuman". The camera go crazy roaming all over the arena as we the usual rundown for tonights event.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome back to Monday Night Extreme as we are not going anywhere, we'll always be here giving you the most extreme show in professional wrestling today!

FED: Oh what a cheap rip that was on that one company!

Nick Miller: What the hell are you talking about?

FED: Weren't you ripping on that company outta Grand Rapids?

Nick Miller: I was hyping up SEF as being the most extreme in wrestling, what are you talking about, what company?

FED: Never mind, get on with the show, call a match or whatever it is you do. Wait no, I'll start and start with, well forget it.

Nick Miller: Ok, well ayways, well my partner figures out what he is doing we got a show to get on with. We got a triple threat tag match for our main event, Impact X against Orton and Neo against the reuniting team of Whitney and Victoria. Should be a great match, but also looking good is Torres and Matlock.

FED: Pfft, yea right. I don't care much for Torres, but i do respect him, Matlock now is just a whore, he can go drop off this earth for all I care, why he ver came back and he was let back is the biggest mystery ever, he's a lazy asshole!

Nick Miller: Well now that we know your feelings on him, lets move on. Jeremy Ward is in action again and he faces Steve Weigel who has yet to do a damn thing. Crystal Sweet faces Derek Star, winner faces the Women's Champ, Rocio Guirao takes on Zoe Payne in a rematch from last week, and we see your team of Destruction face four people.

FED: Yea, but last time I checked their not supposed to be booked due to not action for the Tag Titles, they even won a match earning that right. Don't matter though, this is just another easy win for them.

Nick Miller: Maybe so, but we are getting some tag action going with Whitney and Vickie teaming back up tonight, plus The Westsiders are here and looking good.

FED: Whitney and Vickie are great competitors, but they will stand no chance against Destruction. As for Torres and Storms, I got their asses covered!

Nick Miller: Ok, I'll take your word for that I guess, but lets get on with our show now.

We see Steve Weigel in the ring and he just kinda stands there like he is forced to be in the ring and he just may be as Steve Whitmore and five security guards stand at ringside.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall and in the ring already is Steve Weigel!

The crowd boos as Steve just looks constipated. "King of Kings" hits and after a few seconds Jeremy comes walking out looking all jacked up with Ric Hanson, his mentor, at his side wearing a fancy suit.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Chicago Illinois, he weighs 260 pounds and is accompanied by Ric Hanson, he is Jeremy Ward!

Jeremy makes his way down the ramp and around to the side of the ring while Ric heads up the steps into the ring. Jeremy gets on the apron and spews water out into a mist while pumping his fists in the air, then he climbs in the ring where Ric pats him on the back getting him ready to fight. Ric exits the ring as the bell rings and Jeremy rushes Weigel with a kick to the gut, nails a stiff right, then shoves him into a corner and bends down burying a shoulder into his gut.

Nick Miller: Jeremy starting the match off aggressively, Weigel not really caring it seems.

Jeremy whips Weigel into the ropes and catches him nailing a spinebuster, pumps up to the crowd, then waits for Weigel to get up and kicks him in the gut. He hooks Weigel's arms and nails Problem Solved, then pins, 1..............2.................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Jeremy Ward!

"King Of Kings" hits the pa now as Jeremy stands up, Ric in the ring now and raising his arm.

Nick Miller: And Jeremy wins, pretty obvious I guess.

Security has Weigel out of the ring and is hauling him up the aisle now with Steve Whitmore overseeing them.

FED: Oh yea, looks like Weigel may be outta here for good, I hope they rough him up in the back.

So we go backstage following Whitmore and his security, they drag Steve Weigel out to the parking lot and he is thrown against a car. Weigel turns and Whitmore steps in front of him inches away, then we see Sly come into view to the side and look at Weigel.

Sly: Just figured I'd come out here and inform you that any rumor you may have heard or that anyone may have heard of you being let go after tonight is true, so without further ado, no more waiting, Weigel, your ass is fired. Whitmore, get this piece of shit outta my arena!

