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Extreme 152 {12/16/09}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 10:36:23 AM

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December 16th, 2009

The show begins with the usual pyro blasting over the ring and is followed by A NEW LEVEL coming over the pa, the sold out crowd cheering loud while the cameras roam all over the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul Minnesota. Nick Miller welcomes us on the air.

"Welcome to Extreme everyone! We got a big tag team match tonight involving Mack and his girl Julie facing the team of Midnight and the girl formerly known as Megan Sorrow revealed to be Ravenna Crow. Interesting ordeal that was, but it probably means nothing in the match tonight. What does mean something is that Mack and Julie have not shown up yet, so we'll be on the look out for them and keep everyone posted, now lets get on with the show."

And so we do just that as NEXT CONTESTANT hits the oa and boos are heard as Tyer Orton walks out looking smug. Nick makes the introduction now.

"The following match is a fatal four way schedued for one fall! Introducing first, from St Louis Missouri, weighing in at 240 pounds..........Tyler Orton!"

He makes his way down the aisle and rolls in the ring, stands up and smirks. A video plays over the screen showing various clips of Nikky just rocking the shit as usual, and as KICK START MY HEART plays, lights flash purple, silver and orange through a mainly dark arena. After about ten seconds, Nikky walks through the curtain to a few cheers. He's appreciative of it, but he doesn't necessarily show it, as he looks up at the fans around him with lights flashing everywhere. He has a black bandana tied around his head, and a black jacket covering his heavily tattoed arms, and pops the color with a smirk, before continuing down the ramp. Nick Miller finally introduces him.

"And one of his opponents, making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 259 pounds, he is The Devils Saint........Nikky Venom!"

He walks down the ramp, not really paying attention to the fans, instead, he walks towards a camera and starts talking into it, conveying a message of his awesomeness to the people at home. Once he reaches the padded area around the ring, he stops walking and stands, looking at his opponent in the ring, and then at the people all about him. He then jumps where he's standing, before running and sliding into the ring. Once inside he waits for a moment before getting up, and rips off his jacket and bandana, before going to the nearest turnbuckle and climbing it, throwing his arms in the air, palms pressed together above his head. He has a cocky smirk on his face, before getting down, and leaning against the turnbuckle, observing his opponent. We then hear LUCK IS THE KEY and the crowd cheers some more as SVD comes running out and Nick introduces him.

"And the third opponent, from Mutan Pakistan, weighing in at 235 pounds.........Salman Van Dam!"

SVD comes sliding in the ring and pops up looking at both Tyler and Nikky, then runs up some turnbuckles saluting the fans. He hops down as the lights in the whole arena blacken as ENGEL starts playing. The lights dim up slowly as smoke fills the arena floor. Bethany comes walking out and makes her way to the ring not taking her eyes off of her opponent and Nick Miller announces her entrance.

"And the final opponent, now entering the ring from Little Rock Arkansas, weighing in at 200 pounds, she is the SEF International Champion........Bethany Sorrow!"

She then gets into the ring, sliding in and immediately runs at Tyler smashing him in the face with her title, then the bell rings and Beth drops Tyler with a ddt. She stands up and gets double clotheslined from SVD and Nikky sending her over the top rope. SVD runs across the ring and comes back flying over the ropes with a senton splash to Beth. Nikky just watches and shrugs, then yanks up Tyler and nails The World Wide Suicide near a corner, quickly scales up to the top and hits the Fuckstar Press and pins, 1......................2......................3! He rolls away to the ropes as SVD slides in and they stare down, Nick Miller announces the winner.

"Here is your winner of the match............Nikky Venom!"

KICK START MY HEART plays as both men stand up and SVD extends a hand, Nikky shakes and then SVD leaves, the crowd cheering for both. Nikky shrugs and pumps his fists in the air a few times before making his exit. Tyler is dragged to the back while Beth gets her titles and crawls away. We go around the back of the arena now getting a shot of the back door, the parking area, looking for Mack, but nothing big going on, so back to the ring we go and time for our second match, so Nick Miller makes the announcement.

