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universal6 star tag team

Cool Jay keeps the Coastal Connection

Started by Taylor Andrews, February 08, 2016, 12:18:32 PM

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Taylor Andrews

So a good number of wrestlers are showing up to claim their stake in the SEF rumble with two members of the Coastal Connection included in that, but right now we find all four members sitting back in a locker room sort of in a circle with each other. Mesa on a bench in his ring gear with the Arabian headgear on his head. Ruemash on a metal chair to Mesa's right while Cool Jay Lou is on a chair to Mesa's left and across from the Arabian knight is Bill Roberts on a chair. They all sport their ring gear and seem focused on their own path to the top, but have a mutual understanding no matter who comes out the victor. Jay speaking first.

"This is big time for sure boys, this is our moment to capture what has eluded us, what has been taken from our path. I am excited for this rumble, its gonna be off the chart!"

They all nod in agreement with Bill saying.

"I hear you Jay, all four of us and a slew of others who have been held back as well, plus we have a few names that were pushed ahead when they didn't earn it, so things are going to be very interesting, but incredibly hard on this road to Wrestle X."

Mesa says.

"One thing for sure, the Coastal Connection does not disconnect. We fight everyone cause its everyone for themselves. We unite to earn these opportunities, then break ground by kick each other's asses, like I been doing to Jay our whole lives!!"

Mesa with a bit of a sarcastic grin getting everyone to laugh a little with Jay saying.

"Yea, yea, but I still won singles gold before you, hell, within a month of my debut in SEF and I was North American Champion, never forget that moment."

They nod like they get it and Mesa shrugs while Ruemash says.

"Big night boys, its huge and I cannot wait for this rumble. My biggest challengers are sitting here with me now and I couldn't be happier that we are all here together..."

Ruemash stares at them all with a smile that turns to a smug smirk and Bill says.

"But, there is a but coming, so spill it."

Ruemash says.

"Yea, well, its going to be a lot of fun kick your asses. You and I Bill, we have had battles since we both came here and there is no better match than you and I, I believe. Maybe you and I against Jay and Mesa, now that tag team match would steal any show, including Wrestle X. But no tags on Anarchy of WAR or the Wrestle X main event. Its a epic showdown and if not me, by god, then one of you, one of us needs to end Mack's run and let him go, set him free. I just am not about to do it for him, but for me because he has what we all want, what I damn sure want so bad that I would disconnect from you guys to get it. As champion you have to be disconnected to a degree, but I'll never forget you guys or the memories we shared in and out of the ring. Been a long ride to get here boys and there are no regrets, so its gonna be a fun rumble, oh yes, its gonna crazy fun!!"

They all nod and Bill says.

"Damn, couldn't have said that better Rob, but I will have to show you better in that ring when it is I who wins it all!"

Jay says.

"I'll be sure to fly over and kick ya out of the rumble myself, so it is the Cool Jay Lou who takes on Mack at Wrestle X."

Mesa nodding no and pats Jay on the shoulder saying with a bit of sarcasm.

"You just watch my back and I'll keep you around until we are the final two, then you can leap ou-"

Jay cuts him off.

"No way dude, that gimmick is over."

They share a laugh and Ruemash says.

"Its gonna be fun this year. Guys, no matter what, the Coastal Connection breathes new life into SEF and the World Heavyweight Championship is coming home."

The steel city warrior nodding to his friends, then stands up and says.

"I have to go take care of something, but I'll see you in the ring and after the show for a celebration or in a worst case scenario, a few drinks to mourn a loss!!"

Ruemash exits the room leaving Jay and Mesa to talk with Bill as Anarchy of WAR cuts to a commercial break.

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