Sly walks off and Whitmore punches Weigel in the head, then grabs him pulling him in a circle gathering force and rams Weigel's head through the drivers side window of the card leaving hanging through it. He and his secuirty then walk off as we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Damn, Weigel fired and messed up by our chief of security.

FED: That Whitmore is one bad dude too, I know him personally, he could be a badass wrestler, he's a real fighter, he's just scary, you don't fuck with him!

Nick Miller: I believe you for once!

We see Derek Star in the ring and she is dressed in white bra and panties, in her hand is a steel baseball bat.

Brittany Fox: The following is a hardcore bra and panties match for the number one contedership to the SEF Women's Title! In the ring now, Derek Star!

The crowd is mixed, no response, but a lot of guys whistle and cheer for her, heh. The lights go out, and then come back on in all different flashing colors. "Straight out of Line" by God Smack hits, and Crystal Sweet walks out on stage. She looks around the crowd as they boo her. She smirks and then walks down the ramp, making her way to the ring.

Brittany Fox: Making her way to the ring from Coweta County Georgia , she weighs 119 pounds, Crystal Sweet!

She walks up the steel steps, and then walks up on the apron. She then gets down low, and crawls in the ring. She walks around the ring, listing to the crowd boo her even louder. Crystal wears black panties and a matching bra, in her hand is a chain and she thrusts it in the air to the crowd who just shows her no care and no love. The bell rings as the two women stare each other down, but then we hear "Suicide Solution" hit the pa and the crowd instantly cheers. Crystal turns to the entrance to see Victoria Kalispell walk out in her ring gear and wearing her Women's Title. She just plays to the crowd some and walks down the aisle.

Nick Miller: I wonder what Vickie is doing out here?

FED: Beats me, maybe she wants a front row seat, she does face the winner of this match.

Vickie does a lil skipping around the ring and just smirks devilishly at Crystal giving her a wink, then Vickie heads over to the commentators table jumping up and having a seat in front of Nick and Frankie.

FED: Oh yea, nice to have the Women's Champ out here, hope she stays all night.

Nick Miller: Well she is a far better sight than seeing you every week, but lets get on with our match.

Crystal just stares at Vickie seething it seems and Derek takes advantage slamming her bat into Crystal's lower back, then bring sit up in front of her neck choking her. Crystal goes down to her knees now and Derek drops the bat, yanks up Crystal by her hair and slams her to the mat backfirst. Derek backs up to the ropes and waits for Crystal to get up, then she runs the ropes going past Crystal and comes off the other ropes and back to Crystal looking for Last Rites, but Crystal ducks it. Derek goes into the ropes, but stops herself and whips around to get clotheslined over them by Crystal.

Nick Miller: Derek with an early advantage, but Crystal dropping her out to the floor.

FED: Damn Vickie is hot!

Crystal grabs her chain and slides out of the ring, whips it across Derek's back, then wraps it around her neck choking her. Crystal yanks up Derek and runs her into the ringpost, then slams her back down to the floor. Crystal kicks at Derek's ribs, then lifts her up and whips her into the steel steps, Derek clipping her knee on them and flying over them to the floor. Crystal walks over to her getting near the commentators table and eyes Vickie, grins at her as Vickie just smiles as she has been. Derek is getting up and Crystal suddenly rushes in front of her nailing an RKO on the floor in front of Vickie. Crystal rolls Derek over and pins her on the floor, it shardcore rules, so the ref counts, 1................2.................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Crystal Sweet!

"Straight Out Of Line" hits the pa and Crystal stands up getting booed. She raises her hands and flaunts her win to Vickie who just claps mocking her. Crystal just shakes her head and turns away to leave, but suddenly whips around with a punch aiming at Vickie. She sways back and lays down, slides off the table to her feet and pulls Crystal around hammering her with hard elbows to the face, then knees her in the stomach and bends Crystal down. Vickie sets Crystal up in a piledriver position, but flips forward naling Crystal's own Night mare right on the floor much to the fans delight. Vickie just gets up and smirks as "Suicide Solution" play and she heads to the back.

Nick Miller: Wow, Vickie with a huge statement on the new number one contender to her title.

FED: Yea, these two got no love between them, should be a real brutal match this Sunday.

