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Wrestling Promotion => Saturday Night SEF TV Event Promos => SEF TV Event Archives => Topic started by: NBD on March 15, 2014, 11:33:22 AM

Title: Glory & Gold {7/4/10}
Post by: NBD on March 15, 2014, 11:33:22 AM

July 4th, 2010

SEF opens up inside the Freedom Hall in Louisville Kentucky with an American flag hanging high above the ring and then mass amounts of pyro shoot off in the arena lighting the place up, then Rage Against The Machine's FREEDOM vcomes over the speakers inciting these fans to really cut loose and go nuts for SEF's first pay per view since Wrestle X! Cameras roam all over the place and the fans, every one of them are already screaming loud and chanting for the man they want to see, for the man who carries the whole fucking show and that's no rip off, that's a fucking shoot!


The crowd turns to boos when POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME is heard and out struts Lacey wearing her TV Title and holding her arms to show herself as being royal or something while Nick makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will receive a title shot! Introducing first from Calgary Alberta Canada, weighing in at one hundred twenty five pounds, she is the SEF Television Champion..........Lacey Daniels!

She heads down the aisle and rubs her title confidently, slightly cocky of course and climbs the ring steps, teases going over the middle rope and once again under it inciting major heat from the males. Lacey unstraps her title and goes up the nearest turnbuckles showing off her gold to a lot of boos. She hops down and TAINTED WORLD blasts through the speakers, and Strife walks out wasting no time.  He walks in with just a  black and blue hoody on and his wrestling shorts. He makes his way down the ramp slapping the hands of a few fans, but staying more focused on the ring as Nick introduces him.

Now making his way out here, weighing in at two hundred twenty five pounds..........Strife!