"The folowing match is scheduled for one fall!"

The lights go dim, as A NEW DAY begins playing on the speaker system. Jordan Helmsley walks down the ramp and he looks focused and ready to compete. Nick Miler announces him to the ring.

"From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 235 lbs............Jordan Helmsley!"

The booing from the crowd is being heard, but Jordan ignores them. Instead, Jordan climbs and slides across the apron. Jordan climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and starts mouthing off words to the crowd. Of course, the crowd would mouth words off back to Jordan who jumped off the middle turnbuckle and entered the wrestling ring. YOU'RE GOING DOWN hits the pa system, but no Chris Orton show up, so his music keeps playing and Nick announces him anayways.

"And his opponent, from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion...........Chris Orton!"

A pop for his name, but no one comes out still. Some dude does run out, some unknown who works off camera and he heads around the ring for Nick and tells him something, then heads to the back as Nick announces.

"Due to the attack Chris Orton suffered earlier he is not able to show up here tonight!"

Boos fil the arena and Nick speaks again.

"We all thought he may show which is why the match was left alone, but apparently he decided he couldn't make it at the last minute, so with that folks, her eis your winner of the match by forfeit........Jordan Helmsley!"

More boos fill the arena now as Jordan smirks and shrugs it off. The fans are pissed off, a small Orton Sucks chants begins, but fades out quick, still they all do boo. Jordan heads up the aisle acting all smug when MACK comes bolting from the curtain charging down and nails him with SMOKED slamming Jordasn to the floor. The crowd stunned at first now blow the fucking roof off the place with cheers as MACK stands up looking around pissed. He yanks up Jordan into a bearhug and runs to the ring heading for the post and sams him backforst against it, then rips around slamming Jordan to the floor. MACK rolls in the ring as the crowd keeps cheering and he calls for a mic getting and raises it on up. The crowd show him respect letting him speak.

"Tonight I went through far fucking worse than Chris Orton, I watched my best friend die yet here I fucking am ready to kick some ass, so fuck you Chris, fuck you Midnight and fuck your worthless daughter Megan or Ravenna or whoever she is now!"

He throws down the mic and the crowd in shock after what MACK said, his best friend died, what? Julie...where is she? Is she dead? The crowd cheers MACK on though and he stands ready to fucking fight, so Nick makes the announcement for the main event.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event and it is a handicapped-"

Nick is cut off by COLORS hitting the pa and our walks a new roster addition, but kinda famiiar face, Gabriel. The crowd unsure of how to react kinda cheers him as he heads for the ring, rolls in and stands up getting a mic. He stands in fromt of MACK and says.

"Look man, your probably in the mindset to take out any number of people, hell, Midnight and Ravenna may need my help more. I am stepping up though. I wish there was not an open spot in this match and Mack, I am sorry for what happened to Julie, SEF has lost too many greats recently and you got hit worse of all. Tonight I want the opportrunity to fight with Mack and show the world what SEF is about!"

Cheers from the crowd and Mack just snatches the mic and says.

"FINE...just don't get in my fucking way!"

He tosses the mic down and Gabriel holds his hands up, then turns side to side with him as Nick Miller now makes the announcement.

"Alright, well ladies and gentlemen, our main event is a tag team match and it is scheduled for one fall! In the ring now at a combined weight of 504 pounds.........Gabriel and MACK!"

A loud cheer for the two, especially for MACK and then boos when ANGEL'S HOLOCAUST hits the pa and out walks Midnight and Ravenna. The ladies stand side by side staring down at the ring as Nick announces them.

"And their opponents at a combined weight of 350 pounds, they are the Dark Shadow Society...........Midnight and Ravenna Crow!"