As we come back from commericial we hear guitar chords start to play over the speakers. Eight seconds in, pyro explodes on the stage as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" begins to play. Matt Matlock steps out onto the stage as the crowd boos.

Brittany Fox: "Hailing from New Waterford, Nova Scotia, Canada and weighing 235 lbs...he is "The Cornered Animal" Matt Matlock!

Matlock walks down the ramp slowly, and extends his arms out to his side. He spins around in a circle slowly, as we see small sparkler like pyros on both sides of the ramp go off. He gets to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, and heads for one of the far turnbuckles. He raises both arms horizontally as rapid fire pyro ala HBK shoots off inside the ring. He lowers his arms as it subsides, as he gets down and leans on the ropes, talking shit to the fans. He turns and then awaits his opponent. "Regular People" hits the pa and we see Nick come walking out on stage and head down the ramp. He kinda eases his way down in a cool fashion, does some hand gestures and crotch chops, motions his hands sliding as he walks and just grins the whole time.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Seattle Washington, he weighs 280 pounds, Nick Torres!

He casually walk up the steps, then gets into the ring and gets a lil pumped as he stomps his legs bending down while pointing his thumbs to himself. Nick soon gets up and spreads his arms out quickly bringing them down, then starts the match by throwing his toothpick at Matlock who brings a hand to his eye. Torres kicks him in the gut and nails a few knife edge chops to Matt's chest, then whips him to the ropes. Matt comes back strong looking for a clothesline, but Torres ducks and catches Matt coming back with a powerslam and pins, 1..........2......kickout!

Nick Miller: Near fall this early on by Torres.

Torres kneels up and lifts Matt's head up putting him in a headlock and wrenches on him pretty good. Matt grimaces in pain, but fights up to his knees, nails an elbow to Torres gut, then gets to his fight and hits a few more elbows. Matt then shoves Torres into the ropes and stands his ground looking for a shoulder block. Torres comes back and looks for the same and Matt goes down seeing as Torres as the power. Torres kicks at Matt's ribs, bounces off the ropes and drops a knee to his head, then looks for another headlock, but Matt twists away from him and gets up to his feet. Torres just gets up grinning and waving his arms out.

Nick Miller: Torres with some head games here.

FED: Matt may be too dumb for them to work.

The two men go into a lock up now and try backing each other up to the ropes, Torres getting a knee to Matt's gut and throwing him into a corner, lays in a few chops to him, then whips him to the opposite corner and charges across the ring. Matt dodges out of the way at the last second and Torres nails the turnbuckles, then Matt grabs him from behind getting him in a full nelson and looks to try and lift Torres off the mat for a slam. Torres keeps his feet down and backs up trying to get free. He twists and wrenches his arms, swings around violently and moves back some, then turns swiftly and backs Matt into a corner, but right up against the ref squashing him. Torres is free and Matt holds his ribs, they move out of the corner and the ref falls down.

Nick Miller: Uh oh!

FED: Oh yea, this is gonna get interesting.

Matt is down and rolls to the floor turning and leaning near the timekeepers table looking to catch his breath. Torres slides out of the ring and comes behind Matt kicking him in his calf, then grabs his head and slams him into the ring bell. Torres sends Matt backwards into the steel steps, then grabs the ring bell. Matt pulls himself up and Torres turns bashing him dead center between the eyes and Matt slumps to the floor facedown.

Nick Miller: Oh god what a nasty shot that was.

FED: And that is the end of Matlock for this match.

Torres just drops the bell and acts as if he did nothing wrong, pulls up a now bleeding Matlock and rolls him in the ring. The ref is on his knees holding his ribs as Torres slides in and grins, the crowd cheering him on. Matlock trie spulling himself up and Torres grabs him to help, but Matt shows some life and catches Torres with a snap suplex. They both get up and Torres goes to grab him again and Matt rolls him into a small package, 1.............2.......kickout!

Nick Miller: Matt almost caught Torres on that one.

FED: Almost though, almost!

Their both up again and look for a lock up, but Torres pokes a thumb to Matt's eye, then kicks him in the gut and charges quickly nailing a hard clothesline, so hard that Torres drops to his knees when hitting it. He just looks up with a grin all cocky like and soon stands while pulling Matt up, tucks his head between his knees and does a crucifix type symbol.