He rolls into the ring and walks to the middle of the ring, he looks around him, a blank expression on his face, and cracks his neck.  He removes his hoody, and then kneels in the ring, waiting for the match to start. The crowd cheers for him a little bit, mostly since Lacey is his opponent and the bell now rings. Strife and Lacey move in towards the middle of the ring and Strife motions for a lock up. Lacey shoots in quick with a kick to his ribs, then buries her elbow into his jaw several times before pulling Strife into a facelock and twisting over with a snap in almost a modified swinging neckbreaker. She jumps up and stomps on his face, then drops down applying a headscissors. Strife swings at her legs and twists around on to his knees and shoots up causing Lacey to let go a little. Strife flips over into a jacknife pin almost, but Lacey rocks out quickly and both scramble to their feet quickly going for a lock up. Lacey buries a knee into Strife's ribs, then tries for an irish whip, but Strife reverse sending her into the ropes and looks to follow up with Nomad's Ballista, but Lacey ducks under him and comes around from behind with a chick kick to the side of his head, then she grabs Strife and nails a snap suplex on him, flips backwards sitting on him and nails some elbows to his face. Lacey moves off him and rolls Strife to his stomach, pounds on his back with fists, then tries locking him Eyes Wide Open. Strife keeps her hands from locking and pulls her left hand down biting it. Lacey yanks away and Strife pulls himself up. Lacey gets up and Strife charges over for a spear, but Lacey leapfrogs him, then waits for him to turn and stand and looks for the Sugar Kiss. Strife grabs her foot and yanks her forward nailing a hard clothesline dropping Lacey to the mat. He then yanks her up and nails No Destiny and now climbs to the top turnbuckle nearest and leaps off with a splash staying on for a pin, ONE..................TWO...........Lacey kicks out. Strife shoots up and stomps on her, then puls her up from behind trying to lock on a full nelson. Lacey struggles to keep free, but Strife gets his finger slocked and now archs back into a dragon suplex bridging for a pin, ONE.................TWO..........Lacey kicks out. Strife gets up showing a little frustration, but focuses on Lacey with some kicks to her back, then sits her up and applies a sleeper hold. Lacey flails around trying to get up, but Strife gets his legs around her in a body scissors and pulls back trying to squeeze the life out of her. The fans ar behind Strife and lacey rolls around trying to get to the ropes, not very far from them either. Strife hold son though and Lacey starts to fade a little when Dusty O'Bannon comes running down to boos and hops up on the apron acting like she is coming in the ring. The ref spots her and goes over to keep her out and lacey is trying to reach for the ropes, but her arm falls and she appears out of it. Jade Hart and Hayden Smith come from the crowd now and run into the ring behind the referees back, but Strife seeing them lets Lacey go and jumps up to get a kick from Hayden and slapped across the face. He spins around and charges at Jade nailing her with Nomad's Ballista and she rolls out to the floor. Hayden nails Strife with a kick to his back, then pulls him back for the Bulldog Bite. Strife twists around and counters with almost a northern lights suplex, but drops Hayden over the top rope to the floor on top of Jade. The crowd is cheering loud now and Lacey is coming back to consciousness when Strife runs over towards Dusty who drops down and backs up the aisle, the ref ordering her to the back and she goes. Strife turns and gets caught with a clothesline from hell by Lacey who now jumps on him for the pin, ONE...............TWO.......Strife kicks out. Lacey pulls him up and nails Pucker Up, then locks on Eyes Wide Open arching back on his neck as much as she can. The crowd boos and tries to rally on Strife to break free and he tries. Strife reaches out and pulls hi sbody slowly to the ropes, but the hold is latched on tight and he now begins to fade. He fights it though and pulls himself to the ropes just barely touching the bottom with his fingertips when Jade pulls herself and pulls the bottom rope away from Strife. The crowd boos loud and the ref comes over ordering Jade away and to the back and sees Hayden telling her to get out of here as well. The crowd cheers for that and Lacey now rolls from the ring grabbing her TV Title, then rolls back in and looks to smash Strife in the face as he gets up. She charges and Strife ducks, then grabs her in a waistlock and executes a german suplex bridging into a pin and the ref turns dropping to count, ONE....................TWO.............Lacey kicks out and the crowd boos. Strife stays on her and pounds on Lacey's back, then pulls her up in a side headlock looking for a bulldog. Lacey stops and shoves him to the ropes, nails a chick kick to the sid eof his head putting him down, then runs up the nearest turnbuckles and flies off with the Sugar Rush and goes for the pin on Strife, ONE..................TWO............Strife kicks out to cheers. Lacey shoots up and looks ready to nails the Sugar Kiss. Strife gets up and Lacey executes it, but Strife ducks it and grabs Lacey's head and right arm rolling her into a small package pin, ONE...............TWO...............THREE! The bell rings and the crowd cheers pretty loud as Strife jumps up shooting his arms high and Nick announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match and he will receive a a shot at the SEF TV Title next Sunday on Extreme.............Strife!

The crowd keeps cheering and TAINTED WORLD is heard playing now as Strife heads up the turnbuckles raising his arms in the air, but Lacey grabs her title and runs up behind him slamming it to his back, then yanks him down to the mat and grabs his legs turning him over and locks in Sweet N Low. Lacey gets the hold cinched in and then uses her right hand to grab the ropes for leverage and Strife yells in pain as the crowd boos loud. The ref tries to pull her off and soon security comes in to pull her off and keeps her back. lacey gets her title and exits now, but while in the aisle she raises her title high and yells.


And then she makes her way to the back as Strife tries to get out of the ring and go after her, but security holds him back to save the fight for next week. He's soon escorted from the ring and we move along with the show and once again the crowd is wanting Mack, but has to wait and Nick now makes the introduction for the next match.

The following is an over the top rope battle royal with the winner receiving a shot at the International Title in two weeks on Extreme!

SWEET INNOCENCE begins to play.  The tron starts out with an anime style open, think wide eyed school girl with dark hair. She walks across the screen slow motion before she opens her mouth in a silent scream a crowd of guys get nose bleeds. There is a blinding flash and Jade pops up from the floor like she's shot from a cannon, except she's not facing the ring.  She does a jumping spin kick before pumping her fist in the air yelling.

Come On!

Nick now introduces her.

Now making her way to the ring from Edmonton Alberta Canada, weighing in at one hundred twenty pounds.........Jayden Hartley!

She runs down and slides under the bottom rope, does a kip up, and runs up the turnbuckles to the top rope. She points to a black arm band before posing with both arms in the air.  She does a moonsault off the top landing on her feet before spinning to wait for her opponents. A trail of blood colored drops fall from the rafters as the arena darkens and BLACK SABBATH plays over the pa. Vlad comes walking out of the darkness of the curtain surrounded by a mist and the crowd boos a little as he just heads down the aisle and Nick announces him.