They walk down the aisle taking their time, Gabriel starts to jump some to warm up, MACK staying still and showing his patience. Once at ringside the ladies just stare in the ring, Midnight focuses on MACK getting a weird look in her eyes when seeing his eyes. She seems almost confused, in awe of what she sees. MACK suddenly springs forward and dives through the ropes with a double clothesline taking both women down and the crowd pops loud. He egts up and yanks Midnight to her feet sending her into the guard rail, then pulls up Ravenna and rolls her in the ring. He goes to get in, but Gabriel drops a knee to Ravenna's head and the ref declares him legal forcing Maack to a corner. He looks agiated, but just stands up there. Midnight comes to and goes around to her corner as Gabriel has Ravenna in a corner and buries a shoulder to her ribs. Gabriel pulls her out and looks for a powerbomb, but Ravenna leaps up off his shoulder jumping down behind him. Gabriel tuirns and gets a spinning kick to the head going down. Ravenna crawls over to her corner making the tag and in comes Midnight kicking Gabriel in the head, then rips him up and nails an sto on him. She moves behind applying a sleeper wrenching it on hard, snarling as she tightens her grip. She looks at Mack yelling for him to come in and he just keeps his arm out for a tag. Gabriel fights to stay awake, tries to reach out for ropes, but not near enough. He fights up on his knees elbowing Midnight in the ribs, then gets to his feet charging away, but Midnight grabs his hair slamming Gabriel to the mat. She stomps on his head, then runs to the ropes and comes back for a leg drop. Gabriel rolls out of the way and gets up diving at her with a clothesline, then gets up pulling Midnight up, whips her to the ropes and leaps up for a shoulderblock. Midnight ducks out of the way letting him hit the mat and jumps on his back hitting crossfaces to the side of his head. She pulls Gabriel up looking for a reverse ddt, but he spins around and lfits Midnight up launching her to the mat on her stomach. Gabriel turns and dives making the tag and in comes MACK. Midnight tries to get up, but Mack helps her and runs her into a corner smashing her into it, her own corner and Mack knocks Ravenna off the apron with a hard ebow, then drags Midnight out looking for a suplex. Gabriel runs in behind him and clips the back of Mack's knee bring him down some. Gabriel springs off the ropes and kicks him in the head now, the crowd turning instantly booing him heavy. He waits for Mack to get back up and hits him with a spear, then yanks up Mack and nails The Message on him. Gabriel backs up to the ropes as Midnight goes to the top rope. Mack pulls himself up and she flies off the Decapitator nailing Mack and quickly covers him hooking his leg, 1.......................2......................3! The crowd is livid with this, trash is flung into the ring as Gabriel just steps over Mack and Midnight stands up by him while Nick announces the end resuts barely heard over the loud boos.

"Here are your winners of the match............Midnight and Ravenna Crow!"

ANGEL'S HOLOCAUST plays and Ravenna is in the ring standing by Midnight, the two raise their arms up in victory. Gabriel is on his knees right by Mack staring at him and smiles sickly, then starts punchying him in the head and he gets up pulling Mack up and nails him with The Message again garnering more boos and more trash being thrown, soda containers, crumpled up flyers, any trash found is tossed. Midnight and Ravenna just eye Gabriel who finally looks at them and motions to Mack showing why he did what he did, for his own career. With the crowd hot about what happened we hear A NEW LEVEL play as the show wraps up and Nick Miller signs is off.

"Big, big, big impact here by Gabriel costing Mack a match, allowing Midnight to get a huge win, probably her biggest in her career, but it was tainted. Bigger news is Julie as I was told during this match what happened involving her. She is indeed dead, just a few hours before the show is when it happened. Her and Mack on their way in and at a stoplight a vehice sammed into them trying to make it through before it wnet red. They lost control and slammed into the stopped car hitting Julie's side and that's it. I don't know what this means for all of us, especially Mack, but for myself, I'll miss her. I am sorry to be the deliverer of bad news and we'll see ya all next week for Extreme, be safe folks and goodnight."

The cameras roam around the arena, the fans pissed off and the ring littered with trash, the wrestlers cleared ou tof it now and the show now ends fading to black.

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