FED: Here it comes!

Torres lifts Matt up as if for a powerbomb, but gets up almost on his back, holds him high, then tosses him down to the mat delivering the Westsiders Edge. Torres then covers matt hooking his leg, 1..............2.................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Nick Torres!

"Regular People" hits the pa now and Torres is on his feet wiping sweat off his brow and flicks it at Matt, the crowd cheering him on.

Nick Miller: A good match by these two men, kind of tainted because of the bell being used, but a good match.

FED: If you say so, I rather liked seeing Matt get fucked up!

We cut backstage to find Rocio Guirao getting ready for her match which is next, but we see Sly come up to her.

Sly: Excuse me Rocio, your match next, you win by no show, Zoe Payne quit SEF, walked her ass out. I however have seen you giving effort in the ring and just want to let ya know that you will have an opportunity here in SEF, just stick with us and keep up the effort in the ring and you'll go far.

Rocio Guirao: Well thank you Mr McLane, I am sure you'll be happy to have an egyptian goddess as your Women's Champion in the near future.

Sly: Sure, whatever works.

Sly just smiles and walks off as Rocio holds her head high.

Rocio Guirao: Oh it will work, it will work out very weel in my favor!

We now cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Well it seems our next match is not happening, Rocio had a fairly big statement just now too.

FED: Yea, could be a prediction that comes true too, who knows, we'll see I guess.

So we see Maurice McMahon, Chris Jericho, Andrew Velzian, and Darkness all in the ring standing around looking dumb as hell when we hear "Iron Man" start to rumble over the pa. We soon see Mr Fuji walk out and then out runs Thrash and Slash, the team of Destruction. They hit the ring and without stripping off their leather or Tag Titles they just start to clean house. Thrash clotheslines maurice into a corner, then turns hammering Jericho into the ropes while Slash spinbusters Velzian and hammers Darkness into the ropes. They whip Jericho and Darknes sinto each other, then grab each from behind nailing a back drop on them. Thrash pulls up Maurice and whips him to the ropes, then both he and Slash catch him and nail a double front slam.

FED: Oh yea, Destruction dominating as usual!

Thrash and Slash pull up Velzian and lift him into a double press, then throw him ou tof the ring and crashing rib first on the guard rail. He falls back and rolls near the ring in pain. Thrash pulls up Jericho and nails a powerbomb on him as Slash hits Darkness with a powerslam. Thrash then lays Maurice on his knee as Slash gets on the second rope and flies off nailing Total Destruction to Maurice and Thrash pins him, 1.............2...............3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners by pinfall, Thrash and Slash, the te-

Brittany is cut off by the sound of Pantera's "Cowboys From Hell" hitting the pa and after the first few seconds we see Troy Storms come walking out on staring down Destruction, both of them staring back, but from behind in the ring is Nick Torres clubbing Thrash in the back of his head.

FED: What the hell, no, get those guys away!

Torres turns to Slash nailing him in the head, then shoves Thrash into a corner and starts trading punches with Slash. Thrash recovers and goes for Torres, but Storms steps up on the apron and over the top rope lunging over with a clothesline taking Thrash down. Storms clubs Slash in the back, then Torres whips him to the ropes and when he comes back gets nailed with a spear by Torres at the same time Storms hits a big boot. Thrash is out of the ring and grabs Slash yanking him out, Fuji ordering them up the aisle.

Nick Miller: Oh my, looks Destruction may have just met their match.

FED: Never, that was a cheap shot, this is bullshit!

Storms has an arm around Torres and both lean on the ropes grinning as they look up the aisle, Storms with a mic in his hand.

Storms: Hey boys, now I know ya don't speak much and maybe ya can't hear, but we know Fuji can and we deifnitely know Frankie here at ringside can hear us, so lets make it real clear. This Sunday at living Dangerously you two face the two of us with your Tag Titles on the line.

The crowd cheers for this as Destruction stares at them pissed off, Frankie boiling over and going nuts.