Making his way to the ring from Wallachia Romania, weighing in at two hundred seventy five pounds.........Vlad!

He gets to the ring and steps on to the apron, then pulls the top rope down some and steps over it just staring across the ring ready to kill. We now hear LET'S GO hit the pa and out comes Ash  pumping a fist in the air as Nick introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Dalla Texas, weighing in at two hundred thirty five pounds...........Ash Silva!

He heads down the aisle and slaps the hands of a few fans, then slides into the ring and stands up eyeing Vlad. DIVA is now heard playing and the crowd boos as three quarters of the Dynasty Divas walk out strutting around and prancing like they own the place while Nick introduces them.

Making their way to the ring now, weighing in together at three hundred sixty five pounds, they represent the Dynasty Divas...........Jade Hart, Hayden Smith, and Dusty O'Bannon!

The three girls head down the aisle snubbing the booing fans and climb into the ring now staring a hole through Jayden. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN plays over the pa and now and the crowd boos as Sterling makes his way out looking disgusted at the crowd and just walks to the ring as Nick introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Miami Florida, weighing in at two hundred fifteen pounds...........Mr Sterling!

He heads to the ring and climbs in just looking at his peers, his competitors and MY WAY begins to play.  A British flag shows on the screen then it explodes with the song picking up into Sid Viscious' trade mark wail.  Several wrestling clips including a few very bloody Tai Pei Death Matches in Asia and hardcore matches that see a masked wrestler with fur lined boots pinning opponents under the Tower of London in London, England, on the banks of the Thames river after he's practically drowned his opponent, and again in another scene in the highlands of Scotland.  Finally it focuses on Windsor Castle and the royal guard.  As the camera zooms out the form of Drew Fox is standing in jeans, black sunglasses, and a Sex Pistols 'Anarchy in the Uk' shirt. His arms are crossed.  When Sid Viscious says I wanna be anarchy and it goes into a instrumental riff with Sid and Johnny Rotten making gagging sounds Drew comes out.  He raises his arms in the air, hands both clenched into fists. Nick now introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Berkshire England, weighing in at two hundred forty five pounds..........Andrew Fox!

He's wearing blue pleather shorts, blue ring boots, and blue kickpads/knee pads.  The gear has an air brushed somewhat tattered Union Jack flag, a were wolf, and Fox on them.  He has a black armband that says 'Forever Fox.'  He comes out to the ring, wipes his foot on the apron before getting in the ring.  He holds his fists in the air again before going to the top rope.  He points to the arm band, then beats his chest three time, before pointing to the sky.  He hops down to the turnbuckle and just does a yelling growl thing. Drew stands near Ash now and the entrance flashes yellow and red  then suddenly WHO'S YOUR DADDY begins to play pver the pa and out walks Joe to boos as Nick introduces him

Making his way to the ring from St Louis Missouri, weighing in at two hundred eighteen pounds.......Joe Daddy!

More boos and Joe just walks down with an arrogant smile  and soon climbs into the ring. We now hear SPELLBOUND hit the pa and no one comes from the entrance, but Bethany is spotted walking through the crowd with some security keeping free of the booing fans as Nick introduces her.

Making her way to the ring from Salem Massachuessetts, weighing in at one hundred thirty pounds...........Bethany Jinx!

She soon hops the guard rail and slides into the ring, stands up and looks at everyone with a nasty look. ANXIETY by the Black Eyed Peas now hits the pa and out comes Taryn waving to the fans and look dead into the ring as Nick introduces her.

Making her way to the ring from Berkshire England, weighing in at one hundred fifteen pounds........Taryn Fox!

She comes down the aisle slaps hands with some fans, then climbs into the ring and stands with her stable mates Ash and Drew. The sound of LIKE THE ANGELS hits the pa. The lights, which have dimmed, begin to light silver and slowly fade out along with the beat, as smoke comes out over the entrance. Once the chorus begins, about 25 seconds into the song, Johnny walks through the curtain, his swagger slow and cocky and the crowd just booing loud as ever. He stands within the smoke, loosening himself up, before walking down the ramp and Nick Miller introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring, from Newport Beach California, weighing in at two hundred twenty eight pounds.........Johnny Camaro!

