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Extreme 86 {1/23/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 20, 2014, 10:38:49 PM

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Daddy Mack

January 23rd, 2006

So we open up inside the Civic Center here in Albany, Georgia, some pyro shoots off over the stage and our cameras come to life over the crowd roaming around capturing all the fans. We soon drop down to the commentators table to get the show rolling. 

Nick Miller: Welcome to Monday Night Extreme everyone and boy do we have a good looking show just six days before our pay per view, New Blood.

Frankie Malone: Things are picking up nicely as of late, this Hellraiser is ok, same ol' cliche lies as a bad guy, but he could get better.

Nick Miller: And all of the Dudleyz, still apart, but all of them are stepping up, Blaze and Whitney look to be heading into a big match despite it being one neither likes.

Frankie Malone: Oh man, bra and panties with those two, hell yea!

Nick Miller: Ugh, you never change. Anyways, our main event is a tag match to determine number one contenders for the Tag Titles, seems like ti will be a good one.

Frankie Malone: Yea, Impact X taking out the cheap ass Triple X.

Nick Miller: Both teams are good, but Mack has the experience. All in all a good show, so lets get moving on with it.

Fatal Four Way Match
Lil Spike Dudley
The Sandman
D-Von Dudley
Matt Matlock 

Sandman is already out on the floor as that happened from he and Matt being the first ones out. D-Von and Matt brawl in the ring now as Spike slides in after dropping his titles and he bolts up now looking for a forearm to Matt's back. Matt ducks though and D-Von gets caught with a clothesline and goes down. Matt clubs Spike in the back, then whips him to the ropes, but Spike is pumped, he leaps on the ropes and dives backwards turning in the air to crash Matt on to the canvas with a cross body. Spike rolls through to his feet and leaps up dropkicking D-Von back into a corner. Spike jumps up and climbs the ropes, then starts hammering D-Von with punches. Matt is on his feet, but Sandman comes in the ring and tackles him into the opposite corner.

Nick Miller: Man, Spike came in on fire and he is all over this match.

Frankie Malone: Not for long, the lil runt won't last.

Sandman punches Matt, then looks across the ring and Spike turns locking eyes with him. Sandman irish whips Matt across now and Spike jumps up dropkicking D-Von and pushes himself back over top Matt who goes crashing into D-Von. Sandman then charges across the ring with a simple body attack against Matt smashing him into D-Von more. Spike is up on his feet and he grabs Sandman in a waistlock, nails a small german and rolls into a mexican suplex pin, 1........2........kickout!

Nick Miller: Ooh, near fall by Spike.

Sandman gets to his feet as does Spike and Matt charges out taking Spike down with a forearm to the back of his head. Sandman kicks Matt in the gut and whips him into the ropes, then catches him with a flapjack and falls back to the ropes, but D-Von pulls down the top rope causing Matt to tumble out to the floor. D-Von whips Sandman into the ropes now and nails a reverse elbow on him, but Spike is up now and charges across the ring headbutting D-Von in the gut. Spike gets up holding his head, then grabs D-Von for the Dudley Dog, but D-Von blocks him and lifts him for a backdrop. Spike lands on his feet and D-Von turns trading punches with Spike, knees him in the gut and lifts Spike for a powerbomb, but walks him to the ropes looking to send him out to the floor. Sandman is up and comes charging at D-Von hammering him in the back as Spike pulls D-Von out to the floor with a hurricanrana. Spike gets on the apron and Sandman looks to grab him, but Spike dives in the ring under his legs, hits the other side of the ring and comes back with a dropkick to Sandman. Spike gets up and grabs Sandman's head, then run sthe ropes delivering the Dudley Dog and pins, 1............2..............3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Spike Dudley!

Welcome To Dudleyville hits the pa as Spike gets handed his titles and jumps up in celebration. D-Von and Matt are at ringside looking pissed and they are back to back, but turn bumping into each other and start trading punches.

Nick Miller: Certainly no love lost between those two, but the match is over.