Storms: You think your dangerous, you want to live dangerously, well boys, Fuji, Frankie, you will enter the dangerzone this Sunday and yes, for anyone dumb enough not to get it, that was a rip on someone out there in the world of MSN, but fuck them! Destruction, your time as champs is up, we are not the Dudleyz, were the best, were the real competition and your reign is over in six nights!

The crowd cheers and Torres takes the mic now.

Torres: Why this big goof handed me the mic when he said all that needs to be said is beyond me, but hey, he knows know better. I guess I can think of two words for you boys, Kiss This!

Torres and Storms back up and do crotch chops as "Cowboys From Hell" hit the pa again and Destruction just stares them down, Fuji getting them to the back now.

FED: Goddamn it, what is Sly thinking, this is complete and utter bullshit!

Nick Miller: Calm down man, Sly is wanting the Tag Titles in action and since we have competition for them, why not?

FED: Cause they never earned a shot, they just showed up and got one, its unfair!

"Sidewinder" hits as blue, green, and red lights circle the arena with matching pyro going off. Whitney then comes out and stands with her hand son her hips and the crowd cheers very loud for her, but we see Victoria come out behind her and crawl down between Whitney's legs, then lay on her back underneath her. The two women lock eyes and suddenly they do a crotch chop together, then Vickie gets up and they head down the aisle together.

Brittany Fox: Making their way down the aisle at this time, they weigh in together at 280 pounds, they are the Sexy Sensual Sweeties, Whitney Marret and Victoria Kalispell!

Whitney and Vickie enter the ring and get in the center doing a pose much like they did in the entrance way, then Vickie stands up and undoes her titles as the music fades. The lights go out then images of Orton are shown on SEFTron, then fireworks shoot up under the entrance way then stop as "The Way I Am" by Eminem hits. Orton appears and he makes his way down the ramp.

Brittany Fox: Now coming out from St Louis Missouri, he weighs 245 pounds and is the SEF Intercontinental Champion, Chris Orton!

The ladies in the arena come after him touching his body, but security holds them back, so Orton smirks and gets in the ring, climbs to second turnbuckle moves his hands down his chest making the ladies scream for him. "Revenge" hits the PA and Neo jumps out from under the stage and does a backflip.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring, from Elizabeth New Jersey he weighs 192 pounds and is the SEF International Champion, Neo Monoxide!

He walks to the ring and slaps the fans hands, then does a flip over the top rope to get in the ring. Neo climbs the ropes and taunts. "Replica" hits as the lights go down and McMoney walks out onto the stage with a water bottle. As he starts to walk as the music really kicks in.

Brittany Fox: Now making his way out, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, he weighs 245 pounds and is the SEF Champion, Michael McMoney!

He gets on the ring apron, sprays water into the audience, raises his arms then comes down with a crotch chop. He goes to the far corner, stands on the middle turnbuckle, raises his arms once again and gives another crotch chop. We then hear "Wake Up" by Korn hit the pa and we expect Xanthus to come out, but no one, so we wait a few minutes and the music soon dies out.

Nick Miller: What the hell, where is Xanthus?

McMoney looks around the ring cautiously and paranoid, then steps out to the apron saying he isn't starting this thing. Orton is in the ring wanting to start and we see Vickie is gonna start out, the bell now rings.

FED: Guess X is not coming, damn guy is drinking away that talent over a woman, sickening!

Orton and Vickie look to lock up, but Vickie knowing better ducks around behind Orton and elbiows him right in the kidneys, then shoves him and leaps up dropkicking him in the back sending Orton hanging over the top rope. Vickie backs into the ropes and charges at Orton flipping over him grabbing his head and pulling him down. She lets go and hits the floor,. Orton snaps up and falls back to the mat. Vickie slides in the ring and goes for the pin, 1..........2.......kickout!

Nick Miller: Near fall for Vickie, nice start so far.