He stops about mid-way down the ramp, and spreads his legs apart, and throws his arms in the air, forming a diamond, as pyro flies up behind him. the pyro finishes, he smirks, and walks down the ramp, hops up on the apron and steps into the ring. BROKEN DREAMS now plays and out walks Lucas, Knox, and Riot to boos as Nick introduces them.

Now making their way to the ring, weighing in together at seven hundred eighty five pounds, they represent Shattered Reality...........Lucas Rodgers, Knox O'Bannon, and Riot O'Bannon!

More boos and the three head down the aisle sliding in the ring and stand with the Dynasty Divas now. The bell rings and those six stand against the side of the ring by the aisle unified. Ash, Andrew, and Taryn stand in a corner kind of across from them and Vlad makes the first move going for Drew backing him up some. Ash and Taryn pound on his back now and Johnny goes for Jayden thinking she's an easy target, but gets flapjacked on the top rope and Jade Hart now tackles Jayden into a corner. Joe runs at Lucas now, but gets stopped by Knox and Riot and all three now toss Joe ou tof the ring. Sterling jumps Lucas from behind and throws him into a corner kicking at him while bethany tangles with Hayden and Dusty. Sterling is jumped on from behind by Knox and Riot while Johnny comes over kicking Taryn in the knee, then whips her to the ropes and leaps up for a calf kick. Taryn ducks it and lets him drop, then pulls up Johnny and tries for a snap suplex, but gets countered with a with a suplex, but dropped on her stomach. Jayden punches Jade off her and Shady Smack comes running down the aisle to a huge pop now and slides into the ring. Johnny is up and Shady runs at him with a kick to the knee, bites his leg and now runs for the ropes. Johnny chases and Shady slides out escaping as Johnny stops at the ropes, but from Jayden grabs hi slegs and dumps him out to the floor. Shady nails a dropkick on him, then gets on Johnny's back and rides him like a horse. He leaps up on Johnny's back and does crotch chops, then takes off running to the back and Johnny chases him, the crowd loving this and chanting.


Jayden gets hammered by Jade now and Bethany is eliminated by Jayden and Dusty who now head over to help Jade. Vlad is sent over the top rope finally and Taryn comes to Jayden's aid while Ash and Drew head over to take care of Riot and Knox allowing Lucas and Sterling to go head to head, least for now. Hayden fights Taryn into a corner while Jayden kicks Jade back, then lifts Dusty up in a body slamming tossing her over the top rope. Dusty hangs on to her and almost drags her out allowing Jade to lift Jayden's legs and send her out with Dusty. Jade now comes over to help Hayden againgst Taryn. Sterling is holding his own in a slugfest with Lucas despite being triple teamed earlier and Ash has Riot in another corner burying a shoulder to his ribs. Drew sends Knox into the ropes and looks for a belly to belly suplex, but gets a headbutt and staggers back against the ropes. Knox charges for a big boot, but Drew ducks letting him get hung up over the top rope. Drew then nails a dropkick on him sending Knox out to the floor. Ash whips Riot out of the corner and to Drew who catches him with a quick powerslam to the mat, then pops up and drops a knee to his head. Jade and Hayden have Taryn up on the top turnbuckle trying to push her out and Drew now lifts up Riot sending him to the ropes and Ash is on him with a clothesline flipping Riot over. He lands on the apron though and pokes a thumb to Ash's eye, but Drew rushes over with a spear through the ropes sending Riot down to the floor. Sterling ends up dropping Lucas an sto and gets up grabbing Drew and tosses him over the top rope to the floor getting booed for it. Lucas is getting up and Sterling grabs Ash looking to toss him over the top rope, but gets a kick to the ribs and nailed with a roundhouse kick. Ash then drops Sterling with a release german suplex and gets up to catch a boot to the face from Lucas who runs over lending a hand to Hayden and Jade sending Taryn out to the floor. The three now stand together as Ash and Sterling get up. Lucas runs at Ash kicking him in the ribs, then rips him up in a corner choking him while Jade and Hayden jump on Sterling and pull him up forcing him against the ropes. They try lifting him over the ropes, but Sterling kicks Hayden away, then headbutts Jade and rips her up and over dumping her to the floor. Hayden clubs him in the back and tries hurling Sterling over the ropes. He kicks her away again and gets off the ropes charging into her with a spear. Sterling then runs at Lucas who moves letting Ash take a shoulder to his ribs. Lucas then pulls Sterling out of the corner and nails Total Meltdown on him. Lucas grabs Ash, but gets a kick to the ribs and lifted for a suplexed. Ash tries drop Lucas over the top rope, but Lucas grabs the rope and pulls himself down on the apron. He rakes Ash's eye that got thumbed earlier and tries to suplex him over to the floor, but Ash drops on the apron as well. Hayden comes running over and leaps up with a dropkick to Ash sending him down to the floor, but Sterling runs over delivering a shoulderblock to Lucas sending him down to the floor. He turns to hayden who turns with a kick to his ribs, then grabs Sterling in a facelock and drops back for a ddt. Sterling holds on to the ropes and Hayden slams to the mat, then he rips her up and nails the Stock Market Crash and lifts her back up and dumps Hayden over the ropes on to Lucas and the crowd boos as the bell rings. Nick now announces the winner as Sterling just smirks and motions a title around his waist.