Spike just exits the ring wanting no part of the brawl and security comes out breaking up Matt and D-Von.

Frankie Malone: See, Spike just walked off, what a coward. He knows Matt woulda took out two Dudleyz had he got involved and security stayed in the back.

Nick Miller: Or he was showing he truly is the only level headed Dudley

We pan into the back where see Skull walking down the hall in his ring gear looking focused as always. We see Jack Hines comes running up to Skull, but before he can speak we see Hellraiser come from behind connecting with a chairshot to Skull's head sending him tumbling into a metal box. Hellraiser brings the chair down over Skull's back, then he climbs up on the box and lifts up Skull delivering a ddt down to the floor. A ref is on the scene and Hellraiser goes for a pin, 1........2......kickout. 

Nick Miller: Well apparently this match is happening now as it is hardcore rules anyways, so lets get back to the action.

Hardcore Match

Hellraiser lifts up Skull and backs up against a wall, then grabs the chair and swings at his head, but Skull moves to the side and boots Hellraiser right in the head knocking him down. Skull bends down holding his head after the sneak attack. He then grabs Hellraiser lifting him on to his shoulder and heads out down the hall towards the outside it appears. Skull gets near the loading dock area when Hellraiser slips down and shoves Skull forward and backs up grabbing a metal pole from nearby. Skull turns and Hellraiser catches him in the ribs with it, then swings nailing him in the head sending Skull back towards the dock edge. Hellraiser turns sideways and looks for his superkick, but Skull sidesteps it and grabs his foot, lifts up Hellraiser by the throat and nails a hard ass chokeslam.

Nick Miller: My god that had to hurt, Skull is one powerful guy.

Frankie Malone: But Hellraiser could still do it, its hardcore, he could win.

Skull pulls up Hellraiser and just throws him off the dock now sending him crashing to the cement below with a thud. Skull kneels down now and sits on the edge, then he turns and slowly lowers himself down. Skull reaches down for Hellraiser and starts to pull him up, but Hellraiser gets a thumb to his eye, then kicks Skull in the head and gets to his feet. Hellraiser backs up Skull against the wall, then tries lifting him to a suplex. Skull is too big though and starts to fight it, but Hellraiser low blows him bring him to one knee, then turns him into a neckbreaker dropping him.

Frankie Malone: He got the big man down, told ya.

Nick Miller: A good match so far, well a fight.

Hellraiser sees a forklift and goes over to it. He grabs a ball bat out of it and turns around clubbing Skull in his skull, then jumps in the forklift and backs it up. A crate is on the blades and Hellraiser hovers it over Skull, then lowers it down on top of him trapping him shoulders down. Hellraiser gets out and jumps on the crate to pin Skull as the ref gets down to count.

Nick Miller: What, that is unfair.

Frankie Malone: That is smart!

The ref is down and counts, 1........2........Skull just barely gets a shoulder up as he pushes the forklift up as his hands are under the crate. Hellraiser sits up on the crate in awe as Skull lifts it higher, then rolls out letting it drop down. Skull gets up and kicks Hellraiser in the head, then he hoists him on his shoulder and rams into a steel post of the forklift cutting his head open. Skull lets Hellraiser fall, then he grabs the ball bat and lifts it under Hellraiser's neck choking him with it. Skull soon drops the bat and lifts up Hellraiser delivering the OG Drop on to the crate and then sticks a foot on his chest to pin, 1........2........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Skull!

Serial Killa by Snoop Dogg can be heard playing inside, but Skull gets in the forklift now and raises the lift up with Hellraiser on it. Skull backs up the forklift, then drives it out towards a dumpster and parks it so Hellraiser lays over the top. Skull climbs out and up to the lift now where he pulls up Hellraiser and delivers another OG Drop, this one sending Hellraiser crashing into the darkness of the dumpster buried in trash bags. Skull raises his arms up doing a wolfpac sign with his hands as the crowd is heard cheering inside.