Vickie lifts up Orton hammering him with punches, then looks for an irish whip, but he reverses her into the ropes and catches her coming off them with a powerslam. Orton pops up and steps over tagging in Neo who leaps up to the top rope. Vickie gets up and turns, Neo flies off with a cross body block to Vickie. Neo rolls through and gets to his feet, then runs the ropes and hits a short dropkick on Vickie. He hops up and runs up the ropes, then leaps off with a corkscrew moonsault and pins, 1.............2........kickout! Neo gets up pulling Vickie up and elbows her into a corner, then climbs the ropes and starts hammering her with punches, but after like five Vickie lunges forward dropping Neo with a powerbomb.

Nick Miller: Neo had a near fall, seemed to have Vickie down, but she just countered with a hard powerbomb.

FED: Decent match so far, though its main event so it outta be.

Vickie kneels up and gets to her feet, then lunges over tagging in McMoney who just looks shocked and like he wants no part of getting in the ring. Vickie heads to her corner and McMoney comes in, rushes Neo with a kick to the ribs, then rips him up and sends him to a corner, charges in for a clothesline, but Neo leaps up and over McMoney. He turns around and jumps up dropkicking McMoney in the back, then pulls him out of the corner into a school boy roll up, 1...........2......kickout! McMoney is up and looks for a clothesline, but Neo ducks and both men run the ropes, McMoney meeting Neo with a high knee dropping him. He pulls up Neo and hammers him a few times in the head, then whips him to the ropes and looks to catch him for a spinebuster, but Neo nails a tornado ddt.

Nick Miller: Oh man what a counter, McMoney isn't fairing too well.

FED: He's going it alone, what do ya expect.

Neo crawls up and is near Whitney's corner, Whitney reaching in and tagging herself into the match. Neo is forced to his corner as Whitney comes in kicking McMoney in the head, then stomps on his chest, picks him up and hits a piledriver, then pins, 1...........2.......kickout! Whitney kneels up punching McMoney in the head, then she lifts him up and elbows him back into a corner, whips him across the ring, but McMoney counters with a violent whip sending Whitney into Neo and Orton's corner where she crashes into Neo sending him off the apron. Orton tags himself in and leaps the top rope rushing McMoney with punches.

Nick Miller: Oh my, Orton and McMoney in the ring, this is gonna be crazy I bet.

FED: Well no shit, were gonna see McMoney finally destroy the punk bitch Orton!

Whitney turns clearing her head and looks to get back into the action, but she is pulled from the ring by Neo and sent into the guard rail. Neo clotheslines her out into the crowd, then Vickie comes over clubbing Neo in the back and sends him over the rail. She looks to climb over, but we see Crystal Sweet run out and whip Vickie in the back with a chain, then she starts choking her with it. In the ring Orton and McMoney are going punch for punch. Whitney is away from Neo a ways and Neo is up and runs ather, but Whitney ducks down and backdrops him to the floor, then she turns and drops down punching him. Vickie has backed Crystal into the ringpost and pulls the chain away, then turns catching her with a few elbows. Crystal starts running up the aisle to the back and Vickie chases her.

Nick Miller: Well Vickie is gone, Whitney and Neo are fighting off in the crowd, X still ain't here, its down to two men, two men with long, bad history together.

McMoney is punching Orton in a corner and whips him across the ring, then charges with a clothesline and lets Orton stagger out, kicks him in the gut and hooks his arms. McMoney looks around with a grin and looks to nail Greed.

FED: Its all over now!

But Orton fights it and lifts McMoney's feet up, then powers up backdropping him to the mat. Orton falls to one knee and McMoney sits up holding his back, then he starts to get up using the ropes. He turns looking to charge Orton who leaps up quickly and drops McMoney with the C........K........O, then falls on him and hooks his leg for the pin, 1.................2..................3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winner by pinfall, Chris Orton and Neo Monoxide!

"The Way I Am" hits the pa now as Orton sits up and the crowd cheers.

Nick Miller: My god, Orton did it, he pinned McMoney again, he pinned the SEF Champ!

FED: No, damn it, this is unfair, McMoney had no partner!

Nick Miller: It came down to them one on one in the end anyways. A hell of a night folks and with this win tonight we may be seeing a new champ this Sunday, so tune into Living Dangerously on pay per view the 26th of November, you won't want to miss it!

And with that we go to the ring where Orton is on the ropes posing with his arms out wide, the crowd cheering him on and the show soon ends fading to black.

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