Here is your winner of the battle royal and he will receives an International Title shot in two weeks on Extreme.............Mr Sterling!

More boos now and then we hear LADIES AND GENTLEMEN hit the pa as Sterling just exits the ring and heads to the back as the crowd begins to chant.


Everyone has cleared out and Nick readies for the next match when the tron lights up showing Johnny Camaro still chasing Shady Smack backstage and Shady runs out of the garage outside. Johnny comes out and from the side comes Shane Mack with his foot for Da Shows Ova, but stops short and slaps Johnny across the face instead. Johnny steps back some in shock and lunges at Mack for a punch. Mack ducks it and moves forward, Johnny turns and BAM...he gets Da Shows Ova this time and laid out on the ground. A crowd of fans outside who didn't get tickets for the show cheer insanely loud seeing Mack, especially seeing him own Johnny. Shady comes over and does crotch chop to Johnny, then he and Mack head inside as the view goes back to ringside where the fans in the arena are cheering loud for Mack as well. The lights all dim as black fog like mist fills the arena. BLACK MASS begins to play. Knighthawk walks through the fog with a blank look in his eyes staring down his opponent in the ring and Nick now makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the vacant SEF International Championship! Making his way to the ring from London England, weighing in at two hundred forty five pounds.......Knighthawk!

He rolls under the ropes as the fans boo. PRAYER begins to play. When the bassline kicks in pyro goes off in a row across the entry ramp with one dropping from the ceiling like a bomb.  Justin comes running out, pauses, then rips off his Oilers jersey and hat showing their autographed, then tosses them to the crowd.  He then makes his way down the aisle as Nick introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring, from Dallas Texas, weighing in at two hundred fifty pounds..........Justin Rodgers!

Justin climbs the steps and gets in the ring, then he goes to the top rope. Justin turns kinda old school Bret Hart except he's pointing.  He finally slips from the ring, finds a little kid who is cheering for him and pulls off his wrist band that is half Canadian Maple Leaf and half Old Glory.  He slips it onto the kid's arm, then turns and slides under the bottom rope.  He's fired up and he raises his arm in the middle of the ring yelling "Come On."  He removes his shirt and he has a black arm band that says "Forever Fox"  He touches it before slapping his chest three times before pointing up to the sky. Justin then bounces back and forth on the balls of his feet before dropping into a crouch waiting. The bell rings and Knighthawk charges over at him, but Justin ducks and lets him run into a corner. Knighthawk stops himself and turns only to get a savate kick to the ribs, then justin jams an elbow into Knighthawk's back and rips him up delivering a piledriver, then goes for the pin, ONE..................TWO.........Knighthawk kicks out. Justin applies an armbar on him and Knighthawk fights up, reaches for Justin's hair, but gets warned not to do that by the ref. Knighthawk backs Justin up to the ropes where he lets go and the ref orders them apart. Knighthawk slaps Justin and steps back and Justin rushes out with a shoulderblock sending Knighthawk down. He stomps on him aggressively and picks up Knighthawk hitting a european uppercut on him causing Knighthawk to spin around. Justin grabs him in a full nelson and nails the JHR on him, then kneels up and grabs Knighthawk in a waistlock pulling him up and executes a german suplex, holds on and rolls up and nails another, then rolls up while holdong still and tries for another. Knighthawk hooks his right leg on Justin's, then elbows him a few times. Justin lets go and staggers back, then Knighthawk turns and charges, but Justin sidesteps and brings him down into Forever Fox locking it in tight and arching back hard on his head and neck. Knighthawk screams and reaches out, the ropes a foot or two away and Justin ripping away on him. Knighthawk tries to pull himself over, but has enough and taps out bringing the crowd to cheers and the bell now rings. Justin lets go and kneels up as Nick announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match and new SEF International Champion............Justin Rodgers!

