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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 198 {1/10/11}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 06:37:17 PM

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January 10th, 2011

Theme Song
Desire by Ozzy Osbourne

Kellog Arena in Battle Creek, Michigan

Singles Match
SEF North American Championship
Joe Dumar v. Chris Crest(c)

A good match that saw Joe hold his own on the mat and he had Chris reeling a bit. Relying more on his brawling and overwhelming Chris a bit Joe almost had Violent Impact, but got backdropped and then Hardcore Haz came from the crowd slamming his cane to Joe's back. The ref was turned when he did and Joe distracted by Haz as well now got taken down by Chris and eventually tapped out to The Shoot.

Winner: Chris Crest via Submission

Tag Team Match
Rick Reynolds & Rob Rocco v. Whitney Marret & Viper

Whitney and Rick started this with Rick getting real cocky, but paid for it quick. Whitney controlling the match for a while and Rob ends up coming in giving her a good fight. Whitney showing she still has it though, but gets caught with a kick through the ropes from Rick and taken down by Rob. They end up double teaming her quite a bit, ake a lot of quick tags and taunt Viper big time to lure him in and distract the ref. Whitney hangs on and almost gets the tag, but Thor runs out going fo Viper which brings out Corez and Xanthus. Viper gets in and goes on a rampage. Whitney recovers enough to take Rick out of the ring allowing Viper to put away Rob with the Unforgiven and pin him.

Winners: Whitney Marret & Viper via Pinfall

Non Title Singles Match
Thor v. Troy Storms

Thor jumping Storms early on really pounds away at the giant of a man and tries to wrestle him down to the mat with a bearhug. Storms has trouble, but gets to his feet and starts to fight off Thor. Ends up hitting Impaled to stop Thor's flow and looks for Walk the Line, but Rob runs out and yanks Storms foot out crotching him on the top rope.

Winner: Troy Storms via Disqualification

After that we see Rick come out and they kick at Storms, Thor hits the gore, then IX runs out, but the Triad run off through the cowd getting chased by Xanthus and Corez.

Non Title Triple Threat Tag Team Match
L.A. Jay & Mesa v. Xanthus & Corez v. Thrash & Slash

Just as wild as last weeks main event, but a few weapons included from Xanthus and Corez who use chairs, light tubes, and singapore canes. Jay and Mesa pull out a couple tables, but Slash ends up powerbombing Mesa through one on the floor. Corez holds off Thrash while Jay and Xanthus fly at each other a bit with some of their crazy offense. Jay misses his splash and gets hit with XXX given THC the win.

Winners: Xanthus & Corez via Pinfall

Singles Match
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Jason Price v. Nick Torres(c)

Torres starts off in control with a headlock and tries wearing down Price with a rear chinlock. He kept him grounded pretty good, but Price showed off his technician skills grounding Torres during the match too. He tried taking the legs out, but Torres just kept pushing harder and harder taking a whole new fight to Price. It was a tooth and nail fight, a classic match to the end which saw Price going for Price To Play, but Torres ducking it and ripping up Price for the Gangstas Edge and the win.

Winner: Nick Torres via Pinfall

Non Title Singles Match
Tina v. Julie

A friendly beginning to a hard fought battle was this one and a lot of mat grappling between these two women. Both know each other well, so it was pretty even through the whole thing, though Julie with her experience controlled the match a bit more. Tina pressed and pushed hard getting Julie down and in T & A which Julie also applied to Tina during the match. Neither women wanted to give up and in the end Julie would hit the Dirty Drop and pick up the win.

Winner: Julie via Pinfall

After the match Julie helped her girlfriend up and raised her hand, a standing ovation for both women who would give a nice, long kiss to a lot of whistles and cheers.

Main Event
Singles Match
SEF Underground Championship
Hardcore Haz v. Black Bob(c)

Haz tried using the cane before the bell, but Bob was ready for him and unloaded with a fury of rage. Haz proving he didn't get here on luck took the fight right back to Bob and this one was a whole lot of brawling, though Bob took to the mat a bit which Haz wasn't too fond of. Bob had him reeling and went for the Detroit Death Drop, but got knees to his back, then Haz took over hitting him hard and fast with some high risk hardcore crazy shit. He tried to put him away with a russian leg sweep, but no go, so Haz got his cane back in and took Bob's head off with it causing the dq.

Winner: Black Bob via Disqualification

Haz slammed the cane to Bob's ribs a few times bringing Joe Dumar out to tackle Haz and unload on him. The two ended up brawling a bit and Haz ran outta there grinning as Joe checked on Bob and the show ended.

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