Nick Miller: Wow, that was a crazy match and Hellraiser showed he is a man who can hang here, nut on this night its clear he lost to the better man.

Frankie Malone: If you say so, I thought Skull cheated during the match, so whatever.

Nick Miller: It was hardcore, no rules and Hellraiser jumped Skull to start it! He lost clearly and plain as day.

Singles Match
Bubba Ray Dudley
Triple V 

As soon as Viper enters we see Bubba go nuts and charge at him, but Viper slips to the outside and backs up some around the ring. Bubba exits and goes after him, but Viper starts running around the ring before finally sliding in and hitting the ropes. Bubba enters full steam ahead and the two collide with a shoulder block like two bulls smacking each other. They each run the ropes and come charging at each other with the same senario. They hit the ropes again looking for the same, but Viper moves to the side and grabs Bubba's head nailing a neckbreaker.

Frankie Malone: Yea, Viper outsmarted Bubba on that one.

Nick Miller: A smart move I admit it was.

Viper kneels over Bubba hammering him with a few punches, then lifts him up and runs him into a corner. Bubba though goes insane and starts beating his own head into the turnbuckles, then turns Viper into the corner and nails a hard chop to his chest. Viper stumbles out and Bubba whip him to the ropes catching him with a flapjack. He pulls up Viper and scoop slams him near the ropes, then climbs up on the second rope and leaps off with a senton splash. Viper rolls to the ropes quickly causing Bubba to hit the mat. Viper gets up and kicks Bubba in the back, then lifts him up into a suplex, holds him steady showing off his strength, then slams him down to the mat and pins, 1........2......kickout!

Nick Miller: A near fall after a beautiful suplex, Bubba is showing why he is Bubba Tough!

Frankie Malone: Pfft, he ain't nothing to Viper.

Viper pulls up Bubba into a corner and nails some chops to him, then climbs up the ropes and comes raining down with hard punches. Bubba looks to be reeling and Viper raises his arms up, then does a crotch chop. Bubba comes to life and grabs Viper, walks out and drops him with a powerbomb.

Nick Miller: Oh yea, now things are turning around.

Bubba gets up on his feet and lifts up Viper into a headlock, gets shoved to the ropes and bounces back shoulder blocking Viper to the mat. He rips up Viper and tries to go for the Bubba Cutter, but Viper shoves him into a corner and rolls out of the ring falling to his knees. He reaches under the ring hunching over as Bubba comes out grabbing him. Viper turns round and literally hammers Bubba in the head with a sledgehammer, the ref sees and calls for the bell.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by disqualification, Bubba Ray Dudley!

Bubba is down on the floor bleeding now as Viper raises his arms up, but we soon see Spike Dudley and Whitney Marret come running out and around the ring, each on one side. Viper drops the sledge and dives in the ring, rolls out and runs up the ramp as Spike and Whitney check on Bubba.

Nick Miller: What a horrible end to a great match, damn you Viper.

Frankie Malone: What, the guy has bigger fish to fry, well a title to win Sunday and he can't waste time against Bubba.

Nick Miller: In other words he can't handle the possible pinfall loss and took a cheap way out even though still losing.

Frankie Malone: Whatever you say weatherman!

Nick Miller: .............(utter confusion)...........

Hellraiser is back inside and laid up on a table in a medic room being treated now. He is looking in bad shape, blood all over his hair and head, he's saying he needs no help, but too weak to do anything. We soon see, of all people, Shane Mack come waltzing with a cocky grin on his face. He looks at Hellraiser and keeps EMT's back, then lifts up Hellraiser's head staring him in his eyes. 

Shane Mack: So you got your ass handed to you by Skull, I expected more from you, tsk, tsk.

Mack slaps Hellraiser's head to the side spilling blood on the table.

Shane Mack: Boy, Skull and Viper may be big problems to you, but this is my world and if ya ever want real hardcore, I'm the man.

Mack keeps his grin and just turns walking out of the room leaving Hellraiser laid up all bloody.