We hear PRAYER hit the pa now and Justin is on his feet with arms held high. The ref then brings the title over and Justin is handed the title and he drops to his knees, hugging the belt to himself.  He looks up at the ceiling and shouts.


He climbs out of the ring and walks over to where his family is.  The girls are crying.  Matt gives him a one arm man hug.  The girls hug and cry over him as the Tarnished Legacy come out to celebrate.  Justin picks up his little cousin and takes her into the ring.  He drapes the title over her shoulder and picks her up and puts her up on the shoulder.  She holds up the title crying for her Mommy and Daddy, and baby brother. The crowd is cheering Justin on and he soon gets lifted up by Ash and Drew and paraded around a little. After a bit of a celebration they all exit the ring and head back to their seats as tarnished Legacy hugs them and heads to the back. The ring crew gets busy taking the ropes down on the side of the ring by the aisle and the ropes opposite of that side while stringing electric wire on the remaining ropes. Some other guys get the beds of death out here and carry the sheets of glass seperately laying them over the top. They lay two by fours strapped with c4 all over the ring and set a twenty foot ladder up at the end of the aisle. A loop is lowered down over the ring and the referee for the match stands next to it as Nick stays outside the ring and makes the annoucnement now.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following is tonight's main event and it is a Japanese Deathmatch where the only way to win is to retreive the title suspended twenty feet above the ring and the title on the line is the SEF World Heavyweight Championship!

Huge cheers for this and the crowd chanting loud for Mack, they want him out here bad when the sound of LIKE THE ANGELS hits the pa. The lights, which have dimmed, begin to light silver and slowly fade out along with the beat, as smoke comes out over the entrance. Once the chorus begins, about 25 seconds into the song, Johnny walks through the curtain, his swagger slow and cocky and the crowd just booing loud as ever. He stands within the smoke, loosening himself up, before walking down the ramp and Nick Miller introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring, from Newport Beach California, weighing in at two hundred twenty eight pounds, he is the SEF Hardcore Champion.........Johnny Camaro!

He stops about mid-way down the ramp, and spreads his legs apart, and throws his arms in the air, forming a diamond, as pyro flies up behind him. the pyro finishes, he smirks, and walks down the aisle and carefully moves around the ladder and the bed of death looking intimidated by it and hops into the ring strutting around, the crowd booing him loud as ever, some trash even thrown in at him when the lights dim down to the equivilant of a full moon over a field of snow as SLAVE TO THE GRIND blasts over the pa and the crowd roars with cheers. Mack steps out grinning, looking cocky as usual and slaps the World Title around his waist while Nick Miller introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, he weighs in at two hundred twenty nine pounds and is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion, he is...........Shane Mack!

