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You think you know me but you don't

Started by Midnight, October 04, 2023, 09:59:41 PM

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Date Posted:13/12/2010 2:10 PMCopy HTML

Midnight was seen perched on top of a church ledge overlooking the city of Grand Rapids. It was still late at night and Midnight was growing weary of his constant babbling. What ever made it worse was the fact that Shane Mack knew nothing about Midnight's life growing up. All he could do is call her a spoiled brat and claim she said she was. It was funny that if Shane read up on his history on Midnight, he would know that Midnight's parents were strict parents, even to the point that they pushed her too hard alot. Her parents always made Midnight work for her earnings and taught her the values of making money and keeping it for a raining day. Midnight to this day was never into spending her money unless it was for a very good reason. Midnight didn't have a childhood, as her parents sent her to private school and military training. Midnight grew up only knowing how to fight and survive. It wasn't until she met her first husband Joachim Armster, that she was thrusted more into fighting and never had a chance to do the things she wanted to do. Midnight wasn't allowed to enjoy life. She had to fight and that is why she is the way she is, serious minded. After the death of her first husband and the birth of her first daughter Demonica, Midnight raised her on her own for a bit until she met Ravyn, which was revealed to her, the man who killed Joachim due to the bounty that was placed on his head. Later Midnight had found out she was enslaved by her first husband and the marriage was never legal by Romania law. That is when Ravyn came into the picture and saved Midnight and the two got married. It was only then Midnight got to relax for a while and raised her children, one by Joachim and two by Ravyn, making Ravyn stepfather to Demonica.
Midnight noticed a human walking by the church and she peered through vampiric eyes, focusing in on who it was that was stopping in front of the church. A smirk crossed her lips and she jumped off the ledge and stood facing the large golden bell that hanging in the belfry where she was at. Minutes later the presences of Lord Oliver coming up the steps to greet Midnight had her walking towards the steps as he spoke.
"Either my age is catching up to me, or these steps have gotten more steep over the years."
Midnight chuckled.
"It's your old age my lord."
Lord Oliver got to the very top of the step and gave his god daughter a hug. He then found a bench to sit at and both him and Midnight began to have a conversation. Lord Oliver placed his hand in Midnight's and began to speak first.
"My child. What seems to be troubling you these days? You seem like your frustrated about something."
Midnight let out a sigh and then spoke up.
"My opponent, Shane Mack. This human seems to be under the impression that I am weak. He's underestimating me, which is a bad mistake on his part."
Lord Oliver smiled.
"My child, he is a human. Humans will never understand things that our kind have done for them. All they know is what the movies and the media deem us as, freaks. You and I both know that for centuries humans will always doubt that we are real vampires. It is in their nature to stake claim that we are nothing but wannabes and cheap knockoffs because they don't want to understand what we are truly about."
"Well Shane seems to think me and him fucked each other and well we all know that I wouldn't touch him on a borrowed dick."
"Seems Shane is trying to use that because he thinks it is relative to the match, when it isn't. Sounds like he is grasping at straws to out trash talk you. As for you bounty on his head, I lifted that moments ago."
Midnight stood up fast. She was angry but kept her cool.
"My child, sit. I have a good reason. Just sit please and I will tell you why."
Midnight was stubborn at first but did what she was told to do as Lord Oliver was head clan leader and ruled over Midnight and the rest of the clan.
"My child, I love you with all my black little heart, but Shane is not the human you are suppose to go after. He had nothing to do with what went on 3 years ago. He was nowhere nearby when that stuff happened."
Midnight looked angry at him.
"Calm my child. We still don't know. All we know is that someone planted that stuff on one of our clan members and tried to set them up. So I need you to focus more on your matches and less on what is going on."
"You know I can't do that my lord. This investigation means alot to me. I told you I would do this, so you all wouldn't have to."
"I understand my child, but you have to leave this to us. We have the resources. Just please let us handle it."
Midnight let out a slow growl which Lord Oliver heard. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a rub, ensuring her things was ok. She sighed.
"It's not fair my lord. I am the one that everyone looks to in these matters. I don't want to fail them."
"You won't. I promise you my child..I will see to it that you get your revenge. Just let us do our job. Besides, you have Shane to focus on. It would be wise to show him that your not some rookie wrestler. I mean, I have been by your side since 2003 when your first came to wrestling in IWF. Remember when you went after Ruby Lynn aka American White Trash in Bytches Ultimate Domain and beat her for the Bytches Championship? You finally beat her and I seen the look on your face. You actually smiled big for once."
"I sure did my lord."
"And I remember when you sent Joseph..Envoy of the End..Pellegrini to prison for life for arson after he was found to have set MWF ablazed. I was even there when you wanted to marry a half human half vampire, Ravyn. Even though I was dead against it, I let you make your decision on your own."
Midnight looked down at her watch and then noticed the time. She had a promo to do and Lord Oliver had somewhere to be.
"Um..listen my lord. I think you better go. Your going to be late for your appointment with High Priestess."
 Lord Oliver quickly stood up and gave Midnight a hug and then spoke one last time.
"Just remember, no matter what my child, make Shane Mack eat his words and prove to him that your worthy and you belong in SEF. For now, I bid you good night my child and love you."
Midnight waved and then sat back down. It was time for Midnight to really lay it to her opponent and let him know that she wasn't a rookie. Midnight pulled out a camcorder that was with her bag she had brought with her, sat it on the ledge and began to film. She spoke, her arms folded over her large chest.
"So I'm a spoiled brat huh? If you knew anything about my past with growing up as the only child, you would know that my parents were very strict in my raising, and I never got to have a childhood due to private school and military training. My parents weren't exactly the type to let their child be a dreamer."
Midnight paused for a moment and then moved her long flowing red hair out of her face.
"As far as that title getting put on the line, that is company property and there is also a clause in it, just like with SEF that clearly states that the title can not be defended in another company. I am sure your going to say that I am just being a chicken shit and too scared to put that title on the line but if it wasn't for the rules of my company, then I wouldn't have any problems in defending my title."
Midnight shakes her head a bit.
"You know, I realize your brain cells must be far and few between Shane, but Spawn is beyond rookie. Spawn doesn't have anything he has to prove to anyone to show he is a legend. His resume and what he has done for the business is proof enough. As far as claims that you've slept with me. I actually find it funny you still believe that you had your way with me. I think you only wish you had one night with me and I am sure you would have only a bad night if that. But enough about your fantasies about me, the bottom line is you should never underestimate me. You should expect the unexpected Shane for it it your underestimating that will cause your downfall."

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