Nick Miller: That was interesting, why would Mack confront Hellraiser, I thought Viper and he had a beef?

Frankie Malone: Beats me, I figure Mack would have better things to do, but he can do what he wants, so who knows.

Bra & Panties Match
Whitney Marret
Blaze Inferno 

Both women are in the ring wearing the usual ring clothes. They lock up and Whitney backs Blaze into a corner, then hits a few chops and whips her across the ring. Whitney follows up with a clothesline, but Blaze ducks out of the corner. Whitney hits the corner and stagger backwards, Blaze grabs her top and bends Whitney backwards twists her around in almost a twist of fate. Blaze rips off Whitney's top now and turns thrusting it in the air.

Frankie Malone: Yeeeeaaaa, Whitney in her bra, hell yea!

Whitney bolts up grabbing Blaze's shorts and yanks them down revealing a black thong, then trips Blaze on to her face and takes the shorts off tossing them to the crowd.

Frankie Malone: I love thongs, damn, this is great!

Nick Miller: Ok, ok, chill out, match is still going.

Whitney now stands in her shorts and a white lace bra. She stomps at Blaze's back, then lifts her up hitting a snap suplex. Whitney climbs to the top rope, but Blaze meets her up top and they trade punches. Blaze looks to win and sets up for a superplex, but Whitney fights out and bends Blaze down pounding on her back. Whitney then leaps forward into a sunset flip and powerbombs Blaze to the mat. Whitney pulls her up and grabs her shirt, sets Blaze up for the Southern Pride and hits it, then yanks her shirt off revealing, whoa, no bra. Blaze lays face down and out of it with no bra, but her tits covered as she is facedown.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner of the match, Whitney Marret!

System by Linkin Park hits as Whitney stands in celebration while some officials run out covering Blaze with a towel.

Frankie Malone: NOOOOOOOOOO, let her go and let me see!

Nick Miller: Calm down!

Main Event
Hardcore Tag Team Match
Shane Mack & Michael McMoney
Ryan Cross & Travis Cross
Winners Advance To Tag Title Match @ New Blood 

Mack and Mike double team Travis as Ryan is nowhere to be seen. Travis fights them at first, but the two on one becomes too much. Mack and Mike nail a double suplex, then Mike lifts Travis into a backbreaker as Mack leaps off the ropes with a leg drop to his throat. Mack rolls to the outside and starts tossing in weapos, slides in a table, then grabs a chair and slides back in the ring. D-Von Dudley comes running out now and comes to blows with Mike. Mack ends up slamming D-Von in the back with the chair, then drops him with a reverse ddt. Travis clubs Mike in the back, then locks him in the Criss Cross.

Nick Miller: Whoa, he got it locked in.

Mack is up and hits the ropes, Travis lets go Mike and meets Mack with punches, then we see Viper come running out and slide in the ring. Mack notices him and feints falling down allowing Viper to nail Venom on Travis laying him out. Mike has D-Von up now and delivers Money Talks, then Mack comes flying off the top rope with the Mack Attack to Travis and pops up to his feet. He pulls up Travis, whips him to the ropes, then catches him with the Shows Ova and pins, 1.........2..........3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners by pinfall, Shane Mack and Michael McMoney!

Cowboy by Kid Rock hits the pa and Mack walks around cocky like while Viper looks around the ring and Mike leans on the ropes smiling, but the music is cut and Serial Killa by Snoop Dogg soon hits and we see Skull come walking out on the stage. He just stands there staring down Impact X in the ring.

Nick Miller: Oh man, this is incredible, just six days away from New Blood, Impact X is standing tall and Skull is out for blood.

Frankie Malone: A sign of things to come, Impact X on top while Skull can only watch and do nothing about it.

Nick Miller: Or maybe he is waiting for the bigger stage to get his hands on them. We'll have to wait and see, so make sure all of you join us this Sunday and we'll see ya then, for now take care and have a good night.

And we see Impact X still staring down Skull, the intensity insane, ready to explode and the fans loving it as we fade to black.

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