More cheers are heard, the fans showing the utmost respect for Mack who simply shows no care to any of it as he swaggers down the aisle with his arms out motioning for all to embrace who is good to be. Mack just slides under the ladder with a smirk and moves around the bed of death as to not break the glass, yet, and hops up on the apron and dances into the ring, circles around and does a pose ala HBK, pops up and does a crotch chop before getting ready to perform. The crowd is fully behind him and Mack hands the World Title to the ref now who holds it up high, takes the Hardcore Title from Johnny, then straps both to the loop which raises up to its position. The bell rings and the ref gets out of the ring as Johnny lunges across the ring, but Mack ducks and grabs his legs lifting Johnny up and dropping back with a flapjack on to the ropes. Johnny springs off electricuted and Mack grabs him in a waistlock executing a release german suplex on to some c4 burning his back. Johnny rolls around in pain and Mack gets up stomping on his ribs, then rips up Johnny moving him to the edge of the ring with no ropes, lifts him up gutwrench style and turns dropping him with a powerbomb down into the bed of death. The glass shattering and another explosion from c4. Johnny screams loud and shoots up grabbing the ring apron, blood flows from his back. Mack grabs him by the hair helping Johnny up and right into a piledriver on to some c4 burning his forehead. Mack rolls off the ring and walks acros sthe bed of death to the ladder folding it up and tosses it into the ring. He heads back and hops up on the apron, then grabs the ladder turning it upside down and rams it into Johnny's ribs a few times. Mack then turns it back around and stands the ladder up under the title. He pulls Johnny up who drops down and thrusts his left arm up out of desperation right into Mack's groin area. Mack slams a knee to his head and drops to his knes now in pain. He tries to get up when Johnny grabs a two by four and cracks it across Mack's back setting the c4 off and burning him. Mack falls to his stomach and Johnny slams the board across his back again breaking it in half. He rolls off the ring standing on the bed of death and pulls Mack over the edge in a facelock, steps back until Mack is almost off the ring and drops back with a ddt driving Mack facefirst into the bed of death. the crowd boos loud and Johnny sits up in pain, then puls himself up and on to the ring while Mack rolls over and blood flows from his forehead. He gets sat up and Johnny pulls himself up and heads up the ladder now. Mack pulls himself up into the ring and gets to his feet as Johnny is about halfway up the ladder. Mack heads up the other side now and moves quick as Johnny moves faster now. He gets to the top and Johnny tries to steady himself and reach up, but Mack gets there and fires a punch to his ribs, steps up more and hammers him in the head. Mack slams Johnny's head into the top of the ladder, then hooks his arm as if for a hip toss and steps up pulling Johnny up the ladder some launches them both through the air landing on other bed of death and causing a huge explosion as both men lay among the broken glass and barbed wire mess. The crowd cheer loud as hell and chant.


Mack landed on his stomach and head while Johnny hit on his back and both just lay there bloody messes. Mack stirs a little and pushes himself up and backwards leaning on the ring now, looks through the blood pouring down his face at Johnny twitching and screaming in pain. Mack tries to pull himself up on to the ring now and Johnny raises his arms, and rolls over trying to push himself up. Mack gets in the ring and crawls to the ladder which fell the other and lays with the top sticking out of the ring. Mack uses it to pull himself up, but drops to his knees once before getting to his feet finally. Johnny uses the ring to pull himself up now and Mack pulls the ladder upright under the title, then turns charging back at Johnny who pulls himself on the edge of the ring now. Mack hits him hard with Smoked and rips him back into the bed of death, no explosion as its where they landed already, but Johnny screams from the pain of the barbed wire and tacks and whatnot digging into already open wounds. Mack pulls himself up and stomps on Johnny's chest, then pulls him up and delivers a piledriver on a fresh spot of the bed causing an explosion and a whole new mess for Johnny's head which bleeds now. Mack pulls himself up into the ring and Johnny lays in the bed of death bleeding. Mack just looks to the ladder and up at the title, then looks back at Johnny and drags the ladder over some before climbing up the rungs. The crowd is cheering, but unsure of his intentions as the ladder isn't under the title. Mack gets up to the top and steadies himself with complete balance, then flies off and aims with his elbow planting X beauitfully into the chest of Johnny Camaro. Mack gets cut up more from the bed of death and Johnny rolls over clutching his chest. Mack rolls off the bed of death on to the arena floor and the whole fucking Freedom Hall chants loud.


Mack pushes himself up on a guard rail and the fans maul each other to get at him and he just smirks as Johnny now stirs up to his knees and tries to get back in t he ring. Mack runs on to the bed of death and leaps into the ring stomping on Johnny's hand. He then reaches down pulling Johnny by the hair, but gets a kick to the groin area this time instead of a punch. Mack buckles at the knees and Johnny takes advantage looking for the Heartbreak Hangover. Mack counters with a swinging neckbreaker and holds his groin in pain. Johnny pushes himself up and Mack starts to get up, then quickly wraps his legs around Johnny's neck and right arm applying the Show Strangla on him tightening up quick and holding good. Johnny kicks his legs and tries thrashing out of the hold, but Mack has him held. Johnny tries flipping over to get free, but Mack rolls with it. Johnny then tries to rip Mack up in the air, but can't muster up the strength and thrashes a bit before finally he begins to fade out. Mack shows extreme passion in his eyes highlighted through his bloody face. Johnny grabs at Mack's legs trying to claw at him almost, he punches, but weak punches as he fades out and soon shows not much signs of life besides breathing and blood still coming from the cuts on his back. Mack lets him go and kicks Johnny in the head rolling him over, then does a kip up like HBK and stomps on Johnny's forehead. he lifts Johnny up slapping him in the face, then turns sideways and BAM...Da Shows Ova sends Johnny backwards and suddenly the ring explodes throwing Mack backwards on to some c4 exploding on his back and a huge cloud of smoke and fire comes from the ring as it collapses and the ladder tumbles over landing across Mack. This means its been thirty minutes so far and the match ain't over. Mack stirs and pushes the ladder off him, then uses it to pull himself up. Johnny lays in the bed of death pretty well out, though he does blink his eyes open. Mack gets up and pulls the ladder up under the title, but it stands tilted due to the ring being uneven now, so Mack kicks a two by four around and uses it to balance out the ladder. He then looks up and begins climbing as Johnny is moving his head and looks up in the ring seeing Mack. He tries to pull himself up now and Mack just pulls himself up the ladder rung by rung fairly steadily. Johnny gets sat up and grabs the ring apron pulling himself on to his knees, the pain so bad he collapses his face on the mat. Mack gets close to the top and Johnny looks up, then pulls himself into the ring and falls on his face. Mack steps up to the second to top rung and reaches up with his left arm, but gets a sudden pain it seems and he drops it. He reaches with his right arm and unsnaps it yanking the World Title down almost letting it fall, then lays it on the ladder and unstraps the Hardcore Title. The crowd cheers loud as the bell rings and Nick annolunces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match and still your SEF World Heavyweight Champion.............Shane Mack!

Mack lifts the titles up as SLAVE TO THE GRIND belts out over the pa pumping these fans up even more and loud chants ring out through the Freedom Hall!


Mack lays the titles on the top of the ladder holding his left arm to his side and points out at everyone with his right index finger. He then grabs the titles and moves down the ladder as Johnny still lays on the mat. Mack gets down and drops to the mat, then looks down at Johnny and thrusts the titles high in the air in his right hand. The crowd is going nuts for him and Mack drops to his knees at Johnny's head, lets the titles go and slaps Johnny a bit to wake him, then grabs him under his left shoulder to help him up. Johnny uses the support to pull himself up too and looks at Mack wondering why he is helping, the crowd kinda confused by this and Mack extends his right hand once Johnny gets on his feet and says.

Don't let me down again!

Johnny looks humbled and shakes his hand, gives Mack a small hug as well and grabs raises his right arm in the air now pointing to Mack as the man. The crowd cheers loud for Mack who just rolls his eyes and smirks as Johnny reaches down grabbing the titles for Mack laying them on his shoulder and turns away exiting the ring and stumbling some he falls to his knees and Mack looks around at everone, before grabbing his titles and heading out of the ring while FREEDOM by Rage Against The Machine now plays. Mack tosses the Hardcore Title to Nick Miller and holds the World Title to his waist and turns backing up to some kid in the crowd letting him snap the title up for him. Mack turns and shakes his hand, then slaps hands with more people, shakes their hands while Johnny sits against a guard rail up the aisle and medics come out to look at him. He ends up almost passing out and they get him on a stretcher carrying him out as Mack continues to celebrate with his other peers, the fans and FREEDOM continues to play as pyro npw shoots off all over the arena and this night comes to an end now and the camera roaming around the arena fade to black.
